Do you really think @murdaugh is a family member? Troll central. Their whole family are gamecocks. He wouldn't be on here.
Do you really think @murdaugh is a family member? Troll central. Their whole family are gamecocks. He wouldn't be on here.
It says he’s been a member since 2002 and is a frequent poster. Unless he changed his username this week, that doesn’t seem like a troll. Just because some members of a family cheer for UofSC doesn’t mean others aren’t Clemson fans.
The father, mother and son were at the USC baseball game on Saturday. A buddy of mine sat right behind them and conversed with them and said the father and son were sloppy drunk… Said the mom didn't have much to say but seemed annoyed. The next day only the mom and son showed up for the Sunday game… He thinks the father was too hungover from the day before to attend.

That would suck to spend the last two days of your life watching South Carolina lose in baseball.
It says he’s been a member since 2002 and is a frequent poster. Unless he changed his username this week, that doesn’t seem like a troll. Just because some members of a family cheer for UofSC doesn’t mean others aren’t Clemson fans.
My dad and I are the black sheep of the family. Everyone else including my sisters went to Carolina. He went to clemson and I followed in his footsteps. I used the name murdaugh as my username to aggravate my relatives.
My dad and I are the black sheep of the family. Everyone else including my sisters went to Carolina. He went to clemson and I followed in his footsteps. I used the name murdaugh as my username to aggravate my relatives.
How would that aggravate your relatives?
my theory is that the mom of the boy allegedly killed by Paul with a baseball bat finally saved up enough money for a hit on Paul. Paul's mom was not supposed to be home and was collateral damage. This was her only recourse for justice for her son. The Beach's still had criminal and civil proceedings pending on Paul/Mardaughs, so there was a chance for some semblance of justice for their daughter.
The father, mother and son were at the USC baseball game on Saturday. A buddy of mine sat right behind them and conversed with them and said the father and son were sloppy drunk… Said the mom didn't have much to say but seemed annoyed. The next day only the mom and son showed up for the Sunday game… He thinks the father was too hungover from the day before to attend.

That would suck to spend the last two days of your life watching South Carolina lose in baseball.
If it was Paul drunk at a baseball game, that is the height of stupidity. Awaiting trial on a BUI boating death and drinking alcohol in public before his trial is unbelievable. He should have been completely cold sober since February 2019. And if his father let him do that, he is an idiot too.
If it was Paul drunk at a baseball game, that is the height of stupidity. Awaiting trial on a BUI boating death and drinking alcohol in public before his trial is unbelievable. He should have been completely cold sober since February 2019. And if his father let him do that, he is an idiot too.

Actually, I think the heights of that particular stupidity (if true) would be somewhat lower than the stupidity required to drive a boat full of passengers at a high rate of speed at night while completely wasted.

That could just be me though.
Do you really think @murdaugh is a family member? Troll central. Their whole family are gamecocks. He wouldn't be on here.
First off a terrible situation for all the families involved
Looking at the Law Firm there are Citadel as well as Clemson ( and others) alumni family members in the firm
Like most families there is a Dukes mixture
If it was Paul drunk at a baseball game, that is the height of stupidity. Awaiting trial on a BUI boating death and drinking alcohol in public before his trial is unbelievable. He should have been completely cold sober since February 2019. And if his father let him do that, he is an idiot too.
Some people truly believe that through some special circumstance they are above the common man and not beholden to the regular rules of society. Epstein, Trump, Clinton, Madoff, Kennedy - they’re all cut from the same arrogant cloth.
In a similar way, many of these sort of small pond rednecks think and act in the same way. All of these towns house a collection of “old money” Southern aristocrats who think their bloodlines entitle them to a different set of rules. And unfortunately many of their neighbors go along with it and keep them propped up in awe for generations. If you grew up here, it’s just part of the landscape. But if you moved these fools 250 miles in any direction and took away their trust fund, they’d be as average as the next bum on the street.
Some people truly believe that through some special circumstance they are above the common man and not beholden to the regular rules of society. Epstein, Trump, Clinton, Madoff, Kennedy - they’re all cut from the same arrogant cloth.
In a similar way, many of these sort of small pond rednecks think and act in the same way. All of these towns house a collection of “old money” Southern aristocrats who think their bloodlines entitle them to a different set of rules. And unfortunately many of their neighbors go along with it and keep them propped up in awe for generations. If you grew up here, it’s just part of the landscape. But if you moved these fools 250 miles in any direction and took away their trust fund, they’d be as average as the next bum on the street.
This x 100
I grew up in Camden, so I’m somewhat familiar with the subject matter
Some people truly believe that through some special circumstance they are above the common man and not beholden to the regular rules of society. Epstein, Trump, Clinton, Madoff, Kennedy - they’re all cut from the same arrogant cloth.
In a similar way, many of these sort of small pond rednecks think and act in the same way. All of these towns house a collection of “old money” Southern aristocrats who think their bloodlines entitle them to a different set of rules. And unfortunately many of their neighbors go along with it and keep them propped up in awe for generations. If you grew up here, it’s just part of the landscape. But if you moved these fools 250 miles in any direction and took away their trust fund, they’d be as average as the next bum on the street.
Gtfo that this is only a southern thing. Open your eyes. There are countless examples from all over the world and from all walks of life.
Pretty awful reporting but here ya go:
Regardless of the truth or untruth of anything contained in the article, it reads like an internet sleuth’s Blogspot post from 2005. Add in an “About the Author” section with leather jacket photo and it’s just a bunch of salacious innuendo dressed up as journalism. Should’ve end with “Off the record, on the QT, and very hush hush.”

Some people truly believe that through some special circumstance they are above the common man and not beholden to the regular rules of society. Epstein, Trump, Clinton, Madoff, Kennedy - they’re all cut from the same arrogant cloth.
In a similar way, many of these sort of small pond rednecks think and act in the same way. All of these towns house a collection of “old money” Southern aristocrats who think their bloodlines entitle them to a different set of rules. And unfortunately many of their neighbors go along with it and keep them propped up in awe for generations. If you grew up here, it’s just part of the landscape. But if you moved these fools 250 miles in any direction and took away their trust fund, they’d be as average as the next bum on the street.

You probably support Critical Race Theory
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Serious question, when you were 21 did you never do anything that could have gone bad and it put you in the same situation? Is it because he is rich he and his mother deserved to die for boating while intoxicated? If you are perfect, then throw those stones. I know there have been plenty of times I’ve been drinking or drunk and made stupid decisions that thankfully didn’t cause me to be in that kids situation. Maybe you think I should die for making those decisions.
It amazes me how people can excuse a 21 yr old from murder for being immature & childish. Yet others blame 17 yr olds when they are gunned down because they make a bad decision to run from a cop or reach for a cellphone or disobey an officer. Or in the case of Trayvon Martin & Ahmad Aubree. In these cases, there are always "well the victim should have x,y,z anf they wouldn't have lost their life". But in this case, he was a kid, it was a stupid mistake, etc...but the dude killed a whole human & injured others, not because he was defending himself but be because he decided to get drunk & riot a bar, assault a few folks, drive under the influence & killed & injure others & yet we have all kinds of excuses & can empathize. The guy was going to get off with probably no consequences too because of family connections.
Baffles me we can see & empathize with a 19/21 yr old white kid who harmed others but not black kids who are harmed.
LiqMadiq I am not saying you are guilty of this but your comment just triggered this response.

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