Who is this Noble guy?

Originally posted by Ron Munson:
Dearest Merritt,

I went to NS a few times during my Clemson years (Early to mid 2000s). Back them however it was entirely different from what it is today.

I hear people say things about NS and PN on a regular basis, some positive, some negative. I want to be able to know for myself, instead a making assumptions, like many people do about Obama, Bush, Clinton and many others. Most of those people base their argument off of things they have heard second hand, most of which isn't true and makes them sound uneducated.

Therefore I do listen to PN on occasion and I have thoroughly reviewed their website, and it is quite startling. I have heard many people over the years twist the Bible but I have never seen anyone do it to the degree of PN. I have also never seen a church that takes the measures NS does to extort money out of people.

You may ask me "why do I care? How does it effect me?" The answer is, I don't like seeing people who don't know any better being bullied and taken advantage of.
exact answer I was looking for and I promise, although it sounded like it was being critical it was not. I struggle with the New Spring thing for several reasons that need not go into.

I do think they do some good and have some positive influence...I know several people on staff very well and respect them and their roles. I have family that is very tied into the church in multiple capacities.

The church I attend helped get Perry started way back when but the two have seemingly (my personal observation) distanced themselves from one another. I have never been a huge fan of New Spring and always felt it was all about the production, the numbers, and seemingly forced baptisms (almost feel infomercial like at times). But have also heard some good messages from Perry that hit home. I just never felt comfortable sitting in the church but also have never had any reason to look down on them or have any issues with them other than I hate those "I love MY church" shirts....screams look at me...always made the point that it is not MY is HIS church

This post was edited on 1/4 6:40 PM by nmerritt11
Originally posted by OrangeForever:
I began attending New Spring when it was less than 200 people. I am really bothered by what I read about his Christmas Eve service. Thankful that I am not held to account for what he preached and thankful I don't go there anymore
Posted from Rivals Mobile
OF I miss seeing you post. Hope you're well man.
I went to newspring 01-06 in Anderson then moved to columbia. I was on leadership with FCA from 02-04 playing in their band. I probably crossed paths with both of you
Not a ton of PN defenders anymore. The guy has done and said a lot of dumb things.
Originally posted by tiger-gal2:
Not a ton of PN defenders anymore. The guy has done and said a lot of dumb things.
I'm a supporter. I love NS and Perry is okay too. I think he is probably a dick and probably pretty pretentious. I just love how NS does Church and really like the guest speakers that come as well. Andy Stanley, Stephen Furdict, Caleb... so on.

I grew up a Methodist minister's son. He was a complete fraud and an asshole. Church loved him and he could really put on a great front for people. He left my Mother for his secretary and the Church never blinked a damn eye.

Little secret, your pastor is no better or worse than Perry Noble. Don't put your faith in man. Don't really care what people say on here about him. Just proves me right he is not perfect. Would rather know he is a dick then people who are so dang uptight that they have to put a huge front on like they do in most Catholic Churches. I think they have a high number of boy touchers due to not knowing a thing about Father Chester outside Church cause they are taught to act diff. in Church.
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with your father/pastor. I dont think its ok to say my pastor is a pretentious dick but so are a lot of other pastors and I like the way we do church. The bible holds us and the ministers of gospel to a higher standard.
Originally posted by matt9679:

My only question is did he actually say this?

"This is weird, because I've been around the Ten Commandments all my life. But in the original Hebrew language, there's no word for command, so it couldn't have been the Ten Commandments. He said it's best translated as the Ten Sayings. Then he said this: 'You could also interpret it as the Ten Promises of God.' Instead of Ten Commandments that you have to keep if you're going to be a follower of Jesus, they're actually ten promises that you can receive when you say yes to Jesus."
Link to this pompous ass.


Niccka what?
Originally posted by tiger-gal2:
I'm sorry that you had a bad experience with your father/pastor. I dont think its ok to say my pastor is a pretentious dick but so are a lot of other pastors and I like the way we do church. The bible holds us and the ministers of gospel to a higher standard.
I hear you. I just don't agree 100%. Seems everyone on here thinks if you don't believe the same you are wrong. I think there is a place for all Churches and worship. Fundamentally we are the same right? Do you doubt my salvation? I don't doubt yours unless you don't believe.

NS might not be for everyone. I don't want to handle snakes or speak in tongue but do I think God could honor that? Sure. My buddy gave up meat for lent. Some thought he was crazy, I know God can honor that.
Haymond1977, I appreciate you defending the church and PN to an extent. I also agree no one is prefect. What worries me with PN is how he distorts the Bible and no one at the church seems to care. All I hear is, yeah he is not perfect. I expect my pastor to make mistakes and maybe even misinterpret (not mislead) the WORD from time to time. PN is a fraud and people flock for the show. I said in the earlier thread that I admit up front that, I am old school and enjoy a more traditional church, but there is nothing wrong with "mega churches" as long as they follow the Bible. Does it concern you that the whole message on Christmas Eve was not accurate?
"I love NS and Perry is okay too. I think he is probably a dick and probably pretty pretentious."

Who speaks like this about their pastor? Shouldn't he be a bit more humble? I would lean towards yes.

And can we please stop with the "you're either with us or against us" montra?! There are legitimate questions to which NO "owner" can answer with regards to the financials of this "church". So please spare me the BS talking points.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by bakedtater:
Wow. I can;t believe what I just read. Let me guess, one of his commandments has to do with your money and his pocket.

In on page 1 or 2

This post was edited on 1/4 8:53 PM by jeffcoat
Originally posted by scartiger:
Watch the Christmas eve service on line. Get back with me and tell me he didn't say those aren't commandments cause they are no command in the Hebrew language those are just sayings.
I don't really want to watch it.

Cliffs. Pretty please.
RodnHe I go to a guess you would consider a mega church but it's a traditional church. But I believe our pastor is lead by God to put the message on his heart each time he preaches. He's not perfect like everyone but I know he doesn't ask staff members or deacons if it's ok with what he's going to preach at all. Perry said in his sermon he called the staff and ask if it was ok to change his sermon. The pastor is suppose to be the leader of the church. Don't know if you watch the sermon but anyone that uses the D word in the pulpit I have no respect for. What gets me I know a lot of people that left our church to attend NS and that is what blows my kind.
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
"I love NS and Perry is okay too. I think he is probably a dick and probably pretty pretentious."

Who speaks like this about their pastor? Shouldn't he be a bit more humble? I would lean towards yes.

And can we please stop with the "you're either with us or against us" montra?! There are legitimate questions to which NO "owner" can answer with regards to the financials of this "church". So please spare me the BS talking points.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I was just speaking candidly. I think Perry comes off self absorbed and pretentious. I call that a dick. Sorry if my verbiage offends you. I treat the Church like any other building and a pastor as any other man. You don't have to believe this way, just the way I believe. I stopped being religious a long time ago. Now i'm just a believer.

Don't really care about the financial part of things. We tithe 10% because we believe that is what God wants us to do. I don't really care what everyone else does. Not sure why it's so dang important to everyone. If PN was mis using Church money or doing anything illegal, then i'm sure smarter people will catch him. I'm not a forensic accountant and you are probably not either. Still, and this is hard for the religious to handle, God can still use a flawed human to do his will. So I just don't care.
Originally posted by haymond1977:
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
"I love NS and Perry is okay too. I think he is probably a dick and probably pretty pretentious."

Who speaks like this about their pastor? Shouldn't he be a bit more humble? I would lean towards yes.

And can we please stop with the "you're either with us or against us" montra?! There are legitimate questions to which NO "owner" can answer with regards to the financials of this "church". So please spare me the BS talking points.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I was just speaking candidly. I think Perry comes off self absorbed and pretentious. I call that a dick. Sorry if my verbiage offends you. I treat the Church like any other building and a pastor as any other man. You don't have to believe this way, just the way I believe. I stopped being religious a long time ago. Now i'm just a believer.

Don't really care about the financial part of things. We tithe 10% because we believe that is what God wants us to do. I don't really care what everyone else does. Not sure why it's so dang important to everyone. If PN was mis using Church money or doing anything illegal, then i'm sure smarter people will catch him. I'm not a forensic accountant and you are probably not either. Still, and this is hard for the religious to handle, God can still use a flawed human to do his will. So I just don't care.
on thing I agree with is the religious part...this youtube is a pretty good summation of it...I can tell you if I ever felt like you in the first part of your way I would pump 10% of my income into. If I have a problem or issue I sure as heck don't want to seek advise from someone I feel that way about but that is me...those are strong words

anyway...check this out. pretty good on religion v/s Christianity

Haymond with all due respect its the people that dont care about church financials or seriously flawed leaders that allow fraudulent churches to flourish.
Originally posted by tiger-gal2:
Haymond with all due respect its the people that dont care about church financials or seriously flawed leaders that allow fraudulent churches to flourish.
agree...all non-profits should have to answer for where their funds go. not just churches.
Chapintiger on page one Bakedtater has a link. Every thing on it is true.
scartiger, I hope you didn't think I was judging those who go to large churches. I personally just choose small traditional. I agree 100% with you on how a pastor should handle the service. I watched some of the service, but just had to turn it off. I know, I will catch heat for saying this, but it is unfortunate that people just want to be "cool" at church. Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost. That is ALL. Jesus doesn't need someone using the "N" word or changing His Word.

I'm not sure what your point about a pastor talking to his staff about his sermon is all about. You want to follow a dude that never seeks input, wisdom, accountability, teaching from those he loves and trusts on his staff????
Don't drink the kool aid bro! It will kill you.

Perry addressed this today in his talk. Anyone that isn't bent on crucifying him already understood what he was preaching but he made it clear in case you didn't grasp it. He made it clear that these commands are promises that would be and are filled in Christ. Christ is the fulfillment of the old testament scriptures.

His point about the word "command" that is used in english translations is that it is a very weak translation. His point was that sometimes things get lost in translation and that command was used but it could also be translated saying of God (which could mean command) or promises of God.

Based on your absolute demeaning and hatred for the man (which i think the bible speaks of too) i'm assuming you are a hebrew scholar and have spent lots of time speaking with people of hebrew culture. Otherwise how do you know so much about this. I for one am not a scholar. I don't know any hebrew for that matter. I have asked a couple friends that are not associated with NS at all (either members or on your hate them to hell team) that did actually study hebrew in a seminary and they have communicated that what perry said is correct. The word command is a weak translation because we do not have a singular word in english to translate this hebrew saying.

The man has faults, he is a fairly humble guy actually (yes i have met him and did know him back when NS was under 500 people) and he and NS are far from perfect. They do not put up fronts though and what you see is what you get.

I know he challenges your way of thinking and for that your hatred comes forth. Love man, be about love. Love is the greatest!
I know very few churches that publish their financials every year because they ask to be audited by an outside source every year. They have very high accountability in financials. People see what they want to see. The NS staff are very serious about handling the money that has been entrusted to them to expand God's church.
Re: Scartiger

Originally posted by poates6:
I'm not sure what your point about a pastor talking to his staff about his sermon is all about. You want to follow a dude that never seeks input, wisdom, accountability, teaching from those he loves and trusts on his staff????
Don't drink the kool aid bro! It will kill you.

Perry addressed this today in his talk. Anyone that isn't bent on crucifying him already understood what he was preaching but he made it clear in case you didn't grasp it. He made it clear that these commands are promises that would be and are filled in Christ. Christ is the fulfillment of the old testament scriptures.

His point about the word "command" that is used in english translations is that it is a very weak translation. His point was that sometimes things get lost in translation and that command was used but it could also be translated saying of God (which could mean command) or promises of God.

Based on your absolute demeaning and hatred for the man (which i think the bible speaks of too) i'm assuming you are a hebrew scholar and have spent lots of time speaking with people of hebrew culture. Otherwise how do you know so much about this. I for one am not a scholar. I don't know any hebrew for that matter. I have asked a couple friends that are not associated with NS at all (either members or on your hate them to hell team) that did actually study hebrew in a seminary and they have communicated that what perry said is correct. The word command is a weak translation because we do not have a singular word in english to translate this hebrew saying.

The man has faults, he is a fairly humble guy actually (yes i have met him and did know him back when NS was under 500 people) and he and NS are far from perfect. They do not put up fronts though and what you see is what you get.

I know he challenges your way of thinking and for that your hatred comes forth. Love man, be about love. Love is the greatest!

The fact that you said he is a humble guy, throws everything else you said out.
I get that no one is perfect, but PN apparently changed the teachings of God. That's goes far beyond not being perfect and is staggering into the realm of cultish. I do not think the size of a church is an issue at all. The fact that this man is standing in front of thousands of ppl and blatantly changing the fundamental teachings of a religion is though, and should scare the hell out of ppl in the church.

I don't think God would tell a preacher in 2014 to go ahead and change the commandments he gave his followers thousands of years ago. If God didn't lay on his heart to change this, then the bible says only one other person/being can claim responsibility for it. It may just be me, but this would be enough to cause at least a bit of pause when contemplating the direction this man is taking this church.

There are plenty of good churches in the world with good Godly men leading them. If I cared enough to take the time out of my life to attend church. I would take the time to look around and make sure I was in one where I felt perfectly at peace. Just an opinion.
Originally posted by nmerritt11:

Originally posted by haymond1977:
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
"I love NS and Perry is okay too. I think he is probably a dick and probably pretty pretentious."

Who speaks like this about their pastor? Shouldn't he be a bit more humble? I would lean towards yes.

And can we please stop with the "you're either with us or against us" montra?! There are legitimate questions to which NO "owner" can answer with regards to the financials of this "church". So please spare me the BS talking points.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I was just speaking candidly. I think Perry comes off self absorbed and pretentious. I call that a dick. Sorry if my verbiage offends you. I treat the Church like any other building and a pastor as any other man. You don't have to believe this way, just the way I believe. I stopped being religious a long time ago. Now i'm just a believer.

Don't really care about the financial part of things. We tithe 10% because we believe that is what God wants us to do. I don't really care what everyone else does. Not sure why it's so dang important to everyone. If PN was mis using Church money or doing anything illegal, then i'm sure smarter people will catch him. I'm not a forensic accountant and you are probably not either. Still, and this is hard for the religious to handle, God can still use a flawed human to do his will. So I just don't care.
on thing I agree with is the religious part...this youtube is a pretty good summation of it...I can tell you if I ever felt like you in the first part of your way I would pump 10% of my income into. If I have a problem or issue I sure as heck don't want to seek advise from someone I feel that way about but that is me...those are strong words

anyway...check this out. pretty good on religion v/s Christianity
Merritt that was awesome. Thanks for that. That is spot on.
RodnHe no I didn't think you were being negative towards larger churches at all. I agree with every post you have made. After he use the D word not the N word I cut it off also. No place for that in God's house. Doesn't matter how small or big the church is you can find something you may not agree with but I want to hear the old time hymns and the preacher preach the word of God the way Bible is suppose to be interpreted. Our preacher preached tonight from Joshua and about the decline of Christianity in today's world. Sad world we live in now.
Re: Scartiger

so you know him? have met him? have dealt with him on a personal level?
Originally posted by scartiger:
Chapintiger on page one Bakedtater has a link. Every thing on it is true.
Posted that question before I continued reading the thread.

I just finished reading the link and now I HAVE to watch the sermon immediately.

Re: Scartiger

poates, serious question; why is it when someone questions PN it is assumed its hatred? You used the word multiple times when responding to scartiger. Anyone can say anything on the internet. Do the study yourself and you will find command is present in Hebrew. Some say the word leans more to directed. Directed or Commanded? I don't hate PN or NS, I disagree with people who think it is acceptable to distort/change God's Word. I would encourage all Christians of all denominations to study your Bible. "Study to show thyself approved". Men will mislead some by accident and some on purpose.
First off let me say I have no dog in the fight, I don't attend New Spring, and have never heard Perry Noble speak I also have never once posted about religion in the years I have been following this website, but this board gets more but hurt over religion than most Southern Baptist Churches do on a weekly basis. If you don't want to go to New Spring don't....and drop it. The last thing I think will happen when each of us are standing at the pearly gates is the question from God, "Hey so I have been struggling with this lately, but do you think I should let Perry Noble in? It really has been weighing on me and I saw over the years that you really like to talk about this on that football website a lot. Just could use some help right now" You guys literally make me laugh every time I see another thread about this....
This is the first time in my life that I have heard anyone discuss new commandments. Did God just all of a sudden decide that Noble should be the one to share these and him only? How come God hasn't lead the millions of other followers to the same new commandments.

perry Noble straight up said the N word in a sermon. Guys a white as can be southern pastor straight up said the N word during s service with a hoodie and Jean jacket on. How can anyone think that is ok.
Re: Scartiger

Originally posted by poates6:
so you know him? have met him? have dealt with him on a personal level?

That is the key. I don't know him on a personal level. I am sure he is very humble to his friends, coworkers and acquaintances, but to the average person, he is by no means humble.
Haymond your response to me is why Jim Baker and others profited killions from their congragations. It's truly amazing how you can just give blindly to ANY organization annually without even questioning their mission. Add to that you give to a "church" and to a "pastor" whom you think is a "dick". Wow.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by Taylors_Tiger:
This is the first time in my life that I have heard anyone discuss new commandments. Did God just all of a sudden decide that Noble should be the one to share these and him only? How come God hasn't lead the millions of other followers to the same new commandments.

perry Noble straight up said the N word in a sermon. Guys a white as can be southern pastor straight up said the N word during s service with a hoodie and Jean jacket on. How can anyone think that is ok.

That is actually a brilliant point. I would love for someone to ask PN this question.
Peery Noble and Newspring is discussed a great deal on TI because our coach and people around football team are so far in the bed with Nobke it isn't funny. I just hope it doesn't blow up in our face one day with that guy around.
Re: Scartiger

Poates6 first off I can assure you I don't have hatred towards anyone believe you were judging me although I don't believe you know me. I watched the sermon myself or as much as I could of it. And know I don't believe the pastor should ask anyone what he should preach on. I do know no man should change scripture or cuss from the pulpit. Have you not watch the entire sermon? I don't know Hebrew but anyone can goggle the Hebrew language for command and it's in it unlike what Perry said it wasn't. He must have spent the 10 minutes he said he spent on the sermon it was easy for me to find.
Re: Scartiger

So the guy in this thread that is defending the church and preaching about love and that everyone should love is the guy calling out another poster for being an idiot.

Let me guess..... We all make mistakes in the eyes of the Chief Noble. Please forgive me while Perry rakes in as much as the CUAD.
Originally posted by poates6:
I know very few churches that publish their financials every year because they ask to be audited by an outside source every year. They have very high accountability in financials. People see what they want to see. The NS staff are very serious about handling the money that has been entrusted to them to expand God's church.
High accountability??? Are you making this up?
I think everyone is missing the larger point.

Please pray for this man's wife to let him have a dog.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
SWU Tiger again man, to each his own. The Bible says tithe to Church. I go to NS so I tithe to NS. 1000's of kids go to FL and get saved by NS. This is why I give. Does your Church do so much more? Do you tithe to United Way? Do you Tithe? I really don't care if you give 100% of a million or 0% of nothing. It's a personal decision between you and God IMO.

Don't misunderstand me. I care where my money goes. I just don't have to know where every dime goes to give with faith. I have never seen one iota of proof that NS misappropriates money. Other than some saying, doesn't he live in a big house? Don't care one bit if he lives in a 5,000 sq ft home. Now if he lived in a 10 million dollar mansion, it should raise some eyebrows. But if he did, the pharaoh's would have found it by now.


This post was edited on 1/4 10:01 PM by haymond1977