Trump 2024

The community notes on the clip from today are amazing lol. What a dumbass.

What an abject imbecile, holy shit. To ensure that jobs stay in America he is going to remind her that he won man of the year one time! LMAO

He also said at one of these town halls that they didn't need to worry about it because there were so many nuclear weapons in the world. 🤡

Seriously, how this jackass get any votes, I will never understand.

Why do we make excuses about and for the lies and the liar? Why have we allowed this one man to supplant core values and principles we once taught our children?…
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BREAKING: Hollywood Superstar Zachary Levi just came out in full support of Trump, saying he initially supported RFK Jr. He just gave a beautiful speech in Michigan

"I stand with Bobby and I stand with everyone else who is standing with President Trump."

"My parents were Kennedy Democrats that then turned into Reagan Republicans. And they taught me to have a healthy level of distrust for the government and a healthy level of distrust for industry that runs amok."

I had no idea Levi was BASED. I love Shazam even more now.
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BREAKING: Hollywood Superstar Zachary Levi just came out in full support of Trump, saying he initially supported RFK Jr. He just gave a beautiful speech in Michigan

"I stand with Bobby and I stand with everyone else who is standing with President Trump."

"My parents were Kennedy Democrats that then turned into Reagan Republicans. And they taught me to have a healthy level of distrust for the government and a healthy level of distrust for industry that runs amok."

I had no idea Levi was BASED. I love Shazam even more now.
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For all the marbles.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
For all the marbles.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

The left needs to tone down their rhetoric.
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BREAKING: Hollywood Superstar Zachary Levi just came out in full support of Trump, saying he initially supported RFK Jr. He just gave a beautiful speech in Michigan

"I stand with Bobby and I stand with everyone else who is standing with President Trump."

"My parents were Kennedy Democrats that then turned into Reagan Republicans. And they taught me to have a healthy level of distrust for the government and a healthy level of distrust for industry that runs amok."

I had no idea Levi was BASED. I love Shazam even more now.

This makes sense, he is maga all the way. After his last movie tanked, he cried in the press about being a victim. He fits right in.

Maga = victim mentality = weakness


Cut em off and tell them to get their shit together. I know the scotchtiger household and the town of Mt. Pleasant pays more than it takes. Assume Charleston county does too. Can’t speak for the poors elsewhere.

If you aren’t physically or mentally disabled or potentially a single mom and you take money from the government - perhaps with a few exceptions - you are a serious problem, regardless of how you vote.
So y

So You are back to not believing the polls again?
No. I don't give a shit what the polls say. She is a god awful candidate that didn't even win a contested primary. She has no qualifications. No redeeming qualities other than a cackling laugh.

America is not dumb enough to vote for her or what the democratic party currently stands for.
No. I don't give a shit what the polls say. She is a god awful candidate that didn't even win a contested primary. She has no qualifications. No redeeming qualities other than a cackling laugh.

America is not dumb enough to vote for her or what the democratic party currently stands for.
What were Trump's "qualifications" before you voted for him in 2016?

Here are Kamala's bona fides...

  • Assistant DA
  • DA
  • AG
  • Senator
  • VP

Can you contrast that resume with Trump when you voted for him in 2016?
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No. I don't give a shit what the polls say. She is a god awful candidate that didn't even win a contested primary. She has no qualifications. No redeeming qualities other than a cackling laugh.

America is not dumb enough to vote for her or what the democratic party currently stands for.
You obviously haven't been paying attention to Trump's public appearances lately. Comparatively speaking, she sounds like an intellectual genius...
No. I don't give a shit what the polls say. She is a god awful candidate that didn't even win a contested primary. She has no qualifications. No redeeming qualities other than a cackling laugh.

America is not dumb enough to vote for her or what the democratic party currently stands for.
Makes a great case that Trump is a POS dementia patient who is the exact opposite of what his supporters say he is. He is literally about nothing.

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Fear is the only thing he has to sell because he's too stupid to explain what his platform is.

Really!! That's almost as good as having Scott "Chachi" Baio endorsing you.
I mean, they claim this guy is a superstar yet I've never heard of him lol. I think it'd be better to tout a Ricky Shroder endorsement
I';m waiting for trump to claim the hurricane never would have happened if he was prezident.
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