I do not look down on anyone who is more cautious than I am...I have zero issue with that. I am simply stating that government telling people how many people are allowed at their house for Thanksgiving get together...this is not an attack on people who comply. I know lots of people who opted to not come to my wife's surprise 40th bday party because they felt it was too many people. I still love those people the same and respect their decision
That is completely on them. I thought temp checks and mask all day everyday in Disney was a bit extreme especially when youre standing off with your family not even 30 feet from anyone and someone tells my kids to pull their mask up. If they had a drink in their hand, it would be fine...but no drink, mask up...but guess what...it was my decision to go to Disney, that was their policies, so I complied. But the difference is, that is a business and they can make policies. The government already taxes the shit out of us for our property and now some states think they can determine how many people you have for Thanksgiving
I have no issues with people who practice more precaution than I do. Honestly, I am amazed as much as I have been exposed and out and about that me, nor any of my family, have contracted Covid but I am very diligent about keep distance, using sanitizer, and washing hands. If I shake someone's hands, I sanitize or wash hands. I don't get in anyone's face especially not for 5 minutes or longer.
People have the right to handle Thanksgiving however they want. I will go to my wife's dad's house for lunch with her family and then for dinner her mom, brothers. and that side of the family will comer over and likely my neighbors and maybe my nephew and his wife. We will have fun, we will play games, we will drink, we will laugh...and we will be thankful for a normal Thanksgiving