FPOTUS Trump attempted assassination…

I know y’all have a lot of questions (I’ve received more than my fair share).

I have as many questions as I have answers, so it’s been a struggle.

I’ll try to answer as many as I can, as soon as possible.

Sorry for any delay. Going to be a process.

Just thinking that it would be more efficient in one thread.
Do you think any heads will roll over this and if so, will we know about them?
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#1 This a fail for the USSS in that FPOTUS Trump was lightly wounded (barely escaping MUCH WORSE), one man in the audience lost his life, and two more were critically wounded.

#2 Ultimately, the USSS did accomplish the mission of safely covering and evacuating FPOTUS Trump AND neutralizing the threat (sniper). Very close to LOSING the game.

There will be a thorough review and investigation, and someone is very likely to lose their job(s) at the USSS.

First time since March 30, 1981 that shots were fired at a current POTUS or FPOTUS...43 years is a long time, and that didn't happen by accident. "Not on my watch"...we were known to say.

How did this 20 year old psychotic get through the outer security perimeter AND get to the roof of the building... SO VERY close to FPOTUS Trump's stage? I've no clue.

The inherent problem with large outdoor venues like this (I've worked HUNDREDS of them) is just that....they are LARGE OUTDOOR venues that are nearly impossible 100% safely secure.

Add to the fact that most of the "security posts" held on the outer perimeter are held by either local or state law enforcement, that have little to no direct communications with the USSS shift agents or tactical units. You will see "comms" or lack thereof mentioned again.

The USSS is so lightly staffed (3,000 or so agents world wide) that they can't perform their mission without help from local, state and other federal law enforcement agencies. Add to the fact that this was ANOTHER campaign stop in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania, and you have a recipe for disaster.

To illustrate, I know on one of FPOTUS Trump's recent visits to South Carolina...SCDNR guys held outer perimeter disrespect, but you can see where I'm going with this

When the Presidential Protective Division (PPD) sends out advance teams...they come from The White House. Agents that are permanently assigned to PPD for up to 6 years .

Agents conducting site advances on the "campaign" for FPOTUS Trump might have less than a year on the job, or be so long in the tooth that they just go through the motions. Suffice to say that it's probably not the best product...and that might very well be what we witnessed yesterday.

We also knew as USSS agents, that if someone is willing to die in order to assassinate the POTUS or VPOTUS, it would be very difficult to stop.

Countersniper (CS) teams: 2 man elements staffed by USSS Uniformed Division technicians (not USSS GS-1811 special agents). I worked with the USSS CS teams for years. Extremely professional and detail oriented. Some of the best snipers in the world (many with military backgrounds) . As you can imagine, they have a tendency to operate on their own, so "comms" between USSS agents and USSS CS could certainly be improved.

I haven't listened to ANY of the theories spewed by so called "experts" from the FBI or other retired USSS agents, because almost none of them have the experience level or expertise that I possess. True.

Breaking it down to the easiest of terms...

A) Massive security breach of the outer perimeter. Unacceptable.

B) There is always a CS response team (comprised of 2 USSS special agents) that are in direct communication with the CS teams (Call sign Hercules). Certainly a critical breakdown in communications there. Appears that by the time CS spotted the sniper, it was way too late to have agents respond to the roof...which is their only mission.

C) The shift agents around FPOTUS Trump did a GREAT job in FIRST covering and THEN evacuating the FPOTUS. CAT (call sign Hawkeye) also responded in seconds form their staging area (out of public view but very close by). CAT is the highly trained and heavily armed tactical unit that provides support to the shift, and also responds to sniper fire, multiple attackers, RPGs, etc. Top 1% of the USSS....which leads me to this...

There have been discussions and comments on this site about the appearance and quality of certain USSS agents that were protecting FPOTUS Trump.

This is not a new problem for the USSS. I saw it almost 30 years ago on PPD. DEI was alive and well in the USSS even then, and we all paid the price. I was passed over for promotions and positions while others (that possessed different traits than I ) were moved up the ladder.

I persevered and won out in the end...but anyone with 1 eye can see that the USSS has some issues to deal with. Not saying that this was the cause of the catastrophe yesterday....but it doesn't help.

I had a conversation with then Vice President Biden in his office on Air Force II.

He asked me "Billy, why is the President's detail having all of these problems, and we don't have any issues here on my detail"?

"Well sir " I replied.. I can give you answer, but it's not politically correct"

VPOTUS " No, no...yeah go ahead"

I said " Do you realize that on our working shift today, we have three former Marine Corps infantry officers, two that have been in combat? Do you know why they're not on PPD"?

VPOTUS " No...why"?

"Because they look like you and me"...

His response "Hey...I get it ...I get it"

The American people deserve better.

I hope this answers some of your questions. I'm hoping I can do a podcast with @Larry_Williams and go much more in depth.
Love and respect and appreciate you for many reasons @24TIGER but is there evidence that the shooter was psychotic?
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Billy D, thanks for the candor. It is indeed fascinating. How was Dr. Rice to work with and did you ever get the chance to discuss football with her? I have always been impressed with her from afar.
Every USSS agent has a Top Secret clearance.

Later I was TS/SCI…I would receive a slightly reduced version of the Presidential Daily Brief ( PDB) in my White House office every day. (As SAIC of VPPD)

Kinda like reading the MMI on TI.
Wow I actually did not know that agents had top secret clearance. Makes sense.

What was retirement like for you? I’ve always wondered what its like for Presidents right after they leave office. Literally overnight they go from being in probably the single most difficult job in the world, being responsible for decisions that can affect the lives of millions of people and future generations, to just…nothing. No responsibility, no decisions to make, no nothing. I think I saw George W give an interview where he said the hardest thing he had to do on jan 21st, 2009 was figure out how to get his coffee machine to work.

Did you have a similar experience when you retired from a line of work that required you to have the same schedule as the President (or VP)? Was it jarring to just all of a sudden not have so much responsibility on your shoulders?
In the BBC video I posted earlier in the thread the attendee shared there was a ladder leaning against the building. Some stupid shit.
An even bigger red flag... So no one noticed him getting a ladder out of his van and carrying it over to the building? And then they call a presser, and only discuss the upcoming convention security, without taking any questions re: assassination ? Kimberly Cheatle should resign immediately...
@24TIGER what is the procedure counter snipers go through before they eliminate a threat? If they see a threat can they immediately act on their own? Do they have to get permission from a superior officer before taking the shot?
Don't have to shoot, just call to immediately cover protectee..
Psychotic means that he had a psychosis. I am speaking medically.
Thanks sigmund. I haven’t seen his medical records. You asked for evidence. I provided. He would be on the young side for average age of onset of several common mental health issues usually coincident with psychosis. I’d say trying to kill someone over their politics is a fairly good indicator that something was more than slightly off, though.
I believe multiple areas of breakdowns were responsible. Remains to be seen how much information will be revealed. A few comments:

1. DEI is inconsistent with the mission. Not sure how that can be disputed. Personally I doubt that factored in too much. Just a hunch.
2. Secret service assets were not as abundant onsite yesterday as most think. I believe only 7 to 8 of the agents out of 25 were actual USSS agents. Other 15-16 agents filling the USSS roles were actually DHS agents. Not sure the implication of this, but I would feel better with USSS agents.
3. There have been statements made that the Trump campaign has requested more robust security from USSS. If true, there will be an attempt to quash that info. Trump already gets way more security than other presidential candidates do, but obviously his situation is so unique.
4. I suspect we will find general governmental incompetence played a key role in this. There will be great personal attempts to CYA.

I look forward to finding out:
1. How was there no communication between officers in the field taking reports of a potential shooter on a roof and the agents in close proximity to Trump.
2. How did the gunmen access the roof? I have seen multiple theories.
I mean the SS director was in charge of Pepsi security FFS. They had to get a woman from the second best cola company to boot.
Thanks sigmund. I haven’t seen his medical records. You asked for evidence. I provided. He would be on the young side for average age of onset of several common mental health issues usually coincident with psychosis. I’d say trying to kill someone over their politics is a fairly good indicator that something was more than slightly off, though.
The question was not to you and your unknown expertise @wittyone.
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This guy contradicts what @24TIGER said above. I’ll go with the guy that was actually in the secret service and did this job.
Everyone has an opinion until we get some iron clad info. I find it extremely hard to believe this young person got to where he was and got shots off without being facilitated. I will continue to listen though.
Everyone has an opinion until we get some iron clad info. I find it extremely hard to believe this young person got to where he was and got shots off without being facilitated. I will continue to listen though.
Feels pretty likely to me that the event was understaffed and the local cops that were responsible for that section failed.

I will be interested to see if they can get a motive. But I also think that this isn’t a guy recruited by some left wing government wacko to carry out something like this.
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Feels pretty likely to me that the event was understaffed and the local cops that were responsible for that section failed.

I will be interested to see if they can get a motive. But I also think that this isn’t a guy recruited by some left wing government wacko to carry out something like this.
Maybe but it's hard to reconcile the spectators seeing this person and filming him and being shown telling police about him but no action was taken.
Thanks sigmund. I haven’t seen his medical records. You asked for evidence. I provided. He would be on the young side for average age of onset of several common mental health issues usually coincident with psychosis. I’d say trying to kill someone over their politics is a fairly good indicator that something was more than slightly off, though.
Here's a good video that gets into a lot of where I think most of us are at right now.

At this point, who knows. He's the right age for schizophrenia to onset, maybe he thought Jesus was talking to him through his cheerios. But in the video he brings up "professional soldiers are predictable but the world is full of amateurs." Getting onto a roof 100 yards away from a former president with a long gun seems like a great way to be expediently terminated with extreme prejudice, and most of us probably think that, except that in this case it wasn't. More generally, people like to clutch on to conspiracy theories because it offers some sort of rationale for how the world works - really screwed up things are happening because the deep state shapeshifting lizard people! Bread goes in, toast comes out, how do you explain it! But really maybe the world is just f*cked up and there's nothing anyone can really do about it - most people aren't comfortable ceding control over themselves and their environment though.
Maybe but it's hard to reconcile the spectators seeing this person and filming him and being shown telling police about him but no action was taken.
Cop climbed up and saw him. Had to use both hands to hold on to the roof and the shooter threatened him so he dropped.

Yikes. I admit that seems beyond acceptable. I don’t understand how they didn’t have communication to the protection detail at the point to remove Trump. That said, I bet we find out the comms plan sucked.
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Cop climbed up and saw him. Had to use both hands to hold on to the roof and the shooter threatened him so he dropped.

Yikes. I admit that seems beyond acceptable. I don’t understand how they didn’t have communication to the protection detail at the point to remove Trump. That said, I bet we find out the comms plan sucked.
They will come up with some excuse and we know that.
Why are they censoring the words sniper and shooter in the post? I feel like I’m having a serious get off my lawn moment right now.
Social media algorithms don't like that kind of content. So to avoid possibly violating TOS (even though it's a clip from a news agency), some users will self-censor text. That's why you often see "unalive" instead of kill/suicide/murder, etc.
Is it possible that the shooter had camped out in the building a few days prior to the event and used some sort of roof access hatch within the building? This would explain how he evaded the outer security ring.
Dignitary Protective Division 2004-2005 (Detail Leader for Ambassador L. Paul Bremer - Head of the Coalition Provisional Authority- Iraq)
Huh, we were both in Iraq at the same time. My ground tour was from Dec '04 to May '05 at Camp Anaconda/Balad AB, then was all over the place in and around Iraq from Jun-Dec '05. I went through Baghdad a ton, most notably when we're carrying a USO entourage headed up by CJCS Gen Myers. That would have been around Aug '05, if memory serves.
I imagine it was pretty chaotic right after 9/11.

How do security clearances work for agents? Being in close quarters with some of the most important people in the country, I’m sure ya’ll are privy to lots of very sensitive conversations/info. Is there a certain point where agents are not allowed to be in the room if top secret information is being discussed or reviewed? I’m sure that while a “code of silence” of some sorts is probably very important to agents, there would also be legal ramifications to leaking any information as well.
Ppl in close prox to the POTUS/vPOTUS get a "Yankee White" background Investigaton. This is an enhancement to the Single Scope Background Investigation for ppl with TS/SCI clearances.
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They can know "who's where" but if they are wrong they end up in prison for killing one of their own.
DJT should have been out of there at the first hint of trouble. As soon as there was a "getting reports of someone on a roof," SS should have done the turtle thing and got him out of there. How is that not SOP, @24TIGER?

Check out this thread. It explains it in a very plausible way. I thought the exact same thing you did until I read through this. Nothing political in that link, promise.
This is pretty good as he indicates that the middle defense tier failed to secure the building and thus the rooftop.

However, IMO, if the middle tier is local law enforcement, there is a failure in communication resources between the SS and the middle tier law enforcement. There must be an SS embedded in the local enforcement for the middle tier (or strongly connected communication individual network to the SS) to have direct communication at the stage to stop the Trump rally due to the observed risk and bring a President out of harms way from the threat. It seems this should have happened in this case prior to the initial shots from the sniper but there was a lack of proper communication assets in the middle tier to the stage.

For me, I think of the security or defense tiers as radii from the stage (think circular) but at the same time, there need to be direct lines of communication from the defense tiers to the stage security as a failsafe ==> "Risk in middle defense tier, cover President and bring to safety" - and this should be broadcast on a secure network for all SS agents. Therefore there need to be these strongly connected communication individuals stationed every 30 degrees (for example) at each tier for communication purposes.

Huh…not sure if I’m more or less confused now…
Indeed...its too obvious to be overlooked...that is, to not have the roof covered by counter-sniper(s) at all times. One has to think the guy was just over a crest and out of sight until ppl saw him and started raising hell. It follows then that the outer perimeter guys simply did not have direct comms with the inner protective detail and had trouble raising the alert. How there was no means for a breakthrough radio transmission to signal an immediate shielding of the DJT is beyond me.
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I haven't had a chance to go through all 8 pages of posts, so if these have been addressed, then kindly point me in that direction/page:

1. I haven't seen many people mention the nearby water tower. If you look at a map and Google Street view, there is a water tower that has a high vantage point. Why wouldn't the SS position manpower up there where there is a clear line of site of the entire area?

2. What is the specific reason for wearing sunglasses? It always seems like SS agents religiously wear sunglasses. Is it so the public can't see who you are looking at? Do the sunglasses have any special tactical features?

3. Other than looking professional, why does the SS always wear suits? I know that they want to look professional and keep a low profile to somewhat blend in, but it also seems like wearing some kind of tactical pants/shirt/vest would allow them to be more flexible/efficient for tactical type engagements.

Edited to add this question:

4. Would you mind giving a brief explanation of the roles in the SS, and you specific role? Is the SS kind of like law enforcement where every agent has similar roles/titles, or is it more like a military unit where you have a 10-12 man team and each person has a different role - comms, engineer, explosives, etc.?
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DJT should have been out of there at the first hint of trouble. As soon as there was a "getting reports of someone on a roof," SS should have done the turtle thing and got him out of there. How is that not SOP, @24TIGER?

this is kind of my take. I understand once shots were fired SS did a tremendous job. I understand not shooting the assassin immediately, while trying to figure out if shooter was friend or foe.

But until you figured it out, why wasn't Trump escorted from stage?
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