If You Come at the King You Best Not Miss - Christmas Edition

No Trump will never get a fair trial in DC. Its 90% democrat, and he ran as a republican. He will not get a fair trial.

And no, you are unhinged in your hate for Trump. You would never be able to give him a fair shake and your post history proves that.
You have been brain washed by the maga fake news and Russian bots
It’s funny to think how shit works out. If they kill Trump, I’m probably out of a job and bankrupt this morning.
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I really don't give a shit but he deserves to live out the rest of his life in prison or home confinement due to his actions since the election. The J6 case and the Georgia case are the much more important ones and if he gets away scot-free on those, then we can talk about a two-tiered justice system and mean it.
I really don't give a shit but he deserves to live out the rest of his life in prison or home confinement due to his actions since the election. The J6 case and the Georgia case are the much more important ones and if he gets away scot-free on those, then we can talk about a two-tiered justice system and mean it.
“There’s a fine line between an “objective” statistical model and “just some dude’s opinion,” Silver wrote in mid-July, a month after launching his own competing election model. “But the 538 model falls somewhere on the wrong side of this line, in my view.”

Some social media users have denounced his complaints as not based in math, especially as he makes similar adjustments to his data. Silver has adopted the FiveThirtyEight system of weighting polls differently, ostensibly based on reliability. He's facing criticism for allegedly favoring junk polls over respected pollsters.

“Patriot Polling is literally run by two right wing high school students that is ranked 240th on FiveThirtyEight,” former pollster Adam Carlson noted on X, asking why that poll was weighted more highly than a YouGov poll, which they called “an internationally respected pollster that is ranked 4th on FiveThirtyEight.”

Some users believe that Silver’s methods of weighting polls are dubious, especially as his swing state calculated “polling averages” move in the opposite direction as recently released swing state polls.

Silver's now being scrutinized for a potential conflict of interest after joining the crypto-based gambling company Polymarket as an advisor in July, and pushed his model while promoting election betting opportunities.

“Feels like it should be a bigger deal that Nate Silver is employed by Polymarket, a site that allows you to bet on political outcomes, and also runs a “prediction model” that has the ability to directly affect betting behavior,”
journalist Brett Meiselas wrote on X."

I think they are going to miss.

Cackles is going to have to have a knockout punch in the debate. Trump is like Tyson in his prime. Heavily favorited.

They will try to set the bar low, but it won’t really matter. They will be singing her praises after the debate and claim that she won, etc., but it will be all for naught.

In the end, she hast to defend the last four years and Biden comics, which people are livid with.

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