********** WEDNESDAY UPDATE **********

Way to go DJ...

Stir up a shit storm for the program that gave you an opportunity...

Then tuck your tail & leave. Smh
lol says that guy
This might be the most offensive thing I've read in this entire 4 page thread. Congratulations
He is right. Just like you can get away with calling your wife B----- or you kid something inappropriate. Basically it's an issue within our community to examine and do better with. Thanks for your concern Karen
When a person makes a mistake there is a process to rectify that situation:

1. Recognize - the issue and your part in the situation and understand the hurt you have caused others
2. Repent - sincerely approach the situation and those you have hurt with a repentant heart
3. Restitution - pay the price that is required to satisfy the nature of your mistake. some go to jail, some go through divorce, some pay a fine, but there is always a price to pay
4. Restoration - once you have paid the price the process of restoration can begin and people don't get to start where they left off. the climb back is always tough but there is a joy in turning that page toward the future and knowing that you have done everything you can to fix what you broke

Leading is never easy so I will not pretend I know the best advice to give the CU leadership or critique how this was managed or handled. But it is evident from Greenlee and his statements that the restitution portion of the process was not evident to all that were impacted and that is a problem.

I think the larger issues we are having in our society are a reflection of our individual approaches to fixing a mistake or issue in our lives. I hope that all involved in the incident are allowed to heal and move on toward a better future, but this situation is heartbreaking. It appears from the outside looking in that the healing hasn't begun yet for everyone involved.

White privilege and police brutality as a racial issue are false narratives not supported by data. If you have data that supports these narratives please provide them. I am not above admitting that I am wrong.
Before you pull out a statistic to back your false claims make sure it is proportion to population.
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you just don't want to listen. The ENTIRE black community is trying to tell us it's a huge issue. And so many still won't listen to them. It is unbelievable
That's not how it works. Provide data to back up the claims. Caveat, do not confuse policing issues with police brutality demonstrated by shooting/killing individuals.
Saying The (n-word) wasn’t there.’” is not reprimanding him for using the word. If he was just reprimanding why did he have to use the word 3 times?
by saying "n- this, n- that" its obvious he was pissed Greenlee had used the word. I can't see any other intention behind that phrase.
That's not how it works. Provide data to back up the claims. Caveat, do not confuse policing issues with police brutality demonstrated by shooting/killing individuals.
so an entire community of people telling you it's an issue for them isn't enough for you to admit an issue? That's just willful ignorance. Your fellow human beings are crying out that it's an issue. Black people grow up fearing police. That is a FACT. There is no data needed there.
Dabo grew up with more obstacles to overcome than 90% or more of the minorities on the team. He is the perfect mentor and he is darned good at it, yet political correctness will end up destroying all he is doing. His statement was fine, if you have issues with it you are looking for reasons to be offended and are in fact part of the problem.

lol sure, pal.
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I don't believe the part about Dabo not allowing the "N word" to be used in the facility ONE BIT. It's in at least 2/3 of the rap songs in existence, for example.

WHAT? I fully believe it

Just because rap artists use it a lot, you don’t think Dabo disallows it? Dabo prob couldn’t name 10 rap artists

I actually implemented this rule when I was an HHC Commander (and anyone else in the Army knows this is a political position). I kept hearing my Soldiers use it when we’d make our rotations checking in on different elements. My 1SG was black and we had a very good working relationship, and to this day he’s someone I admire. Long story short, I pull him aside and he tells me his thoughts on the word and how everyone, namely our mechanics, are using it, I voice my opinion and we deliberate. For context, he was t a fan of the rampage use of the word. I tell him I hate the word and we get with our JAG team to see if we have any authority to “ban” a word (we checked everything with JAG for a just in case measure) but also, for precautionary measures, ban the word before someone used it out of context. Finally, next formation, we ban the word ... had a town meeting on it, followed with a Command Climate Survey months later. To this day, I have a few lower enlisted guys I discuss racial matters with and I lean on them for understanding on things like George Floyd.

It’s one of the ugliest words in our nation’s history. I don’t understand how others can’t comprehend that.

I’m almost certain most HS coaches ban that word as well. That’s not to say players don’t use it .... but it’s just too sensitive of a word to be using
Code word Chicago
No, every study that I've investigated covering the 90's, early 2000's and the most recent three years state that African American police officers shoot more African Americans than Caucasians and visa versa.
That's correct, just because it negates the racial angle to police shootings you can not ignore it.

That is 100% irrelevant to the issue of the disproportionately of police brutality against black people. It's a red herring meant to obfuscate a very obvious, very real problem with law enforcement in America.
No, every study that I've investigated covering the 90's, early 2000's and the most recent three years state that African American police officers shoot more African Americans than Caucasians and visa versa.

Again, irrelevant. The issue here is police brutality against black people, not black police brutality against black people.
That's correct, just because it negates the racial angle to police shootings you can not ignore it.
god i can't believe this keeps coming up

Citizen on citizen crime is a completely different issue than police on citizen crime. Cops are sworn to protect and serve citizens

You are part of the problem. Congrats
so an entire community of people telling you it's an issue for them isn't enough for you to admit an issue? That's just willful ignorance. Your fellow human beings are crying out that it's an issue. Black people grow up fearing police. That is a FACT. There is no data needed there.
Facts aren't determined by opinion. For a very long time overwhelming public opinion was that African Americans were less intelligence than caucasians. Was that factual?
Provide data to support that African Americans have a right to be fearful of the police, not an opinion poll. But data that demonstrates that African Americans are stopped more often than other ethnicities or have more confrontational or physical interactions with the police.
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by saying "n- this, n- that" its obvious he was pissed Greenlee had used the word. I can't see any other intention behind that phrase.

Seems likely to me that DP was pissed that Greenlee didn’t take responsibility for missing the block and lost his cool, directing his anger toward the n word issue. I might be wrong. Just reading between the lines
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Clemson should cut ties with Pearman and all Greenlee's if folks cant recall what conversations transpired.

Dad should have karate chopped his Son btw for using it also.
I agree
I don’t think Dabo and Greenlee see eye to eye about a few things especially DJ’s playing time while he was at Clemson.
Again, irrelevant. The issue here is police brutality against black people, not black police brutality against black people.
Define police brutality. Your position then is that there are an incredible number of self loathing African Americans who join police forces and express this self loathing by predominantly shooting other African Americans?
so an entire community of people telling you it's an issue for them isn't enough for you to admit an issue? That's just willful ignorance. Your fellow human beings are crying out that it's an issue. Black people grow up fearing police. That is a FACT. There is no data needed there.

I wouldn't say there is no data needed, but lets agree if you took a poll you could quickly produce the data. There is overwhelming evidence to those that know people of color (this affects other races as well) that indeed they fear interactions with police.

Why is it an issue in 2020? Is it pure hatred, is it systemic. Really i think the police community needs to answer this question. There were 6 officers fired in Atlanta yesterday for brutality, several if not all were AA. So let's assume that maybe there is the possibility this is more than just purely racist tendencies. I am sure that is some of it but there has to be some other stuff that plays into this as well. I don't have the answer, but we need to be more intentional about understanding it so we can work on it.
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I wouldn't say there is no data needed, but lets agree if you took a poll you could quickly produce the data. There is overwhelming evidence to those that know people of color (this affects other races as well) that indeed they fear interactions with police.

Why is it an issue in 2020? Is it pure hatred, is it systemic. Really i think the police community needs to answer this question. There were 6 officers fired in Atlanta yesterday for brutality, several if not all were AA. So let's assume that maybe there is the possibility this is more than just purely racist tendencies. I am sure that is some of it but there has to be some other stuff that plays into this as well. I don't have the answer, but we need to be more intentional about understanding it so we can work on it.
Agreed, the first step is admitting it's an issue.

Somehow, that is impossible for many posters on this board
Define police brutality. Your position then is that there are an incredible number of self loathing African Americans who join police forces and express this self loathing by predominantly shooting other African Americans?
Dude quit telling everyone to provide you with evidence. All the evidence you need is on social media. If you don’t wanna look, that’s fine by me and fine by most of the board I would think.

Continue being part of the problem.
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Agreed, the first step is admitting it's an issue.

Somehow, that is impossible for many posters on this board

I think part of it is too many issues get blended together.

The relationship police have with minority communities is something that needs to be looked at. It has been an issue for a long time and there is something deeper than meets the eye. Lots of facets to it, socioeconomic being chief among them.
Try to do God's will in an evil world, get criticized incessantly and mostly unfairly for it.
Joe with the direction of college football especially the formula of paying players and only Hod knows what the media will do with this Pearman/Greenlee saga. I really doubt Dabo and Clemson would experience these allegations if he didn’t practice Christianity. The media will eventually destroy the image of Dabo sooner than later.
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Joe with the direction of college football especially the formula of paying players and only God knows what the media will do with this Pearman/Greenlee saga. I really doubt Dabo and Clemson would experience these allegations if he didn’t practice Christianity. The media will eventually destroy the image of Dabo sooner than later.
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If you cut him loose now it begs the question why didn't you do it in 2016? Then Dabo get raked over the coals for a "cover up". There's no way this comes to a good conclusion now unless someone else who was there can corroborate Pearman's side, which doesn't appear that it's going to happen. Hell where's Greenlee Sr in all of this? He's right there on staff and might be able to at least dampen the fires a little.

If Pearman lied then that is perfect justification and helps the situation out...
Very well said. I hate that someone would have to lose their job when he wasn't verbally attacking a player, but it is what it is. A bad mistake. Pearman should have enough in his bank account to retire. He's gotta be in his 60s anyways.

Now go out and get another ace recruiter.


Danny has made half a million dollars for these past few seasons--he should've retired the year after this happened instead of trying to milk it for more retirement money. He won't want to get fired with cause and lose that so he should've been smart and already retired and this wouldn't be as big a deal right now.

If Greenlee hadn't spoken about it publicly to the media they could've glossed over it and had pearman retire or be reassigned after the heat from the Tuttle tweet blew over and since Greenlee is 5 heart 'family' and dad on staff--it looks bad for the whole 'culture' argument right now.

Anyway--this is bad and you either are defiant and ride it out or cut off the head of the snake and try to heal immediately.

Plus Pearman has always been lazy so you don't lose anything in coaching or recruiting (you could actually improve!!). Plenty of people currently on the staff deserve that position anyway.
It's very apparent that his faith and success bothers some folks...

I mean it really wouldn't surprise me for him to end his career instead of being someone he is not. I've known him and his staff for several years... and what makes them successful is the undeniable belief that you can make something of yourself regardless of background, race, political beliefs etc.

The narratives thrown about from many in the media and non fans is of a country bumpkin faith healer is who is trying to swindle college football with his "act." And yet, it isn't an act... that's what he believes and lives life accordingly.

I suspect he's probably done more for his players than most coaches in their careers combined.

What happened with Coach Pearman isn't good. I could never think of saying those words even when confronting someone for saying it.

But the evisceration of Coach Swinney's character and the nature of our program because of it, might just be the tipping point where one realizes he doesn't have to put his family or himself in the crossfire of character assassination.
Didn’t Greenlee get in trouble for bad conduct? Could be wrong. Anyway PC has now ruined our society. Pearman apologized three years ago, no one ever brought it up again and now it’s a big deal. Makes me puke.
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Define police brutality. Your position then is that there are an incredible number of self loathing African Americans who join police forces and express this self loathing by predominantly shooting other African Americans?

No, that's not my position. Regarding police brutality, I don't have a definition for it; however, its scope isn't limited to killing with a gun. The vast majority of incidences of police brutality don't end with the police shooting someone to death. You aren't ever going to find data that supports or refutes your claims. I'd imagine a lot of it is never even reported. All you need is a working head to understand that it's a huge problem. Some things you can just see, if you care to.
Joe with the direction of college football especially the formula of paying players and only Hod knows what the media will do with this Pearman/Greenlee saga. I really doubt Dabo and Clemson would experience these allegations if he didn’t practice Christianity. The media will eventually destroy the image of Dabo sooner than later.

That combined with giving UGA/SEC fits in recruiting and our success on the field. Put me in the camp that thinks Bomani Jones and 3 yrs later talking about Pearman as a little convenient timing.
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