Very much so weird that he’s wearing different clothes. But damn he’s seemed normal and regular guy in the videos to be about to shot your son in the head and blast your wife. I know people are bad in the world and he’s don’t some messed up stuff but
Maybe. All I saw in court was a friend of the family say he was almost positive that he heard AM on the video, then he was 99% sure then he was 100% sure it was him.
Maybe that means he’s cooked. I don’t think he is just yet.
Again, I believe he did it or likely had help. But this isn’t a shut and close and as easy as people like the think. It’s far from it at this moment in time. If today is beyond reasonable doubt enough for you then I’m not sure what to say.
But. Maybe he’s cooked..
I need to meet with you two gentleman. I’ve got some wonderful wooden nickels that will be worth more than the real thing that I need to sell you. Let’s set up a meeting!