Will people actually cancel or alter their holiday plans?

Typically we have my wife's family( she is from a family of 8 kids ) for Thanksgiving along with my parents, both 81, who live a couple miles from us. 25-30 folks strong most years.

Think what you want but that ain't happening this year. My wife and I agreed that including my parents along with having our kids with us was paramount so this year we will be 6 strong haha. My parents, us and 2 of our 3 kids.

Some of you talk a big game about not changing a thing but I've seen too many patients die alone in the ICU from this to ignore the reality that I cannot expose my parents to the russian roulette that would have been having them at our house with 30 other people from all over the southeast. Their risk will be greater as it is just being around us 4 but I talked to them about that and they were willing to accept that reality.

It’s a choice for each individual. I have not changed a thing since March. I’ve been around the same group of people multiple times since then. I will continue to, no matter what the numbers say.
We flew to Disney this fall. No way I’m doing that drive, 5 hours max for me.

I don’t mind driving at all. We stopped one time on the way down for lunch. Wife just had bottomless mimosas at lunch so she’s out and kids watching a movie. Easy breezy
I don’t mind driving at all. We stopped one time on the way down for lunch. Wife just had bottomless mimosas at lunch so she’s out and kids watching a movie. Easy breezy

How long it take, about 9 hours?
Can’t afford to get it. Nobody recovers.

Considering the statistics of driving anywhere plus covid, no way man. The Flu is still out there floating around as well and God only knows what other things are out there that can kill you. Just stay home and eliminate the chances of dying.
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I'd be interested to know the percent of people who think they don't have comorbid conditions that apply to them vs the % that actually do.

Actually would make a good and easy research project
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We are going to take our chances driving back home on a road trip. We know it is 2nd leading cause of death outside of poisoning for our ages, but we do it every year

Edit: we are going to be careful around some family who are considered higher risk is any of our kids are sick but will ultimately our family members decide
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Thanksgiving with only immediate family, as is normal, but a family friend who normally dines with us is coming/leaving early.

Christmas Eve, we will NOT host our normal pig pickin' for 40+ nor will we go to our annual holiday gatherings/parties with friends. Being a homebody, this pandemic suits me just fine.

My in-laws have opted for a Zoom meeting instead of joining us for a Christmas Eve luncheon as has been the tradition for 25+ years.

My family's Christmas gathering will depend on if it happens and disease numbers. Both of my parents are 81, so we'll see what they decide to do. Being in school every day and having had students test positive around me, I don't want to carry something to them.
My guess is 80%+ of this board changes nothing either for the holidays.
So my wife’s family usually has 12-14 people 75 and older. This year they have changed it to where there will be only 2 in any given celebration. I wouldn’t consider that “incredibly pathetic”. Perhaps the use of that description is what he was referring to as you trying to be a badass.
My wife and I are spending Thanksgiving in Kentucky and Christmas in Texas. We won't be with family. Such is the life we've chosen. I'd be a liar if I said I didn't worry about the initial time we spent with our families in October and November...but love of family spurred us on.

My wife has RA, Chronic Fatigue, Celiac, and a handful of additional Immune System problems. She is the reason I am uber cautious. Me? If the Lord called my number tomorrow, I'm fine with that. I'm not fine taking her with me because I wasn't cautious enough. She's not even 60 and loves those youngn's. If any of you damn fools that pooh pooh the idea of being cautious because you're living forever, I applaud you. I'll stick with the lady I brought to the dance and be careful.
Typically we have my wife's family( she is from a family of 8 kids ) for Thanksgiving along with my parents, both 81, who live a couple miles from us. 25-30 folks strong most years.

Think what you want but that ain't happening this year. My wife and I agreed that including my parents along with having our kids with us was paramount so this year we will be 6 strong haha. My parents, us and 2 of our 3 kids.

Some of you talk a big game about not changing a thing but I've seen too many patients die alone in the ICU from this to ignore the reality that I cannot expose my parents to the russian roulette that would have been having them at our house with 30 other people from all over the southeast. Their risk will be greater as it is just being around us 4 but I talked to them about that and they were willing to accept that reality.

take away their car keys and their liquor cabinet. Or you could trust them to, you know, make prudent choices as adults. And respect their choices.
Typically we have my wife's family( she is from a family of 8 kids ) for Thanksgiving along with my parents, both 81, who live a couple miles from us. 25-30 folks strong most years.

Think what you want but that ain't happening this year. My wife and I agreed that including my parents along with having our kids with us was paramount so this year we will be 6 strong haha. My parents, us and 2 of our 3 kids.

Some of you talk a big game about not changing a thing but I've seen too many patients die alone in the ICU from this to ignore the reality that I cannot expose my parents to the russian roulette that would have been having them at our house with 30 other people from all over the southeast. Their risk will be greater as it is just being around us 4 but I talked to them about that and they were willing to accept that reality.

Please stop with the Russian roulette bullshit. By that logic you play “Russian roulette” every time you drive your Car down the road.
We are definitely altering our plans in response to the pandemic. Will not be entertaining or visiting family out of consideration. We will get back on schedule next year when the pandemic is over. It's not just about protecting yourself, it is also protecting those you love. words for this. Do you ever leave your house or what?
I am putting out a bottle of hand sanitizer in case anyone wants to use it.

Big question for most of you making big changes did you stand in the long lines at costco to get more TP this week and add to the hysteria?
So my wife’s family usually has 12-14 people 75 and older. This year they have changed it to where there will be only 2 in any given celebration. I wouldn’t consider that “incredibly pathetic”. Perhaps the use of that description is what he was referring to as you trying to be a badass.
OP has a micropeen and is projecting.
Don’t give a **** about COVID or what Prez Hair Sniffer thinks.

Eating turkey with my big family as usual
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I’m curious if this is just a bunch of news BS or if people will actually not see their family around the holidays? If so, talk about incredibly pathetic.
People will make some adjustments based on what they believe is prudent and safe but if possible enjoy their family. Most people will have a family get-together, but will do what they can do not to kill grandma. I think that you will find that passengers will be significantly down from Thanksgiving 2019.
So my wife’s family usually has 12-14 people 75 and older. This year they have changed it to where there will be only 2 in any given celebration. I wouldn’t consider that “incredibly pathetic”. Perhaps the use of that description is what he was referring to as you trying to be a badass.

If you’re high risk you should do what’s best for you. I meant the healthy, not every single living human being.
Normally our family which is cousins and their children get together and eat lunch as well as dinner. Some 50-65 for both meals..... some the same but others in for lunch or dinner so a total of close to 80 total. We canceled a long tradition as too much exposure.
Wife and I will go to lake and eat with brother in laws and sisters cutting exposer for all. I work with brother in law and my children might join for 1-2 meals over the weekend but we will strive to stay socially distanced.
still some exposure but limited
people that care so much what others are doing are usually very insecure
That’s exactly what’s going on with this. Seems unwise to get together with a bunch of people right now, but you don’t see people posting threads to tell other people they shouldn’t do that.
My aunts canceled their annual Thanksgiving, with about 50-60 family members who usually go. There are probably about 6 in that population over 70.

My brother-in-law and his family are not traveling down to SC from Virginia as they normally would.

Beyond that we are local with our parents, but we did rearrange our schedules so that we would be with my in-laws (my father-in-law is in very poor health) before we spent time with my sister and her in-school teenagers.

And then I’ve gotten in the habit of traveling to the CFP every year at the end of the holidays, but that won’t be happening this year...
Not once but twice will be in a packed house eating a Thanksgiving dinner.

More worried about gaining to much weight than Covid.

People who actually stay away from their family and friends over the Holidays for fear of Covid are losers(edit: if you aren't sick of course).
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The only tradition I’m changing this year is mocking Gamecock fans after the annual arsekicking.

I’ll just mock them for other reasons
No. All sets of grandparents said no way they were spending the holidays without seeing family. When you get their age you treasure each holiday season bc you never know when you’re time comes. It will be a special time as the whole family has not been together all year. I’m very excited to see everyone.
This is how my parents feels. My Dad is 85 and is the one in the family at highest risk because of his age among other health related issues. There’s no way he’s going to let the holidays go by without seeing his family because each year could be the last for many reasons besides Covid. We’ve left it completely up to them and aren’t changing a thing.
I’ll be with somewhere around the neighborhood of 25 people on Thursday ranging from 2-70 years old. All of us will shake hands and hug and eat together. Not a single one of them would have it any different this year.

Awesome. Just don’t come on here asking for prayers if a family member gets sick and sure as shit don’t come on here complaining when your kids are back at home digital learning.
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