Good clifs. Some additional color:

#2: The boat crash was handled terribly. Listening to the dispatcher made my anxiety go through the roof. Anyway, once authorities got there 20 min later after going to the WRONG BRIDGE, the botched the whole thing. Pauls phone and wallet were somehow lost. No one was given a field sobriety test. An officer stated that it was unclear who was driving but you can hear the passengers saying it was Paul driving in recordings from the scene. When they finally pulled Paul's BA level at the hospital, it was 3x the limit hours after the crash. And he made a lude joke to a nurse, after killing someone. Anyway, half the crew that responded to the crash is/was linked to the Murdaughs.

To add to #3, SLED immediately said after the murders that there was "no danger to the public" which was clearly an eff up on their part. So someone brutally executes two people and there's no sense of alarm for all the other nearby residents? But then the hunt is on! And then the brothers go on national TV with a big reward.
It’s not a mystery that this investigation was botched. Alex Murdaugh, when he told Conner Cook to shut his mouth about who was driving, told him “everything will be alright. I got you.”

The guys investigating were Murdaugh pawns. Michael Brock’s wife, Sarah, not only worked for the Murdaugh’s, but grew up best friends with one of Alex’s former partners and best friends, like a daughter. How it could be claimed that there wasn’t a conflict of interest?

Michael Paul Thomas, a Captain with DNR, is not just a friend of the Murdaugh’s, he’s best friends with John Marvin, Alex’s brother. He made arrangements for John Marvin to pick up the boat trailer and boat??

Why did they behave this way? They were just doing what they had always done. This is the way things had always been done when the Murdaugh’s were involved. They were going to be on the right side of things…until they weren’t.

The marital problems are kind of brushed over. Alex had a mistress. Everyone in Hampton knows who she is. In fact, she’s basically a high dollar, for hire, hooker. If you have enough money, she’ll come ride the gravy train.

Maggie had what Alex needed after embezzling money from the firm his grandfather started.., money. He needed it and he was running out of time.

I think the firm was willing to do just about anything to protect Alex, the firm, and their reputation, including helping him hide a murder. That all changed when they found Alex had done something they couldn’t forgive… Murder? No. Cheated? Nope! Lied? No again. He stole. He took their money, and that was too much.
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Well, this is interesting. The incident report from Alex's head shot is out.

"A newly released incident report reveals how little information authorities had in the chaotic moments after Alex Murdaugh, a prominent attorney whose wife and son were shot to death in June, was himself reportedly shot — but not “visibly” injured — Sept. 4 in rural Hampton County."

On the incident report, it says the victim had "no visible injuries". So you are about to be flown via helicopter due to a head shot, but you're able to call your family before and the day after. And a LEO stated that there was not a visible injury. Even a graze would make you bleed and you'd probably have your head wrapped up.
Something else that has come out is that Alex's insurance company denied his claim to cover the lawsuit from the boat accident. He could be financially ruined from that lawsuit.
It’s not a mystery that this investigation was botched. Alex Murdaugh, when he told Conner Cook to shut his mouth about who was driving, told him “everything will be alright. I got you.”

The guys investigating were Murdaugh pawns. Michael Brock’s wife, Sarah, not only worked for the Murdaugh’s, but grew up best friends with one of Alex’s former partners and best friends, like a daughter. How it could be claimed that there wasn’t a conflict of interest?

Michael Paul Thomas, a Captain with DNR, is not just a friend of the Murdaugh’s, he’s best friends with John Marvin, Alex’s brother. He made arrangements for John Marvin to pick up the boat trailer and boat??

Why did they behave this way? They were just doing what they had always done. This is the way things had always been done when the Murdaugh’s were involved. They were going to be on the right side of things…until they weren’t.

The marital problems are kind of brushed over. Alex had a mistress. Everyone in Hampton knows who she is. In fact, she’s basically a high dollar, for hire, hooker. If you have enough money, she’ll come ride the gravy train.

Maggie had what Alex needed after embezzling money from the firm his grandfather started.., money. He needed it and he was running out of time.

I think the firm was willing to do just about anything to protect Alex, the firm, and their reputation, including helping him hide a murder. That all changed when they found Alex had done something they couldn’t forgive… Murder? No Cheated? Nope Lied? No again. He stole. He took their money, and that was too much.
Used to live there, if she’s in her early 40s, I think I dated her. Lol
Also, that cabin looks like it has some vehicles around it. I'd guess they have an old truck without GPS/Onstar.

Plus he's probably smart enough to not bring his phone along.

All that said - I don't think Alex killed his wife and kid. He may have been involved somehow (owed money to the wrong people, hired someone even, etc) but I don't think he actually did it.
I agree. Many people have killed their spouse, but I just don't see how someone could do that to both their wife and kid. That is beyond cold blooded. But maybe there was some sort of crazy sequence of events.

Possibilities that come to mine:

1. 3rd party revenge maybe due to lack of blackmail payment related to opiates. I don't see how it could be due to not paying for the opiates themselves. He would have well beyond ample means to pay for them and would not want to risk exposure. But why would he tamper with the scene if he did not have any direct involvement? (Maybe the tampering info is inaccurate)

2. Crime of passion. Shot son after son shot wife, but that doesn't seem to jibe with divorce aspect (More likely if the divorce aspect is false, which it could easily be)

3. Shot wife and then shot son because son witnessed it and he reacted quickly. But why two guns and again, beyond cold blooded.

4. Random shooting. Nothing seems to point to that, but per above, why immediately issue a "no need to worry" statement to the public and there has been no mention of any kind of robbery motive. There seems to be WAY too much smoke for this option.

5. What else?
Another thing about Alex taking money from the firm. A lot of lawfirms can have escrow accounts for the purposes of simply holding funds until some final arrangement is made (mediation, arbitration, closing, dispursement, etc.). Alex could have conceivably siphoned off tons of money that way.
I've heard of multiple lawyers falling into that trap, end not ending well.
My MIL started a screen play about the Murdaughs about 6 months ago. I'm not sure whether he'll be just in time, or all these new events will make his earlier work a wasted effort. You truly can't make this stuff any better.
Well, this is interesting. The incident report from Alex's head shot is out.

"A newly released incident report reveals how little information authorities had in the chaotic moments after Alex Murdaugh, a prominent attorney whose wife and son were shot to death in June, was himself reportedly shot — but not “visibly” injured — Sept. 4 in rural Hampton County."

On the incident report, it says the victim had "no visible injuries". So you are about to be flown via helicopter due to a head shot, but you're able to call your family before and the day after. And a LEO stated that there was not a visible injury. Even a graze would make you bleed and you'd probably have your head wrapped up.
More craziness to add to the growing pile.
You know exactly who she is. 43 years old and my good buddy from HS dated her too. She attended the funerals as well (bold move, no?)
Now you got me wondering who it is. She’s a couple years older than me. Moved down my 11th grade year, so she may have already graduated. May have went to Patrick Henry. Haven’t lived down there in 20 years.
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How can SLED allow this guy to hide in rehab? Have they laid eyes on him since this supposed trip to rehab? Alex is a huge flight risk IMO and I don’t trust the sudden addiction angle at all.
There should be plenty to arrest him on filing a false police report, embezzling, etc before they have to solve the murders.
How can SLED allow this guy to hide in rehab? Have they laid eyes on him since this supposed trip to rehab? Alex is a huge flight risk IMO and I don’t trust the sudden addiction angle at all.
There should be plenty to arrest him on filing a false police report, embezzling, etc before they have to solve the murders.
If he was gonna leave, he would have left a long time ago.
Way too narcissistic to off himself! Heck, he shot his wife and son in order to get the money needed to pay back what he embezzled.

Would have been much easier to just turn yourself in, but you guys are thinking like normal, everyday people.
Said that earlier in the thread.

Talking about a guy that has been born and bread and educated on knowing how to manipulate innocent people into being guilty in the eyes of the law. He clearly openly tried to frame the other kid for MURDER in the boating accident. Murder!!!
An innocent kid that coulda been any of our sons or family.

chances are this his 3rd murder coverup, at the least!! That’s only covering his own family! Have u seen the serial rapist/murderer he helped free that ended up killing and raping again!?!? Oh yeah. What’s another couple deaths for this sycophant.

This man is not only narcissistic he’s evil. I don’t care who knows him or what good he’s done in his life. This is an evil man that didn’t care if the hospital staff, other family members or who heard him desperately trying to cover his own sons evil sorry ass. His only concern this entire time has been himself.
Idk. Not sure that I can call slicing your run flat tire, driving away, pulling over on the side of a road, jacking the car up to change the tire, grazing yourself with a 22, and claiming someone drove past and shot you, being smart. This whole thing is one for the ages, but I haven't seen anything smart about it yet and I'm expecting much more of the opposite as the facts continue to surface.

You just can't make this $hit up. Like a friend once told me, sometimes you just have to take a step back and admire stupidity.
Your'e right, this has snowballed into a desperation moves by him apparently. The old saying "honesty is the best policy" should have been applied by this gamecock guy when the boating accident happened. Wait maybe when the gay kid was killed, oh wait maybe when the maid fell down the stairs.
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Saying there was no danger to the public immediately after the murders is what I do not understand. If you don’t know who did it or know why they did it, then how can you definitively say there is no danger to the public? Also, if Alec has a cell phone, or a GPS device on his car, such as On star, then it seems they would be able to have a very good idea of where he was when it all happened.
Agreed. That is a shocker for sure. When I heard this, I thought an arrest was imminent.
The “no injury” thing was a mistake I guess

Still, gotta think any normal person would not be treated this way. Did EMS not evaluate his head injury? He was in Varnville which is only 13 miles from Allendale County Hospital. He was shot in the head but was able to call 911 and his brother. And was able to talk to his brothers soon afterwards? The whole helicopter thing makes no sense.
But then he quickly checks out of the hospital and goes to rehab.
It’s all so strange until you think back to the boat incident with Paul. Everything was delayed, likely on purpose. The crime scene was handled horribly and no one seemed to ask the correct questions or record actual facts until it was nearly too late. Then it took months to charge Paul. Even then he never set foot in a jail cell. Without media being involved I believe he would have quietly pled to a lesser charge and been sentenced to probation.
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Your'e right, this has snowballed into a desperation moves by him apparently. The old saying "honesty is the best policy" should have been applied by this gamecock guy when the boating accident happened. Wait maybe when the gay kid was killed, oh wait maybe when the maid fell down the stairs.
What is interesting about the latest shooting event is that it means either he has really pissed someone off enough to kill most of his family and still come after him with all of the attention and in broad daylight, or he is guilty of a lot of this and trying to muddy the water. What else can it be?

And how does he graze himself on the side of his head with a bullet without having serious powder burns? What friend would he have crazy enough to shoot him close enough on the side of the head without killing him, and by doing so implicate themselves in this mess? Or… maybe he wasn’t grazed by a bullet at all. It would be interesting to hear what the medical examiner saw and how sure they were of the cause of the wound, if there was even a wound. A lot of answers would hinge on that.

The other interesting question is what did SLED discover that caused the solicitor to immediately recuse himself? He said earlier himself that he did not recuse himself because there was no need to because no one was yet accused of the crime. Given that he now recused himself, it seems that there must have been something damning discovered and it had to be against Alex in order for him to now recuse himself. He would not have had to if the evidence was against someone else unrelated to the solicitor. And he specifically said something discovered by SLED, so it seems that it would not Have been related to the misappropriation of the firm’s funds unless it was SLED that somehow uncovered that.

So apparently earlier today Alex’s lawyer comes out on behalf of his client to state the gunshot wound had a entry and exit point with skull fracturing when it’s been widely reported the wound was superficial. How would anyone believe a statement coming from a lawyer representing this family to be credible? Oh the irony.
So apparently earlier today Alex’s lawyer comes out on behalf of his client to state the gunshot wound had a entry and exit point with skull fracturing when it’s been widely reported the wound was superficial. How would anyone believe a statement coming from a lawyer representing this family to be credible? Oh the irony.
Because there has to be likely medical records stating as such? Or do you think they have every medical professional and LEO under their power? LMAO
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Okay, here is Bosch's theory based on the current "evidence"...

1. Alex has an opioid addiction, mistress, and has been embezzling millions from his firm to support his lifestyle.

2. Alex is tired of cleaning up after son Paul's long string of misery that includes a nanny, brother's gay liaison, house keeper, and finally Mallory Beach, the last of which is about to result in the start of a wrongful death trial, which will result in a catastrophic audit of his finances.

3. Alex is enjoying life with his mistress and over his wife. His wife is tired of the affair and about to file for divorce, which will also result in a financial audit.

4. Alex decides to kill two birds with one stone and hires a pair of hitmen. The hitmen show up at his property at a designated time that allows Alex to have an ironclad alibi. One rounds up the son with a shotgun while the other rounds up the wife with a rifle and takes her phone away while doing so. Both are brought to the kennel area and shot twice. The phone is tossed out of the car window down the road after leaving the property. Alex "discovers" the bodies an hour later.

5. Three months later SLED uncovers the financial anomalies and reports them to the firm and solicitor. The solicitor then publicly recuses himself due to his relationship with Alex.

6. The hitmen fear that Alex is about to be caught and will be forced to name the hitmen. The hitmen know Alex's daily route, slash his run-flat tire, drive the route looking for him to have pulled over, pass him to ensure that he is alone, turn around, shoot him in the head, think he is dead, and drive away.

7. Alex issues his apology and heads into hiding at a rehab.

8. The saga continues...
Also, that cabin looks like it has some vehicles around it. I'd guess they have an old truck without GPS/Onstar.

Plus he's probably smart enough to not bring his phone along.

All that said - I don't think Alex killed his wife and kid. He may have been involved somehow (owed money to the wrong people, hired someone even, etc) but I don't think he actually did
You know exactly who she is. 43 years old and my good buddy from HS dated her too. She attended the funerals as well (bold move, no?)
Is she a bleach blonde named Dana?
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Okay, here is Bosch's theory based on the current "evidence"...

1. Alex has an opioid addiction, mistress, and has been embezzling millions from his firm to support his lifestyle.

2. Alex is tired of cleaning up after son Paul's long string of misery that includes a nanny, brother's gay liaison, house keeper, and finally Mallory Beach, the last of which is about to result in the start of a wrongful death trial, which will result in a catastrophic audit of his finances.

3. Alex is enjoying life with his mistress and over his wife. His wife is tired of the affair and about to file for divorce, which will also result in a financial audit.

4. Alex decides to kill two birds with one stone and hires a pair of hitmen. The hitmen show up at his property at a designated time that allows Alex to have an ironclad alibi. One rounds up the son with a shotgun while the other rounds up the wife with a rifle and takes her phone away while doing so. Both are brought to the kennel area and shot twice. The phone is tossed out of the car window down the road after leaving the property. Alex "discovers" the bodies an hour later.

5. Three months later SLED uncovers the financial anomalies and reports them to the firm and solicitor. The solicitor then publicly recuses himself due to his relationship with Alex.

6. The hitmen fear that Alex is about to be caught and will be forced to name the hitmen. The hitmen know Alex's daily route, slash his run-flat tire, drive the route looking for him to have pulled over, pass him to ensure that he is alone, turn around, shoot him in the head, think he is dead, and drive away.

7. Alex issues his apology and heads into hiding at a rehab.

8. The saga continues...
This is plausible. I suppose the head shot could have been one in a million luck.
This is plausible. I suppose the head shot could have been one in a million luck.
He should probably be dead. I just have a hard time seeing how it was self-inflicted without obvious evidence that it was, and too high risk to have been staged. I also have a hard time believing that someone just randomly passes you as you fix a slashed run-flat tire, turns around and shoots you in the head without a strong motive.

And the mother’s phone that was found on the side of the road down the road from the property is interesting too. How does that get there and why, if Alex pulled the trigger on either of the murders?

What I laid out is the only thing I can come up with that fits. It could easily be totally wrong too ;)

Waiting for the next puzzle piece to surface…