In the end, the jury of his peers (laughing at that because many of the jurors would probably have qualified more as his next victim rather than AM's peers) got it right.

I value all life God creates. I am saddened when man destroys or wastes life, particularly over something senseless as living a life beyond your means (AM, MM), a life out of control (PM, AM), or setting up a child to think life has no boundaries or consequences (MM, AM). Family tragedy.
It really is tragic.
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I think some of you are forgetting or maybe you have never witnessed a drug addict, but they do some crazy things when they are spaced out on drugs…as the judge said “the monster you were that day”. Alex may not even remember what he did. Hallucinations are very common as well during this blackout period. He is guilty regardless.
Parents should not take too much credit for the good things their kids do, nor too much blame for the bad things their kids do.
I agree but when parents do as little as possible to help their children learn it is just another chip against them in life. Why do that. They fully supported, backed and encouraged Paul's wild drunken behavior and never had him suffer consequences.
I’m a big fan of Occam’s Razor. It’s why I believe Alex had help. To em that’s the simplest solution. One guy, two guns, 15 minutes, hard for me to get there. Seems more complicated than two guys, two guns, plenty of time for cleanup after Alex leaves.
you also said you would vote to acquit him because of your theory that he did not pull the trigger (which meant he was charged with the wrong crime)
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I generally skip the GOAT thread (Penny Stocks), but fully support it being posted on the WZ even though it is not football related. I just ignore it....and wondered why you selectively fought back so hard on this one thread.

I'm a true crime junkie and nothing remotely compares to this story. Honestly I was hoping it was someone other than the Dad. Heartbreaking thought that a son and wife look into the eyes of someone they should be able to trust and have him be the cause of death. 😔 God's judgment will be the one that really matters.
About the Judgement, we all will stand before God.

As for " selectively fought back so hard on this one thread.".... I think that's a little strong.
And, I don't do the penny stocks either.

Before it became national headlines, it seemed to me that the 'other' board was the place for it.
Obviously many, many more people disagreed.
To me, though having been reeled in by a lack of other good topics, it's still not the place.
And, I wonder why someone else's tradgedy is so terribly attractive to other people; especially other people it does not affect.
We've had Darcy.
We've had that Spartanburg/Charlotte Country Club thing.
There will be others.

I mean..... it IS a Recruiting/Sports site, though, right?

I think there's a place for all that kind of other stuff and ...overall... it's not on a Sports site, especially a Clemson University focused recruiting site.
For the most part, I guessing that's Facebook, I suppose.
I don't do that either.

At the same time, bickering and all, this has become a TI family in a strange way that I bet excites Chris. The various information shared, and this site in particular, has gone far past Sports and has become 'a friend' to many.

Myself included.

We don't all see eye to eye.
That's the way is should be.
Serious question - Do you think Alex witnessed the killings but did not pull the trigger? Then went back to the house, drove to his mom's and chilled for 20 minutes, then came back home and acted like he just found them?

Some people do actually believe that. I'm just wondering if you do as well. I enjoy hearing different theories.
I'm somewhat in that hybrid boat. He was far more than a witness, but I'm not 100% sure he killed both people. And I think it was more of a crime of passion than a planned event. The timeline of deaths were very tight for him to switch guns and the way he sloppily created an alibi screams more desperation than planning. I could believe a story where it was an argument within the family that got out of hand. Bad kid, drug abusing father, bunch of guns around, couple of chained up dogs. Dang, now that I write it out, if you take out the financial side and the "reputable family" it sounds like any Saturday night in the trailer park.

2 guns, 2 quick killings, opposite directions, just doesn't possible for drug addled man.

I'm sure he pulled A trigger and I would still vote to convict him of murder and send him away for the rest of his life.
Yep ol...ol Roger Dale Davis Jr. I bet those t-posts are driven so that they are the exact same height.
I'm somewhat in that hybrid boat. He was far more than a witness, but I'm not 100% sure he killed both people. And I think it was more of a crime of passion than a planned event. The timeline of deaths were very tight for him to switch guns and the way he sloppily created an alibi screams more desperation than planning. I could believe a story where it was an argument within the family that got out of hand. Bad kid, drug abusing father, bunch of guns around, couple of chained up dogs. Dang, now that I write it out, if you take out the financial side and the "reputable family" it sounds like any Saturday night in the trailer park.

2 guns, 2 quick killings, opposite directions, just doesn't possible for drug addled man.

I'm sure he pulled A trigger and I would still vote to convict him of murder and send him away for the rest of his life.

I don't think Alex nor his posse (Cousin Eddie etc) had the ability to tightly coordinate a double murder and then been dead silent afterwards. Even if they do that and did pull it off Alex would've put it on the other guy the first time LE told him he was being investigated. It was only Alex in my view.
I don't think Alex nor his posse (Cousin Eddie etc) had the ability to tightly coordinate a double murder and then been dead silent afterwards. Even if they do that and did pull it off Alex would've put it on the other guy the first time LE told him he was being investigated. It was only Alex in my view.
Yeah, I think at most its Alex and either Paul or Maggie. Certainly nobody outside the 3 people there that night.

I'm still saying Alex did it. But I could possibly be persuaded that there is more to the story of what happened that night.
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These were interesting.

I think some of you are forgetting or maybe you have never witnessed a drug addict, but they do some crazy things when they are spaced out on drugs…as the judge said “the monster you were that day”. Alex may not even remember what he did. Hallucinations are very common as well during this blackout period. He is guilty regardless.
I agree with this. One statement that has stuck with me this entire time is when Alex said he would not intentionally hurt Paul and Maggie. Emphasis on intentionally. I think this is extremely telling. In his drugged up mind, he may have gone down there with the thought of killing them, but not sure if he would go through with it. Of course he did, and in his drugged addled, narcissistic mind, he didn't "intentionally" do it. And being the lawyer that he is, that is why he qualified it on the stand.

Food for thought.
The surprise to me is the lack of near universal agreement with the conclusion LE, the jury, and the majority of casual and not so casual observers reached.

There is nothing that is universally agreed on… But I don’t think there are as many who really think Alex didn’t do it. Some of the contrarians on this board are just enjoying the role they have played. I don’t think they really believe in his innocence.
I'm somewhat in that hybrid boat. He was far more than a witness, but I'm not 100% sure he killed both people. And I think it was more of a crime of passion than a planned event. The timeline of deaths were very tight for him to switch guns and the way he sloppily created an alibi screams more desperation than planning. I could believe a story where it was an argument within the family that got out of hand. Bad kid, drug abusing father, bunch of guns around, couple of chained up dogs. Dang, now that I write it out, if you take out the financial side and the "reputable family" it sounds like any Saturday night in the trailer park.

2 guns, 2 quick killings, opposite directions, just doesn't possible for drug addled man.

I'm sure he pulled A trigger and I would still vote to convict him of murder and send him away for the rest of his life.
The problem with it not being a planned event is that he left his phone in the house. Maybe it was accidental, but in the context of everything else, it looks very planned, and that means he planned to kill them.
The problem with it not being a planned event is that he left his phone in the house. Maybe it was accidental, but in the context of everything else, it looks very planned, and that means he planned to kill them.
Planned indeed. Didn't the evidence reveal he lured Maggie to Moselle against her plans and desire. I seem to remember several posts stating that he arranged for Paw Paw to be there as well.
The problem with it not being a planned event is that he left his phone in the house. Maybe it was accidental, but in the context of everything else, it looks very planned, and that means he planned to kill them.
The reasons I’m skeptical of the planning are
1) it was sloppy. If it went according to a plan you’d think he’d be lying in wait and have a more solid alibi. He knows all about police tactics.
2) he tried to hide evidence of Maggie (gun and her phone) but not Paul (granted you can’t ballistics a shotgun) but his phone was waiting for the police.

Maybe it was planned, but it wasn’t supposed to be a DOUBLE murder. Maybe it was only supposed to be Paul and the cover was revenge for the boat crash.

Other than curiosity of understanding everything it really doesn’t matter. He’s still guilty and deserves to spend the rest of his life in a cage.
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Planned indeed. Didn't the evidence reveal he lured Maggie to Moselle against her plans and desire. I seem to remember several posts stating that he arranged for Paw Paw to be there as well.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought it was opposite. It was rumored before the trial that he begged Maggie to come, but I thought her sister refuted that in court.

Could be I’m reversing podcasts.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I thought it was opposite. It was rumored before the trial that he begged Maggie to come, but I thought her sister refuted that in court.

Could be I’m reversing podcasts.
Her sister carries tremendous guilt over her last conversation with Maggie. Maggie didn't want to head to Moselle but her sister said it was the right thing to do under the circumstances. Her husband's Daddy was dying, he asked her to come home, and Maggie did, as the dutiful wife.

AM asked Paul to come home to replant the sunflower field.

AM lured them both. I suspect he killed Maggie because she was onto his financial issues. He killed Paul because Paul unraveled the yarn and maybe the boating suit would be dropped if Paul was dead.

AM, the narcissist, almost got away with these murders.....but for the Snapchat video 📹.
Her sister carries tremendous guilt over her last conversation with Maggie. Maggie didn't want to head to Moselle but her sister said it was the right thing to do under the circumstances. Her husband's Daddy was dying, he asked her to come home, and Maggie did, as the dutiful wife.

AM asked Paul to come home to replant the sunflower field.

AM lured them both. I suspect he killed Maggie because she was onto his financial issues. He killed Paul because Paul unraveled the yarn and maybe the boating suit would be dropped if Paul was dead.

AM, the narcissist, almost got away with these murders.....but for the Snapchat video 📹.
Last line sounds like a Scooby-Doo mystery. "And he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for that meddling kid's snapchat." Lol
I still think it was a fit of rage over something...likely missing pills...but something he had considered before. I think he forgot that he didn't have his phone and found Maggie's and thought it was his. Picked it up and decided he needed to dispose of it.
Regardless, AM and MM provided indulgent, permissive, entitled parenting with no boundaries. Cause + Effect.

We agree completely. Over the last two months every time someone wrote that AM was a loving father and loyal to his family, I almost vomited.

An owner who loves his dog does not let the dog play on the interstate. Facilitating and winking at Paul's adolescent alcohol abuse was criminal, not loving. AM's wrecking Maggie's financial future, concealing his drug abuse and his consorting with sex workers were not the actions of a loving and loyal husband.

Given that all that, the fact AM alone murdered his wife and son in a poorly thought out, poorly concealed manner such that the jury agreed on his guilt in 3 hours is no surprise to most observers. The surprise to me is the lack of near universal agreement with the conclusion LE, the jury, and the majority of casual and not so casual observers reached.
Personally, I'm pretty happy he did such a crappy job with the murder if it was going to happy regardless. That said, I've long held the theory that AM had help from CE in the actual murder and that his "attempted suicide" was in reality a botched attempted murder of CE so he could pin the crime on him. Maybe Eddie got the drop on AM and maybe he held some piece of damming evidence as leverage.

Think about it, suppose Paul's phone is never cracked or the video never recorded or AM gets rid of the phone. Suppose further that AM kills Eddie and pins the murders on him at the same time. I still think the financial crimes come out and AM is sunk, but he might have seen that as a way out.

BTW, I got some inside dirt last night. This is from inside the Taj Mahal. Alex would send an intern across the street to the Murdaugh family bank with an $80k check. He would bring back cash and give it to AM. He would be in a closed-door meeting for an hour or more with Flemming, the bank president, and the sheriff. Maybe AM coincidentally wanted cash for some other purpose, or maybe those were payoffs.
BTW, I got some inside dirt last night. This is from inside the Taj Mahal. Alex would send an intern across the street to the Murdaugh family bank with an $80k check. He would bring back cash and give it to AM. He would be in a closed-door meeting for an hour or more with Flemming, the bank president, and the sheriff. Maybe AM coincidentally wanted cash for some other purpose, or maybe those were payoffs.
Do the body language experts have credibility? Does that credibility hold for narcissists? Does that credibility extend to sociopaths?

I put such experts in the same category as palm readers and astrologists. They seem to get a lot of air time on crime tv.
I still think it was a fit of rage over something...likely missing pills...but something he had considered before. I think he forgot that he didn't have his phone and found Maggie's and thought it was his. Picked it up and decided he needed to dispose of it.

Only one person knows but the evidence against a possible "fit of rage" scenario would be the rapid escalation from a seemingly innocent snapchat with a somewhat humorous "dog and a chicken family scene" to violence and 2 folks laying dead in a matter of 3-5 minutes. That just doesn't seem as likely as a fully planned and executed "family annihilation". But as the wise Judge Newman asked: "What were you thinking when you decided to pull the trigger?" Would love to know the answer to that!! Will always remain a very sad story regardless of what the real truth is.
Do the body language experts have credibility? Does that credibility hold for narcissists? Does that credibility extend to sociopaths?

I put such experts in the same category as palm readers and astrologists. They seem to get a lot of air time on crime tv.

While I do believe that there is some science and legitimate studies to support some of their stuff, they all certainly give themselves plenty of "wiggle room" (pun intended) for virtually all of their conclusions. Still amazed at how effortlessly AM was able to lie, even convincingly so, on the fly.
Only one person knows but the evidence against a possible "fit of rage" scenario would be the rapid escalation from a seemingly innocent snapchat with a somewhat humorous "dog and a chicken family scene" to violence and 2 folks laying dead in a matter of 3-5 minutes. That just doesn't seem as likely as a fully planned and executed "family annihilation". But as the wise Judge Newman asked: "What were you thinking when you decided to pull the trigger?" Would love to know the answer to that!! Will always remain a very sad story regardless of what the real truth is.
I don't know. That seems like evidence FOR a fit of rage. After the fun with the dog, maybe that is when Maggie & Paul confronted Alex about the drugs. Or maybe Alex asked them where they put his drugs and they said they flushed them.

I doubt we ever find out what really happened.
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