Biden approval rate at 63%.

@nytigerfan is getting at you guys good. Even he doesn’t believe Biden is doing a good job nor the relatively useless stats skewed by the pandemic.

Here’s one you can take for what it’s worth. Basically, unemployment is down because people have given up looking.

The labor force participation rate was unchanged at 61.6 percent in October 2021 and has remained within a narrow range of 61.4 percent to 61.7 percent since June 2020.

I think you're sadly mistaken about what he believes. But you're also right about what you posted. Funny thing about facts is they're not something you can escape.
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@nytigerfan is getting at you guys good. Even he doesn’t believe Biden is doing a good job nor the relatively useless stats skewed by the pandemic.

Here’s one you can take for what it’s worth. Basically, unemployment is down because people have given up looking.

The labor force participation rate was unchanged at 61.6 percent in October 2021 and has remained within a narrow range of 61.4 percent to 61.7 percent since June 2020.

So he gets no credit for reaching 4.6 unemployment two years ahead of schedule? No credit for average hourly earnings increasing by 4.9 percent over the last 12 months? No credit for the DOW hitting an all time record? No credit for the infrastructure bill that will add 800,000 jobs by 2025?

Just because you don't want to give him any credit doesn't mean he hasn't earned it. We were told for a year before the election that the economy and the stock market would crash if he got elected. He's obviously outperformed the expectations so far, though I know you won't admit that.
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These numbers will rebound. Hell Reagan had a 42% approval rating his first year in office. The dems just have a messaging problem, and they are letting the haters control the dialogue.

These are the facts and they are indisputable.

Comparing Oct 2020 to Oct 2021

Wages up 9.5%
Unemployment down 38.5%
GDP up over 100%
Stock Market up 23%
Consumer spending up 10%
Record number of jobs added in the first 9 months

Yes. inflation is up 5.4%, but that will also improve over time. And wage growth is still outpacing it.
This should age well!
So he gets no credit for reaching 4.6 unemployment two years ahead of schedule? No credit for average hourly earnings increasing by 4.9 percent over the last 12 months? No credit for the DOW hitting an all time record? No credit for the infrastructure bill that will add 800,000 jobs by 2025?

Just because you don't want to give him any credit doesn't mean he hasn't earned it. We were told for a year before the election that the economy and the stock market would crash if he got elected. He's obviously outperformed the expectations so far, though I know you won't admit that.

Definitely surprised at how well the market has done.

As I pointed out in the previous post though, the unemployment rate you have harped on a few times now is a result in people giving up the search. Labor participation is barely changed since last summer.

Wage isn’t Biden either. It’s labor shortage (lower supply - see paragraph above).

But hey, I’ll applaud a few things. Seems he has abandoned increasing taxes on my family. Inflation is triggering a nice jump in tax brackets, which will actually save us money. Market is booming. Lockdowns and virtual work have turbocharged higher end real estate around me. Overindexing on the pandemic pandemonium has actually helped my industry. His horrible approval likely paves the way for a GOP recapture of congress as well.

So sure, great job Joe!
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Definitely surprised at how well the market has done.

As I pointed out in the previous post though, the unemployment rate you have harped on a few times now is a result in people giving up the search. Labor participation is barely changed since last summer.

Wage isn’t Biden either. It’s labor shortage (lower supply - see paragraph above).

But hey, I’ll applaud a few things. Seems he has abandoned increasing taxes on my family. Inflation is triggering a nice jump in tax brackets, which will actually save us money. Market is booming. Lockdowns and virtual work have turbocharged higher end real estate around me. Overindexing on the pandemic pandemonium has actually helped my industry. His horrible approval likely paves the way for a GOP recapture of the senate as well.

So sure, great job Joe!
You should thank him for helping you get that Grady White ;)
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You are really trying hard. Given that inflation numbers were corrupted by both sides and no longer include gas prices, these numbers are quite disputable. And the starting point being used is nothing so really the numbers should be up about two or three times that much. In short, what you posted is what amounts to a deceit or an attempt to color something in a way that will cover up just how bad things are.

That said, I would encourage you to keep going and keep touting all this. Please shout it from the tops of mountains and buildings. Keep on believing this and being a person blinded by partisanship. I would love that! When asked what Joe Biden should do to help the country next year, the number one answer was resign/quit.

Can't say I have seen that before. :) But never mind them, I am certain you are right that things are just great! Filling a 15 gallon tank of gas is costing people over $20 more this year than last year. That's never a winning strategy. I am so glad you don't see that though. I hope the rest of the people like you don't see it either.

From CNBC:
Fuel oil prices soared 12.3% for the month, part of a 59.1% increase over the past year. Energy prices overall rose 4.8% in October and are up 30% for the 12-month period.

Used vehicle prices again were a big contributor, rising 2.5% on the month and 26.4% for the year. New vehicle prices were up 1.4% and 9.8% respectively.

Food prices also showed a sizeable bounce, up 0.9% and 5.3% respectively. Within the food category, meat, poultry, fish and eggs collectively rose 1.7% for the month and 11.9% year over year.
Thank goodness all those poor people they care so much about don't have food or energy costs, lol. If you are really poor, food/energy/gas costs a are huge percentage of your costs. Yeah, way to help all those poor people, Joe!
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@nytigerfan is getting at you guys good. Even he doesn’t believe Biden is doing a good job nor the relatively useless stats skewed by the pandemic.

Here’s one you can take for what it’s worth. Basically, unemployment is down because people have given up looking.

The labor force participation rate was unchanged at 61.6 percent in October 2021 and has remained within a narrow range of 61.4 percent to 61.7 percent since June 2020.

You can't fudge or manipulate the labor rate. Really wish we would switch over to this as a means to measure employment and move away from unemployment.
Biden had his jimmy carter moment yesterday. Lamenting gas prices. Look for talks of price controls in the next couple days. Evil capitalists.
You should thank him for helping you get that Grady White ;)

Don’t have a GW and actually bought my boat under Obama, so perhaps VP Joe is to thank since obviously “I didn’t build that.”

Several projects ahead of a boat this year. Always looking for that next one though…
You can't fudge or manipulate the labor rate. Really wish we would switch over to this as a means to measure employment and move away from unemployment.

It’s a better measure for sure. For example, the federal government could hand out money, people stop looking for ways to actually earn money and voila, unemployment rates go down.

Labor participation had been declining since dot com. Trump was the first president to have it trending in a positive direction before the pandemic.
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@nytigerfan is getting at you guys good. Even he doesn’t believe Biden is doing a good job nor the relatively useless stats skewed by the pandemic.

Here’s one you can take for what it’s worth. Basically, unemployment is down because people have given up looking.

The labor force participation rate was unchanged at 61.6 percent in October 2021 and has remained within a narrow range of 61.4 percent to 61.7 percent since June 2020.

My job here is to expose the blatant hypocrisy of the Trump loving yokels. Your little statistic there is a perfect example. The unemployment numbers are perfectly fine when a republican is in office, but as soon as a dem takes the oval office all of a sudden those numbers are not good enough anymore. Candidate Trump railed against those numbers when Obama was president, and then he got elected and immediately changed his tune (as did you and others).

“I talked to the President prior to this and he said to quote him very clearly: ‘They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now,’ ” Spicer said Friday from the White House podium, hours after the government announced 235,000 new jobs in February and a dip in the unemployment rate to 4.7% from 4.8%.

You and I both know that if Trump was reelected (note: he was not @TigerGrowls, he in fact got his ass handed to him) that the yokels like @jakefest would be on here quoting the same stats I quoted above and using them to say how great he is. And for sure the inflation would be all COVID's fault.

I just can't understand why you all are so quick to use COVID as an excuse for Trump but Biden gets zero deference for the fact he is dealing with the same shit.

And dont give me your bullshit about policies. Republican economic policies failed under Bush, they failed in Kansas. On the other hand dem economic policies did quite well under Clinton and Obama.

Tribalism at its worst.
You and I both know that if Trump was reelected (note: he was not @TigerGrowls, he in fact got his ass handed to him) that the yokels like @jakefest would be on here quoting the same stats I quoted above and using them to say how great he is. And for sure the inflation would be all COVID's fault.

I hate to say this but you're right about this. However, I am pretty certain we wouldn't have the same levels of inflation. The reason is that Trump was for drilling for oil and being energy independent. Biden is not. This is the place from which a lot of this flows. It's why the decision was made to take fuel costs out of the calculation for inflation because those increases will appear in inflation numbers through every product and service we use. Biden has gone to great lengths to stop fuel production in the United States. The inflation is part of the price we are paying for that.

The other big issue is the shipping situation. Turns out when you scare the crap out of people about COVID and then give them money to not work, they don't work. When you add the vaccine requirements on top of that, you come up with even more labor problems. You also have the demand for workers that I believe you mentioned which will create a rising wage situation which is great but there's a catch. When prices rise faster than wages, it's not good for people. That's pretty elementary economics and it's what we have now.

One thing a President could do is take every step possible to work with Congress to reduce pressures on prices. That just hasn't happened here because a large part of the Democratic Party sees this time as an opportunity to transform much of how America does things to their leftist ways. Just as when Republicans take power the Freedom Caucus in the House starts their crap and blows everything up for Republicans. Thanks to all the gerrymandering, we have some pretty extreme people in the House for both parties and it's NOT GOOD for the country at all.

Trump managed COVID horribly. Biden is even worse. A lot of this is because you can't manage something like this. You just have to get through it. A virus like this is going to spread and do what viruses do and there's not a lot we can do about that. What we can do, we've tried. The problem I have with Democrats is they have enacted so many power grab policies and just won't stop fear mongering about the virus. The reality is in the data. None of these policies have stopped or mitigated the spread of the virus. Yet they want to stay in a crisis situation because of the power it provides so many. The crisis is over. The pandemic is over. This is an endemic virus that we're going to have to live with. It's well past time to realize that and move on. Biden said he would crush the virus. That's why he's on the hook for this failure.

Lastly, on both sides there are a lot of people that need to let go of Trump. He lost. He lost badly. He was not a very good President. We can find someone so much better. Hopefully Trump never comes back. Let's get over it and move forward. He's not the savior and he's not the bogeyman. He's just a jackass who was president for 4 years, ran the worst campaign I have ever seen and lost to a mindless, walking dead person who was living in his basement. No thank you to that ever again!
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I hate to say this but you're right about this. However, I am pretty certain we wouldn't have the same levels of inflation. The reason is that Trump was for drilling for oil and being energy independent. Biden is not. This is the place from which a lot of this flows. It's why the decision was made to take fuel costs out of the calculation for inflation because those increases will appear in inflation numbers through every product and service we use. Biden has gone to great lengths to stop fuel production in the United States. The inflation is part of the price we are paying for that.

The other big issue is the shipping situation. Turns out when you scare the crap out of people about COVID and then give them money to not work, they don't work. When you add the vaccine requirements on top of that, you come up with even more labor problems. You also have the demand for workers that I believe you mentioned which will create a rising wage situation which is great but there's a catch. When prices rise faster than wages, it's not good for people. That's pretty elementary economics and it's what we have now.

One thing a President could do is take every step possible to work with Congress to reduce pressures on prices. That just hasn't happened here because a large part of the Democratic Party sees this time as an opportunity to transform much of how America does things to their leftist ways. Just as when Republicans take power the Freedom Caucus in the House starts their crap and blows everything up for Republicans. Thanks to all the gerrymandering, we have some pretty extreme people in the House for both parties and it's NOT GOOD for the country at all.

Trump managed COVID horribly. Biden is even worse. A lot of this is because you can't manage something like this. You just have to get through it. A virus like this is going to spread and do what viruses do and there's not a lot we can do about that. What we can do, we've tried. The problem I have with Democrats is they have enacted so many power grab policies and just won't stop fear mongering about the virus. The reality is in the data. None of these policies have stopped or mitigated the spread of the virus. Yet they want to stay in a crisis situation because of the power it provides so many. The crisis is over. The pandemic is over. This is an endemic virus that we're going to have to live with. It's well past time to realize that and move on. Biden said he would crush the virus. That's why he's on the hook for this failure.

Lastly, on both sides there are a lot of people that need to let go of Trump. He lost. He lost badly. He was not a very good President. We can find someone so much better. Hopefully Trump never comes back. Let's get over it and move forward. He's not the savior and he's not the bogeyman. He's just a jackass who was president for 4 years, ran the worst campaign I have ever seen and lost to a mindless, walking dead person who was living in his basement. No thank you to that ever again!

Biden has gone to great lengths to stop fuel production in the United States.

That is simply not true. What has he done to stop oil production in the US? The keystone pipeline? That was just going to transport canadian oil to us. 60 day ban on new leases on federal land? The oil companies already had a stockpile of federal leases to use this year.

Much like everything else we are enduring as downstream negative impact of COVID, you all just want to blame Biden for it when the most of this happened in 2020. Yes, Trump deserves credit for making the US more energy independent. But the crash in domestic oil production also happened on his watch. To be fair, I dont know what he could have done about it other than bailing out domestic oil producers.

As always, you will give Trump a pass because of covid. But Biden does not get the same treatment. Tribalism.

This is from Forbes (liberal rag!):

In January 2020, just before the Covid-19 pandemic began to sweep across the U.S., domestic oil production was 12.8 million barrels per day (BPD). Production remained at that level for a couple of months despite the double-whammy of a price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, and growing demand destruction as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

But the situation was untenable. The price of oil eventually fell to zero and then kept going. That forced some producers into bankruptcy, resulting in the largest short-term oil production drop in U.S. history.

Production declined all the way to 9.7 million BPD in May 2020 (which was the month after oil prices went negative), but has since bounced back to 11.3 million BPD.

Meanwhile, U.S. oil demand has jumped back above 21.8 million BPD, which is where it was prior to the Covid-induced plunge. This loss of supply and recovery of demand is the biggest reason we have $80/bbl oil today when it was only $60/bbl just before the pandemic.
Biden has gone to great lengths to stop fuel production in the United States.

That is simply not true. What has he done to stop oil production in the US? The keystone pipeline? That was just going to transport canadian oil to us. 60 day ban on new leases on federal land? The oil companies already had a stockpile of federal leases to use this year.

Much like everything else we are enduring as downstream negative impact of COVID, you all just want to blame Biden for it when the most of this happened in 2020. Yes, Trump deserves credit for making the US more energy independent. But the crash in domestic oil production also happened on his watch. To be fair, I dont know what he could have done about it other than bailing out domestic oil producers.

As always, you will give Trump a pass because of covid. But Biden does not get the same treatment. Tribalism.

This is from Forbes (liberal rag!):

In January 2020, just before the Covid-19 pandemic began to sweep across the U.S., domestic oil production was 12.8 million barrels per day (BPD). Production remained at that level for a couple of months despite the double-whammy of a price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, and growing demand destruction as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

But the situation was untenable. The price of oil eventually fell to zero and then kept going. That forced some producers into bankruptcy, resulting in the largest short-term oil production drop in U.S. history.

Production declined all the way to 9.7 million BPD in May 2020 (which was the month after oil prices went negative), but has since bounced back to 11.3 million BPD.

Meanwhile, U.S. oil demand has jumped back above 21.8 million BPD, which is where it was prior to the Covid-induced plunge. This loss of supply and recovery of demand is the biggest reason we have $80/bbl oil today when it was only $60/bbl just before the pandemic.

In 2019 we produced just over 4.4m barrels of oil. Biden signed an EO banning new leases for oil, gas and fracking on federal lands back in January As you noted, it was a 60 day ban. I really don't know if he extended that ban or not. I do know a lot of environmental groups are not terribly happy with him because he hasn't done more. Partly as a result of this action, our oil production has lagged behind by about 50,000 barrels a month this year. That's the difference between being an importer and an exporter of oil.

The bigger issue is that competitive pressure has subsided because of all the policies angled toward limiting oil and gas production in the United States. Now the oil industry is sitting back and raking it in as a reaction to the actions and the general stance of the current administration. Trump was an enemy to that industry because oil become too cheap and it severely impaired their earning potential. Plus Biden's policies toward the fossil fuel industry have depressed investment because they really don't know what to expect going forward. We keep going back and forth with these wild swings and it's just not good for anyone.

I would posit that we need some generally held national strategies toward defense, energy production, climate, etc. that both parties can agree to and sustain. What we're doing now is creating massive issues. The last president was drill baby drill and this one is the opposite. I believe Biden's climate conscious viewpoint is part of why he won so he has every right to enact policies toward that end. However, I would suggest that coming out of the pandemic wasn't the best time for this. But we know Democrats will never let a crisis go to waste in terms of taking radical actions. We're now paying the price for some of this albeit not necessarily from direct action on the part of this administration. I'm sure you recognize that the business community watches our government and they will form strategies on that basis.
Just fricking crushing it. The American people got this one right.

In the fourth month of his presidency, Biden’s overall approval rating sits at 63%. When it comes to the new Democratic president’s handling of the pandemic, 71% of Americans approve, including 47% of Republicans.

This didn't age well
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These numbers will rebound. Hell Reagan had a 42% approval rating his first year in office. The dems just have a messaging problem, and they are letting the haters control the dialogue.

These are the facts and they are indisputable.

Comparing Oct 2020 to Oct 2021

Wages up 9.5%
Unemployment down 38.5%
GDP up over 100%
Stock Market up 23%
Consumer spending up 10%
Record number of jobs added in the first 9 months

Yes. inflation is up 5.4%, but that will also improve over time. And wage growth is still outpacing it.
The dems have a policy problem and a crazy problem! You can put as much lip stick on a pig as you is still a pig. Their ideas suck.
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My job here is to expose the blatant hypocrisy of the Trump loving yokels. Your little statistic there is a perfect example. The unemployment numbers are perfectly fine when a republican is in office, but as soon as a dem takes the oval office all of a sudden those numbers are not good enough anymore. Candidate Trump railed against those numbers when Obama was president, and then he got elected and immediately changed his tune (as did you and others).

“I talked to the President prior to this and he said to quote him very clearly: ‘They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now,’ ” Spicer said Friday from the White House podium, hours after the government announced 235,000 new jobs in February and a dip in the unemployment rate to 4.7% from 4.8%.

You and I both know that if Trump was reelected (note: he was not @TigerGrowls, he in fact got his ass handed to him) that the yokels like @jakefest would be on here quoting the same stats I quoted above and using them to say how great he is. And for sure the inflation would be all COVID's fault.

I just can't understand why you all are so quick to use COVID as an excuse for Trump but Biden gets zero deference for the fact he is dealing with the same shit.

And dont give me your bullshit about policies. Republican economic policies failed under Bush, they failed in Kansas. On the other hand dem economic policies did quite well under Clinton and Obama.

Tribalism at its worst.
Friendly reminder that the left used Covid as a political weapon all through 2020……you don’t get the courtesy of using it as an excuse when you didn’t give the same courtesy to the previous admin.

Even you are smart enough to get that.

Also, if you’re only comparing those data points to 2020 then of course it looks like an improvement. Go back and compare against 2018 and 2019.

Lastly, I believe it was you that said the stock market wasn’t an indication of a healthy economy when DT was the president …….but from Biden’s perspective, let’s see where you are when it corrects next year.
My job here is to expose the blatant hypocrisy of the Trump loving yokels. Your little statistic there is a perfect example. The unemployment numbers are perfectly fine when a republican is in office, but as soon as a dem takes the oval office all of a sudden those numbers are not good enough anymore. Candidate Trump railed against those numbers when Obama was president, and then he got elected and immediately changed his tune (as did you and others).

“I talked to the President prior to this and he said to quote him very clearly: ‘They may have been phony in the past, but it’s very real now,’ ” Spicer said Friday from the White House podium, hours after the government announced 235,000 new jobs in February and a dip in the unemployment rate to 4.7% from 4.8%.

You and I both know that if Trump was reelected (note: he was not @TigerGrowls, he in fact got his ass handed to him) that the yokels like @jakefest would be on here quoting the same stats I quoted above and using them to say how great he is. And for sure the inflation would be all COVID's fault.

I just can't understand why you all are so quick to use COVID as an excuse for Trump but Biden gets zero deference for the fact he is dealing with the same shit.

And dont give me your bullshit about policies. Republican economic policies failed under Bush, they failed in Kansas. On the other hand dem economic policies did quite well under Clinton and Obama.

Tribalism at its worst.
Maybe some think the gains in unemployment under Trump were significant because we were actually employing more people- thus the increase in the labor participation rate. Conversely, while it has decreased under Biden, we ARE NOT employing more people- just like under Obama. Maybe some people think the reason the unemployment numbers change are important to consider rather than the raw number itself? Also, it is funny people always point to Clinton as the example for dem economic prosperity when most of his presidency was spent just signing what a republican controlled congress sent him.

Speaking of UE, your claim that the unemployment has dropped 38.5% is simply not true. I don't know whether you are making up numbers yourself or just parroting misinformation. Either way, it's not even close to factual. The unemployment rate in Jan was 6.3%. A 38.5% reduction would put it under 3.9%, which is not even close to the latest 4.6% reported for October.
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Maybe some think the gains in unemployment under Trump were significant because we were actually employing more people- thus the increase in the labor participation rate. Conversely, while it has decreased under Biden, we ARE NOT employing more people- just like under Obama. Maybe some people think the reason the unemployment numbers change are important to consider rather than the raw number itself? Also, it is funny people always point to Clinton as the example for dem economic prosperity when most of his presidency was spent just signing what a republican controlled congress sent him.

Speaking of UE, your claim that the unemployment has dropped 38.5% is simply not true. I don't know whether you are making up numbers yourself or just parroting misinformation. Either way, it's not even close to factual. The unemployment rate in Jan was 6.3%. A 38.5% reduction would put it under 3.9%, which is not even close to the latest 4.6% reported for October.

The numbers I posted were comparing October 2020 with October 2021. Not January.

And per your comment about Clinton...

Clinton-Gore Deficit Reduction Plan Enacted
Passed without a single Republican vote, the Clinton-Gore Administration's economic plan established fiscal discipline by slashing the deficit in half — the largest deficit reduction plan in history — while making important investments in our economic future, including education, health care, and science and technology research. This legislation also extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by three years. Fiscal discipline established by the Clinton-Gore Administration has turned the largest deficits in our country's history into the largest surplus. (PL 103-66, signed 8/10/93)
The numbers I posted were comparing October 2020 with October 2021. Not January.

And per your comment about Clinton...

Clinton-Gore Deficit Reduction Plan Enacted
Passed without a single Republican vote, the Clinton-Gore Administration's economic plan established fiscal discipline by slashing the deficit in half — the largest deficit reduction plan in history — while making important investments in our economic future, including education, health care, and science and technology research. This legislation also extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by three years. Fiscal discipline established by the Clinton-Gore Administration has turned the largest deficits in our country's history into the largest surplus. (PL 103-66, signed 8/10/93)

Clinton would be a welcome relief from today’s Democrat party. Balanced budget, work for welfare, etc.
The numbers I posted were comparing October 2020 with October 2021. Not January.

And per your comment about Clinton...

Clinton-Gore Deficit Reduction Plan Enacted
Passed without a single Republican vote, the Clinton-Gore Administration's economic plan established fiscal discipline by slashing the deficit in half — the largest deficit reduction plan in history — while making important investments in our economic future, including education, health care, and science and technology research. This legislation also extended the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by three years. Fiscal discipline established by the Clinton-Gore Administration has turned the largest deficits in our country's history into the largest surplus. (PL 103-66, signed 8/10/93)
Just ignore the fact that Trump was president for three months of that time. Also, is it tribalism that you don't account for the fact that the sky rocketing UE numbers and subsequent reduction were largely a result of covid and subsequent opening back up of the economy after covid fear and restrictions waned?
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Just ignore the fact that Trump was president for three months of that time. Also, is it tribalism that you don't account for the fact that the sky rocketing UE numbers and subsequent reduction were largely a result of covid and subsequent opening back up of the economy after covid fear and restrictions waned?

what about your dipshit comment about Clinton just signing Republican bills? Do me a favor, if you are going to try and engage with me on this site, try to be less dumb.
what about your dipshit comment about Clinton just signing Republican bills? Do me a favor, if you are going to try and engage with me on this site, try to be less dumb.
So you don't respond to either point I made, but somehow I am dumb bc I did not respond to yours? Btw, my post was correct in the fact that most of the legislation he signed came from a republican controlled congress. It was also a far cry from the crap being pushed by the current corrupt admin. If the work requirement for welfare were proposed today, it would no doubt be called racist. Just for clarity sake, I think Clinton was probably the best dem potus we have had. (no consideration given to the fact he was a pos human being, just results)

If you want to talk about being dumb, how does it feel now that the facts about the steele dossier have proven you all to be the dullards you were told you were when you were all spotting the ridiculous Trump/russia nonsense. It seems pretty much more likely that your party was using a Russian operative to take down a political rival. How you can even suggest tribalism (real or not) when you and your party are the very definition of such is the height of hypocrisy.
what about your dipshit comment about Clinton just signing Republican bills? Do me a favor, if you are going to try and engage with me on this site, try to be less dumb.
I guess you never heard of newt Gingrich and the contract with America? Swept the midterms and prompted slick Willie to govern conservatively and that's how he got another term.
I am probably not as smart as all of you. Ut how can the unemployment rate drop when over 4 million people left their jobs?
Can the rate be manipulated by changing the denominator or in this case the total number of jobs in the system? Can we get those numbers instead of just a percentage?
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Friendly reminder that the left used Covid as a political weapon all through 2020……you don’t get the courtesy of using it as an excuse when you didn’t give the same courtesy to the previous admin.

Even you are smart enough to get that.

Also, if you’re only comparing those data points to 2020 then of course it looks like an improvement. Go back and compare against 2018 and 2019.

Lastly, I believe it was you that said the stock market wasn’t an indication of a healthy economy when DT was the president …….but from Biden’s perspective, let’s see where you are when it corrects next year.

Good news! I know how stressed you guys are about inflation. GS expects a sharp drop throughout 2022. Jus tin time for those midterms. Expect to see Biden's approval rising at the same time.

Good news! I know how stressed you guys are about inflation. GS expects a sharp drop throughout 2022. Jus tin time for those midterms. Expect to see Biden's approval rising at the same time.

Even better news.........the SALT tax, which Trump took away for the record, is coming back under Joe Biden......amen, I may vote for him again in 2024 if he keeps this up. Have to love the dems, always looking out for that middle class.

Even better news.........the SALT tax, which Trump took away for the record, is coming back under Joe Biden......amen, I may vote for him again in 2024 if he keeps this up. Have to love the dems, always looking out for that middle class.

This would be lovely. Another major tax deduction for me plus political points for the GOP with the middle class.
Even better news.........the SALT tax, which Trump took away for the record, is coming back under Joe Biden......amen, I may vote for him again in 2024 if he keeps this up. Have to love the dems, always looking out for that middle class.

What? You have never heard of trickle down economics?
Just fricking crushing it. The American people got this one right.

In the fourth month of his presidency, Biden’s overall approval rating sits at 63%. When it comes to the new Democratic president’s handling of the pandemic, 71% of Americans approve, including 47% of Republicans.
Time to flip the numbers around!

At just 36% support, Biden slips to a record low in a new poll​

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This one sure didn't age well.....even better one from Pelosi but don't need to post it, you get the picture.

I know nuance is never your thing but even you have to admit that this is a different situation. This variant is coming directly from South Africa, that is why he is restricting travel. There was no real reason for trump to enact a travel ban on Africa at the time that he did. China? Yes.
I know nuance is never your thing but even you have to admit that this is a different situation. This variant is coming directly from South Africa, that is why he is restricting travel. There was no real reason for trump to enact a travel ban on Africa at the time that he did. China? Yes.
What's different exactly? Travel bans didn't work when he was trying to win office but they do now that he's in it?

Also, Africa hadn't restricted travel to/from China at that point so I'll ask you again, what's the material difference other than you and the left have short term memory problems?
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What's different exactly? Travel bans didn't work when he was trying to win office but they do now that he's in it?

Also, Africa hadn't restricted travel to/from China at that point so I'll ask you again, what's the material difference other than you and the left have short term memory problems?
Oh my bad. I didnt realize that trumps policy at that time was to put a travel ban on any country or continent that hadn’t restricted travel to/From China “at that point”. Can you remind what other countries he banned at that at that point?
Oh my bad. I didnt realize that trumps policy at that time was to put a travel ban on any country or continent that hadn’t restricted travel to/From China “at that point”. Can you remind what other countries he banned at that at that point?
Again, what’s changed in regards to travel bans? They were racist and didn’t work in 2020……but seem ok in 2021. Or is Biden /the left just full of sh*t ?
Again, what’s changed in regards to travel bans? They were racist and didn’t work in 2020……but seem ok in 2021. Or is Biden /the left just full of sh*t ?

Let me try again to explain it to you.

Trump imposed a new ban on travel from southern african countries in early 2020, using COVID as a reason. this was actually just an extension on a previous ban on travel from enacted in 2017 african countries, the previous reason given was terrorism.

Your argument in your previous post is that he did it b/c those african countries had not restricted travel from China, and therefore it was necessary. I am simply pointing out... what about Sweden? Norway? What about other countries that had not yet restricted travel from China?

Biden is restricting travel from there because we just learned about a new variant of COVID coming DIRECTLY FROM THERE. It has nothing to do with race.

You dont have to be that smart to go back and do some reading to educate yourself on Trump's views on immigration, both legal and illegal. Why do you think that Bannon and Miller were so eager to jump on the trump train? They all share a fear that unless immigration of brown / black / muslim people is stopped, then in 50 years whites will be the minority. They don't want tat to happen. Trump has referenced France and the rising muslim population many times. It's all there.

It's OK to admit that you agree with that. By definition, it is a "racist" policy. It does not mean you hate those people, you just don't want to give up the power and advantages that you currently enjoy.
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Let me try again to explain it to you.

Trump imposed a new ban on travel from southern african countries in early 2020, using COVID as a reason. this was actually just an extension on a previous ban on travel from enacted in 2017 african countries, the previous reason given was terrorism.

Your argument in your previous post is that he did it b/c those african countries had not restricted travel from China, and therefore it was necessary. I am simply pointing out... what about Sweden? Norway? What about other countries that had not yet restricted travel from China?

Biden is restricting travel from there because we just learned about a new variant of COVID coming DIRECTLY FROM THERE. It has nothing to do with race.

You dont have to be that smart to go back and do some reading to educate yourself on Trump's views on immigration, both legal and illegal. Why do you think that Bannon and Miller were so eager to jump on the trump train? They all share a fear that unless immigration of brown / black / muslim people is stopped, then in 50 years whites will be the minority. They don't want tat to happen. Trump has referenced France and the rising muslim population many times. It's all there.

It's OK to admit that you agree with that. By definition, it is a "racist" policy. It does not mean you hate those people, you just don't want to give up the power and advantages that you currently enjoy.
The new variant was found in South Africa but somehow that resulted in a ban that covers 8 more African countries?? I guess Trump's a racist and Biden is just horrible at geography? Has he banned travel from the Netherlands or England yet? They've found it there also.......

Even if you strip the racist parts out of the bans, Biden and his team all said that travel bans don't work when he was doing his best to win your vote, so again......what's changed in a year's time? If the bans didn't work then, why do they work now?

If you want to stick with the racist narrative, I guess that's fine but at some point it's just going to make you look less capable of arguing a point. I'd try and work on your ability to articulate your thoughts without the help of liberal media outlets, might help you grow as a person.
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