so you think it is possible that he was
1. scared of SLED and they made him paranoid so he lied
2. The lies just so happened to all take him away from the kennels and Moselle
3. he just so happened to drive by where Maggie's phone was dumped around dump time
4. The hose was put away incorrect and no footprints to be found
5. He just so happened to not have phone at kennel
6. He could make the 9-1-1 call 19 seconds after checking the pulse and attempting to turn Maggie over with no blood on him
7. Paul called him out about pills
8. The 3 things he cared about in life which was money, lifestyle, and legacy were about to come crashing down on him.
9. That he did not have a plan for changing of clothes at the scene. He would not have been driving buck naked...that is just a dumb ass scenario
10. shooters randomly found or bought same guns and ammo as Murdaugh's use all the time
11. he felt fine rocking his badge and blue lights in all other situations but this one made him paranoid
12. He needed badly to get in tough with Rogan after the murders because he wanted to tell him before he told his family. He felt need to call him first
Only person known to be there, no other evidence of anyone being No tracks, no footprints, nothing...
and I am sure I missed something
@Clemblack what did I miss?