These stats are not about charges, those are convictions by a jury of their peers. Interestingly, whites are convicted three times more often for drug offenses. You keep moving the goal posts for your argument, you are going to keep talking in circles. Tell me this, if a 17 year old drug dealer, thief, high, straddled you and was pounding your head in the pavement, what would you do? Why do you keep skipping over the most important detail of that encounter? Oh yea facts don’t fit your failed argument. Who let Martin down? He had drug tattoos, was suspended from school for the 3rd time at the time of his death, investigators uncovered hundreds of texts on his phone and social media with Martin bragging about fighting and gun use and being a ‘gangsta’. School officials found thousands of dollars worth of jewelry in his backpack, along with a screwdriver. At the time of his death his mom had kicked him out and sent him to stay with his dad. He was a danger to society, he no longer is. Yet many tried to prop this guy up as some sort of martyr, never mentioning what a low life he turned out to be.