I wouldn't say it is laughable. I think it is a legitimate legal question. Can you use evidence of a crime that has not been proven in a court of law as a motive for an additional crime? I'm really surprised Alex did not plead the 5th on those accounts, but he certainly dug is own grave by admitting to them and taking the stand to remove any doubt he is a habitual liar.

No you can’t and Alex can’t get on the stand and answer some questions and not others. Once he takes the stand, he has to answer questions that are asked about this case. If a question about a different crime (unrelated to the case) were asked, it would be his lawyer’s job to object for relevancy.
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And I wouldn’t believe an appeals court would grant an appeal based on the financial info. The case was lost due to the video and his lying about it, not the financial info that just helped with establishing a motive that wasn’t even required.

That is your opinion. If the appeals court believes that the majority of the financial information shouldn’t have been admitted, then it could get interesting. While I agree that other evidence carried great weight it is likely that AM would not have testified if the financial data was not admitted.

I think his testimony was as much his undoing as anything.
It's a legitimate legal question if he doesn't incriminate himself.

He incriminated himself.

He didn’t incriminate himself until later in the trial and I wonder if that would matter to the appeals court? Admitting you stole money doesn’t make it ok to enter that evidence in trial in and of itself. It is either allowed or it isn’t.

I don’t think he testifies if not for trying to undo the look of all that damming theft evidence.

No question the video was problematic but if the bulk of theft was left out and he never takes the stand, I think that case was 50/50 at best, maybe 60/40 for the defense. This was a very circumstantial case, lots of evidence but still all circumstances.

If law enforcement finds legitimate evidence but as a result of something they did wrong then the legitimate evidence is disallowed. It is the fruit of a poisonous tree and therefore inadmissible.

I think the man is guilty and justice was served and I also think that no question the Farris fees were fair game. Was everything else? I would say so, but I could see how some may say not.

You can’t undo the wrong by claiming it wouldn’t have mattered because of other evidence Or because a few jurors gave their opinion on what mattered most to them after the fact.

If the appeals court believes the voluminous amounts of theft information should not have been admissible, piling on so to speak, they will likely order a retrial.

Newman originally ruled it wasn’t admissible but then allowed it on a technicality later. I think that makes it even a little more iffy. Could gives rise to an ineffective counsel claim.

I don’t think it is turned over, but a good lawyer will make a strong case that it should be. I suspect a very good appeals attorney will be added to the team soon.
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All of this ^^^^

Lots of folks seem content ITT that justice was served and corruption overcome. Nope not even close and this is what the folks like Murdaugh's want you to think.

JMM best friend who was with DNR at the time of the boat crash is now working at SLED. Evidentially SLED cares little about his alleged involvement.

Judge Mullen who was instrumental (if what has been reported as true) in facilitating the theft from the Satterfield settlement is still on the bench today. There are also allegations that she has abused her power in other instances.

The Laffitte family still is running PSB, and the new CEO isnt a Laffitte but he's married to one who sits on the BOD.

Duffie Stone, it only took him about 3 months to decide there may be the slightest conflict of interest, and honestly without public outcry I have a hard time believing he would have recused himself from this case. Colleton figured it out within a few hours and turned over the investigation, kudos to them.

And lets not leave SLED out of this, and Chief Keel, poor guy just caught it on the chin during this trial. Oh and he was also fined February 28th of this year because his agency lied to two seperate judges, committed discovery abuses in a case in Dorchester County. But yeah SLED is a hero in this case. Im not condemning every officer that works for that agency but there's cancer there that needs to be excised. All this over some hemp.

S.L.E.D Fined

This trial is a good start but there is a long way to go.
The other thing to consider is that it is not like SC is alone in all this. This kind of crap happens all over the country. Hopefully it points the way to a lot of housecleaning across the country.
He didn’t incriminate himself until later in the trial and I wonder if that would matter to the appeals court? Admitting you stole money doesn’t make it ok to enter that evidence in trial in and of itself. It is either allowed or it isn’t.

I don’t think he testifies if not for trying to undo the look of all that damming theft evidence.

No question the video was problematic but if the bulk of theft was left out and he never takes the stand, I think that case was 50/50 at best, maybe 60/40 for the defense. This was a very circumstantial case, lots of evidence but still all circumstances.

If law enforcement finds legitimate evidence but as a result of something they did wrong then the legitimate evidence is disallowed. It is the fruit of a poisonous tree and therefore inadmissible.

I think the man is guilty and justice was served and I also think that no question the Farris fees were fair game. Was everything else? I would say so, but I could see how some may say not.

You can’t undo the wrong by claiming it wouldn’t have mattered because of other evidence Or because a few jurors gave their opinion on what mattered most to them after the fact.

If the appeals court believes the voluminous amounts of theft information should not have been admissible, piling on so to speak, they will likely order a retrial.

Newman originally ruled it wasn’t admissible but then allowed it on a technicality later. I think that makes it even a little more iffy. Could gives rise to an ineffective counsel claim.

I don’t think it is turned over, but a good lawyer will make a strong case that it should be. I suspect a very good appeals attorney will be added to the team soon.
Idk. Do you really think he would have taken the stand without the video that made it crystal clear he had been lying all the way to the point that he took the stand?

I think it was the video. Not any hearsay about the financial issues.
Again, the judge originally only let in financial evidence from the June 7 talk with Seckinger

Everything else came in after Griffin opened the door - wide open- on cross - and then AG was able to bring it all in

defense mistake

AM had to take the stand to say he lied so he could TRY to gain some credibility with the jury

Idk. Do you really think he would have taken the stand without the video that made it crystal clear he had been lying all the way to the point that he took the stand?

I think it was the video. Not any hearsay about the financial issues.

Hard to say. I guess I am saying I don’t know that it matters. If they think the evidence was inadmissible, I don’t know that any of the rest matters.

Not suggesting they will make that finding, I am suggesting that if they do, I don’t think anything after that point in the trial matters.
He didn’t incriminate himself until later in the trial and I wonder if that would matter to the appeals court? Admitting you stole money doesn’t make it ok to enter that evidence in trial in and of itself. It is either allowed or it isn’t.

I don’t think he testifies if not for trying to undo the look of all that damming theft evidence.

No question the video was problematic but if the bulk of theft was left out and he never takes the stand, I think that case was 50/50 at best, maybe 60/40 for the defense. This was a very circumstantial case, lots of evidence but still all circumstances.

If law enforcement finds legitimate evidence but as a result of something they did wrong then the legitimate evidence is disallowed. It is the fruit of a poisonous tree and therefore inadmissible.

I think the man is guilty and justice was served and I also think that no question the Farris fees were fair game. Was everything else? I would say so, but I could see how some may say not.

You can’t undo the wrong by claiming it wouldn’t have mattered because of other evidence Or because a few jurors gave their opinion on what mattered most to them after the fact.

If the appeals court believes the voluminous amounts of theft information should not have been admissible, piling on so to speak, they will likely order a retrial.

Newman originally ruled it wasn’t admissible but then allowed it on a technicality later. I think that makes it even a little more iffy. Could gives rise to an ineffective counsel claim.

I don’t think it is turned over, but a good lawyer will make a strong case that it should be. I suspect a very good appeals attorney will be added to the team soon.

I don't think the appeal has a chance in hell, and this lawyer agrees with me for the same reasons:

For one, Mr Levin is doubtful an appeal would be successful.

“I don’t see any basis for an appeal. When he took the stand he erased any real chance of error as he said it in his own words,” said the former assistant district attorney in the Manhattan DA’s office and prominent criminal defence attorney at Levin & Associates who has represented clients including Harvey Weinstein and Anna Delvey.

And secondly, even if an appeal were successful, Mr Levin said that Murdaugh has sentenced himself to life in prison after implicating himself in a slew of financial fraud crimes.

“He will spend the rest of his life in prison – there’s no getting out of this at this point,” he said.

“Not only has he been convicted of two heinous murders, but he has also implicated himself in financial crimes to give himself a lifetime in prison.”

When Murdaugh then took the witness stand to testify in his own defence, he confessed to stealing from PMPED and at least 18 law firm clients.

These confessions – while testifying under oath – are likely to now have major ramifications in the fraud cases.

“He had to admit to committing other crimes in his testimony and that’s part of the problem with him testifying,” said Mr Levin.

“At this time he’s already facing two life sentences.”

Having worked as a defence lawyer on numerous high-profile cases, Mr Levin said it was certainly “unusual” to see a defendant confess to other crimes on the stand.

“But then most people are not engaged in a lifetime of pervasive crime so it’s an unusual situation where he is not only facing double murders charges but also a slew of financial crimes lasting a lifetime,” he said.
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It seems to me that most locals around Buster and Paul's age believe Buster did it or was at least directly involved. I have heard them discuss it matter-of-factly.

I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I suspect Alex may have been involved in Smith's death. That makes sense to me, especially after watching the murder trial. If Alex killed Smith, the Buster rumors still make sense. Alex would've been smart to start the rumor himself so that 1) he himself is not implicated, and 2) LE will sweep it under the rug.

We know now that Alex is willing to kill in order to maintain his status. Were Maggie and Paul his first?
Do you ever wonder if one of the reasons Buster testified on behalf of his dad is fear that his dad might reveal truths surrounding Stephen’s death if he didn’t?
I don't think the appeal has a chance in hell, and this lawyer agrees with me for the same reasons:

For one, Mr Levin is doubtful an appeal would be successful.

“I don’t see any basis for an appeal. When he took the stand he erased any real chance of error as he said it in his own words,” said the former assistant district attorney in the Manhattan DA’s office and prominent criminal defence attorney at Levin & Associates who has represented clients including Harvey Weinstein and Anna Delvey.

And secondly, even if an appeal were successful, Mr Levin said that Murdaugh has sentenced himself to life in prison after implicating himself in a slew of financial fraud crimes.

“He will spend the rest of his life in prison – there’s no getting out of this at this point,” he said.

“Not only has he been convicted of two heinous murders, but he has also implicated himself in financial crimes to give himself a lifetime in prison.”

When Murdaugh then took the witness stand to testify in his own defence, he confessed to stealing from PMPED and at least 18 law firm clients.

These confessions – while testifying under oath – are likely to now have major ramifications in the fraud cases.

“He had to admit to committing other crimes in his testimony and that’s part of the problem with him testifying,” said Mr Levin.

“At this time he’s already facing two life sentences.”

Having worked as a defence lawyer on numerous high-profile cases, Mr Levin said it was certainly “unusual” to see a defendant confess to other crimes on the stand.

“But then most people are not engaged in a lifetime of pervasive crime so it’s an unusual situation where he is not only facing double murders charges but also a slew of financial crimes lasting a lifetime,” he said.
Should financials been brought into the trial to begin with I think is the real question. I think the Farris case was fair game but maybe not the rest. Judge Newman is a hell of a lot smarter than me and knows the law better than all of us on the board combined so I take what he says as the Word.
And secondly, even if an appeal were successful, Mr Levin said that Murdaugh has sentenced himself to life in prison after implicating himself in a slew of financial fraud crimes.

I don’t think at this point AM cares about life in prison so much as he wants that conviction of the murder of Paul and Maggie off his record. Maybe more than anything to convince himself that he is innocent.
I think in a lot of ways this case will be used as a possible benchmark in future cases, and with that being said I think they will want to study this case inside and out. The techniques used in the trial are somewhat “new” and still in its infancy so I think there will be continued scrutiny and exploration of this case and verdict. I believe that Newman did an outstanding job, but as a check and balance this should be reviewed (def not overturned).
I think one of the moments for me during the trial when I knew he was guilty was when they testified that no other phones were pinging near that property at that time. That was surprising that they have the ability but also scary, before long we will be judged by machines and technology, that scares me and makes me want all this to be reviewed and studied.
Do you ever wonder if one of the reasons Buster testified on behalf of his dad is fear that his dad might reveal truths surrounding Stephen’s death if he didn’t?

I don't think so, but it's possible.

I think Alex will continue to do everything he can to keep people, and especially family, in his corner. I don't believe he would blow the whistle on any family at any time, because that would completely and definitively turn off the faucet of support.
I don't think so, but it's possible.

I think Alex will continue to do everything he can to keep people, and especially family, in his corner. I don't believe he would blow the whistle on any family at any time, because that would completely and definitively turn off the faucet of support.
Yeah...he needs prison canteen money 💰. His life behind bars is about to change when he heads to real prison.

The Murdaugh name was mentioned 40 times in the investigation notes. Randy called and offered to take the case for free which seemed sketchy and multiple people stated Buster was involved.

I am not sure what evidence they found in the murder investigation to make them reopen it but in the last few days Sandy, Stephen's mom, has been talking with media and they have said they have made progress recently in the case?

I have no idea but I know Buster's name is still being mentioned in that case
Yep. And I will not be surprised AT ALL if it is discovered that the Murdaugh boys were involved. I mean not at all!
I don't think so, but it's possible.

I think Alex will continue to do everything he can to keep people, and especially family, in his corner. I don't believe he would blow the whistle on any family at any time, because that would completely and definitively turn off the faucet of support.
IDK. He doesn't appear to have a problem destroying a kid.
That is interesting.

I know the Murdaughs and their associates HATE Fitsnews with a burning passion. They pay close attention to Fitsnews reporting. Maybe Fits intentionally made an inaccurate report in an effort to disarm the Murdaughs, in a way.

Of course, the killing could indeed have been related to drugs. But I don't buy it. I hope we find out.
Wait. Which killing y'all talking about now? I missed the quick right turn. Stephen Smith now?
I don't think the appeal has a chance in hell, and this lawyer agrees with me for the same reasons:

For one, Mr Levin is doubtful an appeal would be successful.

“I don’t see any basis for an appeal. When he took the stand he erased any real chance of error as he said it in his own words,” said the former assistant district attorney in the Manhattan DA’s office and prominent criminal defence attorney at Levin & Associates who has represented clients including Harvey Weinstein and Anna Delvey.

And secondly, even if an appeal were successful, Mr Levin said that Murdaugh has sentenced himself to life in prison after implicating himself in a slew of financial fraud crimes.

“He will spend the rest of his life in prison – there’s no getting out of this at this point,” he said.

“Not only has he been convicted of two heinous murders, but he has also implicated himself in financial crimes to give himself a lifetime in prison.”

When Murdaugh then took the witness stand to testify in his own defence, he confessed to stealing from PMPED and at least 18 law firm clients.

These confessions – while testifying under oath – are likely to now have major ramifications in the fraud cases.

“He had to admit to committing other crimes in his testimony and that’s part of the problem with him testifying,” said Mr Levin.

“At this time he’s already facing two life sentences.”

Having worked as a defence lawyer on numerous high-profile cases, Mr Levin said it was certainly “unusual” to see a defendant confess to other crimes on the stand.

“But then most people are not engaged in a lifetime of pervasive crime so it’s an unusual situation where he is not only facing double murders charges but also a slew of financial crimes lasting a lifetime,” he said.

“No chance” is a strong statement. I don’t think it is likely it would be overturned but you never know; but this appeal, however adjudicated, will have no bearing on the financial cases.

As a practical matter he is going to jail for a long time, no question. Admitting to the fraud stuff wasn’t going to change the outcome, those were open and shut, confessing or not was essentially irrelevant.

I disagree that him taking the stand and admitting the fraud stuff undoes the injustice of including that evidence if the appeals court thinks it was improper to include. Just don’t think it will be viewed that way.

One thing is for sure, this thread has many months of life left in it.…
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I don't think so, but it's possible.

I think Alex will continue to do everything he can to keep people, and especially family, in his corner. I don't believe he would blow the whistle on any family at any time, because that would completely and definitively turn off the faucet of support.

Not only that, but to what end? So your son has the potential to spend the rest of his life in jail? At this point there would be nothing to gain for AM.

I have always contended that AM only killed PM and MM because he believed it had to be done to save his own hide. Implicating Buster does nothing for AM.
Yeah...he needs prison canteen money 💰. His life behind bars is about to change when he heads to real prison.

“He used to be somebody, now he’s nobody. He has to live a paranoid life to survive”
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“He used to be somebody, now he’s nobody. He has to live a paranoid life to survive”
I just watched an hour of it. It gets a bit overwhelming. In the end, Better him than me!!!
Should financials been brought into the trial to begin with I think is the real question. I think the Farris case was fair game but maybe not the rest. Judge Newman is a hell of a lot smarter than me and knows the law better than all of us on the board combined so I take what he says as the Word.
And secondly, even if an appeal were successful, Mr Levin said that Murdaugh has sentenced himself to life in prison after implicating himself in a slew of financial fraud crimes.

I don’t think at this point AM cares about life in prison so much as he wants that conviction of the murder of Paul and Maggie off his record. Maybe more than anything to convince himself that he is innocent.
I think in a lot of ways this case will be used as a possible benchmark in future cases, and with that being said I think they will want to study this case inside and out. The techniques used in the trial are somewhat “new” and still in its infancy so I think there will be continued scrutiny and exploration of this case and verdict. I believe that Newman did an outstanding job, but as a check and balance this should be reviewed (def not overturned).
I think one of the moments for me during the trial when I knew he was guilty was when they testified that no other phones were pinging near that property at that time. That was surprising that they have the ability but also scary, before long we will be judged by machines and technology, that scares me and makes me want all this to be reviewed and studied.

Once upon a time long ago people went behind the bushes to do what they knew was wrong. Brute #1 wanted to kill Brute #2. But Brute #2 had friends and Family. So Brute #1 waited until #2 was out of sight behind the bushes to kill him. When the dead man was discovered, his killer acted surprised and got away with murder. And behind the bushes was where Brutes raped and killed daughters, wives, and children.

In the modern world of cell phones, On Star, shell casings, fingerprints, and DNA it is a lot harder to hide behind the bushes and get away with doing unspeakable things to your neighbors. Loss of 'right of privacy' behind the bushes is not all bad. Many, perhaps most people conduct themselves better in public than in private.

I think it is largely a good thing that nearly all of us are exposed most of the time to the judgement of others by all the ways we leave evidence and trails to reveal where we have been and what we have done.
man you gotta keep up! Alex, Paul, and Maggie were so last week bro! Now we gotta find out what Buster has done
Ha. I thought so. Buuutttttt I’m not sure buster killed that Smith boy. More likely Paul did and everyone covered it up. But maybe buster did. All those boys are so effed up so who knows.
These two corrected the date in a subsequent TikTok. They met Paul in May 2017, so he'd just turned 17 in April. He was shot June 2022.

From all accounts, Paul's parents thought it was fun to encourage his alcohol habits early in life. Why not just live it harm in having fun.....until you hit a pier drunk and kill another person's daughter. Still not too much of a big deal when you can call in the fixer, your Granddaddy. Paul is accountable for his choices, but the reason kids come with parents is because the parents are supposed to teach their kids how to make wise choices, the consequences of bad choices, and how to live a productive life (which comes with boundaries).

Watching the 17 year old version of Paul is infuriating and saddening. It was only a matter of time before Paul crashed and burned. Too bad he left a victim in his wake. If AM and MM had been better parents, maybe the rest of the story would have been different as far as all of the dead bodies. As for the financial crimes, pretty sure AM would still be doing that and likely there would have been more financial victims before that house of cards collapsed.

No greater sin than to be a parent and abrogate your parental responsibilities.

Once upon a time long ago people went behind the bushes to do what they knew was wrong. Brute #1 wanted to kill Brute #2. But Brute #2 had friends and Family. So Brute #1 waited until #2 was out of sight behind the bushes to kill him. When the dead man was discovered, his killer acted surprised and got away with murder. And behind the bushes was where Brutes raped and killed daughters, wives, and children.

In the modern world of cell phones, On Star, shell casings, fingerprints, and DNA it is a lot harder to hide behind the bushes and get away with doing unspeakable things to your neighbors. Loss of 'right of privacy' behind the bushes is not all bad. Many, perhaps most people conduct themselves better in public than in private.

I think it is largely a good thing that nearly all of us are exposed most of the time to the judgement of others by all the ways we leave evidence and trails to reveal where we have been and what we have done.
I ain’t worried what’s goin on behind bushes, I’m worried the human aspect of being judged will be taken away. I not worried about “right of privacy”. Technology is wonderful and somewhat accurate but putting too much faith in something like that is scary. If we take it as the Word what happens when technology says you’re there at the scene but witnessss have you with a solid alibi. Too much faith in technology, common sense may start to fade (further than it already is). I have nothing to hide and anyone can look at that info of mine any time, I just think we need to be careful of so much faith in that technology. Again I put a lot of stock in the evidence nobody else was pinging at the house or property, but someone could’ve had one on Airplane mode. The rest of the evidence helped with the conclusion but looking back I put a lot into that little bit of info. Not arguing with anyone on here just my opinion we need to study this science a lot more.
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A while back I saw the death certificates for Paul and Maggie... Son of a bitch had them cremated and buried in the cemetery and never bought headstones... What a piece of crap...
I found that strange as well, even if his $$$ was locked down that someone on one side of the families would’ve put one up for them. If I’m not mistaken with him screwing over Satterfield family hers sat without one as well. Obviously he didn’t get one for his own family but would’ve thought that screwing over those boys the least he could’ve done was give her a headstone.
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I found that strange as well, even if his $$$ was locked down that someone on one side of the families would’ve put one up for them. If I’m not mistaken with him screwing over Satterfield family hers sat without one as well. Obviously he didn’t get one for his own family but would’ve thought that screwing over those boys the least he could’ve done was give her a headstone.
I read somewhere they are still the generic/plastic ones from the cemetery or funeral home that are intended to be temporary. Sad from both families

I will say, aside from specific talk about the murders/murder scene, it is interesting how little is talked about Maggie.
I agree with him that if that was planned, it was't a good plan... Like I've said before, why not use a 40cal M&P with Hornadays and a 15 shot clip? Much easier to hide or conceal, and then dispose...
I still think someone else was there... Could have walked in without a phone and waited in a dark corner for Alex to show up... Plenty of places to hide with all of the different sheds/outbuildings... Then leave with AM and catch a ride from near Almeda...
It seems to me that most locals around Buster and Paul's age believe Buster did it or was at least directly involved. I have heard them discuss it matter-of-factly.

I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I suspect Alex may have been involved in Smith's death. That makes sense to me, especially after watching the murder trial. If Alex killed Smith, the Buster rumors still make sense. Alex would've been smart to start the rumor himself so that 1) he himself is not implicated, and 2) LE will sweep it under the rug.

We know now that Alex is willing to kill in order to maintain his status. Were Maggie and Paul his first?
I'd certainly lean on locals in the area as to specifics re the Smith death. I've heard from 2 different sources in Beaufort County that "believe" either Alex, Paul or Buster (or a combination) beat the kid to death with a baseball bat and staged the hit and run story. They weren't there of course so give it the credence it deserves. For sure, however, Smith told many locals he was sexually involved with Buster. Not hard to imagine that created serious risk for himself.
These two corrected the date in a subsequent TikTok. They met Paul in May 2017, so he'd just turned 17 in April. He was shot June 2022.

From all accounts, Paul's parents thought it was fun to encourage his alcohol habits early in life. Why not just live it harm in having fun.....until you hit a pier drunk and kill another person's daughter. Still not too much of a big deal when you can call in the fixer, your Granddaddy. Paul is accountable for his choices, but the reason kids come with parents is because the parents are supposed to teach their kids how to make wise choices, the consequences of bad choices, and how to live a productive life (which comes with boundaries).

Watching the 17 year old version of Paul is infuriating and saddening. It was only a matter of time before Paul crashed and burned. Too bad he left a victim in his wake. If AM and MM had been better parents, maybe the rest of the story would have been different as far as all of the dead bodies. As for the financial crimes, pretty sure AM would still be doing that and likely there would have been more financial victims before that house of cards collapsed.

No greater sin than to be a parent and abrogate your parental responsibilities.

Well said Sir.
I agree with him that if that was planned, it was't a good plan... Like I've said before, why not use a 40cal M&P with Hornadays and a 15 shot clip? Much easier to hide or conceal, and then dispose...
I still think someone else was there... Could have walked in without a phone and waited in a dark corner for Alex to show up... Plenty of places to hide with all of the different sheds/outbuildings... Then leave with AM and catch a ride from near Almeda...
I want to know who else was there. The one thing I believe that Alex has said is “they did him real bad”

Alex was there, he knew Paul was going to be killed but he didn’t know they would literally blow his brains out.

I want to know who else was there
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I'd certainly lean on locals in the area as to specifics re the Smith death. I've heard from 2 different sources in Beaufort County that "believe" either Alex, Paul or Buster (or a combination) beat the kid to death with a baseball bat and staged the hit and run story. They weren't there of course so give it the credence it deserves. For sure, however, Smith told many locals he was sexually involved with Buster. Not hard to imagine that created serious risk for himself.

Maybe he was sexually active with Buster but his mom said he wasn’t and that Buster wasn’t his type. He liked older men…who knows about that but if Buster didn’t want it public it is certainly motive
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I want to know who else was there. The one thing I believe that Alex has said is “they did him real bad”

Alex was there, he knew Paul was going to be killed but he didn’t know they would literally blow his brains out.

I want to know who else was there
From what I have gathered, Curtis Eddie Smith had an alibi, but it wasn't ironclad... Easy to leave the phone home and have contacts vouch for his whereabouts... He would be my number one suspect...

I have also heard theories that Alex wasn't really hung up on the oxy's nearly as bad as he lead everyone to believe, which would explain why no one ever saw him high and why he was able to remain competent at work and family events... If true, then he wasn't spending that money on pills, but had a major gambling addiction, and maybe one of his bookies was involved... All theoretical, but it isn't beyond reason...