I was hoping that you guys got the point that regardless of who we are or what we believe we are all entitled to a fair unbiased due process that seeks truth
BTW. The man the lady said told her is today saying he never told her anything about what she testified
So another lying weasel wearing a dress
Sad that people have fallen to this level
Honest question--how much of the committee have you watched?
How much of the Mueller Report did you bother to read? (you call it a fabricated Russian collusion conspiracy but did you read the actual report??)
See--you show your true colors by calling her a lying weasel. She testified UNDER OATH to what she was TOLD--not witnessed first hand.
And Tony Ornato is free to come in and testify UNDER OATH about this rather than releasing things into the public through leaks (which conservatives used to hate).
BUT DO YOUR HOMEWORK--Ornato is a Trump loyalist and was given the job of Trump Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations in the SS. Pence's aides didn't trust Ornato on Jan 6th to not basically KIDNAP the VP and keep him from the Capitol. Pence refused to go with him.
So--yes, let Ornato testify but I doubt it will happen because he would have to testify under oath about a lot of other things like if he told Trump there were armed folks in the crowd that Trump sent to the Capitol and wanted to march with like a cheap Mussolini trying to take over AMERICAN DEMOCRACY along with a lot of other things he wouldn't want to talk about that he had firsthand knowledge of (and I get the SS usually wanting to stay out of things but this is different).
The hearings are establishing that Trump knew what he was doing--that it wasn't just a mob that spontaneously happened but it was PLANNED (See Willard hotel) and when told it was illegal by WH staff--Trump went ahead with it anyway. All about intentionality which wasn't established beforehand.
It should be done so the public can have a clear public record. But yeah MARK MEADOWS and Pat CIPPOLONE should have the stones to actually testify, hiding behind lawyers instead of leaving it to the 25 year old aide who can't lie and is just telling what she saw and heard.
And if you want to support Trump so much--why would he and his cronies be working to intimidate witnesses and break the law by tampering?? What are they afraid of? Trump is an insanely immoral actor and I'm glad some Republicans haven't completely lost their minds and are standing up for democracy. Those few are the true patriots like Liz Cheney and Kinzinger. We can disagree about policy but should all agree on protecting democracy.
Trump plotted to steal the election through the Justice department. Wanted the Army to seize voting machines illegally. Tried to force state elections officials to find him votes and get state legislatures to make him the winner even though he lost the vote. Schemed to have illegal false slates of electors. Tried to get Pence with complicit members of Congress to illegally overthrow the election. And when it all failed--he tried to get an armed mob to march on the Capitol to intimidate Pence and illegally stop the electoral college certification all with the goal of keeping himself as an unelected DESPOT/DICTATOR/UNELECTED TOTALITARIAN RULER.
I firmly believe in the 2nd coming and supposed Christians fawning over a false prophet, an immoral man who lies and cheats and sleeps with porn stars with a pregnant wife (and then pays them off and forces them to sign NDAs), is a clear sign of the times and the rot that has taken over in the hearts of those who should know better.
(I should this pin this to every Trump conversation on this board in perpetuity...lol)