Two police officers shot in Dallas

Ya know, I read an article shortly after Obama began his 2nd term, that talked about how this administration would attempt to turn people against each other (particularly against cops) & then declare martial law in the fall of the next election year to stay in power...

At the time, I thought it was bullshvt as I generally don't fall into the conspiracy theorists trap...but this administration has done nothing but fan the flames of racial divide & has particularly pitted black people vs. law enforcement...

Needless to say, I'm beginning to think that article was spot-on...unfortunately

Your first instinct was right... That article is BS!
The percentages you listed make sense as white people make up about 51% of arrests and black people make up about 28% of arrests. So you can reasonably assume that incidents of each race killing police would follow a similar trend.

I haven't seen the aggregate number of white and Hispanic homicides by police, but it would make sense that the number is higher being that whites and Hispanics make up roughly 69% of annual arrests.
How much media attention was given to any of those other police shootings? You would think that the media coverage would be about twice as much for white deaths, since there's twice as many, right?

And there you have it, now you know the real problem. This isn't about black/white/blue, this is about green. The media needs ratings, and they know how to get them.
And I am not surprised you would believe that. I will bet you everything I own President Obama is not looking to declare and will not declare martial law before his term is up. You want to make that bet? Where do you people come up with this crap?

And by the way, I didn't vote for President Obama and don't agree with a lot of his political viewpoints, but I don't get the absolute hate, disdain and vitriol that some of you have for him as an individual. Its pretty rediculous and sad.

Until people start learning to listen and work with people that they have differing viewpoints as opposed to simply hating and trying to anialate the other side and their viewpoint, we are going to flounder and be less than we should be as a country. I can disagree with someone politically and even personally, but I don't have to hate them and every single word that comes out of their mouth before they even say it. With some of you there is not a single thing the man could say without it being twisted into crazy talk. If he came out and said the sky was blue, you would take issue with it and argue that their was some conspiracy behind that statement simply because he said it.

People are too prejudicial. Prejudice applies not just with race, gender, etc., it applies with politics, sports, etc. as well. We are a prejudicial society. People pick a side and defend it to the end. They can't find or accept fault in their own viewpoints. They look at everything through that one sided lens and shape every situation to fit their preconceived narrative. They only seek out the morsels of info that fit their narrative and blindly discount everything else. It's dangerous and the internet has only fed people's ability to hunker down in a pile of bullshit that fits whatever false narrative they choose to live in.
I guess you didn't read my post...i said I thought it was bullshvt when I read it, but now I'm beginning to think otherwise
ouch good catch however it still applies today regardless who said it.

Case in point:


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What an absolutely ridiculous statement. I imagine the article you read was from one of those ultra conservative websites that just feeds on weak minded individuals such as yourself.

President Obama is not against police officers. However, we have never had a POTUS who better understands how black males are stereotyped in a negative manner too often by police officers and by the general population. He has made statements that I disagree with in the past as he has let his personal emotions in the matter get in the way of good judgement at times. But he, like most reasonably intelligent people, realizes that we all owe a debt of gratitude to our police officers as a whole. Unfortunately there are a few officers that give the large majority a bad rap which really sucks.

Some people will believe just about anything, especially the right wing crowd. If I wrote an article and managed to get it posted that Obama has an army staged on the border of Texas to overthrow Texas and take over people's guns in Texas, people would believe it. Oh, Wait! That article was written by some loony toon and the crazies believed it!!
Some people will believe just about anything, especially the right wing crowd. If I wrote an article and managed to get it posted that Obama has an army staged on the border of Texas to overthrow Texas and take over people's guns in Texas, people would believe it. Oh, Wait! That article was written by some loony toon and the crazies believed it!!

And the beat goes on. No one ever learns anything from these situations. Just more finger pointing and name calling. Oh well
Some people will believe just about anything, especially the right wing crowd. If I wrote an article and managed to get it posted that Obama has an army staged on the border of Texas to overthrow Texas and take over people's guns in Texas, people would believe it. Oh, Wait! That article was written by some loony toon and the crazies believed it!!

If you think this doesn't go both ways equally, I question your critical thinking skills.

This is truly an example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Some people will believe just about anything, especially the right wing crowd. If I wrote an article and managed to get it posted that Obama has an army staged on the border of Texas to overthrow Texas and take over people's guns in Texas, people would believe it. Oh, Wait! That article was written by some loony toon and the crazies believed it!!
GTFOH. There are just as many ignorant people on the left as there are on the right. Sweet shit why do we always have to divide people up? Can't we all just admit that there are stupid/impressionable people from ALL walks of life and political stripes??
How much media attention was given to any of those other police shootings? You would think that the media coverage would be about twice as much for white deaths, since there's twice as many, right?

And there you have it, now you know the real problem. This isn't about black/white/blue, this is about green. The media needs ratings, and they know how to get them. In the process, people get all worked up and blow things out of proportion.

Now, don't let that get you all worked up and blow things out of proportion. I'm not saying that cops killing people isn't a problem, it's just not as big of a problem as you would believe by watching TV.
Absolutely, hopefully when they outlaw our guns it will work as well as it has on meth, heroin, coke, child porn etc. The criminals will have another trillion dollar industry to manage and us law abiders will be defenseless.
So you're ok with ppl on the terrorist watch list getting weapons? And I said gun control not ban there's a difference.
How much media attention was given to any of those other police shootings? You would think that the media coverage would be about twice as much for white deaths, since there's twice as many, right?

And there you have it, now you know the real problem. This isn't about black/white/blue, this is about green. The media needs ratings, and they know how to get them.

Absolutely man... The media always has an agenda. It's also surprising for a lot of people to see that black folks make up 28% of arrests but 80+% of the criminal stories you see on the news.
GTFOH. There are just as many ignorant people on the left as there are on the right. Sweet shit why do we always have to divide people up? Can't we all just admit that there are stupid/impressionable people from ALL walks of life and political stripes??

No doubt, there are. In fact, I am not saying there aren't. It just seems the party that is not in power at the Presidential level is the loudest, generally speaking.
And the beat goes on. No one ever learns anything from these situations. Just more finger pointing and name calling. Oh well

I was not referring to people not learning from these situations. Far from it. I was referring to someone indicating that they were starting to believe that Obama was inciting a race war and was trying to divide the country in order to set up martial law. That belief is beyond ludicrous and deserves to be called out at any time. In fact, I am not sure why the OP felt the need to highlight his belief in that at this juncture bc it certainly incites extreme passions that probably should not be intimated right now. If anyone should be called out it should be him for stating such extreme propaganda.
Don't you people ever stop? You're all behaving like a bunch of freaking idiots. Get outside your own heads for a while. Show a little love and consideration for others. That we never tire of this anger and vitriol is exactly why we deserve it. A curse upon all your houses if you can't get a damn clue. Despicable!
I was not referring to people not learning from these situations. Far from it. I was referring to someone indicating that they were starting to believe that Obama was inciting a race war and was trying to divide the country in order to set up martial law. That belief is beyond ludicrous and deserves to be called out at any time. In fact, I am not sure why the OP felt the need to highlight his belief in that at this juncture bc it certainly incites extreme passions that probably should not be intimated right now. If anyone should be called out it should be him for stating such extreme propaganda.

It's Jimbob, a well established moron. Just ignore him and hopefully he'll go away
Hopefully this was a lone shooter and these shootings will not continue.

Having said that, a group has claimed responsibility for the attack apparently?
So you're ok with ppl on the terrorist watch list getting weapons? And I said gun control not ban there's a difference.

Do I want terrorists to have guns?
Do I trust our government to properly administer said list?
Hell No.

You have read about the federal judge who was placed on the no fly list, right?
He lived his entire life in the US, had no ties to terrorism and died in 2003. Yet he was added to the no fly list in 2015. That is who you want deciding who gets a gun and who doesnt?
am i supposed to see anything other than a bunch of sorority girls eating phallic food?
I didn't know phaggots could see past the phalic food...

I kid. Yes it is tough to not think why there aren't any condiments on those dogs. I mean who eats a dry dog???
However, we have never had a POTUS who better understands how black males are stereotyped in a negative manner too often by police officers and by the general population.
I haven't been able to get past this all day. Obama grew up in Hawaii, went to private schools then went to Ivy League schools. I think it's safe to say that he doesn't know the first damn thing about being a black person growing up in the urban neighborhoods. And I'd even take it a step further that it's incredibly racist to suggest that he knows the struggle simply based on his pigmentation.
I haven't been able to get past this all day. Obama grew up in Hawaii, went to private schools then went to Ivy League schools. I think it's safe to say that he doesn't know the first damn thing about being a black person growing up in the urban neighborhoods. And I'd even take it a step further that it's incredibly racist to suggest that he knows the struggle simply based on his pigmentation.
Read what I wrote would be your first step to understanding. I didn't say he grew up in urban neighborhoods. I didn't say he grew up rich or poor. He grew up half black and half white and you don't think he has experienced racism? You don't think he has been stereotyped ever by the general population or perhaps by even the police? You don't think he better understands how black males have been stereotyped more than any other President we have ever had? Hell John Saunders of ESPN is a light skinned black male from Canada who has been pulled over while driving in his own neighborhood because of the color of his skin! If you think only lower income urban black males and females have been discriminated against then you haven't really don't understand the problem. How should your potato post be served ...... baked and fully loaded, mashed, fried, etc.?
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So you're ok with ppl on the terrorist watch list getting weapons? And I said gun control not ban there's a difference.

Hold your horses sparkey, there were 4 GC bills voted down, 2 from the left and 2 from the right. There was even a bi-partisan bill that was killed because it did not go far enough and did not include an battle rifle ban. So both parties are guilty as hell in the whole GC issue. Sadly, some elements of the Democratic Party do want a ban, and are willing to utilize GC to get there. Perfect example is California right now. But why does anyone need facts instead of the narrative the media is peddling.
Read what I wrote would be your first step to understanding. I didn't say he grew up in urban neighborhoods. I didn't say he grew up rich or poor. He grew up half black and half white and you don't think he has experienced racism? You don't think he has been stereotyped ever by the general population or perhaps by even the police? You don't think he better understands how black males have been stereotyped more than any other President we have ever had? Hell John Saunders of ESPN is a light skinned black male from Canada who has been pulled over while driving in his own neighborhood because of the color of his skin! If you think only lower income urban black males and females have been discriminated against then you haven't really don't understand the problem. How should your potato post be served ...... baked and fully loaded, mashed, fried, etc.?
I did read what you wrote and never put words in your mouth. I've been disriminated against by a black professor and police officer before. Does that make me an expert on what the majority of black people struggle with almost everyday? Now I'm sure Obama has seen his share but let's not act like he can even fathom what most have gone through. He's lived a priviledged life and there's no denying that.
From a black man's perspective, I just don't see it that way. From our perspective it doesn't really seem like people give people give 2 shits about us. It's been that way for many decades, and we're just tired of it.

No other group has been treaters as lowly and as for long as the black community in this country. Has it gotten better, much better? Definitely. Could it still get a lot better? Definitely. As a member of the black community, I will be the first to admit that we have many things to work on internally l, and its almost certainly a larger issue in my mind than cops killing us. But it is still an issue.

I just wish we would focus on both sides of the black issue, plus the all lives matter. They aren't mutually exclusive ideas. But for some reason BLM doesn't include black on black crime, BLM doesn't include all lives matter, and ALM wants to erase the term BLM.
I guess I don't understand where ALM wants to erase BLM. From my perspective ALM unites everyone into a cohesive unit. Every side of this needs to understand that things never change overnight. I wish we could have a few peaceful rallies and everyone would wake up in the morning and live in peace and harmony but that isn't going to happen. I just think separating ourselves into groups just exacerbates the issue. Let's all work together to change. I thought what Snoop Dog (can't believe this dude is the voice of reason here) did in LA was exactly the right move. Open up a dialogue between the police and the black community. Work together to make a change. Emphasize unity as people. And you're right, the vlack community needs to look at itself and realise there is a porton within itself that is making the rest look bad. Same with white people and the police. I don't think we can fix one thing without fixing the other. I'm tired so this may have rambled a bit but it's from the heart. We all need to change how we look at all of this. Stop blaming each other and say"hey guys, we are all human beings here, how do we fix this situation"
I think what the BLM movement is about is they're saying that they have already been separated out by police and the justice system as a whole. They believe they are being treated unequally and that when members of their community are wrongfully killed by police, there seem to be no consequences. So what they see is a country where all lives do matter except black ones. That's why the movement is called what it's called.
Yeah, I can understand that reasoning but it is assuming that every cop wants to kill black people or thinks every black person is a thug. It's also assuming that every black person is this squeaky clean individual that has never done anything wrong. That's not true for any race, religion and people group. It's basically saying that every white person is racist and elitist. The simple fact is none of those assumptions are true. This is one conflict that can and should be rectified peacefully. I'm horrified to think it won't. I took my children out for a walk today and literally every person I met was kind and decent. Most were black. As a white guy THAT DID NOT SURPRISE ME AT ALL. Most people I meet of any background are usually human beings genuinely doing their best to be good people. I don't think my outlook is the exception to the rule. I think most people think that way. Just because there are people that have better platforms than I do out preaching g hate, doesn't mean every person believes that message.
I guess I don't understand where ALM wants to erase BLM. From my perspective ALM unites everyone into a cohesive unit. Every side of this needs to understand that things never change overnight. I wish we could have a few peaceful rallies and everyone would wake up in the morning and live in peace and harmony but that isn't going to happen. I just think separating ourselves into groups just exacerbates the issue. Let's all work together to change. I thought what Snoop Dog (can't believe this dude is the voice of reason here) did in LA was exactly the right move. Open up a dialogue between the police and the black community. Work together to make a change. Emphasize unity as people. And you're right, the vlack community needs to look at itself and realise there is a porton within itself that is making the rest look bad. Same with white people and the police. I don't think we can fix one thing without fixing the other. I'm tired so this may have rambled a bit but it's from the heart. We all need to change how we look at all of this. Stop blaming each other and say"hey guys, we are all human beings here, how do we fix this situation"
That'd the the thing with BLM, we don't see it as seperating ourselves. BLM is essentially a cry to be treated equally. For some other people can't seem to understand that. And many black people feel that such a strong push to promote ALM just diminishes what BLM is trying to accomplish.
Yeah, I can understand that reasoning but it is assuming that every cop wants to kill black people or thinks every black person is a thug. It's also assuming that every black person is this squeaky clean individual that has never done anything wrong. That's not true for any race, religion and people group. It's basically saying that every white person is racist and elitist. The simple fact is none of those assumptions are true. This is one conflict that can and should be rectified peacefully. I'm horrified to think it won't. I took my children out for a walk today and literally every person I met was kind and decent. Most were black. As a white guy THAT DID NOT SURPRISE ME AT ALL. Most people I meet of any background are usually human beings genuinely doing their best to be good people. I don't think my outlook is the exception to the rule. I think most people think that way. Just because there are people that have better platforms than I do out preaching g hate, doesn't mean every person believes that message.
You don't need to assume any of that to go along with explanation
That'd the the thing with BLM, we don't see it as seperating ourselves. BLM is essentially a cry to be treated equally. For some other people can't seem to understand that. And many black people feel that such a strong push to promote ALM just diminishes what BLM is trying to accomplish.
It doesn't matter if you dont see it as separating yourselves, it's what is happening. It's like the difference between the black Panthers and MLK perception wise. One group is seen as violent and aggressive while the other is peaceful and just wants change. Right or not, the perception of BLM by a lot of people right now is that it is a violent group that doesn't care about anyone else because the rest of us are racist because we weren't born black. Maybe that will change, but it's hard to get behind a group like that no matter how much you may agree with their opinion.
It doesn't matter if you dont see it as separating yourselves, it's what is happening. It's like the difference between the black Panthers and MLK perception wise. One group is seen as violent and aggressive while the other is peaceful and just wants change. Right or not, the perception of BLM by a lot of people right now is that it is a violent group that doesn't care about anyone else because the rest of us are racist because we weren't born black. Maybe that will change, but it's hard to get behind a group like that no matter how much you may agree with their opinion.
This scenario where people try to say that BLM is violent group/movement has been going on since it's inception. ALM has been being promoted since the birth of BLM. Before any protests started l, before any rallies, before any other tragedies occurred. From the very beginning BLM has been painted a as some sort of seperatist movement, and that's not at all what it was about. If anything we just got pushed away more.

You let 1% of the people, who choose to represent themselves with BLM, and say or do bad things overshadow the other 99% that are just looking to be treated fairly. I
This scenario where people try to say that BLM is violent group/movement has been going on since it's inception. ALM has been being promoted since the birth of BLM. Before any protests started l, before any rallies, before any other tragedies occurred. From the very beginning BLM has been painted a as some sort of seperatist movement, and that's not at all what it was about. If anything we just got pushed away more.

You let 1% of the people, who choose to represent themselves with BLM, and say or do bad things overshadow the other 99% that are just looking to be treated fairly. I
Yeah but that is life. You can't have it both ways. I would say most cops are good guys that are just trying to do their jobs and go home to their family. I would say most white people don't think they are any better than anyone else. You can't choose to judge others by their worst examples and then not be expected to be judged the same way.
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Yeah but that is life. You can't have it both ways. I would say most cops are good guys that are just trying to do their jobs and go home to their family. I would say most white people don't think they are any better than anyone else. You can't choose to judge others by their worst examples and then not be expected to be judged the same way.
I don't see how trying to have equal justice/treatment is trying to have it both ways. I'm not sure if you've ever taken the time to go look through social media posts from everyday people regarding BLM, but it's not the same as the wild and crazy ones you see on TV or stuff like that. Most black people don't have a problem with police officers as a whole. And it's never really been a white vs black people thing, per se. I think something like half of the cops in the Baltimore incident were black.
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I don't see how trying to have equal justice/treatment is trying to have it both ways. I'm not sure if you've ever taken the time to go look through social media posts from everyday people regarding BLM, but it's not the same as the wild and crazy ones you see on TV or stuff like that. Most black people don't have a problem with police officers as a whole. And it's never really been a white vs black people thing, per se. I think something like half of the cops in the Baltimore incident were black.
I think there are a lot of people that believe in BLM for the right reasons, that are genuinely looking to change the world for the better. I also believe from listening to them talk that the leader of BLM don't care about getting equality in a peaceful and civil manner. I think at the top they are a radical organization that calls for meeting violence with violence. I just think there is a better way of going about what they want to accomplish
I don't see how trying to have equal justice/treatment is trying to have it both ways. I'm not sure if you've ever taken the time to go look through social media posts from everyday people regarding BLM, but it's not the same as the wild and crazy ones you see on TV or stuff like that. Most black people don't have a problem with police officers as a whole. And it's never really been a white vs black people thing, per se. I think something like half of the cops in the Baltimore incident were black.

First, I want to applaud you @GilaMonsta, plus @KennyRogersRoasters and @Tigerdad56, for your attempts at civil, intelligent discussion of these matters. There have been others, to be sure, but sadly the intelligent comments are buried by the folks that think "he who yells the loudest, wins" that rules any internet forum.

I'm responding because this topic (due to my familial ties to Law Enforcement) interests/bothers me greatly. There are some rather sad facts that have been overlooked in nearly every post here and every 'news' story on this topic, because they don't "fit the template". The first is the fact (based on statistical data from 2012 through 2015) that as a black man, you're 40 times more likely to be killed by another black person (civilian, not law enforcement) than you are to be killed by a white police officer. This is data compiled by the CDC and FBI.

If the averages (and if my math is correct, and I'm pretty sure it is) over that span continue, that means that 86 black men (between the ages of 18 and 34) will die a violent death in the U.S. this week. Of those 86, 80 (93%) will be killed by another black civilian, not a law enforcement officer. Two to three will be killed by a police officer (the number is 2.58); how many of those are criminal vs. justifiable (truly in defense of themselves or the public) I have no idea...the data/analysis varies too wildly from source-to-source to draw conclusions.

I get that what we've seen in the last two weeks is damning to police officers, and, barring any exculpatory evidence that may surface, the officers in those videos should pay a severe penalty (as in whatever the max sentence for manslaughter/murder is their state, with zero chance for parole). After all, as officers of the law, they should serve a higher calling. My friends/family in law enforcement will tell you the same. One unnecessary death at the hands of law enforcement is one too many.

But all of this evidence begs the question, who's the bigger threat to black men? I know the answer is obvious to all of us, but in all of the "face time" afforded to BLM folks in the last 10 days, I'm yet to see this as a part of the conversation. Why? Is it that the media outlets are more interested is stirring controversy than actually reporting the facts? (I'd likely buy this explanation, BTW).

And, to be fair, I know this is being discussed in some chapters of the movement, because I saw a photo of a young black man at a rally/march wearing a t-shirt that read "Black Lives Matter, so let's stop killing each other". Why is it not at the forefront of every statement from a BLM member?

To be clear, I'm not trying to paint you (or BLM) into the proverbial corner, or pick anything that even resembles a fight. As I said, I have friends and family members in law enforcement, plus an innate respect of all human life, so this entire atmosphere of unrest concerns me, but I'm not so myopic as to be unwilling to listen to both sides. The questions I raise are out of a genuine desire to understand both sides of the equation.
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First, I want to applaud you @GilaMonsta, plus @KennyRogersRoasters and @Tigerdad56, for your attempts at civil, intelligent discussion of these matters. There have been others, to be sure, but sadly the intelligent comments are buried by the folks that think "he who yells the loudest, wins" that rules any internet forum.

I'm responding because this topic (due to my familial ties to Law Enforcement) interests/bothers me greatly. There are some rather sad facts that have been overlooked in nearly every post here and every 'news' story on this topic, because they don't "fit the template". The first is the fact (based on statistical data from 2012 through 2015) that as a black man, you're 40 times more likely to be killed by another black person (civilian, not law enforcement) than you are to be killed by a white police officer. This is data compiled by the CDC and FBI.

If the averages (and if my math is correct, and I'm pretty sure it is) over that span continue, that means that 86 black men (between the ages of 18 and 34) will die a violent death in the U.S. this week. Of those 86, 80 (93%) will be killed by another black civilian, not a law enforcement officer. Two to three will be killed by a police officer (the number is 2.58); how many of those are criminal vs. justifiable (truly in defense of themselves or the public) I have no idea...the data/analysis varies too wildly from source-to-source to draw conclusions.

I get that what we've seen in the last two weeks is damning to police officers, and, barring any exculpatory evidence that may surface, the officers in those videos should pay a severe penalty (as in whatever the max sentence for manslaughter/murder is their state, with zero chance for parole). After all, as officers of the law, they should serve a higher calling. My friends/family in law enforcement will tell you the same. One unnecessary death at the hands of law enforcement is one too many.

But all of this evidence begs the question, who's the bigger threat to black men? I know the answer is obvious to all of us, but in all of the "face time" afforded to BLM folks in the last 10 days, I'm yet to see this as a part of the conversation. Why? Is it that the media outlets are more interested is stirring controversy than actually reporting the facts? (I'd likely buy this explanation, BTW).

And, to be fair, I know this is being discussed in some chapters of the movement, because I saw a photo of a young black man at a rally/march wearing a t-shirt that read "Black Lives Matter, so let's stop killing each other". Why is it not at the forefront of every statement from a BLM member?

To be clear, I'm not trying to paint you (or BLM) into the proverbial corner, or pick anything that even resembles a fight. As I said, I have friends and family members in law enforcement, plus an innate respect of all human life, so this entire atmosphere of unrest concerns me, but I'm not so myopic as to be unwilling to listen to both sides. The questions I raise are out of a genuine desire to understand both sides of the equation.
Thanks for the recognition.

I don't disagree that black on black crime is far and away a larger problem than what police are doing. But this isn't a thread about that. The nation doesn't care about that
Thanks for the recognition.

I don't disagree that black on black crime is far and away a larger problem than what police are doing. But this isn't a thread about that. The nation doesn't care about that

Amen. No doubt about that statement whatsoever.

So, that begs the question, Why don't they care? How do we make them care?

I care. You care. What will it take to wake the rest of the idiots (I mean besides me, because I embrace my own idiocy) up?

At some point, an intelligent person has to speak the loudest, no?

How do we make that happen? I'd love to make it happen, but, one: I'm not smart enough. And, two: I'm a 55 year-old white male, which renders my opinion meaningless in this conversation. But that doesn't mean that I won't do what I can to help. Like many, I just need someone to point me in the right direction, I guess...

And again, thank you for your reasonable, thoughtful responses in this thread. I wish everyone would take your approach.
Amen. No doubt about that statement whatsoever.

So, that begs the question, Why don't they care? How do we make them care?

I care. You care. What will it take to wake the rest of the idiots (I mean besides me, because I embrace my own idiocy) up?

At some point, an intelligent person has to speak the loudest, no?

How do we make that happen? I'd love to make it happen, but, one: I'm not smart enough. And, two: I'm a 55 year-old white male, which renders my opinion meaningless in this conversation. But that doesn't mean that I won't do what I can to help. Like many, I just need someone to point me in the right direction, I guess...

And again, thank you for your reasonable, thoughtful responses in this thread. I wish everyone would take your approach.
Unfortunately that's a very difficult answer, one that a portion of the people in the black community have been trying to answer for decades now.

The simple answer is the black culture needs to be changed from the ground up. We have a culture that, even though we know it's wrong, idolizes things like gang life, violence and drugs (I'm speaking in general terms here). It's something that is honestly difficult to understand I think, unless you grew up that way. It's mindframe that's truly embedded in our culture.

As a people, we don't have the structural framework to support ourselves like just about every other race has to some extent.

And I realize I'm kind of all over the place with this post, but the issues are just too wide spread to try and summerize here.

It sucks.
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Unfortunately that's a very difficult answer, one that a portion of the people in the black community have been trying to answer for decades now.

The simple answer is the black culture needs to be changed from the ground up. We have a culture that, even though we know it's wrong, idolizes things like gang life, violence and drugs (I'm speaking in general terms here). It's something that is honestly difficult to understand I think, unless you grew up that way. It's mindframe that's truly embedded in our culture.

As a people, we don't have the structural framework to support ourselves like just about every other race has to some extent.

And I realize I'm kind of all over the place with this post, but the issues are just too wide spread to try and summerize here.

It sucks.

Do not have any reservations about being "all over the place" on these issues. We all are.

My original post in this thread was pretty disjointed...these are issues that you and I (despite our best intentions) aren't going to solve in any meaningful way on here. I wish to Hell it was that simple...
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