A few of points. Just think if every bill bernnie/aoc/etc wanted were enacted. So, let me know when it passes- I seriously doubt it has a chance. Second, let's just assume it does. That would mean someone may have to spend half, or (gasp) even a whole business day round trip to get an abortion somewhere else.
Lastly, and most importantly, if roe is overturned, it will not be because the scotus is antiabortion. It will be bc they rightly believe that abortion was not addressed in the constitution and therefore the decision in roe that assumed it was a constitutional right was in error. What happens based on how they rule is absolutely irrelevant. If scotus knew for a 100% fact that abortion would be banned in every state if they overturned roe, that would be/is completely irrelevant to whether or not the roe decision was constitutional. I don't understand why this is so hard for people to understand. It is a pretty elementary notion as it relates to constitutional law.