Covid Scandal and Coverup

HUGE: Ground breaking study proves c*vid v*ccines directly killed people who took them.

A systematic review of 325 autopsies and one necropsy case from around the globe shows at least 73% of the deaths in those fully vaxxed were “directly due to, or significantly contributed to,” by the vaxx.

The average age of those killed was 70, and death occurred within 14 days of taking the 💉

Authorities did not question the cause of the deaths at the time, due to the age of the victims, who were prone to natural disease and deterioration in old age.

The study was conducted with Yale University School of Public Health and the University of Michigan, and involved famous and world renowned doctors Peter McCullough and William Makis, and former Trump administration HHS official Paul Alexander.

BOMBSHELL: The Godfather of v*ccine safety Dr. Stanley Plotkin has confessed that NO v*ccine has ever been properly studied, before OR after, their release.

A paper just published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine admits that no vaxx can be called “safe and effective” because standard safety checks have NEVER been followed, such as using proper placebo test groups, large enough sample sizes, and long enough test durations and follow ups.

The study was conducted with adamantly pro-💉groups such as-
Institute for Vaccine Safety
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Emory University
University of Pennsylvania
Brighton Collaboration
Task Force for Global Health

Dr. Plotkin’s answer is allocating more money to these organizations, so they can do the proper testing that they lied about doing all along.
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