The government isn't doing this. The virus is. Why are you blaming the government for the problems caused by the virus? Seems like a completely misplaced thing to do.
so the virus is telling me how many people I can have at my house for Thanksgiving? Forcing business owners to close their doors
It’s making business owners close at a certain time, telling them how many people they can have in their establishment, that strip clubs are safer than churches...Sams, Costco, and grocery stores are more important than other business’, that people can go to this place and not that one, that mask don’t keep you safe while walking around a restaurant but they do at the table?
I mean this virus is one hell of a smart virus if it’s telling us all those things. I’m sure it told NY to force nursing homes to take Covid patients without proper staffing, equipment, and PPE too.
Manipulation at its finest.