Thumbs up for the “Son of Beech. Sheet” Stripes reference (assuming that’s what that was).

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Agree. I didn't realize that sentencing is exclusively in the judge's hands in SC. I've learned a lot during this trial.
You are about to see the max sentence. From the way the Judge sounded he knew it was OVERWHELMING evidence of his guilt and feeling that way he isn't going to mess around.
Wait until tomorrow he will likely comment in full on what he really thinks of the trial during the sentencing.
I wonder if Maggie's family will take the stand to provide a victim's impact statement. They seem like a very decent family that lost a loved daughter and grandson. This is hard on their family. Prayers for them.

Prayers also for the Murdaugh family members who had no role in AM's crimes. AM is the convicted criminal not the family.
I’m mostly sad about this cause we won’t hit 500k views. I really wanted to get there.
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I wonder if Maggie's family will take the stand to provide a victim's impact statement. They seem like a very decent family that lost a loved daughter and grandson. This is hard on their family. Prayers for them.

Prayers also for the Murdaugh family members who had no role in AM's crimes. AM is the convicted criminal not the family.

What are the chances Alec speaks tomorrow? Seems like he would decline since he doesn’t have anything to gain.
Bastard should do 30 years for being irresponsible gun owners. Holy crap in all my years of hunting and shooting with guns, I’ve always known where they are at. They’d leave them in duck blinds, unlocked cars, friends houses. Never seen such carelessness