Two police officers shot in Dallas

No, no no man. This isnt the first time that C*m stain has popped his mouth off about this kind of shit with out all the facts. In no way is it the presidents job to make the kind of comments that he did. All that junk does is make a bad situation worse. This may have nothing to do with any of what he said, but you can bett your sweet ass all he will talk about is gun control in response to this shooting.

And there it is...

Oh come on. I made 0 assumptions of whether these two asshats were "responsible firearm carrying citizens" or illegally held them. It was a general statement. But if you want to pull the old line of too soon to shut down the discussion, can't say I'm surprised. Might even respond with, and there it is.
NRA helps militarize the public. Police militarize as a response. People die. Rinse. Repeat. Not sure how ya'll can't see the vicious cycle of non gun control.
So gun control isnt the issue when an ex con with a gun gets shot by police, but it is when police get shot? I mean that guy was prohibited by law to own a gun, but did anyways. Im sure the NRA fully backed him losing his right to own a firearm but he still had one. The NRA dont fight to arm Every American. They fight for the right to choose if you want to arm yourself or not. For the record i am not an NRA member and do not plan on becoming one.
2 murderers don't represent an entire movement the same way 2 police officers don't represent all police officers. I'm sorry you can't see that.

Thanks for proving my point LOL.
So gun control isnt the issue when an ex con with a gun gets shot by police, but it is when police get shot? I mean that guy was prohibited by law to own a gun, but did anyways. Im sure the NRA fully backed him losing his right to own a firearm but he still had one. The NRA dont fight to arm Every American. They fight for the right to choose if you want to arm yourself or not.

IMO they fight like hell to deny citizens of this country sensible gun laws.
Sadly this should bring up a serious discussion about gun control and police violence in this country before it gets out of hand.
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IMO they fight like hell to deny citizens of this country sensible gun laws.
Then you need to educate yourself. The gun laws in this country arnt the issue. It goes far deeper that that. Guns are only a tool. If it wasnt guns it would be bombs, if it wasnt bombs it would be knives. This country has far deeper issues that its gun laws. If you cant see that you arnt looking.
Then you need to educate yourself. The gun laws in this country arnt the issue. It goes far deeper that that. Guns are only a tool. If it wasnt guns it would be bombs, if it wasnt bombs it would be knives. This country has far deeper issues that its gun laws. If you cant see that you arnt looking.

Rather it be knives, buddy.
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Then you need to educate yourself. The gun laws in this country arnt the issue. It goes far deeper that that. Guns are only a tool. If it wasnt guns it would be bombs, if it wasnt bombs it would be knives. This country has far deeper issues that its gun laws. If you cant see that you arnt looking.

I'll take my chances vs knives all day if that's the argument you are offering. I know that's not what you are saying, but I think the argument of escalation is a bad one.

Agreed there are big issues. Seriously though take a look at the twitter pic and the later video of this dude walking around with an AR-15 strapped to him. If that doesn't make you wonder how we got here then me and you aren't gonna find the middle ground on this one.
Rather it be knives, buddy.
So do u think making guns harder to buy or illegal all together will stop this kind of thing. Meth is illegal but if i try hard enough i can buy it. France has some pretty harsh gun laws but a bunch of ppl still died due to guns.
So do u think making guns harder to buy or illegal all together will stop this kind of thing. Meth is illegal but if i try hard enough i can buy it. France has some pretty harsh gun laws but a bunch of ppl still died due to guns.

France's homicide rate is lower than ours. In fact, and I admittedly only gave a cursor glance, it looks like the United States has the highest homicide rate of any first world country (I don't know if you count South Africa, though).
The fact that some individuals thought that this was the way to handle the events of the last 48 hours is beyond sickening. 4 more(and maybe more) people aren't going home to their families because someone wanted to make a statement or get revenge. A life for a life never cancels each other out. It's just piling bodies on top of bodies. Everything is just sad.
He will make a speech about gun control. Ole ice can't handle it
So do u think making guns harder to buy or illegal all together will stop this kind of thing. Meth is illegal but if i try hard enough i can buy it. France has some pretty harsh gun laws but a bunch of ppl still died due to guns.

Does it have to stop? Or does it need to slow down? Cause I'll take slow down in a heart beat. And if it just means the ones who don't have guns goto knives then I'm good with that. Because good luck killing 50 people in a nightclub with a knife. Or 4 cops in a crowded area with one. Or 20 kids in an elementary school.

Effectiveness doesn't mean taking away all these guns. And it doesn't mean that it's only successful if no one dies.
Learn how to read.
"People are tired of the bull shit going on in this country, and they are making it known."
This is what you typed. It reads as if you are saying these people are killing these cops because of something that happened 300 or 400 miles away. That somehow a man armed with a gun fights police and gets shot because he is armed and fighting the police is a good reason to shoot a cop. Am i wrong? What are you trying to say?
Sounds like it's a coordinated attack to incite a riot.
Does it have to stop? Or does it need to slow down? Cause I'll take slow down in a heart beat. And if it just means the ones who don't have guns goto knives then I'm good with that. Because good luck killing 50 people in a nightclub with a knife. Or 4 cops in a crowded area with one. Or 20 kids in an elementary school.

Effectiveness doesn't mean taking away all these guns. And it doesn't mean that it's only successful if no one dies.
Sweet shit quit being so emotional. "We must do something...anything!"
Until this nation realizes that gun control, politics, or any other thing out their is not the problem except a change of heart these problems will never end.

What's the heart of the problem?
This thread is highly entertaining, and wonderfully all over the place. Oddly happy I had to finish work so I could see it.

On a somber note, this is really some ****ed up shit, and I hope they get it under control. Feel bad for those officers and their families, its a tragedy.
Can't handle it? I'm not ashamed of the president's stance on gun control. I'm proud of his willingness to speak out.
So what gun laws do you think will put an end to things like this? Ex cons arnt allowed to own guns but our good friend Alton Sterling proved they still do. Arnt the guns laws in Chicago the most strict laws in the country, or at least close to it? How many gun related murders have accord in Chicago this year? Im not trying to be an ass but what laws do you think will make all the guns Legal and illegal stop winding up in the wrong hands? Most of the mass shooting are done by ppl that legally own the guns used. What about the far higher number of ppl killed by ppl who own guns illegally in this country?
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And now it came out that the man in the pic wasn't involved and turned himself and his weapon in. The other shooter appears to have an AR15 or similar weapon though. So there are users and abusers.
I'll be in Charlotte tomorrow. We can run a lap together. Maybe face to face we can actually have a discussion

I'm not planning on running any laps tomorrow. It's not a cardio day. Now, I will be at the Harris YMCA for my normal workout before my work day starts. I will say this...if any man who allows himself to make the decision to confront me in person bc of not seeing things eye to eye on a freakin message board, we will not be having a discussion. I can assure you of that.
I'm not planning on running any laps tomorrow. It's not a cardio day. Now, I will be at the Harris YMCA for my normal workout before my work day starts. I will say this...if any man who allows himself to make the decision to confront me in person bc of not seeing things eye to eye on a freakin message board, we will not be having a discussion. I can assure you of that.
Y'all trippin it ain't that serious.
I'm not planning on running any laps tomorrow. It's not a cardio day. Now, I will be at the Harris YMCA for my normal workout before my work day starts. I will say this...if any man who allows himself to make the decision to confront me in person bc of not seeing things eye to eye on a freakin message board, we will not be having a discussion. I can assure you of that.
Internet...serious bidness.
I'm not planning on running any laps tomorrow. It's not a cardio day. Now, I will be at the Harris YMCA for my normal workout before my work day starts. I will say this...if any man who allows himself to make the decision to confront me in person bc of not seeing things eye to eye on a freakin message board, we will not be having a discussion. I can assure you of that.

Oh I get it now...............
Y'all trippin it ain't that serious.

Touché. Very true.

I've gotten in plenty of debates on here with guys who I have a lot of respect for when it comes to their opinions. You agree to disagree at times. No one has ever tried to tell me they will be in the city where I live and wants to have a "discussion". That was a first. Guess it kind is struck a nerve. I guess I was rustled. Lol
Touché. Very true.

I've gotten in plenty of debates on here with guys who I have a lot of respect for when it comes to their opinions. You agree to disagree at times. No one has ever tried to tell me they will be in the city where I live and wants to have a "discussion". That was a first. Guess it kind is struck a nerve. I guess I was rustled. Lol
I feel you it happens. It was more so on him saying he was coming to your city that raised a brow not really your response. But hey if he shows up to your gym give him a workout lol
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