Orlando nightclub massacre...

You knew it was only a matter of time before this turned political...
Everything these days is political. And most people don't seem to have any issue making it political - as long as it suits their ideology. Those same people get mad when the reverse occurs, but everyone will have to stop to make it go away. I doubt that happens.
Didn't take the time to read this. Are we talking about

1. Inanimate objects
2. Religion
or 3. How sensible people can leave their keyboards and try to make a difference in the lives of the deranged?

Just curious. TIA.
anyone in Florida? go give blood. now.

not in Florida? go participate in a vigil, march in your town/city's pride parade, show the world that we stand together against terror and hate. Show ISIS and radical islamists that we wont be broken. we wont let them take over our lives.


if you want this to change? GO DO SOMETHING.

im done with this thread today. im going to go hug the people I love. Im going to go to a candlelight vigil and im going to do everything I can today.

some of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
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anyone in Florida? go give blood. now.

not in Florida? go participate in a vigil, march in your town/city's pride parade, show the world that we stand together against terror and hate. Show ISIS and radical islamists that we wont be broken. we wont let them take over our lives.


people like tigertommy, sitting at his computer typing out idiotic hateful posts are disgusting. **** you and your ilk. i'd be willing to bet there are some on this board and in the fundamentalist christian community who believe that the LGBT community had it coming. today, and every day, **** YOU. you are no better than ISIS.

if you want this to change? GO DO SOMETHING.

im done with this thread today. im going to go hug the people I love. Im going to go to a candlelight vigil and im going to do everything I can today.

some of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.

The truth hurts sometimes

And now we resort to personal attacks. Knew that was coming.
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sounds like he was a legal gun owner and permitted to carry. Not a religious zealot, but angered by homosexuals. Dad says he saw two dudes kissing a while back and became very angry. Ex-wife says he was unstable and abusive but not radicalized.
sounds like he was a legal gun owner and permitted to carry. Not a religious zealot, but angered by homosexuals. Dad says he saw two dudes kissing a while back and became very angry. Ex-wife says he was unstable and abusive but not radicalized.

News out of CNN says he called 911 and claimed allegiance to ISIS
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anyone in Florida? go give blood. now.

not in Florida? go participate in a vigil, march in your town/city's pride parade, show the world that we stand together against terror and hate. Show ISIS and radical islamists that we wont be broken. we wont let them take over our lives.


people like tigertommy, sitting at his computer typing out idiotic hateful posts are disgusting. **** you and your ilk. i'd be willing to bet there are some on this board and in the fundamentalist christian community who believe that the LGBT community had it coming. today, and every day, **** YOU. you are no better than ISIS.

if you want this to change? GO DO SOMETHING.

im done with this thread today. im going to go hug the people I love. Im going to go to a candlelight vigil and im going to do everything I can today.

some of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.

Says the coward who stood on the sidelines while the US confronted terrorism face to face in two different wars.

Glad your vigil makes you feel like you're doing something.
Wow. Yeah, any "facts" should be taken as subject to change.

Yeah, it is still early. Literally just came up as breaking news when I posted.

In other news, person was just arrested at a pride festival in LA with weapons
anyone in Florida? go give blood. now.

not in Florida? go participate in a vigil, march in your town/city's pride parade, show the world that we stand together against terror and hate. Show ISIS and radical islamists that we wont be broken. we wont let them take over our lives.


people like tigertommy, sitting at his computer typing out idiotic hateful posts are disgusting. **** you and your ilk. i'd be willing to bet there are some on this board and in the fundamentalist christian community who believe that the LGBT community had it coming. today, and every day, **** YOU. you are no better than ISIS.

if you want this to change? GO DO SOMETHING.

im done with this thread today. im going to go hug the people I love. Im going to go to a candlelight vigil and im going to do everything I can today.

some of you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
Wow. I have no problem with homosexuals. But I won't be marching in any pride parades. Your level of intolerance is ridiculous.
This barbaric murderer was a US citizen. Born here and raised here. How should he have been handled?

This is the uncomfortable question isn't it? Are there people living/born in the US who have certain beliefs that don't really jive with liberal Western values, is there a common denominator amongst many of them, can you see evidence of this cultural clash in many other countries (particularly Europe), and how do you address it?

We aren't ready as a society to really honestly talk about these issues which are probably going to get worse, but I'm afraid we will be getting there eventually.
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Can't believe the thread has lasted this long here.

i'd be willing to bet there are some on this board and in the fundamentalist christian community who believe that the LGBT community had it coming. today, and every day

Everything in your post I think was spot on except this-which is pretty bigoted IMO, and I hope its just your anger, not how you really feel. And I say that as an agnostic. Its a big leap from not knowing how to come down on the transgender bathroom issue as an example, to hoping for barbaric murder.
Actually most libs will blame the guns and fine outstanding folks like yourself will correct them and say if everyone in bars had a gun the world would be safer. Besides, this guy could have just over powered them all with a knife anyways. amirite?

Oh, your religion is just as made up as the others. Don't forget to thank the magical sky wizard before you have dinner today

Are you one of those that attacks everyone else's opinion and has none ?
We can stop debating in the WEZ. Our president will be speaking at 1:30 to tell us what happened. Don't forget to tune in!

Where was he when Baltimore was burning?......where was he when Ferguson was being pillaged?........
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I have no problem with your view on religion in general, but no other religion that I'm aware of has a radical aspect that focuses specifically on terror/murder. I would think that's where most people have an issue..not whether who's God is right.

The Koran does not teach this crap and it is not a part of the true religion..... not sure how they brainwash all those people but they sure are good at it
Prayers for all affected. Gods grace and comfort.

If anyone who calls them self a Christian says they somehow had this coming, they are an imposter. Sin is sin in Gods eyes. Lets don't be selective and only pick the ones that disgust us or the ones we don't struggle with. God also called pride an abomination so read the whole book.
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my thoughts, not that anyone cares, or that i care if anyone agrees or disagrees, but often enough this board has provided some level of actual constructive discussion, and has always seemed a place where one could vent.

  • don't care about saying the words rad isl terr... i know why it isn't said, it makes sense to me, don't think saying it will actually solve any problems. i understand the criticism, but i feel US has been steadily fighting rad isl terr, whether the word islamic is said or not.
  • i'm pro gun ownership for self defense, ... i can imagine incidents where an AR 15 might be required for self defense, but those imaginations are pretty far fetched bad movie type plots.
  • i don't want donald trump or hillary clinton dealing with this, actually trust president obama much more, despite all the talk about his being a muslim, enemy casualties in the war on terror have been steady and high under the obama administration, despite troop withdrawls and foreign policy failure in dealing with isis.
  • i'm angered by social conservatives that have made the center of their politics gay marriage,
  • i'm angered by liberals that have made the center of their politics transgender bathroom rights
  • i think islam is a religion of peace, but that when a country (or group of countries) lack freedom of speech, freedom of press, quality education, abuse of ideology is unavoidable. i've lived in saudi arabia and africa, it all comes down to education, any society that makes education a principle of tradition and not of examination of ideas and facts is doomed incite radicalism. The difference in ideas and education between a bahranian and a saudi are ridiculous, and about 2 miles of water separates their people. (yes i know the shooter was of afghan heritage, but the saudi problem is a model for other reigional governments)
  • there is an undeniable relationship between attraction to islam and men who feel small, insignificant, and threatened by women, equal rights for homosexuals, and the attraction to radical islam is only intensified by persons of that makeup. this is never going to be fixed until leadership within islam becomes a stronger force of comdenation. where are the positive amabasadors of islam? the world needs another muhammed ali, another kareem abdul jabbar, someone who can bridge some level of reasonablness with muslim america and mainstream america.
  • disappointed with obama's comments, nothing really of substance, no real leadership demonstrated.
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I guess when Barack asks you to pray for the victims, it's quite a dilemma for you? Your hero is not an atheist??
i'd be willing to bet there are some on this board and in the fundamentalist christian community who believe that the LGBT community had it coming. today, and every day, **** YOU. you are no better than ISIS.
Why dont you shut the fuk up you POS. You better watch who you step on you liberal POS!!!!!
sounded like he was looked into, but not deemed to be a serious threat, they can't really restrict from every idiot that says something racist, homophobic, extremist in a chat room.
Yeah. Such a fine line between liberty and security in these cases. I wonder if there will be any policy changes at the FBI as a result of this.
A person with ill intent will be able to carry out what they want. No gun laws or watch list will stop them. If ISIS (which just took responsibility as a I type this) wants to carry this out, they have plenty of folks to choose from who aren't being watched. People who use a tragic event to push their stupid gun restrictions can't see the forest for the trees.
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Where was FDR during Pearl Harbor?? How about Bush during 9/11?? What the hell is your point???
You mean the day that would live in infamy speech?

Bush pussied out but he sucked as much as Obama.
Lib's and Barry seem to be in bed with this false religion, looks like it back fired on them again.
Every time this happens the President says to not blame Islamic Terrorist and 9 times out of 10 he is wrong.
Where was FDR during Pearl Harbor?? How about Bush during 9/11?? What the hell is your point???

Bush did address the country following 9/11 just as Obama will address our country today...... Also, FDR did address our country 12/8/41.......My point regarding (Ferguson & Baltimore) was that Obama did not step up & address Americans immediately to get the looting and burning nonsense to stop...... He is the leader of our country......Obama should have told the people that the looting & burning was not the answer...... I do believe it was his duty to do so...... As an American, I cannot think of a single logical reason Obama would not call for an end to the nonsense......
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ISIS media just released statement taking responsibility for Orlando

But Obama spent more time on gun laws than he did ISIS in his address. Apparently this board cant turn this event political, but the Senator in Fla and POTUS can?
Prayers for all affected. Gods grace and comfort.

If anyone who calls themselves a Christian says they somehow had this coming, they are an imposter....


Typically the only one remotely close to uttering this sort of self-serving hypothetical/degenerate fluff felt the need to strategically slap it against the wall for entertainment once again ITT. He has a long track record of abhoring anything and everything religious unless done privately and in a closet away from any others.
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