NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the “Drop and Roll” Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden

And here it is,

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,

CORROBORATED firsthand eyewitness testimony under penalty of perjury;

Between 130,000 - 280,000 completed MAIL-IN-BALLOTS for the 2020 Presidential election were borrowed from the gracious State of New York by the battleground, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

And make no mistake the U.S. top law enforcement officer William ****en Barr facilitated the overthrow of U.S. government on Nov 3, 2020.


🚨🚨 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

The 2020 election will go down as arguably the greatest fraud in world history. The tremendously popular incumbent candidate, President Trump, was easily winning the race on election night in a landslide and then suddenly multiple states took a break, quit counting, and by the end of the week the election was flipped to Joe Biden.
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Update: Maricopa County AZ - investigation findings

"The Maricopa EPS has a compiler installed that provides the ability to modify and create executable files and drivers on the fly that could be used to alter election results without detection. There is evidence new executable files were created at least three times during the active voting period in 2020."

This is not the solution: "Trump campaign, RNC aims to deploy 100,000 volunteer vote-counting monitors for the presidential election" CBS News headline. It is going to fail. See the brilliant Conservative Treehouse article at link below for how one of the major election fraud cheats takes place. The headline above however, shows the RNC and their fifty state organizations don't understand how the election frauds are taking place. I'll tell you RNC: one way is for the bad guys to use the names and addresses of people registered to vote to fill out and send in an absentee ballot, without those real people knowing about it. 100,000 observers is not going to stop this. The liberals already know which names, addresses they are going to use to cast fraudulent absentee ballots. Hey RNC, how are the observers going to spot those? The voter rolls are being inflated right now, I can see it in the state numbers. The RNC is ignoring all this. Call to citizens: email the RNC as to why there are two electronic files in the software of the tabulators. That is just like having two ballot boxes for your paper ballot to be placed into - but you're not told there are two ballot boxes. And you nor the local clerk knows which ballot box your ballot is dropped into. Then some unknow person "adjudicates" (meaning decides who you voted for) the next day. How RNC are observers going to spot those? @RNCResearch @RNCVoteProtect Ask the RNC why was a legal challenge recently submitted to the city of Milwaukee against 55,000 actively registered voters by six citizens - and not the RNC? Those 55,000: the vast majority no longer live in the city. Laura Trump did you know this? Josh Felton - the supposed RNC data guy, who I recently learned is just an attorney in Washington DC - did you know this? The election fraud is in or about the data. You're not stopping the data by having 100,000 observers, that is only a feel good 'rally the troops'. Pls citizens, don't fall for this 100,000 gimmick. It is not going to work. Have the RNC explain to you how an observer is going to "see" a fraudulent absentee ballot. Have the RNC explain to you how observers are going to "see" inside the tabulators, and inside the epolling books.…
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"Bernegger was convicted of mail fraud and bank fraud, 18 U.S.C. §§ 1341 & 1344, in the Northern District of Mississippi and sentenced to terms of imprisonment and supervised release. The trial court also ordered him to pay $1,725,000.00 in restitution and, though it did not set a payment schedule, required him to make equal monthly payments towards restitution as a condition of his supervised release. After he completed his prison term (during which he paid $575 towards restitution) and obtained permission to move to Wisconsin, the Eastern District of Wisconsin accepted jurisdiction over his supervised release in December 2018. See 18 U.S.C. § 3605."



🚨🚨 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

The 2020 election will go down as arguably the greatest fraud in world history. The tremendously popular incumbent candidate, President Trump, was easily winning the race on election night in a landslide and then suddenly multiple states took a break, quit counting, and by the end of the week the election was flipped to Joe Biden.


🚨🚨 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

The 2020 election will go down as arguably the greatest fraud in world history. The tremendously popular incumbent candidate, President Trump, was easily winning the race on election night in a landslide and then suddenly multiple states took a break, quit counting, and by the end of the week the election was flipped to Joe Biden.
  • In 2020, a worker for a voter registration firm turned in scores of voter applications that state officials say were ‘clearly fraudulent’
  • State officials say they detected the problem, were set to press charges but referred case to FBI as part of larger probe
  • No one voted as a result of effort; GOP is now raising issue anew
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The Legal Strategy Of The Deep State Election System:

The Deep State election system had a coordinated strategy in 2020 to lure Republicans into accusing specific county employees of fraud. They could then sue for defamation. This wasn't designed to protect the county employee, it was designed to protect this corrupt election system.

They know this system can be manipulated anonymously.

So I developed a counter strategy that anyone can replicate. Without accusing anyone, I sued Ware County GA Board of Elections for answers explaining how 100 fake duplicate ballots were scanned for the second time 5 days after certification, when the physical ballots should have been locked away. In other words, they may have been digitally reproduced.

And if I'm wrong and the system cannot be manipulated anonymously, then Ware County must tell me who created these fake duplicate ballots.

My lawsuit includes 18 "Interrogatory" (legal) questions, to include asking them who did this?

I'm representing myself. In legal terms it's called "pro se."

We have lost sovereign control of our elections. But as citizens we have the power and authority to demand answers and accountability.

Fulgham v Ware County BOE is ongoing. Ware County has been knocked back on their heels. I believe this lawsuit triggered a recent visit to Ware by @GaSecofState, possibly to help them in their legal strategy. Ware is in a defensive position. Their attorneys have advised the board to remain silent. But if there is nothing to hide, why have they not answered my questions?

In addition to providing the evidence to Ware Superior Court, I've also provided this evidence to the Ware County Sheriff. The image below is a picture of the large packet of evidence we provided to him. There is also evidence of flipped votes.

This entire election system is a corrupt industry (the Deep State Election System Industry) making a fortune off of taxpayers. This is one reason why even some Republicans are defending the system. We must continue to fight to regain sovereign control of our elections and our nation.

When you unplug the machines, you unplug the tyrannical election control by the Washington Swamp, who sold out our nation. This is what President Eisenhower warned Americans about in
his 1961 farewell address.

Think about this as we approach July 4th. 🇺🇸



and Bill ****en Barr was at the center of that coup. Among others the Inspector General Horowitz, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Deputy AG, Jeffrey Rosen, AG, Merrick Garland, Michigan AG, Dana Nessel …

These people are conspiring to obstruct federal investigations and participating in massive election fraud,

“And a formal criminal charge has been filed against PA, Gov. Shapiro the former Attorney General, for obstructing of investigations, and collusion and participation of massive election fraud.”
Watch the video and see for yourself.

And here is,

the first question the country asked on Nov 3, 2020.

Did you see that? what the **** just happened?

Dominion at Commonwealth of Pennsylvania deleting votes from Trump. Live.

“Again this is something that should never occur in an additive voting process.”

📝 “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -George Orwell

And now,

we have BLACK and WHITE EVIDENCE, the CIA overthrew the United States government on Nov 3, 2020 on American soil.

Appoint a special counsel, and arrest, charge, prosecute, indict and incarcerate all 51, starting with

— DNI James Clapper,
— CIA Michael Hayden,
— CIA John Brennan,
— CIA Michael Morell and
— Antony Blinken for the crimes of perjury, election interference, racketeering and seditious conspiracy for the overthrow of United States government,

ALERT: One thing that you need to remember is the Executive Order that Trump specifically signed that would automatically trigger investigations for foreign involvement if election fraud was discovered by who? That's right whoever helped Trump craft that EO specifically put in the poison pill making one of the requirements to trigger or start an investigation into the foreign aspect of election fraud only if first, the Attorney General discovered election fraud and that AG was Bill Barr.

After the 2020 election, Bill Barr fullfilled the requirement of this Executive Order by responding that he didn't find any election fraud and that stopped the EO dead in its tracks from investigating election fraud of foreign involvement committing fraud in the 2020 election.

Jim Jordan has to be brought in for questioning immediately once Trump returns. He was given the Judiciary chair to hide it all.

We need to know the person's name who made the AG's findings part of that EO.

Now that I have given you enough time to read my post on Bill Barr stopping Trump's Executive Order that would have triggered an investigation into foreign voter fraud, have you figured out that not only did it stop any investigations into foreign countries who may have printed fraudulent ballotts but it also stopped any investigations into the foreign illegals who voted in our elections.

Bill Barr better find a tall enough bridge when Trump is elected.
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Now that I have given you enough time to read my post on Bill Barr stopping Trump's Executive Order that would have triggered an investigation into foreign voter fraud, have you figured out that not only did it stop any investigations into foreign countries who may have printed fraudulent ballotts but it also stopped any investigations into the foreign illegals who voted in our elections.

Bill Barr better find a tall enough bridge when Trump is elected.
Wow... how did this person EVER get to be the AG. Oh wait, Trump HAND PICKED him.

Barr “a terrific man” and “one of the most respected jurists in the country.” - Donald Trump.

So EITHER Barr completely fooled Trump, OR Trump was right and Barr simply wouldn't lie for Trump. Which makes Trump look like a stable genius?
Wow... how did this person EVER get to be the AG. Oh wait, Trump HAND PICKED him.

Barr “a terrific man” and “one of the most respected jurists in the country.” - Donald Trump.

So EITHER Barr completely fooled Trump, OR Trump was right and Barr simply wouldn't lie for Trump. Which makes Trump look like a stable genius?
It's called duplicity and flat out lies.
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It's called duplicity and flat out lies.
or not. MAYBE Barr just refused to do the wrong thing... But lets assume you are correct. Barr completely fooled Trump and set him up. Shouldn't you pick someone else not so easily fooled? I mean HOW MANY PEOPLE fooled Trump and made him their bitch over his 4 years as President? Most of his advisors, right. If I were a supporter of Trump and he got played like this, IMAGINE what the sneaky people of the world (Russia, N. Korea, and China) are doing to him. Pro Tip: DON'T let him respond to that email from the African Minister of Finance.
or not. MAYBE Barr just refused to do the wrong thing... But lets assume you are correct. Barr completely fooled Trump and set him up. Shouldn't you pick someone else not so easily fooled? I mean HOW MANY PEOPLE fooled Trump and made him their bitch over his 4 years as President? Most of his advisors, right. If I were a supporter of Trump and he got played like this, IMAGINE what the sneaky people of the world (Russia, N. Korea, and China) are doing to him. Pro Tip: DON'T let him respond to that email from the African Minister of Finance.
Well we have multiple parties stating otherwise with retired Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer being one of them.

And here is,
why they stopped counting across every battleground state on Nov 3, 2020.

The State of Wisconsin:
A dump of 143,379 MAIL IN BALLOTS at 3:42 am, every single one for Joe Biden,

A not Trump supporter: “Why was the USPS even looking for ballots on November 4th, hours after the polls closed at 8 pm?.”

Wisconsin Election Commission Executive Director,
Democrat Claire Woodall-Vogg:
Xeroxing 64,000 ballots at Milwaukee City Hall room 501. Just the margin needed at 3 am.

And here is,

Live on CNN Nov 3, 2020,

IT expert, after gaining access to a forensic image of the Dominion Rigging Management System in Mesa County Colorado, demonstrates how your government was overthrown on Nov 3, 2020,

How Trump votes were switched to Joe Biden in seconds by simply changing the index number. And without a trace.
They caught yall @iceheart08 😅🤣😂

You people are ****ing morons. The ballots are public. Every single one in the whole country. Every. Single. One.

It's called a cast vote record, and it exists for every jurisdiction in the country. And the conservatives have even pulled it from every jurisdiction and put it online. Oh, and guess what, you can get the actual ballot images too to check to see if the vote, as recorded on the ballots, match the vote totals.

All of this is public.

Not a single person has produced evidence through the cvr or ballot images that a single vote was flipped.

The people posting this content, they know this too. They are lying to you. Intentionally.

I urge you to get of twitter and stop being stupid.
You people are ****ing morons. The ballots are public. Every single one in the whole country. Every. Single. One.

It's called a cast vote record, and it exists for every jurisdiction in the country. And the conservatives have even pulled it from every jurisdiction and put it online. Oh, and guess what, you can get the actual ballot images too to check to see if the vote, as recorded on the ballots, match the vote totals.

All of this is public.

Not a single person has produced evidence through the cvr or ballot images that a single vote was flipped.

The people posting this content, they know this too. They are lying to you. Intentionally.

I urge you to get of twitter and stop being stupid.
Its the actual ballots they cant produce in a lot of places even though there is a computer image. Fulton County has flat admitted they cant produce the ballots because they do not want them inspected as it could then be determined if its a fake ballot or not based on paper type and some other stuff. Get ahold of yourself bro. The gig was good while it lasted but its going to be over with this decade at the latest imo.
You people are ****ing morons. The ballots are public. Every single one in the whole country. Every. Single. One.

It's called a cast vote record, and it exists for every jurisdiction in the country. And the conservatives have even pulled it from every jurisdiction and put it online. Oh, and guess what, you can get the actual ballot images too to check to see if the vote, as recorded on the ballots, match the vote totals.

All of this is public.

Not a single person has produced evidence through the cvr or ballot images that a single vote was flipped.

The people posting this content, they know this too. They are lying to you. Intentionally.

I urge you to get of twitter and stop being stupid.
I wouldnt be calling people morons if I supported democratic principles for governance. There is a reason I created the thread called "libs are not smart". 😄😃😀😎

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