

The Mariana Trench
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2003
If Putin gets leverage on Ukraine he will not stop there. This is bigger than Ukraine. Poland, Baltic states ,,, at some future time. Based on Trump's comments, he would open these doors. Not just NATO, but global instability.
This defies what Putin has said and all logic.

You are the problem.
You are just ignorant. Apparently you believe what Putin says. How stupid and gullible, unless you are Russia state media or bot.
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If Putin gets leverage on Ukraine he will not stop there. This is bigger than Ukraine. Poland, Baltic states ,,, at some future time. Based on Trump's comments, he would open these doors. Not just NATO, but global instability.
He attacks a NATO country, that triggers article 5.

Countries who signed the NATO agreement, should keep with their obligation to spending 2% of GDP on defense. It IS that simple.

I was born in the 70s, raised in the 80s. Spent my elementary years near Offut Air force Base where as a kid 2 times a year I and my classmates had to hide under our desks, because THAT would protect us 4 billion degree nuclear explosion …. Soooooo I have no love for the Russians. Only country I despise more is the filthy thieving Chinese …

For the money we have spent on Ukraine, we could’ve eradicated all student and healthcare debt. Additionally we could’ve ended homelessness …. but NOPE … here we are , sending BILLIONS to a losing cause. Quite frankly, I’d rather us spend the money to stomp out Communism from within our own borders.
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He attacks a NATO country, that triggers article 5.

Countries who signed the NATO agreement, should keep with their obligation to spending 2% of GDP on defense. It IS that simple.

I was born in the 70s, raised in the 80s. Spent my elementary years near Offut Air force Base where as a kid 2 times a year I and my classmates had to hide under our desks, because THAT would protect us 4 billion degree nuclear explosion …. Soooooo I have no love for the Russians. Only country I despise more is the filthy thieving Chinese …

For the money we have spent on Ukraine, we could’ve eradicated all student and healthcare debt. Additionally we could’ve ended homelessness …. but NOPE … here we are , sending BILLIONS to a losing cause. Quite frankly, I’d rather us spend the money to stomp out Communism from within our own borders.
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As of July 2024, NATO member countries' defense spending as a percentage of GDP is as follows:
  • Poland: 4.12%
  • Estonia: 3.43%
  • United States: 3.38%
  • UK: 2.3%
  • Canada and Europe: 2.0% on average
"In 2024, 23 Allies are expected to meet or exceed the target of investing at least 2% of GDP in defence, compared to only three Allies in 2014. Over the past decade, European Allies and Canada have steadily increased their collective investment in defence – from 1.43% of their combined GDP in 2014, to 2.02% in 2024, when they are investing a combined total of more than USD 430 billion in defence.", 23 Allies are,USD 430 billion in defence.
If Putin gets leverage on Ukraine he will not stop there. This is bigger than Ukraine. Poland, Baltic states ,,, at some future time. Based on Trump's comments, he would open these doors. Not just NATO, but global instability.
Did you enjoy the world peace during Trump’s tenure?
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AI Overview
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As of July 2024, NATO member countries' defense spending as a percentage of GDP is as follows:
  • Poland: 4.12%
  • Estonia: 3.43%
  • United States: 3.38%
  • UK: 2.3%
  • Canada and Europe: 2.0% on average
"In 2024, 23 Allies are expected to meet or exceed the target of investing at least 2% of GDP in defence, compared to only three Allies in 2014. Over the past decade, European Allies and Canada have steadily increased their collective investment in defence – from 1.43% of their combined GDP in 2014, to 2.02% in 2024, when they are investing a combined total of more than USD 430 billion in defence." 2024, 23 Allies are,USD 430 billion in defence.

Yep ... Thanks to Trump telling them in his first term they had to step up and pay their fare share.
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As of July 2024, NATO member countries' defense spending as a percentage of GDP is as follows:
  • Poland: 4.12%
  • Estonia: 3.43%
  • United States: 3.38%
  • UK: 2.3%
  • Canada and Europe: 2.0% on average
"In 2024, 23 Allies are expected to meet or exceed the target of investing at least 2% of GDP in defence, compared to only three Allies in 2014. Over the past decade, European Allies and Canada have steadily increased their collective investment in defence – from 1.43% of their combined GDP in 2014, to 2.02% in 2024, when they are investing a combined total of more than USD 430 billion in defence." 2024, 23 Allies are,USD 430 billion in defence.
Sooooooooo they are meeting their contractual agreements … finally … like Trump asked them too.
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If Putin gets leverage on Ukraine he will not stop there. This is bigger than Ukraine. Poland, Baltic states ,,, at some future time. Based on Trump's comments, he would open these doors. Not just NATO, but global instability.
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Reactions: TigerGrowls
If Putin gets leverage on Ukraine he will not stop there. This is bigger than Ukraine. Poland, Baltic states ,,, at some future time. Based on Trump's comments, he would open these doors. Not just NATO, but global instability.
Piece of advice. Stop listening to the liberal media fear mongering. Evidence has shown that listening to it too much will make you want to shoot people.
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Reactions: TigerGrowls
AI Overview
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As of July 2024, NATO member countries' defense spending as a percentage of GDP is as follows:
  • Poland: 4.12%
  • Estonia: 3.43%
  • United States: 3.38%
  • UK: 2.3%
  • Canada and Europe: 2.0% on average
"In 2024, 23 Allies are expected to meet or exceed the target of investing at least 2% of GDP in defence, compared to only three Allies in 2014. Over the past decade, European Allies and Canada have steadily increased their collective investment in defence – from 1.43% of their combined GDP in 2014, to 2.02% in 2024, when they are investing a combined total of more than USD 430 billion in defence." 2024, 23 Allies are,USD 430 billion in defence. think the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the massive aid these countries have provided Z has impacted those numbers at all?
Piece of advice. Stop listening to the liberal media fear mongering. Evidence has shown that listening to it too much will make you want to shoot people.
Russian state media is liberal media? Do you trust Putin? Same can be said relative to Fox etc..

Do you not consider why Russia was so active in aiding Trump when he was elected? Trumps relationship with Russia started before that.
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If Putin gets leverage on Ukraine he will not stop there. This is bigger than Ukraine. Poland, Baltic states ,,, at some future time. Based on Trump's comments, he would open these doors. Not just NATO, but global instability.
Which Trump comments are you referring to? think the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the massive aid these countries have provided Z has impacted those numbers at all?
There are a lot of moving parts for global commerce, shipping lanes is one that is significant. NATO is a key element.

Undersea cables carry an estimated USD 10 trillion in transfers every day; two thirds of the world's oil and gas is either extracted at sea or transported by sea; and around 95 per cent of global data flows are transmitted through undersea cables. For NATO, the protection of critical undersea infrastructure is essential to security and defence because it is key to securing and protecting the prosperity of Allied societies.
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