If you are going to be bring race into it, bring the whole picture and let’s have the whole discussion.It amazes me how people can excuse a 21 yr old from murder for being immature & childish. Yet others blame 17 yr olds when they are gunned down because they make a bad decision to run from a cop or reach for a cellphone or disobey an officer. Or in the case of Trayvon Martin & Ahmad Aubree. In these cases, there are always "well the victim should have x,y,z anf they wouldn't have lost their life". But in this case, he was a kid, it was a stupid mistake, etc...but the dude killed a whole human & injured others, not because he was defending himself but be because he decided to get drunk & riot a bar, assault a few folks, drive under the influence & killed & injure others & yet we have all kinds of excuses & can empathize. The guy was going to get off with probably no consequences too because of family connections.
Baffles me we can see & empathize with a 19/21 yr old white kid who harmed others but not black kids who are harmed.
LiqMadiq I am not saying you are guilty of this but your comment just triggered this response.
this happens every freaking day in New York and Chicago and no one blinks an eye.
At least white people are up in arms over losing people and don’t accept it as normalcy.
when 75 people are shot in one weekend in one area of a city and all of one race and no one cares …. Don’t blame the white man, look in the mirror.
let’s leave race out of this