There is a diesel shortage and there will likely be stations that can't get supply. Also, prices are going to spike before end of year (almost $6 in NJ already) . We are drastically below stored supply levels, not seen since 2008......presently we have 25 days of reserve supply. That's a pretty scary number given how much of the supply chain, farming, construction etc relies on diesel fuel. Easiest way to tell how bad it related futures pricing as those guys (futures traders) have way more data and information than the average news reader from satellite imagery, transit data, average cost by location, weather data effecting delivery, cost changes in delivery etc etc.
So while the Conservative media are twisting the knife a bit, we are on the brink of a larger crisis that could result in total lack of fuel in places and insanely high prices which will obviously negatively impact inflation not to mention put pressure on farmers who are already flat margin wise.
In summary, your post wasn't the own you thought it was.
Btw - whataboutism is nothing more than one side telling you they would be happy to hear your points once you acknowledge similar infractions from your own side. The reason people hate it is it's an effective reminder that you can't throw stones in a glass house. It will also continue to get worse as the nation continues to divide and move further away form the center.