"Thoughts and Prayers"

I’m 43 … smoked my fair share of weed in my youth… smoke now on occasion (so easy to get a med card) … I have never, ever … ever … EVER … come across a violent pot head.
There is research that contradicts your personal experience. Additionally pot is a gateway drug for many. I am just stating that drug usage across the spectrum is a component part of these people going crazy.
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Lmao now your are pulling out 60’s propaganda? What conspiracy is this now?

So you rationalizing tokers are claiming that drug usage which creates altered states in the mind in no way contributes to violence. I disagree.
Yeah you and your boys totally didn’t spend the last 5 years throwing histrionic fits over LITERALLY everything 45 said

Good god you people have zero introspection
an ex president showing remembrance of the george floyd murder
a president shitposting about toilets not having enough water power to flush his massive logs

totes the same thing
I'm not going to tell you to STFU but I really want to. What I will say is I hope I never hire somebody like you.
Is your middle name CAN'T?
I make decisions based on logic and if my decision is likely going to produce the result I want or solve the problem at hand. People like me don't work for people like you who want to do things for optics, so they can say "at least we tried" when all you did was waste a bunch of time and resources on something that made no difference.

I clearly stated there were things I would not be opposed to changing, and would be open to other ideas if they are going to make a difference. Are you in favor of stricter laws for those caught with guns illegally and stiffer penalties for them and those who commit crimes in possession of weapons? It seems like this would be a pretty common sense place to start that would have broad support if we are trying to stop gun homicides. Those are not exactly gun laws as it related to obtaining them, but I think that would have more impact than anything else I have seen mentioned.
speaking with authority on something you have no experience doing, or knowledge about.

yeah that sounds about right
There is research that contradicts your personal experience. Additionally pot is a gateway drug for many. I am just stating that drug usage across the spectrum is a component part of these people going crazy.

There isnt. There is no research that suggests weed causes people to be violent.

This is extra idiotic for you. And just wrong.
There isnt. There is no research that suggests weed causes people to be violent.

This is extra idiotic for you. And just wrong.
I provided a link already. Here it is again. Info from someone smarter than you.

Par for the course for that guy. Just look at a his posts about elections.
They are pretty similar to all the fake voter suppression bs your side floats. Looks like Jim Crowe 2.0 really suppressed GA voting, right. Glass house and all that.
I provided a link already. Here it is again. Info from someone smarter than you.

Here is another one.

I’m 43 … smoked my fair share of weed in my youth… smoke now on occasion (so easy to get a med card) … I have never, ever … ever … EVER … come across a violent pot head.
I'd much rather deal with someone who has been smoking pot all day instead of someone who has been drinking all day. Neither is good but at the end of the day you can drink yourself to death at a sitting, you can't with pot.
and as I said then and I say now….he made two separate statements on that day. The first about the events in Texas. The second was a preplanned announcement on the second anniversary of an event that is still very fresh in the hearts of many in this country (a civil rights issue).

When he made the statement about the events in Texas, he did not mention GFloyd once. Didn’t even begin to. Hours later as he was making his announcement surrounding the anniversary of GFloyd, he first paid respect (again) the the events in Texas.

George Floyd/BLM/civil rights bring a lot to the surface….I’m not saying that’s what is going on here, but I can tell you that no one is mad at him for what he said in reverence about the events in Texas hours earlier in the day. It’s once Floyd’s name was uttered that everyone got all pissed off about Obama being disrespectful. Coincidence? I struggle to think so.
"As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to remember that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd"

Not sure how else to frame the above so you can wrap your head around how inappropriate that statement/tweet is regardless of sequencing but I guess maybe we just agree that we aren't going to agree and leave it at that?

Also, how about Beto's planned outburst at the presser from local officials where he had a news crew waiting outside to interview him after? You'll note that he offered no solutions to what is surmounting to be a pretty critical issue but instead, used a time of grief and angst to pick up momentum behind his campaign.

I am over all politicians red and blue. None of them give me any hope for a better tomorrow.
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"As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to remember that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd"

Not sure how else to frame the above so you can wrap your head around how inappropriate that statement/tweet is regardless of sequencing but I guess maybe we just agree that we aren't going to agree and leave it at that?

Also, how about Beto's planned outburst at the presser from local officials where he had a news crew waiting outside to interview him after? You'll note that he offered no solutions to what is surmounting to be a pretty critical issue but instead, used a time of grief and angst to pick up momentum behind his campaign.

I am over all politicians red and blue. None of them give me any hope for a better tomorrow.

I agree about Beto, terrible timing and really sad political posturing at an awful time. These guys have no shame.

Obama from what I'd read had planned the comments about Floyd for a while, it was a poor choice to link it with Uvalde. I would like to think it wasn't meant to try and link them,only a really poor transition.

Politicians on both sides have really disappointed me with their rhetoric and lack of any actual ideas. We've had better conversations and actual strategies discussed in this thread than I've heard from any of our elected officials.
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"As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to remember that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd"

Not sure how else to frame the above so you can wrap your head around how inappropriate that statement/tweet is regardless of sequencing but I guess maybe we just agree that we aren't going to agree and leave it at that?

Also, how about Beto's planned outburst at the presser from local officials where he had a news crew waiting outside to interview him after? You'll note that he offered no solutions to what is surmounting to be a pretty critical issue but instead, used a time of grief and angst to pick up momentum behind his campaign.

I am over all politicians red and blue. None of them give me any hope for a better tomorrow.
If you'll notice in my earlier post I called Beto's outburst out as just that.....political theatre. I have zero issues calling out politicians when deserved. I do have issue with calling them out just because you don't like them.
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"As we grieve the children of Uvalde today, we should take time to remember that two years have passed since the murder of George Floyd"

Not sure how else to frame the above so you can wrap your head around how inappropriate that statement/tweet is regardless of sequencing but I guess maybe we just agree that we aren't going to agree and leave it at that?

Also, how about Beto's planned outburst at the presser from local officials where he had a news crew waiting outside to interview him after? You'll note that he offered no solutions to what is surmounting to be a pretty critical issue but instead, used a time of grief and angst to pick up momentum behind his campaign.

I am over all politicians red and blue. None of them give me any hope for a better tomorrow.

The timing and place of Beto's interruption may not have been the best, but to say that he offered no solutions is incorrect. I posted the clip below already, so I will post it again. Four solutions in 15 seconds. You just don't agree with his solutions. It's hilarious by the way that Lyin' Ted called Beto out for politicizing that press conference when he was there just to stand behind Greg Abbott and be on camera.

This whole thing is rinse and repeat. Dems will call for gun control. Republicans will scream that the Dems are trying to politicize a tragedy to shift the focus away from them. It is not surprising at all that this is your focus now.

In the end, the pubs will run back their master the NRA. Abbott was going to speak at an NRA fundraiser tonight to brag about how few gun restrictions his state has. He had to cancel attending in person but will deliver prerecorded remarks.

In the end, we all know what the republicans will do. NOTHING. And on to the next massacre. At least we are approaching summer, so we hopefully won't see more kids being gunned down until the fall.

So ****ing sad.

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You remember when Trump was trying to do this and the left was too busy trying to have him impeached? Crazy times we live in.

Link isn't working. Trump, to his credit, did enact a ban on bump stocks after the GOP controlled House and Senate could not even bring a bipartisan bill banning bump stocks to a vote. This was in reaction to the 2017 massacre in Vegas. The first impeachment was in December of 2019

While I disagree with @TigerGrowls on most things, seeing who ridicules him for his choice about pot says a lot. Quite pathetic. Of the 10 dumbest people I've met in my life every one of them loved the weed. I've never seen any of them be aggressive but stupid...yeah all the time. And now I understand more why some of the people on this board post the way they do. :)
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While I disagree with @TigerGrowls on most things, seeing who ridicules him for his choice about pot says a lot. Quite pathetic. Of the 10 dumbest people I've met in my life every one of them loved the weed. I've never seen any of them be aggressive but stupid...yeah all the time. And now I understand more why some of the people on this board post the way they do. :)
You are making a habit out of making very poor assumptions. :)
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You are making a habit out of making very poor assumptions. :)

What assumption is that? You would definitely not be one of the people I make that assumption about. I don't agree with a lot of stuff you post but you're a smart guy with very informed opinions.
While I disagree with @TigerGrowls on most things, seeing who ridicules him for his choice about pot says a lot. Quite pathetic. Of the 10 dumbest people I've met in my life every one of them loved the weed. I've never seen any of them be aggressive but stupid...yeah all the time. And now I understand more why some of the people on this board post the way they do. :)

Would you agree amongst many of his uninformed options, his opinion that marijuana use is leading to violence at least ignorant, and at worst just stupid?

I'm not close to a daily user, but have used recreationally, and use delta 8 and Delta9 for sleep and relaxation and I have never been close to violent. I'm way to sleepy and relaxed to want to hurt someone.
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I must admit, I enjoy a gummy once in a while, these days. Relaxation at its finest.
The last time I tried one I was at an outdoor event and realized that when I was talking to someone, I'd forget what I was saying halfway through my sentence LOL. Had to take my @ss back to the Airbnb and sleep it off. Far from wanting to commit violence, I just wanted to crawl in a hole 😅
Would you agree amongst many of his uninformed options, his opinion that marijuana use is leading to violence at least ignorant, and at worst just stupid?

I'm not close to a daily user, but have used recreationally, and use delta 8 and Delta9 for sleep and relaxation and I have never been close to violent. I'm way to sleepy and relaxed to want to hurt someone.

I played basketball with Jay Bias growing up. He was the little brother of Len Bias. We were around Len a number of times and he was someone I really looked up to. He was an incredible player. When he died because of his overdose, that was it for me. I never considered doing drugs of any kind ever. Rightly or wrongly (yes, I know wrongly) I lumped them all together and wouldn't ever consider trying anything. I didn't even want to be around it. So my knowledge beyond reading and some experience isn't too extensive. But I can say that the dumbest people I've ever met were people who smoked a lot of weed. I can also say I've never seen someone be violent because of pot. I've seen and had to deal with a lot of violent drunks.

I didn't take issue with rebutting the claims of @TigerGrowls. It was more the ridicule of him that he hasn't done it himself and that explains a lot, etc. That's just flat ignorant and stupid.