OT: Movie: I Can Only Imagine

You are a sickening person
Oh btw, you can dish it out to young boys in college because you feel they owe you something. You talk shit about recruits that you feel don’t measure up to your standard, a standard you will never sniff or never have sniffed. Never once has it crossed your selfish little mind that those are someone else’s kids or maybe our coaches see something in them you don’t or ever could. All of this you do just hoping it will make you feel better about your sad existence in your parents basement, but you cry like a little school boy when you’re on the other end of it lol. You hide behind the anonymity of a sports message board to justify your selfishness. Enjoy Anonymity Puss!
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For those who have seen the movie, is the acting decent or does it have the cheese factor that most of these faith based films have?
Very good acting. Dennis Quaid did a great job. J. Michael Finley and Trace Adkins did a wonderful job also. Whether you are a Christian or not, I recommend seeing this movie. Great story about restoration of a father-son relationship.
Oh btw, you can dish it out to young boys in college because you feel they owe you something. You talk shit about recruits that you feel don’t measure up to your standard, a standard you will never sniff or never have sniffed. Never once has it crossed your selfish little mind that those are someone else’s kids or maybe our coaches see something in them you don’t or ever could. All of this you do just hoping it will make you feel better about your sad existence in your parents basement, but you cry like a little school boy when you’re on the other end of it lol. You hide behind the anonymity of a sports message board to justify your selfishness. Enjoy Anonymity Puss!
This is a mirror copy of your previous posts. You have been asked multiple times to be mature and refrain from personal insults to me and those close to me
You are trying to make others submit to your beliefs
You mean like you want to force Christians to submit to your worldview/“religion?”

I see that “submission” to your opinion is acceptable while “submission” to mine is not. Great logic.
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If you want to give me a hard time, that’s fine. But we are going to act like adults. Do not insult me at a personal level and do not ridicule my loved ones
You the one deciding what a personal level is? No thanks. I don’t know who your are and I really don’t give a Schmitt. I don’t know you from Jack Schmitt. It’s impossible for me to insult you on a personal level cause I don’t believe a word you say. If you said something truthful about yourself that’s your fault. If your real name is John Hugh, you’re not too smart. So deal with it.
You the one deciding what a personal level is? No thanks. I don’t know who your are and I really don’t give a Schmitt. I don’t know you from Jack Schmitt. It’s impossible for me to insult you on a personal level cause I don’t believe a word you say. If you said something truthful about yourself that’s your fault. If your real name is John Hugh, you’re not too smart. So deal with it.
You’re the one who is always posting personal pictures of me, which is clearly against board rules. You must know who I am. Leave me alone.
You’re the one who is always posting personal pictures of me, which is clearly against board rules. You must know who I am. Leave me alone.
I reposted a picture someone else posted saying it was you. I had no knowledge if that was true. You freaked out so maybe it was, I don’t know. Maybe it’s all an act to get attention like you always do, who knows. Can’t insult you personally if I don’t know you.
You will know them by their fruit.

Plenty of people claim to be a Christian and plainly are not living a Christian life. Trump is obviously an easy example of such a person, and Christians should not bury their head in the sand and pretend otherwise.
Could you tell me what this means? It's biblical as you know.
Could you tell me what this means? It's biblical as you know.

It was a warning about how to discern false prophets, and more specifically wolves in sheeps’ clothing. In other words, it doesn’t matter how much someone may “look like” a sheep, e.g., regular church attendance, prayerfulness, piousness; what comes out of their mouth will give them away.

In Trump’s case, we really don’t even need to apply it because he doesn’t appear to be a sheep at all. He is a wolf in full wolf regalia. And only willful blindness prevents a Christian from acknowledging that he is a wolf and not a Christian.

That’s not to say that God isn’t using him to accomplish his purpose— another poster was quite right that God often used the ungodly leaders of Gentile nations to further his purpose.

But let’s also not pretend like Trump “may” be a Christian. His life shows none of the marks of the Christian life.
I reposted a picture someone else posted saying it was you. I had no knowledge if that was true. You freaked out so maybe it was, I don’t know. Maybe it’s all an act to get attention like you always do, who knows. Can’t insult you personally if I don’t know you.
Awesome. Just quit being obnoxious and creepy. Quit being immature and insulting me at every opportunity you get. Act like an adult
It was a warning about how to discern false prophets, and more specifically wolves in sheeps’ clothing. In other words, it doesn’t matter how much someone may “look like” a sheep, e.g., regular church attendance, prayerfulness, piousness; what comes out of their mouth will give them away.

In Trump’s case, we really don’t even need to apply it because he doesn’t appear to be a sheep at all. He is a wolf in full wolf regalia. And only willful blindness prevents a Christian from acknowledging that he is a wolf and not a Christian.

That’s not to say that God isn’t using him to accomplish his purpose— another poster was quite right that God often used the ungodly leaders of Gentile nations to further his purpose.

But let’s also not pretend like Trump “may” be a Christian. His life shows none of the marks of the Christian life.
Well versed. I agree, but sadly America now has to vote the lesser of two evils. Is it better to vote against a lifestyle that's not biblical or someone passing a law that's not biblical? Remember, one is human choice and one is God's.
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Well versed. I agree, but sadly America now has to vote the lesser of two evils. Is it better to vote against a lifestyle that's not biblical or someone passing a law that's not biblical? Remember, one is human choice and one is God's.

Or maybe neither side is actually representative of God's choice.
The marriage of convenience that is Donald Trump and the religious right really is the gift that keeps on giving. The character assassination of someone like Obama by the right while pushing an embarrassment like Trump who brought dick size into a debate and tweeted, as the leader of the free world, about beating up another old out of touch white guy, is truly fascinating.

I still haven't seen anyone in this thread elucidate the ways that Obama infringed upon their religious freedoms or how Trump has ameliorated them.
When you roll over to kiss Obama good night tonight.....ask him how he thinks he strengthened this country during his 8.
Well versed. I agree, but sadly America now has to vote the lesser of two evils. Is it better to vote against a lifestyle that's not biblical or someone passing a law that's not biblical? Remember, one is human choice and one is God's.

I found this article to be most persuasive:

“This side of the New Jerusalem, we will never have a perfect candidate. But we cannot vote for evil, even if it’s our only option.”
I found this article to be most persuasive:

“This side of the New Jerusalem, we will never have a perfect candidate. But we cannot vote for evil, even if it’s our only option.”
The lesser evil is voted for, because of the generations of leadership in America has waxed worse and worse. Not many politicians that don't have crap coming out of some hole. I'm actually a constitution party voter. I still think Trump was our best option.
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I know exactly where you are coming from but that's not how the lawmakers, courts, or Constitution looks at this issue.

People have made it an emotional debate, when in fact it has nothing to do with emotion/sentiments.

Its a protection of the right for an individual to choose what is right or wrong for themselves.

Do you want a government that tells you what you can and cannot do on a daily basis?

I don't agree with abortion and its not something we would ever consider, but the courts have this one right.

Actually this is not totally true......they have arbitrarily drawn a line that you can legally have an abortion up to a certain point of is not available throughout can torch a fetus up until it is at a point that it can survive outside the womb........after that it is illegal......the bottom line is they are somewhat playing God by determining a fetus in first half of pregnancy is not a living being which is BS

The argument of allowing individuals to decide what is best for themselves is used by lawmakers when it is convenient for them.....there are other medical areas were they deny situations were that argument could be applied such as assisted suicide in terminally ill, life support removal in people in long term commas that are not brain dead, etc
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How did Obama impede your ability to practice your religion?
Have you ever read blood trail? If not read it. Then you will understand freedom of religion was actually freedom from religion. The problem all the religious people have in the bible and truth is your lack knowledge. Those that came over here to start with wasn't seeking freedom to be a sinner. They were seeking to worship a God that forgave them, without rituals that the Catholic church was still saying was part of serving God. When they made it here and it has been twisted, but it was freedom from religion. They just never thought about the godlessness of generations that would serve religion and not the Lord Jesus. It was never intended for America to be able to have any other god other than God. Say what you want but the bible proves it.
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You realize you're talking about a book that those same Catholics you mocked were largely responsible for editing and assembling, right?
Catholics didn't edit God's word. They added to it in self rituals. They failed to see Jesus as the sacrifice like the Pharisees.
Catholics didn't edit God's word. They added to it in self rituals. They failed to see Jesus as the sacrifice like the Pharisees.
The early version of the Catholic church codified the Bible initially via the Councils of Carthage and presented it as canon in 397 AD. It was later further edited during the Protestant Reformation by Martin Luther and others. Luther couldn't balance some of the writings with his own personal belief system, so I guess you better have a lot of faith in one isolated man's ability several centuries ago to divine the Divine insofar as the book you are following.

The book was first presented as the Bible you know by the Catholic church over 1600 years ago.
Want to see it soon.

Also, a new movie about the apostle Paul coming out today. Very much want to see it.
I used to not understand Paul. But once you really GET the gospel of grace, and really dig into what he's saying, it's just all revelation and truth. Big, big fan of Paul. Sometimes I think Paul and John are the only ones who REALLY got it.
George and Ringo also got it
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Catholics didn't edit God's word. They added to it in self rituals. They failed to see Jesus as the sacrifice like the Pharisees.

I taught several Sunday School classes on the topic.

The Bible has been edited several times. Maybe "translated" is a better word.

By handful of different cultures throughout history.

Many of the Biblical stories are parables, and not actually historically accurate. They were teaching stories put into words, once there were ways to capture the written word in mass production.

But the Bible was edited/translated many times before it became what we have.

Ther are many "books" that aren't included in the modern day Bible.
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I'm not arguing with you. I see it both ways. I'd just rather have the individual right to choose than the opposite. Like I said, taking away freedom of choice would be a slippery slope to taking away a lot of things individuals can now do.
I'm just not in favor of being forced to finance murder with my tax dollars. It sears my conscience because of my beliefs.
As far as your argument. I can make the converse argument that you're doing the same thing, (monetarily) by increasing the SS tax because of a shortage of people paying into the system. How many potential workers have been "taken out of the system" since 1973?
I'm not against the concept of birth control and I'm not Catholic. Just don't think Catholic employers should be mandated. As far that goes, I don't think the gov't has any business mandating anything concerning healthcare, education, etc. Everything the gov't manages would be better served by free market capitalism. My opinion.
This x10000000
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I think poor kids get plenty of assistance. The poor in our country are many times over weight. What if you grew up poor, would like to have no chance at life?
Plenty of poor kids went on to do great things, don’t play God and think you can decide who lives and dies.

So you're against the death penalty then also, right?

The justice system is far from perfect; innocent people have been executed. There are no doubt at least a few innocent people on death row as we speak.

If not, there's some hypocrisy with this rationale
I taught several Sunday School classes on the topic.

The Bible has been edited several times. Maybe "translated" is a better word.

By handful of different cultures throughout history.

Many of the Biblical stories are parables, and not actually historically accurate. They were teaching stories put into words, once there were ways to capture the written word in mass production.

But the Bible was edited/translated many times before it became what we have.

Ther are many "books" that aren't included in the modern day Bible.
And each time words have been translated in the bible it has been watered down. Meaning the words taken and replaced have been done so in a more modern meaning. When they have edited the bible they replaced words without it's root meaning, which is the Hebrew and Greek definition not the Noah Webster's definition or any other dictionary. Some have even taken words out. Compare the KJV with the NIV and you will see what I'm talking about.