Something don’t feel right about daddy
Was coming to post this. Pretty tacky in my opinion.
i asked this on the mainboard but would the family have to give their blessing for that which would be weird i know, or is she just free to cover a funeral and put it on blast? tacky i agree
I'll add to the rumor mill.... From what I just heard.

So Paul and his mom got into a big argument. Paul is a hot head that had a problem with alcohol and drugs and had some mental issues.

Paul left the house a good ways and in his manic rage (presumably on drugs/drunk) killed his mom from a distance with a rifle.

The dad gets home and finds Paul with the rifle and dead wife.

Dad kills son with shotgun.

Now....Again that's all rumor mill but that would explain why there have been no arrests made and yet there is no threat to the public. SLED has gone on record saying there is no active search. The father more than likely admitted to killing the son but probably claimed self defense. If it's really just the 3 of them and no other witnesses then it's all word of mouth testimony and the only one standing is the Dad. If that's the case there may never be charges and we may never know if the dad was telling the truth or if he made up the whole story. Who knows. Maybe the person who told me that was just fueling the rumor fires and was wrong.
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I'll add to the rumor mill.... From what I just heard.

So Paul and his mom got into a big argument. Paul is a hot head that had a problem with alcohol and drugs and had some mental issues.

Paul left the house a good ways and in his manic rage (presumably on drugs/drunk) killed his mom from a distance with a rifle.

The dad gets home and finds Paul with the rifle and dead wife.

Dad kills son with shotgun.

Now....Again that's all rumor mill but that would explain why there have been no arrests made and yet there is no threat to the public. SLED has gone on record saying there is no active search. The father more than likely admitted to killing the son but probably claimed self defense. If it's really just the 3 of them and no other witnesses then it's all word of mouth testimony and the only one standing is the Dad. If that's the case there may never be charges and we may never know if the dad was telling the truth or if he made up the whole story. Who knows. Maybe the person who told me that was just fueling the rumor fires and was wrong.

Hard to keep up with the facts at this point. But didnt someone say that both died in a 30 minute window and the father has an alibi? If true, I find it hard to believe this scenario played out in such a close time proximity.
Hard to keep up with the facts at this point. But didnt someone say that both died in a 30 minute window and the father has an alibi? If true, I find it hard to believe this scenario played out in such a close time proximity.
Only the alibi is also dead...

so many different scenarios could be in play.

Don’t mean to be cold hearted, but if the news outlets hadn’t propped up every person with the last name Murdaugh as being “prominent”, nobody would give a $hit.
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I'll add to the rumor mill.... From what I just heard.

So Paul and his mom got into a big argument. Paul is a hot head that had a problem with alcohol and drugs and had some mental issues.

Paul left the house a good ways and in his manic rage (presumably on drugs/drunk) killed his mom from a distance with a rifle.

The dad gets home and finds Paul with the rifle and dead wife.

Dad kills son with shotgun.

Now....Again that's all rumor mill but that would explain why there have been no arrests made and yet there is no threat to the public. SLED has gone on record saying there is no active search. The father more than likely admitted to killing the son but probably claimed self defense. If it's really just the 3 of them and no other witnesses then it's all word of mouth testimony and the only one standing is the Dad. If that's the case there may never be charges and we may never know if the dad was telling the truth or if he made up the whole story. Who knows. Maybe the person who told me that was just fueling the rumor fires and was wrong.

How does anyone know they got in a big argument if both are dead?
i asked this on the mainboard but would the family have to give their blessing for that which would be weird i know, or is she just free to cover a funeral and put it on blast? tacky i agree
Had this happen at a funeral in the upstate a few years ago. Reporter (AI/Greenville News) was walking around in the parking lot behind the funeral home asking people their relationship to the deceased. She comes up to me and I ignored her. Funeral home staff came out and asked her to leave shortly there after.

After the service, on my way to another funeral home, there’s a picture of me and my 7-year old on the front page of the online edition.

I get that it’s a big story but these types of things should be off limits.
Had this happen at a funeral in the upstate a few years ago. Reporter (AI/Greenville News) was walking around in the parking lot behind the funeral home asking people their relationship to the deceased. She comes up to me and I ignored her. Funeral home staff came out and asked her to leave shortly there after.

After the service, on my way to another funeral home, there’s a picture of me and my 7-year old on the front page of the online edition.

I get that it’s a big story but these types of things should be off limits.

Paparazzi level sh*t IMO
Some people truly believe that through some special circumstance they are above the common man and not beholden to the regular rules of society. Epstein, Trump, Clinton, Madoff, Kennedy - they’re all cut from the same arrogant cloth.
In a similar way, many of these sort of small pond rednecks think and act in the same way. All of these towns house a collection of “old money” Southern aristocrats who think their bloodlines entitle them to a different set of rules. And unfortunately many of their neighbors go along with it and keep them propped up in awe for generations. If you grew up here, it’s just part of the landscape. But if you moved these fools 250 miles in any direction and took away their trust fund, they’d be as average as the next bum on the street.
Momma says, "If his name wasn't <fill in the blanks>, he'd have it on his shirt."
I'll add to the rumor mill.... From what I just heard.

So Paul and his mom got into a big argument. Paul is a hot head that had a problem with alcohol and drugs and had some mental issues.

Paul left the house a good ways and in his manic rage (presumably on drugs/drunk) killed his mom from a distance with a rifle.

The dad gets home and finds Paul with the rifle and dead wife.

Dad kills son with shotgun.

Now....Again that's all rumor mill but that would explain why there have been no arrests made and yet there is no threat to the public. SLED has gone on record saying there is no active search. The father more than likely admitted to killing the son but probably claimed self defense. If it's really just the 3 of them and no other witnesses then it's all word of mouth testimony and the only one standing is the Dad. If that's the case there may never be charges and we may never know if the dad was telling the truth or if he made up the whole story. Who knows. Maybe the person who told me that was just fueling the rumor fires and was wrong.
This has already been posted in this thread ad nauseum

Ironic that you say we will never know if he is telling the truth. After all the bulls-t scheming, lying and manipulating that SOB has done in his life, who the hell would believe anything he said. He is the root cause of all these deaths raising a maniac with a violent alter ego and getting him out of every violent thing he has ever done.
Had this happen at a funeral in the upstate a few years ago. Reporter (AI/Greenville News) was walking around in the parking lot behind the funeral home asking people their relationship to the deceased. She comes up to me and I ignored her. Funeral home staff came out and asked her to leave shortly there after.

After the service, on my way to another funeral home, there’s a picture of me and my 7-year old on the front page of the online edition.

I get that it’s a big story but these types of things should be off limits.
Wait…after the service you were on the way to another funeral home? Are you the funeral home staff?
Suspects based on this thread:

- The dad
- Ppl seeking vengeance for Mallory Beach
- Ppl seeking vengeance for the nanny
- Ppl seeking vengeance for the boy that was beat to death
- Pretty much anyone who has worked for them for awhile
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This has already been posted in this thread ad nauseum

Ironic that you say we will never know if he is telling the truth. After all the bulls-t scheming, lying and manipulating that SOB has done in his life, who the hell would believe anything he said. He is the root cause of all these deaths raising a maniac with a violent alter ego and getting him out of every violent thing he has ever done.
certainly some things to consider, awkward as the timing may be
What’s gonna be “disappointing” to a bunch of folks following this is the likely scenario that findings are kept quiet and no one is arrested like some want.

I have absolutely no knowledge of the situation, but just seems it’s likely at this point.
There’s no doubt. I can see this being an “ongoing investigation” forever. Which makes no sense because they said there is no danger to the public so they obviously knew something early on. It is what is it is though when you have powerful people involved
Correct on the facts and likely on final resolution. The issue is that the manslaughter charge is pretty broad. Causing a death of another after knowingly engaging in another illegal act should carry greater charges, just like an incidental death during a robbery leads to a murder charge. The former defendant was willingly and knowingly violating at least 2 other laws that directly contributed to the death. This is not quite the same as an incidental death.
I agree. Just didn’t want to get too bogged down in the minutia.
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I'll add to the rumor mill.... From what I just heard.

So Paul and his mom got into a big argument. Paul is a hot head that had a problem with alcohol and drugs and had some mental issues.

Paul left the house a good ways and in his manic rage (presumably on drugs/drunk) killed his mom from a distance with a rifle.

The dad gets home and finds Paul with the rifle and dead wife.

Dad kills son with shotgun.

Now....Again that's all rumor mill but that would explain why there have been no arrests made and yet there is no threat to the public. SLED has gone on record saying there is no active search. The father more than likely admitted to killing the son but probably claimed self defense. If it's really just the 3 of them and no other witnesses then it's all word of mouth testimony and the only one standing is the Dad. If that's the case there may never be charges and we may never know if the dad was telling the truth or if he made up the whole story. Who knows. Maybe the person who told me that was just fueling the rumor fires and was wrong.
So he double taps his son in the chest and face from close range with a shotgun? That’s pretty cold-blooded.
? has been posted that Paul/Timmy was found tied to a chair and apparently killed execution style.....has this been dispelled, because if it is true then it would be hard for the present theory of father walking up and shooting the kid to be true. Father also could not claim self defense
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So he double taps his son in the chest and face from close range with a shotgun? That’s pretty cold-blooded.
Did the police or SLED release any official information other than the 2 had been shot to death and that there was no danger to public or active search? Everything else is from unnamed sources and less than credible news outlets.
One ? has been posted that Paul/Timmy was founded to a chair and apparently killed execution style.....has this been dispelled, because if it is true then it would be hard for the present theory of father walking up and shooting the kid to be true. Father also could not claim self defense
I thought initially I read they were found on the property by a gate. Was the chair outside?
Cmon One ? has been posted that Paul/Timmy was founded to a chair and apparently killed execution style.....has this been dispelled, because if it is true then it would be hard for the present theory of father walking up and shooting the kid to be true. Father also could not claim self defense
Not hard to tie a person to a chair that is already dead. No idea if thats even true but not a hard task.
It's actually simple to figure out.

SLED knows what guns were used because they have them.

SLED knows that there is no danger to the public because they know with certainty what happened.

Notice there has been no announcement that "the suspect or suspects are still at large. If you've seen anything, no matter how minor you think it is, report it. If you know anything, report it." Etc., etc.

If this was a hit, revenge or any of the other theories floating around, you would have heard that announcement.

I find three likely possibilities:

1) Murder / suicide
2) Murder / self defense by mother
3) Murder / self defense by father or other third party.

The most likely is number one.

I know nothing other than what I read in the papers but that's my take.

Family doesn't want the info released and there is no one they are looking for and no one to arrest.
It's actually simple to figure out.

SLED knows what guns were used because they have them.

SLED knows that there is no danger to the public because they know with certainty what happened.

Notice there has been no announcement that "the suspect or suspects are still at large. If you've seen anything, no matter how minor you think it is, report it. If you know anything, report it." Etc., etc.

If this was a hit, revenge or any of the other theories floating around, you would have heard that announcement.

I find three likely possibilities:

1) Murder / suicide
2) Murder / self defense by mother
3) Murder / self defense by father or other third party.

The most likely is number one.

I know nothing other than what I read in the papers but that's my take.

Family doesn't want the info released and there is no one they are looking for and no one to arrest.
Only thing about option 1 is if the reports are true about each victim having multiple gunshot wounds.
Only thing about option 1 is if the reports are true about each victim having multiple gunshot wounds.

I have read that on here but I didn't see it anywhere else. If true, it certainly moves scenario one down the list.
One victim can have multiples but very unlikely both.
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It's actually simple to figure out.

SLED knows what guns were used because they have them.

SLED knows that there is no danger to the public because they know with certainty what happened.

Notice there has been no announcement that "the suspect or suspects are still at large. If you've seen anything, no matter how minor you think it is, report it. If you know anything, report it." Etc., etc.

If this was a hit, revenge or any of the other theories floating around, you would have heard that announcement.

I find three likely possibilities:

1) Murder / suicide
2) Murder / self defense by mother
3) Murder / self defense by father or other third party.

The most likely is number one.

I know nothing other than what I read in the papers but that's my take.

Family doesn't want the info released and there is no one they are looking for and no one to arrest.
You could know it’s not a crime that the public should be concerned about based on certain evidence at the crime scene - messages left behind, display of the bodies, etc. that it was a targeted intentional act but still not know enough with respect to motive and opportunity to have a clear thesis as to your suspect. You have two or more suspects in this case for a revenge killing, for instance. But the evidence may not point directly to a specific suspect.

Also, everyone should really ignore all this public crap right now because the head fakes from LOE can be tremendous. Sherrif Wells and Chief Stewart knew about a few hours into the Susan Smith investigation that her story didn’t work and she was their primary suspect but let the manhunt ruse continue because it made it easier to continue questioning her and gave Wells and SLED the time and air cover needed to gather the evidence and let her talk.

To be clear, I’m not at all saying Alec did anything - I’ll be stunned - but it would be nothing for law enforcement to contradict themselves in the end because their current public line and their leaked information served the interest of the investigation at the present time.
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You could know it’s not a crime that the public should be concerned about based on certain evidence at the crime scene - messages left behind, display of the bodies, etc. that it was a targeted intentional act but still not know enough with respect to motive and opportunity to have a clear thesis as to your suspect. You have two or more suspects in this case for a revenge killing, for instance. But the evidence may not point directly to a specific suspect.

Also, everyone should really ignore all this public crap right now because the head fakes from LOE can be tremendous. Sherrif Wells and Chief Stewart knew about a few hours into the Susan Smith investigation that her story didn’t work and she was their primary suspect but let the manhunt ruse continue because it made it easier to continue questioning her and gave Wells and SLED the time and air cover needed to gather the evidence and let her talk.

To be clear, I’m not at all saying Alec did anything - I’ll be stunned - but it would be nothing for law enforcement to contradict themselves in the end because their current public line and their leaked information served the interest of the investigation at the present time.

Well, they better be very damn sure about that if they are going to stress on multiple occasions that the public has nothing to worry about.

You wouldn't want to be on the hot seat at SLED if some assassins ambushed another family.

Even if it was a double murder by another family member, SLED wouldn't have any confidence that he couldn't go off again while they build a case. Like I said, they better be very, very damn sure about it.

That is what leads me to think murder/suicide is most plausible.
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Well, they better be very damn sure about that if they are going to stress on multiple occasions that the public has nothing to worry about.

You wouldn't want to be on the hot seat at SLED if some assassins ambushed another family.

Even if it was a double murder by another family member, SLED wouldn't have any confidence that he couldn't go off again while they build a case. Like I said, they better be very, very damn sure about it.

That is what leads me to think murder/suicide is most plausible.
“Paul Murdaugh and Maggie Murdaugh were both killed “execution-style””

“The case is being investigated as a double homicide, not a rumored “murder-suicide””
“Paul Murdaugh and Maggie Murdaugh were both killed “execution-style””

“The case is being investigated as a double homicide, not a rumored “murder-suicide””
Are those quotes from the police?
Are those quotes from the police?
The coroner.

“Harvey said the bodies were found outside the residence, near a dog kennel, according to the Hampton County Guardian. Both apparently died as a result of multiple gunshot wounds.”
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