I understand that. I also understand it was politically motivated cause a guilt verdict but then a no on death penalty doesn’t play as good as just the guilty verdict does today.

If he can be found guilty in an hour after a 6 week trial, the state should absolutely have gone for the death penalty.
It is much easier to come to this conclusion with hindsight. 24 hours ago, I don't think many people thought there was a very high probability the verdict was going to be guilty even without the death penalty on the table. Most, including myself, thought a hung jury was very possible, if not likely.
I agree...but just remember the thing Elleck loves more than anything is HIMSELF...if nothing changes, he loves himself way too much to end himself.

but without that lifestyle and without his luxurious pill poppin life, is he himself? Can he deal with the demons without the opioids?

Maybe he can...
Told my wife and daughter two years ago that this whole fiasco would be on Dateline and a huge National story. My daughter has watched every possible second of the case in between her college classes. I've told her this is her generation's OJ Simpson trial.

Weird how it's been the "big discussion" in our house for a few weeks, lol.
And TI sleuths on the scene from the beginning.
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Here is an article I found from the P&C about Judge Newman with some of his backstory. He is an impressive man with a fascinating life story.

Judge Newman

I was incredibly impressed with the way he handled the trial. Firm when he needed to be but overall fair, calm, humorous and engaged. Felt the energy leaving and strategic with his breaks and kept things moving along.
If this is, say, 2013 and technology isn't what it is with FaceTime, OnStar, etc., that dude walks. Pretty crazy and scary to think about.
I don't plan on committing any double murders any time soon so its not a real issue for me. But its also a bit frightening from a privacy/big brother standpoint that your car can "testify" against you. At some point we have to be wary of being ruled by technology and devices.

Caught on video, thats your own dang problem!
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It is much easier to come to this conclusion with hindsight. 24 hours ago, I don't think many people thought there was a very high probability the verdict was going to be guilty even without the death penalty on the table. Most, including myself, thought a hung jury was very possible, if not likely.
I understand that. I’m just wishing we had a chance to use the firing squad.

For the record, had I been on the jury, it would have been hung, but now that he’s been found guilty, with almost no deliberation, the firing squad could and should be used!
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Doing my best to help.....has been a GREAT thread
Me too. I'm embarrassed at the number of posts that I have in this thread. The whole things perplexes me and saddens me at the same time. My family is my most precious thing on Earth and I would kill myself before harming them.

Prayers up for the Murdaugh survivors in a his crimes and that includes his other family members.
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It’s hard to win a case without a technicality when your client is as guilty as the day is long. Their only chance was the jury questioning the cops and as we’ve seen repeatedly, in courtrooms across America, that almost never happens.

Paul’s video that put Alex at the kennels and his own testimony sealed it up. I can’t believe the defense put him on the stand so he could implicate himself on dozens of other crimes. Truly unbelievable shit

They didn’t put him on the stand, he told them he was going. Guaranteed you they asked him to sign something saying it was against their advice.
I was incredibly impressed with the way he handled the trial. Firm when he needed to be but overall fair, calm, humorous and engaged. Felt the energy leaving and strategic with his breaks and kept things moving along.
Totally agree.
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I don't plan on committing any double murders any time soon so its not a real issue for me. But its also a bit frightening from a privacy/big brother standpoint that your car can "testify" against you. At some point we have to be wary of being ruled by technology and devices.

Caught on video, thats your own dang problem!

technology in cars helps people a whole lot more than it incriminates them. Having onstar has helped me save a lot of money on locksmiths. My wife has a special talent, or used to have, of locking keys in cars
Of course the AG is going to be political and do some grandstanding; that's just kind of the nature of the beast.

Any other person would've long since been convicted. A hell of a lot of stars had to align to convict this guy and overcome all the advantages and preferential treatment that had been the rule for so long.

If this is, say, 2013 and technology isn't what it is with FaceTime, OnStar, etc., that dude walks. Pretty crazy and scary to think about.

I was also queasy in hearing the AG praise the local police, SLED, etc. Come on man.
Agree. I don’t mind him thanking the local, state, and federal agencies that participated. But he went over the top with sled. That wasn’t their A game by a long shot.

I wish he would spoken more the failures in the justice system that allowed AM, his accomplices, and even his children to believe they were above the law for so long and in the future actually follow through with ensuring that from top to bottom that our state will be fair to all citizens who come in contact with the justice system regardless of family connections or socioeconomic status.
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Life in prison is the easy way out. Shooting him with 4-5 rounds of 300 blackout and two shot gun shells, the last of which puts his brain on a ceiling, seems like the harder way to go out if you ask me.
No, the latter would be a quick way to go out. Not an expert, but I’d imagine one who knew what was coming would be in a state of shock after the first non-lethal shot. Spending however long the remainder of his life is in prison, realizing how much he’s pissed away, is probably the harder way to go for someone of his ilk.
Probably a different take....I think he is definitely guilty and am glad that justice was served, but I had a weird vibe from that press conference from the prosecution team. I get it was a long and complicated case but the attorney general came of as arrogant and wanting to create a charade. Almost like it was for political purposes.

Also bringing in ALL these resources at the states expense, a whole team of outside prosecutors instead of the local whose jurisdiction it is to prosecute. You say that Alex is just like everyone else and not above anyone or the law but then this case is treated like he is. Other double homicides in the area I am sure are not bombarded with the resources at the state and federal level like this one was. Are those families not worth this kind of effort?

I will be the first to admit that I do not know the ins and outs of the legal process, just a layman's opinion from the outside.

Also, I am sure there are tons of good people at SLED that do great work but the constant over the top praising of them them made me queasy. Chief Keel was fined not even a week ago for withholding discovery that would show he lied to a judge when he destroyed a local farmer's crop.

Anyway....looking forward to the next TI MEGA THREAD!

All of the local prosecutors recused themselves early on. Alex was an assistant prosecutor in that area so there was a conflict of interest at every turn with the local. There was no alternative but to let the State take over.
So who plays Alex in the movie?

Who plays PawPaw, Buster, Maggie, etc?

Does the person buying Moselle rent it to Hollywood to film the movie? This are the next things we need to know
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Watched the verdict live at a bar / restaurant in Hampton County and there were cheers when they said GUILTY. Had to be a big kick to the nuts for Griffin and Harpootlian to have the jury decide that quickly. I don't think they are bad lawyers as much as they took on a bad case. Like others have said, I think even his lawyers thought he did it by the end of the trial.

Keep in mind the state had the shirt with the blood spatter, but did not admit it into evidence because his defense was not able to independently examine it. In the end, they did not even need that.

I really want to know what happened to Stephen Smith, and hope, for his family's sake, that whatever they learned about that crime in the early stages of this investigation will be brought to light.
Interesting to hear 8 guilty, 3 not guilty and 1 undecided was the jury’s first vote and how they were unanimous after only 45 minutes

That is definitely interesting. Surprised that many were not guilty. It has to be that they thought he was guilty but were not sure what constituted reasonable doubt.
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Watched the verdict live at a bar / restaurant in Hampton County and there were cheers when they said GUILTY. Had to be a big kick to the nuts for Griffin and Harpootlian to have the jury decide that quickly. I don't think they are bad lawyers as much as they took on a bad case. Like others have said, I think even his lawyers thought he did it by the end of the trial.

Keep in mind the state had the shirt with the blood spatter, but did not admit it into evidence because his defense was not able to independently examine it. In the end, they did not even need that.

I really want to know what happened to Stephen Smith, and hope, for his family's sake, that whatever they learned about that crime in the early stages of this investigation will be brought to light.

the look on Poots face was classic when they announced it...
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So who plays Alex in the movie?

Who plays PawPaw, Buster, Maggie, etc?

Does the person buying Moselle rent it to Hollywood to film the movie? This are the next things we need to know
Brian Cranstan could play Alex. or Kiefer Sutherland
Buster - Jonah Hill
Old Murdaugh - Donald Sutherland
PawPaw -
Maggie - No Clue
Creighton Waters - Matthew McConaughey
Judge - Morgan Freeman or Samuel L Jackson
They didn’t put him on the stand, he told them he was going. Guaranteed you they asked him to sign something saying it was against their advice.
I have no love lost for Poot and Griffin but I almost feel bad for them. I get the feeling that their client continued to surprise them with his lies and was never forthcoming even with the. After the first week or so they were on their heels not knowing when their client was going to be caught in another lie they were unaware of.

Also I think Alec went on the stand because he truly believes he’s the smartest guy in the room and for decades was able to fast talk himself, his kids and his friends out of anything.
That is definitely interesting. Surprised that many were not guilty. It has to be that they thought he was guilty but were not sure what constituted reasonable doubt.

this is my guess...once they realized it did not have to be zero doubt and just that the facts lead to there being one person who could have committed it...and he was the ONLY person that could be placed there. I do not think it took a great sales person if someone was close

Much harder to switch a guilty to not guilty
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Waters opening remarks this morning show the insincerity of this whole process. Paul killed a young lady in a boat but waters talks about how lovely and wonderful he was and how he’d do anything for anyone.

All lawyers lie…….

There were many people during this trial who spoke very fondly of Paul, It was a side of Paul that you have to assume was genuine and existed. To me it even sounded like Jim Griffen, Crosby, Ball etc. had a better friendship with Paul than they did with Alex.

Marian Procter was adamant that Paul was not who was portrayed in the media. It is hard to square that with what happened in the boat case and the other innuendo about Gloria and the Smith kid.

The Netflix Documentary is not favorable to Paul in the least and paints a picture of a monster. It is definitely hard to square all of those things.
Brian Cranstan could play Alex. or Kiefer Sutherland / Woody Harrelson
Buster - Jonah Hill
Old Murdaugh - Donald Sutherland
PawPaw -
Maggie - No Clue
Creighton Waters - Matthew McConaughey / Stanley Tucci
Judge - Morgan Freeman or Samuel L Jackson
Poot could have been played by Phillip Seymour Hoffman if he was still alive
That is definitely interesting. Surprised that many were not guilty. It has to be that they thought he was guilty but were not sure what constituted reasonable doubt.
I believe that it was actually 9 guilt, 2 not, 1 undecided. It took 45m to convince the 3 after reviewing the evidence that they raised questions about.
This is my point. If a circumstantial case can be decided in 75 minutes, death penalty would have been easy.

I understand that extra evidence arrived during the trial and I’m saying that they should be able to go back now and argue for death penalty.

If Alex doesn’t get on the stand and confirm for the world what most people kind of thought, this may have had a different outcome. It if is a DP case, Alex probably doesn’t take the risk of getting on the stand.
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There were many people during this trial who spoke very fondly of Paul, It was a side of Paul that you have to assume was genuine and existed. To me it even sounded like Jim Griffen, Crosby, Ball etc. had a better friendship with Paul than they did with Alex.

Marian Procter was adamant that Paul was not who was portrayed in the media. It is hard to square that with what happened in the boat case and the other innuendo about Gloria and the Smith kid.

The Netflix Documentary is not favorable to Paul in the least and paints a picture of a monster. It is definitely hard to square all of those things.
Yeah. I think a lot of his problems were alcoholism. Lots of folks can be likeable but also hell on earth when drunk when they’re alcoholics
I believe that it was actually 9 guilt, 2 not, 1 undecided. It took 45m to convince the 3 after reviewing the evidence that they raised questions about.

correct..from article

"Nine, including Moyer, believed the defendant was guilty, two thought he was innocent, and one was unsure," according to Moyer.
I understand that. I also understand it was politically motivated cause a guilt verdict but then a no on death penalty doesn’t play as good as just the guilty verdict does today.

If he can be found guilty in an hour after a 6 week trial, the state should absolutely have gone for the death penalty.

It is always easy to figure out what you should have done after you know the outcome. They even have a saying for that. Hindsight is 20/20
If Alex doesn’t get on the stand and confirm for the world what most people kind of thought, this may have had a different outcome. It if is a DP case, Alex probably doesn’t take the risk of getting on the stand.

I don't think Alex had confidence in his team to create doubt so he wanted to try and get the sympathy doubt and get jurors who were on the fence to feel just sorry enough for him to make them doubt enough for a not guilty

Watching is amazing how detailed he can describe the sequence of the events of how he pinged Maggie's phone and how they retrieved it.

Such selective memory. You can tell when he is telling truths because he talks confident, fast, no pauses, etc.

When asked about a lie, he sits there, pauses, talks slow and uses nicknames of family members
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I understand that. I’m just wishing we had a chance to use the firing squad.

For the record, had I been on the jury, it would have been hung, but now that he’s been found guilty, with almost no deliberation, the firing squad could and should be used!

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound? You have doubts about his guilt, but you'd be totally fine with killing him for the crime that you doubt he did?