It amazes me how people can excuse a 21 yr old from murder for being immature & childish. Yet others blame 17 yr olds when they are gunned down because they make a bad decision to run from a cop or reach for a cellphone or disobey an officer. Or in the case of Trayvon Martin & Ahmad Aubree. In these cases, there are always "well the victim should have x,y,z anf they wouldn't have lost their life". But in this case, he was a kid, it was a stupid mistake, etc...but the dude killed a whole human & injured others, not because he was defending himself but be because he decided to get drunk & riot a bar, assault a few folks, drive under the influence & killed & injure others & yet we have all kinds of excuses & can empathize. The guy was going to get off with probably no consequences too because of family connections.
Baffles me we can see & empathize with a 19/21 yr old white kid who harmed others but not black kids who are harmed.
LiqMadiq I am not saying you are guilty of this but your comment just triggered this response.
If you are going to be bring race into it, bring the whole picture and let’s have the whole discussion.

this happens every freaking day in New York and Chicago and no one blinks an eye.
At least white people are up in arms over losing people and don’t accept it as normalcy.

when 75 people are shot in one weekend in one area of a city and all of one race and no one cares …. Don’t blame the white man, look in the mirror.

let’s leave race out of this
If you are going to be bring race into it, bring the whole picture and let’s have the whole discussion.

this happens every freaking day in New York and Chicago and no one blinks an eye.
At least white people are up in arms over losing people and don’t accept it as normalcy.

when 75 people are shot in one weekend in one area of a city and all of one race and no one cares …. Don’t blame the white man, look in the mirror.

let’s leave race out of this
It amazes me how people can excuse a 21 yr old from murder for being immature & childish. Yet others blame 17 yr olds when they are gunned down because they make a bad decision to run from a cop or reach for a cellphone or disobey an officer. Or in the case of Trayvon Martin & Ahmad Aubree. In these cases, there are always "well the victim should have x,y,z anf they wouldn't have lost their life". But in this case, he was a kid, it was a stupid mistake, etc...but the dude killed a whole human & injured others, not because he was defending himself but be because he decided to get drunk & riot a bar, assault a few folks, drive under the influence & killed & injure others & yet we have all kinds of excuses & can empathize. The guy was going to get off with probably no consequences too because of family connections.
Baffles me we can see & empathize with a 19/21 yr old white kid who harmed others but not black kids who are harmed.
LiqMadiq I am not saying you are guilty of this but your comment just triggered this response.
not all of us feel sorry for him
It amazes me how people can excuse a 21 yr old from murder for being immature & childish. Yet others blame 17 yr olds when they are gunned down because they make a bad decision to run from a cop or reach for a cellphone or disobey an officer. Or in the case of Trayvon Martin & Ahmad Aubree. In these cases, there are always "well the victim should have x,y,z anf they wouldn't have lost their life". But in this case, he was a kid, it was a stupid mistake, etc...but the dude killed a whole human & injured others, not because he was defending himself but be because he decided to get drunk & riot a bar, assault a few folks, drive under the influence & killed & injure others & yet we have all kinds of excuses & can empathize. The guy was going to get off with probably no consequences too because of family connections.
Baffles me we can see & empathize with a 19/21 yr old white kid who harmed others but not black kids who are harmed.
LiqMadiq I am not saying you are guilty of this but your comment just triggered this response.
Well, that’s why we have laws that distinguish between manslaughter and murder. Murder is the intentional killing of another with afore thought. That is, a person intends to do harm and kills someone. Manslaughter is the unintentional killing of another. That is, the negligent disregard of one’s actions that causes the death of another. Both are serious, serious crimes, but manslaughter is a lesser crime than murder.

From all accounts, Paul was an over privileged kid that had neglect disregard for another’s life. And, if that was the case, he should have and would have been punished for it. Given that he was 17 and that all of the kids were drinking (including the deceased), he’d have probably gotten no more than 5 years with parole possibly after 2 For manslaughter. Does that mean that his murder is justified. Hell no, it is not.

I have no connection to the Murdaugh family and have never met Paul. But I do believe in our justice system and the constitution. Paul was charged with manslaughter. He was going to trial and a jury jury was going to decide his fate. The idea that you can blatantly say that he’d probably get off or that under age minorities are being discriminated against and that this somehow justified his murder is ridiculous and borderline crazy.
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On a serious note....How has SLED been able to dodge FOIA requests? Every reputable news outlet (Not FITS) is reporting the denial of said requests.

If the law section of my pea brain is correct, any info recorded by public officers is public information.

This whole thing is tragic, but impossible to turn away from...

I have to has captivated me.
Well, that’s why we have laws that distinguish between manslaughter and murder. Murder is the intentional killing of another with afore thought. That is, a person intends to do harm and kills someone. Manslaughter is the unintentional killing of another. That is, the negligent disregard of one’s actions that causes the death of another. Both are serious, serious crimes, but manslaughter is a lesser crime than murder.

From all accounts, Paul was an over privileged kid that had neglect disregard for another’s life. And, if that was the case, he should have and would have been punished for it. Given that he was 17 and that all of the kids were drinking (including the deceased), he’d have probably gotten no more than 5 years with parole possibly after 2 For manslaughter. Does that mean that his murder is justified. Hell no, it is not.

I have no connection to the Murdaugh family and have never met Paul. But I do believe in our justice system and the constitution. Paul was charged with manslaughter. He was going to trial and a jury jury was going to decide his fate. The idea that you can blatantly say that he’d probably get off or that under age minorities are being discriminated against and that this somehow justified his murder is ridiculous and borderline crazy.
The idea that "he'd probably get off" is not all that crazy for this family in Hampton county.
On a serious note....How has SLED been able to dodge FOIA requests? Every reputable news outlet (Not FITS) is reporting the denial of said requests.

If the law section of my pea brain is correct, any info recorded by public officers is public information.

This whole thing is tragic, but impossible to turn away from...

I have to has captivated me.
It’s an ongoing investigation. The FOIA requested information will be released following the coclusion of the matter.
The idea that "he'd probably get off" is not all that crazy for this family in Hampton county.
We have a judicial system. The solicitor brought the action, it was approved by a grand jury. A lawsuit was filed against the defendant. A jury of his peers would decide the case. There is no question regarding that. This was NOT being swept under the rug.

I would expect his family to hire some good attorneys. It would then be up to the prosecution to prove its case. Just like everyone else, he is innocent until proven guilty.

That being said, would he be convicted of murder? Absolutely not. He was charged with manslaughter. The facts are pretty clear. Underage drinking, driving a boat at night that led to the unintentional death of a passenger. He’d have likely been convicted with a minimum sentence, probably following a plea bargain. unfortunately, that appears to have not been satisfactory to someone.
We have a judicial system. The solicitor brought the action, it was approved by a grand jury. A lawsuit was filed against the defendant. A jury of his peers would decide the case. There is no question regarding that. This was NOT being swept under the rug.

I would expect his family to hire some good attorneys. It would then be up to the prosecution to prove its case. Just like everyone else, he is innocent until proven guilty.

That being said, would he be convicted of murder? Absolutely not. He was charged with manslaughter. The facts are pretty clear. Underage drinking, driving a boat at night that led to the unintentional death of a passenger. He’d have likely been convicted with a minimum sentence, probably following a plea bargain. unfortunately, that appears to have not been satisfactory to someone.
Thanks for the Pre-law 101 lesson......
You are correct sir. Per normal

However, this BS that is was an AR-14,15,16,17,18,....assault rifle....

Are you kidding me?
The calibers available in 'those' weapons are available in MANY weapons. Lots.
There is no way to tell what barrel any bullet came from unless you have THAT barrel.

I mean, seriously.........was the gun left behind?

Such 'jump to conclusion crap' .......just like all the Perry Mason, Columbo, Get Smart type of people on this board that ALREADY have the answer.

hint, hint:

This is a terrible tradgedy beyond most people's imagination.
Wrong and right and good and bad are not on trial here.

This is a terrible, horrible, unimaginable situation.

Prayers need to flow upward.
My post about an AR-14 was a joke. I said it because Joe Biden called them AR-14s in one of his idiotic ramblings and the geniuses who started the whole "assault rifle" bullshit thought that AR stood for assault rifle. I didn't think I would have to explain the joke but alas, I forgot everyone on this board doesn't have common sense or know anything about guns.
We have a judicial system. The solicitor brought the action, it was approved by a grand jury. A lawsuit was filed against the defendant. A jury of his peers would decide the case. There is no question regarding that. This was NOT being swept under the rug.

I would expect his family to hire some good attorneys. It would then be up to the prosecution to prove its case. Just like everyone else, he is innocent until proven guilty.

That being said, would he be convicted of murder? Absolutely not. He was charged with manslaughter. The facts are pretty clear. Underage drinking, driving a boat at night that led to the unintentional death of a passenger. He’d have likely been convicted with a minimum sentence, probably following a plea bargain. unfortunately, that appears to have not been satisfactory to someone.

You are assuming the recent shooting is related to the boating accident. Possible, but unlikely.
You are assuming the recent shooting is related to the boating accident. Possible, but unlikely.
You are correct. Who knows for sure at this time, but I’m assuming that they are related, at least indirectly.
On a serious note....How has SLED been able to dodge FOIA requests? Every reputable news outlet (Not FITS) is reporting the denial of said requests.

If the law section of my pea brain is correct, any info recorded by public officers is public information.

This whole thing is tragic, but impossible to turn away from...

I have to has captivated me.
If memory serves, most or all states have what are called "sunshine laws" that deal with FOIA and the public's right to information. The ones I have seen have a list of items excluded from required disclosure. An "ongoing criminal investigation" is on that list. It makes total sense to protect an investigation. On the flip side, like any FOIA exclusion, it can be overbroad and thus used as a shield despite the value to the investigation being low and the public's interest in knowing being high.

In this case (and I am a huge proponent of public records disclosure), I would find it more shocking if they had released all of those records than if they hadn't just because of how recent the crime was and the fact that there have been no arrests. What would get interesting is if no arrests are made, SLED and prosecutors go silent, and three years from now it's still an "ongoing investigation" and documents are withheld on that basis. It may be that they are still trying to solve the crime. Or it may be that there are reasons certain people want the info withheld that are not about any actual investigation going on.
Some people truly believe that through some special circumstance they are above the common man and not beholden to the regular rules of society. Epstein, Trump, Clinton, Madoff, Kennedy - they’re all cut from the same arrogant cloth.
In a similar way, many of these sort of small pond rednecks think and act in the same way. All of these towns house a collection of “old money” Southern aristocrats who think their bloodlines entitle them to a different set of rules. And unfortunately many of their neighbors go along with it and keep them propped up in awe for generations. If you grew up here, it’s just part of the landscape. But if you moved these fools 250 miles in any direction and took away their trust fund, they’d be as average as the next bum on the street.

Stereotype for a living or just as a hobby? Perhaps you're just a painter with a real wide brush.
You are assuming the recent shooting is related to the boating accident. Possible, but unlikely.
Highly unlikely. People like to let their imaginations run wild, when these type of things pretty much play out the same way every time. Most likely whatever happened, the person who did it knew the victims very personally and for a very long time.
Seeing the name C. B. Rowe.....crazy write up came to me from a friend of a friend's friend......Lot of what seems accurate information......
No idea how accurate but hopefully closure is achieved and those responsible are prosecuted
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My post about an AR-14 was a joke. I said it because Joe Biden called them AR-14s in one of his idiotic ramblings and the geniuses who started the whole "assault rifle" bullshit thought that AR stood for assault rifle. I didn't think I would have to explain the joke but alas, I forgot everyone on this board doesn't have common sense or know anything about guns.
As yours wasn't directed at anyone in particular, neither was mine.

Just amazes me how people can tell the weapon by looking at the bullet holes........ not.
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It amazes me how people can excuse a 21 yr old from murder for being immature & childish. Yet others blame 17 yr olds when they are gunned down because they make a bad decision to run from a cop or reach for a cellphone or disobey an officer. Or in the case of Trayvon Martin & Ahmad Aubree. In these cases, there are always "well the victim should have x,y,z anf they wouldn't have lost their life". But in this case, he was a kid, it was a stupid mistake, etc...but the dude killed a whole human & injured others, not because he was defending himself but be because he decided to get drunk & riot a bar, assault a few folks, drive under the influence & killed & injure others & yet we have all kinds of excuses & can empathize. The guy was going to get off with probably no consequences too because of family connections.
Baffles me we can see & empathize with a 19/21 yr old white kid who harmed others but not black kids who are harmed.
LiqMadiq I am not saying you are guilty of this but your comment just triggered this response.
He just said the kid didn’t deserve to be assassinated. Your comparisons couldn’t be much more off base. What’s that got to do with someone being shot reaching for a cellphone with a cops gun pointed at him?
It amazes me how people can excuse a 21 yr old from murder for being immature & childish. Yet others blame 17 yr olds when they are gunned down because they make a bad decision to run from a cop or reach for a cellphone or disobey an officer. Or in the case of Trayvon Martin & Ahmad Aubree. In these cases, there are always "well the victim should have x,y,z anf they wouldn't have lost their life". But in this case, he was a kid, it was a stupid mistake, etc...but the dude killed a whole human & injured others, not because he was defending himself but be because he decided to get drunk & riot a bar, assault a few folks, drive under the influence & killed & injure others & yet we have all kinds of excuses & can empathize. The guy was going to get off with probably no consequences too because of family connections.
Baffles me we can see & empathize with a 19/21 yr old white kid who harmed others but not black kids who are harmed.
LiqMadiq I am not saying you are guilty of this but your comment just triggered this response.
Yeah well the majority of folks with common sense hold everyone accountable for their actions....the stupid kids who drink and drive dangerously and the stupid kids who run around with guns and fight law enforcement. As for me, stupid knows no color or social class.

Law enforcement should be allowed to beat the brakes off of anyone who resists arrest regardless of what they look like.

Give cops that right and model our jails after those in places like the Philipines or Thailand and society will start to improve. People will begin to fear the consequences of breaking the law.

Instead America blames societal problems on cops and runs our jails like a 2 star hotel instead of a penal institution.
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We have a judicial system. The solicitor brought the action, it was approved by a grand jury. A lawsuit was filed against the defendant. A jury of his peers would decide the case. There is no question regarding that. This was NOT being swept under the rug.

I would expect his family to hire some good attorneys. It would then be up to the prosecution to prove its case. Just like everyone else, he is innocent until proven guilty.

That being said, would he be convicted of murder? Absolutely not. He was charged with manslaughter. The facts are pretty clear. Underage drinking, driving a boat at night that led to the unintentional death of a passenger. He’d have likely been convicted with a minimum sentence, probably following a plea bargain. unfortunately, that appears to have not been satisfactory to someone.

Correct on the facts and likely on final resolution. The issue is that the manslaughter charge is pretty broad. Causing a death of another after knowingly engaging in another illegal act should carry greater charges, just like an incidental death during a robbery leads to a murder charge. The former defendant was willingly and knowingly violating at least 2 other laws that directly contributed to the death. This is not quite the same as an incidental death.
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If you are going to be bring race into it, bring the whole picture and let’s have the whole discussion.

this happens every freaking day in New York and Chicago and no one blinks an eye.
At least white people are up in arms over losing people and don’t accept it as normalcy.

when 75 people are shot in one weekend in one area of a city and all of one race and no one cares …. Don’t blame the white man, look in the mirror.

let’s leave race out of this
Then there's the facts that 94% or more of black people are killed by other black people and black people kill twice as many white people as white people kill black people despite making up only 13% of the population versus white people being roughly 62% of the population. Anyone who interjects race into every conversation is probably ignorant of the facts or just in denial.
It amazes me how people can excuse a 21 yr old from murder for being immature & childish. Yet others blame 17 yr olds when they are gunned down because they make a bad decision to run from a cop or reach for a cellphone or disobey an officer. Or in the case of Trayvon Martin & Ahmad Aubree. In these cases, there are always "well the victim should have x,y,z anf they wouldn't have lost their life". But in this case, he was a kid, it was a stupid mistake, etc...but the dude killed a whole human & injured others, not because he was defending himself but be because he decided to get drunk & riot a bar, assault a few folks, drive under the influence & killed & injure others & yet we have all kinds of excuses & can empathize. The guy was going to get off with probably no consequences too because of family connections.
Baffles me we can see & empathize with a 19/21 yr old white kid who harmed others but not black kids who are harmed.
LiqMadiq I am not saying you are guilty of this but your comment just triggered this response.
I didn’t even read all of that. I never said he shouldn’t be punished and go to jail for crashing a boat drunk and killing a girl. I said he and especially his mother didn’t “deserve to be murdered” like the person I replied to and asked the question said. If he ran from cops and pulled a gun on them I absolutely think they should have shot his ass. But go ahead and turn it into a race thing if you must. On second thought, just STFU.
This thread is about solving the murders on the internet via sharing rumors, innuendo, facts, new articles and family history.

You woke nerds and Tucker Carlson viewers are ruining it....(And I love Tucker)

Lets solve this murder on the internet with more gossip...

Take the societal issues or lib talking points or Tucker shit somewhere else, You losers are ruining the thread
Then there's the facts that 94% or more of black people are killed by other black people and black people kill twice as many white people as white people kill black people despite making up only 13% of the population versus white people being roughly 62% of the population. Anyone who interjects race into every conversation is probably ignorant of the facts or just in denial.
Tangential to this thread -

The debate here is cause and effect. Why are those numbers so disparate?

I think (I hope) most people today can confidently say that it isn't inherently due to the color of one's skin at birth (nature), but more the environment they are subjected to (nurture). Furthermore, there is no denying the discrimination of and disparate nature of opportunity in the USA for race/minorities, gender, and other typologies (sexual orientation, etc.).

Anyone who thinks we don't have a race problem in the US is probably ignorant of the facts or just in denial, whether it belongs in any conversation or not. This is likely why it gets brought up as often as it does. The problem is obvious, and the causes are so complex that it gets theorized and discussed ad nauseam.
Alright....back to the murders. Any new leads on this? Is it not odd that no one has been arrested??? It's been four days with nothing from the police outside of there is no danger to the community.
It’s hard to get away with something like this in today’s world. Everyone has cameras everywhere and you can bet the Murdaugh farm had them all over the place. If these heinous actions were done off camera, you can bet it was because someone was extremely familiar with the property and where something like this could happen off camera.
Here's my wild speculation of what happened based on nothing else than watching Zero Zero Zero, The Godfather, The Zodiac Killer, and Mindhunter plus my awful imagination:

A two-person team is watching the 4147 Moselle Road property. The target is Paul M. They wait until twilight ends - 8:56:43 pm and cause a ruckus by the dog kennels to get Paul out of the house. They shoot the dogs, Paul comes running, and one of them shoots him with a shotgun.

Why use a shotgun? So he can't have an open casket. See Godfather when Vito takes Sonny to Amerigo Bonasera's funeral home.

The poor mother, hearing shots fired, races out of the house to investigate carrying a firearm. Being a mama bear, she starts popping off shots at the perps. Backup guy, carrying an AR, has no choice but to shoot the mom. Why? they don't want to get shot, and they need at least 22 minutes to get to 95. Then they drove south on 95, into GA to cross jurisdictions, and they disposed of the guns in chimneys in an Italian neighborhood during the Feast of San Gennaro.

Another crime podcast guess - Mallory Beach's family is not involved. However, I would look at all civil cases against the family that have been settled. Someone felt that justice needed to be served vigilante style.

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