FPOTUS Trump attempted assassination…

He retired as a Rear Admiral in 2019. He was administratively demoted to Captain (O-6) by SECNAV* in 2021. Therefore, he was most certainly NOT dishonorably discharged. The whole 'administrative' demotion thing is quite perplexing. Generally, one is not demoted without a trial. Also, one typically retires at the highest rank held. So his retired pay and benefits may well still be that of a Rear Admiral.

* Secretary of the Navy is political appointment.
Political persecution of Ronny Jackson.
She wasn't behind the incoming rounds. In the video you see her look to her right (our left)? That was in direction of the building that Crooks fired from. The rounds that whizzed by Trump hit in the crown behind and to Trump's left (our right). So, she had no issue with being struck by any bullet, hence she didn't get down like everyone else. You can see by the image below the bullets that stuck the people in the stands went into the stands (bleachers) that are on the right of this layout, not directly behind Trump.

Yeah. She was next to trump from the shooters perspective. Behind him from camera’s perspective. As stated…still not a great spot if you get the discount, tj max, shithead assassin.
Drink every time you hear. "Threat to democracy".

<We're gonna need a bigger vineyard.>
hmmm...wonder what he meant when he said this tonight? some of y'all need to wake tf up.

"in four years you don't have to vote again. we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote."

This guy sounds like an absolute madman. Imagine Ronald Reagan or W talking like this at a rally. He sounds like he's on something.

hmmm...wonder what he meant when he said this tonight? some of y'all need to wake tf up.

"in four years you don't have to vote again. we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote."

This guy sounds like an absolute madman. Imagine Ronald Reagan or W talking like this at a rally. He sounds like he's on something.

Do you really think that is what he is trying to say? He could say it better, but he is trying to say things are going to be so good even the democrats are going to vote for us… i.e. you (republicans he is speaking to) won’t have to vote for us b/c they will.
Do you really think that is what he is trying to say? He could say it better, but he is trying to say things are going to be so good even the democrats are going to vote for us… i.e. you (republicans he is speaking to) won’t have to vote for us b/c they will.
Spin doctors gonna spin ( to be clear, I believe the dems are the spin doctors here)
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hmmm...wonder what he meant when he said this tonight? some of y'all need to wake tf up.

"in four years you don't have to vote again. we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote."

This guy sounds like an absolute madman. Imagine Ronald Reagan or W talking like this at a rally. He sounds like he's on something.

Since you quote me I'll respond.

I'll start by saying I do not approve of how he often conducts himself. Yes, I think the politicians and media on both sides need someone to stand up and call out their BS in a very blunt way, but he is often abrasive when it is not necessary. And it has hurt him in the polls and elections.

However, I have a similar sense of dry, sarcastic, many would say smart-ass sense of humor. People need to chill out and learn context. I quit much of my joking because people are too dense to pick up on it and thought I was being serious. Same happens to Trump. "Never have to vote again" was clearly his over the top way of saying he would make it "perfect". He's both a showman and a narcissist, but that was hardly a threat to seize power. Had that truly been his intention, don't ya think maybe he would have maybe tried to use troops instead of relying on viking helmet wearing goofballs? Come on.

As to leaving NATO, have you never been involved in business negotiations? It's called leverage. The other side has to believe you are willing to do whatever you threaten, or they wont budge. Kind of how Reagan was labeled a madman and cowboy over Star Wars and walking out of talks in Reykjavik. And lo and behold, Gorbachev came back to the table and we got what we wanted.

Do you think our B-1s were actually in the air heading for Moscow when Reagan was caught on a hot microphone joking about "the bombing starts in 5 minutes"? Because just like now, people then thought he was a warmonger and was going to start WW3.

Everyone, EVERYONE needs to relax.

For the record, I voted for someone else in the primary the first time he ran because he was not, and is not, a true conservative.

I worried he would go wobbly over the Supreme Court. Shockingly to me, he actually followed through, or attempted to, on most of his campaign issues.

I have certainly not been happy with everything he has done but given the alternative choices...

Btw, your videos are always top notch.
Go Tigers!
Fbi has come out and said it was a bullet so I guess once again you have been proven wrong with your ideas
I'm the one who posted the update from the FBI confirming it was a bullet, so no shit. My "ideas," as you say, were to find out whether or not he was hit by a bullet, and now we know.

For anyone keeping score at home, that's the exact opposite of an agenda. The facts pointed to a different conclusion than the one I expected, yet I still accepted them, because facts are facts no matter how you vote.
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Since you quote me I'll respond.

I'll start by saying I do not approve of how he often conducts himself. Yes, I think the politicians and media on both sides need someone to stand up and call out their BS in a very blunt way, but he is often abrasive when it is not necessary. And it has hurt him in the polls and elections.

However, I have a similar sense of dry, sarcastic, many would say smart-ass sense of humor. People need to chill out and learn context. I quit much of my joking because people are too dense to pick up on it and thought I was being serious. Same happens to Trump. "Never have to vote again" was clearly his over the top way of saying he would make it "perfect". He's both a showman and a narcissist, but that was hardly a threat to seize power. Had that truly been his intention, don't ya think maybe he would have maybe tried to use troops instead of relying on viking helmet wearing goofballs? Come on.

As to leaving NATO, have you never been involved in business negotiations? It's called leverage. The other side has to believe you are willing to do whatever you threaten, or they wont budge. Kind of how Reagan was labeled a madman and cowboy over Star Wars and walking out of talks in Reykjavik. And lo and behold, Gorbachev came back to the table and we got what we wanted.

Do you think our B-1s were actually in the air heading for Moscow when Reagan was caught on a hot microphone joking about "the bombing starts in 5 minutes"? Because just like now, people then thought he was a warmonger and was going to start WW3.

Everyone, EVERYONE needs to relax.

For the record, I voted for someone else in the primary the first time he ran because he was not, and is not, a true conservative.

I worried he would go wobbly over the Supreme Court. Shockingly to me, he actually followed through, or attempted to, on most of his campaign issues.

I have certainly not been happy with everything he has done but given the alternative choices...

Btw, your videos are always top notch.
Go Tigers!
You could not be more wrong. It's the 2nd time in a month he's used that "you don't have to vote again in 4 years" line.

When wannabe dictators tell you their plans, listen.
You could not be more wrong. It's the 2nd time in a month he's used that "you don't have to vote again in 4 years" line.

When wannabe dictators tell you their plans, listen.

Wow. A line from a stump speech used over and over at one rally after another.

Insert Inspector Renault I'm shocked.gif

So if Trump wins, and steps down after 4 years I will be here to accept your admission of "being more wrong".
Wow. A line from a stump speech used over and over at one rally after another.

Insert Inspector Renault I'm shocked.gif

So if Trump wins, and steps down after 4 years I will be here to accept your admission of "being more wrong".

it is even more hilarious that the left just played their voters like they have the last 4 years of Biden

He's fine, he's sharp as ever!

He's great! He's our candidate!

Wait...he's not fit to run...and...

Biden "time to pass the torch"

Oh wait do not get to choose who your candidate is! We are gonna choose it for you! And yet Trump is the threat to democracy?

Democrats actually do not realize they were absolutely played
hmmm...wonder what he meant when he said this tonight? some of y'all need to wake tf up.

"in four years you don't have to vote again. we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote."

This guy sounds like an absolute madman. Imagine Ronald Reagan or W talking like this at a rally. He sounds like he's on something.

Totally take out of context. I would expect no less.
  • Haha
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it is even more hilarious that the left just played their voters like they have the last 4 years of Biden

He's fine, he's sharp as ever!

He's great! He's our candidate!

Wait...he's not fit to run...and...

Biden "time to pass the torch"

Oh wait do not get to choose who your candidate is! We are gonna choose it for you! And yet Trump is the threat to democracy?

Democrats actually do not realize they were absolutely played
Do you even listen to your own candidate babble on about Hannibal Lecter and sharks?

I mean it's kind of hard to attempt to mock anyone else for being "played" when you're in a cult yourself. How many Trump bibles have you bought btw? Did you pick up some Trump shoes for the fam? Totally normal behavior from a presidential candidate smh.

Many Democrats have been sounding alarm bells about Biden being too old for years now. The dude did the nation a favor by coming out of retirement and kicking Trump's ass out of office. He's cleaned up most of Trump's messes and served his nation admirably. Unlike Trump who put his VP in a position to literally be killed, Kamala is now set to take the baton and kill this MAGA shit once and for all.
Do you even listen to your own candidate babble on about Hannibal Lecter and sharks?

I mean it's kind of hard to attempt to mock anyone else for being "played" when you're in a cult yourself. How many Trump bibles have you bought btw? Did you pick up some Trump shoes for the fam? Totally normal behavior from a presidential candidate smh.

Many Democrats have been sounding alarm bells about Biden being too old for years now. The dude did the nation a favor by coming out of retirement and kicking Trump's ass out of office. He's cleaned up most of Trump's messes and served his nation admirably. Unlike Trump who put his VP in a position to literally be killed, Kamala is now set to take the baton and kill this MAGA shit once and for all.

I'm not in a cult...I just know who Biden and Kamala are and I choose the best candidate. Kamala negotiating with foreign leaders? She’ll just do her ridiculous nervous laugh at every question she’s asked. Are you proud they didn’t give you the option to pick your candidate?

You were gonna vote for Biden again weren’t you? A POTUS who cannot take questions from the press? Cannot walk without guidance and help. A guy who obviously has dementia and likely Alzheimer’s

Now a lady that is more about illegals rights than yours and has a horrible history and background in politics. Embarrassing

Look at the guy you were gonna vote for

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I'm not in a cult...I just know who Biden and Kamala are and I choose the best candidate. Kamala negotiating with foreign leaders?

You were gonna vote for Biden again weren’t you? A POTUS who cannot take questions from the press? Cannot walk without guidance and help. A guy who obviously has dementia and likely Alzheimer’s

Now a lady that is more about illegals rights than yours and has a horrible history and background in politics. Embarrassing

Look at the guy you were gonna vote for

You're actually in 3 cults by my count.
Do you even listen to your own candidate babble on about Hannibal Lecter and sharks?

I mean it's kind of hard to attempt to mock anyone else for being "played" when you're in a cult yourself. How many Trump bibles have you bought btw? Did you pick up some Trump shoes for the fam? Totally normal behavior from a presidential candidate smh.

Many Democrats have been sounding alarm bells about Biden being too old for years now. The dude did the nation a favor by coming out of retirement and kicking Trump's ass out of office. He's cleaned up most of Trump's messes and served his nation admirably. Unlike Trump who put his VP in a position to literally be killed, Kamala is now set to take the baton and kill this MAGA shit once and for all.
LMFAO, your brain dead
You could not be more wrong. It's the 2nd time in a month he's used that "you don't have to vote again in 4 years" line.

When wannabe dictators tell you their plans, listen.
They're acting like Trump didn't already try to pull all kinds of shenanigans to stay in office the first time. Now he's stacked the Supreme Court with buffoons who are willing to cover his ass at every step. If Harlan Crow wants Trump to stay in office, he'll just put in the call to his $4M personal lapdog Clarence Thomas or "Stop the Steal" Alito and we'll be in a world of shit.

Trump literally did the following. Not even the chuds in this thread can argue any of these...

  • Called GA State of Secretary and pressured him to "find votes" that didn't exist
  • Sicced his redneck mob on the Capitol where they beat cops, smeared feces on the walls, screamed stuff like "i am an animal" at secret service, and chanted "hang Mike Pence" while coming within 60 feet of Pence and his wife and daughter.
  • Repeatedly and to this day denied that he actually lost the 2020 election
  • Repeatedly pressure Mike Pence to refuse to play his part in our peaceful transfer of power. Trump spent months and now years piling on Pence for refusing to do and called him a "pussy" around the time Pence had to run for his life on Jan 6.
  • Deployed fake elector schemes in multiple states that were hatched by his team. They literally showed up in different states with fake paperwork trying to usurp the will of the people.
These people are so deep in a cult they're not willing to acknowledge the reality that is staring them in the face. It's disgusting and what pisses me off is it's so unAmerican. I'm glad my granddad who left Clemson and went into WW2 where he was killing the Japanese forces in basically hand-to-hand combat isn't around to see this godless yankee carpetbagger trust fund baby trying to install himself as a king and all the southerners selling their souls to this moron.
They're acting like Trump didn't already try to pull all kinds of shenanigans to stay in office the first time. Now he's stacked the Supreme Court with buffoons who are willing to cover his ass at every step. If Harlan Crow wants Trump to stay in office, he'll just put in the call to his $4M personal lapdog Clarence Thomas or "Stop the Steal" Alito and we'll be in a world of shit.

Trump literally did the following. Not even the chuds in this thread can argue any of these...

  • Called GA State of Secretary and pressured him to "find votes" that didn't exist
  • Sicced his redneck mob on the Capitol where they beat cops, smeared feces on the walls, screamed stuff like "i am an animal" at secret service, and chanted "hang Mike Pence" while coming within 60 feet of Pence and his wife and daughter.
  • Repeatedly and to this day denied that he actually lost the 2020 election
  • Repeatedly pressure Mike Pence to refuse to play his part in our peaceful transfer of power. Trump spent months and now years piling on Pence for refusing to do and called him a "pussy" around the time Pence had to run for his life on Jan 6.
  • Deployed fake elector schemes in multiple states that were hatched by his team. They literally showed up in different states with fake paperwork trying to usurp the will of the people.
These people are so deep in a cult they're not willing to acknowledge the reality that is staring them in the face. It's disgusting and what pisses me off is it's so unAmerican. I'm glad my granddad who left Clemson and went into WW2 where he was killing the Japanese forces in basically hand-to-hand combat isn't around to see this godless yankee carpetbagger trust fund baby trying to install himself as a king and all the southerners selling their souls to this moron.
Yeah we have TDS to believe the wannabe dictator who tried a coup the last time he was voted out.

TDS is very real, but it gets attributed to the wrong side.
Do you even listen to your own candidate babble on about Hannibal Lecter and sharks?

I mean it's kind of hard to attempt to mock anyone else for being "played" when you're in a cult yourself. How many Trump bibles have you bought btw? Did you pick up some Trump shoes for the fam? Totally normal behavior from a presidential candidate smh.

Many Democrats have been sounding alarm bells about Biden being too old for years now. The dude did the nation a favor by coming out of retirement and kicking Trump's ass out of office. He's cleaned up most of Trump's messes and served his nation admirably. Unlike Trump who put his VP in a position to literally be killed, Kamala is now set to take the baton and kill this MAGA shit once and for all.
MAGA stands for Make America Great Again. Why wouldn't anyone want to make America great again? Unless you're a terrorist, you should want to make us great. Think of all the people we could help if we were truly a great nation firing on all cylinders. There is a reason that the flight attendants demonstrate to all passengers that in the unlikely event of a crash or loss of cabin pressure, you put your own oxygen mask on first, then you help others.

I understand people's distaste in Trump's personality, but, it's hard to understand why people don't like his policies. It's even harder to understand why people don't want to make our country great.
I disagree.
It is definitely a distraction and should have never been said, just like his response to Jerry Nadler’s question stating that Republicans language was responsible for the shooting and not citing any of the Democratic language. Christopher Wray knows that he will be fired if Trump gets in office and therefore does not miss opportunities to throw shade on Trump. Wray’s FBI was responsible for seeking the PHISA (sp) warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign and had internal memos citing traditional Catholics as terrorists. He is partisan politician and needs to go.
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I'm the one who posted the update from the FBI confirming it was a bullet, so no shit. My "ideas," as you say, were to find out whether or not he was but by a bullet, and now we know.

For anyone keeping score at home, that's the exact opposite of an agenda. The facts pointed to a different conclusion than the one I expected, yet I still accepted them, because facts are facts no matter how you vote.
The most impressive thing ITT is your ability to hijack it for multiple pages arguing that the sky might not be blue and getting some pretty solid bites. You aren't the problem here as you are a known entity. It's the people who engaged with you on this subject over and over that are the problem.
  • Like
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Do you even listen to your own candidate babble on about Hannibal Lecter and sharks?

I mean it's kind of hard to attempt to mock anyone else for being "played" when you're in a cult yourself. How many Trump bibles have you bought btw? Did you pick up some Trump shoes for the fam? Totally normal behavior from a presidential candidate smh.

Many Democrats have been sounding alarm bells about Biden being too old for years now. The dude did the nation a favor by coming out of retirement and kicking Trump's ass out of office. He's cleaned up most of Trump's messes and served his nation admirably. Unlike Trump who put his VP in a position to literally be killed, Kamala is now set to take the baton and kill this MAGA shit once and for all.
At first I thought you just didn’t like Trump. Fair enough, there are things not to like. But to now see that you actually think Biden was positive for the majority of the people of this country. What matters to me is taking care of the citizens of this country first. Period. In my opinion he has failed in that area.
hmmm...wonder what he meant when he said this tonight? some of y'all need to wake tf up.

"in four years you don't have to vote again. we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote."

This guy sounds like an absolute madman. Imagine Ronald Reagan or W talking like this at a rally. He sounds like he's on something.

You are such a disingenuous, lying, shill. What he actually said was that things will be so good after he is in office for 4 years, that there will not be a need to vote again. NOT that there won't be more elections. At least find out what he said for yourself instead of sewing far left misinformation from the dem party.

Below is his quote- from CNN:

"In four years, you don’t have to vote again — we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”
Since you quote me I'll respond.

I'll start by saying I do not approve of how he often conducts himself. Yes, I think the politicians and media on both sides need someone to stand up and call out their BS in a very blunt way, but he is often abrasive when it is not necessary. And it has hurt him in the polls and elections.

However, I have a similar sense of dry, sarcastic, many would say smart-ass sense of humor. People need to chill out and learn context. I quit much of my joking because people are too dense to pick up on it and thought I was being serious. Same happens to Trump. "Never have to vote again" was clearly his over the top way of saying he would make it "perfect". He's both a showman and a narcissist, but that was hardly a threat to seize power. Had that truly been his intention, don't ya think maybe he would have maybe tried to use troops instead of relying on viking helmet wearing goofballs? Come on.

As to leaving NATO, have you never been involved in business negotiations? It's called leverage. The other side has to believe you are willing to do whatever you threaten, or they wont budge. Kind of how Reagan was labeled a madman and cowboy over Star Wars and walking out of talks in Reykjavik. And lo and behold, Gorbachev came back to the table and we got what we wanted.

Do you think our B-1s were actually in the air heading for Moscow when Reagan was caught on a hot microphone joking about "the bombing starts in 5 minutes"? Because just like now, people then thought he was a warmonger and was going to start WW3.

Everyone, EVERYONE needs to relax.

For the record, I voted for someone else in the primary the first time he ran because he was not, and is not, a true conservative.

I worried he would go wobbly over the Supreme Court. Shockingly to me, he actually followed through, or attempted to, on most of his campaign issues.

I have certainly not been happy with everything he has done but given the alternative choices...

Btw, your videos are always top notch.
Go Tigers!
great post.
i don't 'love' the way trump talks but i get it (most of the time).
just like when they were talking about electric cars/car industry...bla blah---and then he said there will be a bloodbath if he is not re-elected. he was obviously talking about the car industry but all the dims want to take it out of context that he is pushing for violence.
he does not talk like a politician.
You could not be more wrong. It's the 2nd time in a month he's used that "you don't have to vote again in 4 years" line.

When wannabe dictators tell you their plans, listen.
Do you just parrot dem misinformation bc you don't know it is lies or do you do it knowing it is a lie?

The below is the actual trump quote -straight from the right wing cnn site.

"In four years, you don’t have to vote again — we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

It's part of a longer speech where he claims Christians don't always vote and is telling them to get out and vote this time and things will be so good after 4 years they won't need to vote in the next election.
They're acting like Trump didn't already try to pull all kinds of shenanigans to stay in office the first time. Now he's stacked the Supreme Court with buffoons who are willing to cover his ass at every step. If Harlan Crow wants Trump to stay in office, he'll just put in the call to his $4M personal lapdog Clarence Thomas or "Stop the Steal" Alito and we'll be in a world of shit.

Trump literally did the following. Not even the chuds in this thread can argue any of these...

  • Called GA State of Secretary and pressured him to "find votes" that didn't exist
  • Sicced his redneck mob on the Capitol where they beat cops, smeared feces on the walls, screamed stuff like "i am an animal" at secret service, and chanted "hang Mike Pence" while coming within 60 feet of Pence and his wife and daughter.
  • Repeatedly and to this day denied that he actually lost the 2020 election
  • Repeatedly pressure Mike Pence to refuse to play his part in our peaceful transfer of power. Trump spent months and now years piling on Pence for refusing to do and called him a "pussy" around the time Pence had to run for his life on Jan 6.
  • Deployed fake elector schemes in multiple states that were hatched by his team. They literally showed up in different states with fake paperwork trying to usurp the will of the people.
These people are so deep in a cult they're not willing to acknowledge the reality that is staring them in the face. It's disgusting and what pisses me off is it's so unAmerican. I'm glad my granddad who left Clemson and went into WW2 where he was killing the Japanese forces in basically hand-to-hand combat isn't around to see this godless yankee carpetbagger trust fund baby trying to install himself as a king and all the southerners selling their souls to this moron.

I guess you agree with the made up charges and the democrat judges and prosecutors the DOJ lined up to convict him. It’s a joke and the kind of stuff we see in Russia, China and other countries we surely shouldn’t try and copy.
I hope u and Tboone are young men who have a chance to mature and maybe the light will come on for you. There is no way I’d support a candidate who pushes open borders and taking my tax money to support all their needs.
You are such a disingenuous, lying, shill. What he actually said was that things will be so good after he is in office for 4 years, that there will not be a need to vote again. NOT that there won't be more elections. At least find out what he said for yourself instead of sewing far left misinformation from the dem party.

Below is his quote- from CNN:

"In four years, you don’t have to vote again — we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”
I literally included the video showing what he said. I know some of you MAGA types are not plugged into reality, but I posted the damn video.

Who's shilling now?
I literally included the video showing what he said. I know some of you MAGA types are not plugged into reality, but I posted the damn video.

Who's shilling now?
That was completely my point. It is perfectly clear what he is actually saying, but shills like you just make up complete bs and ignore what he actually said. You are simply dishonest.

Also, I am not a maga. There were multiple other candidates I would have chosen over trump.
That was completely my point. It is perfectly clear what he is actually saying, but shills like you just make up complete bs and ignore what he actually said. You are simply dishonest.

Also, I am not a maga. There were multiple other candidates I would have chosen over trump.
You're is perfectly clear what he was saying.
It is definitely a distraction and should have never been said, just like his response to Jerry Nadler’s question stating that Republicans language was responsible for the shooting and not citing any of the Democratic language. Christopher Wray knows that he will be fired if Trump gets in office and therefore does not miss opportunities to throw shade on Trump. Wray’s FBI was responsible for seeking the PHISA (sp) warrants to spy on Trump’s campaign and had internal memos citing traditional Catholics as terrorists. He is partisan politician and needs to go.
Big mistake by Trump to appoint a partisan fbi director to replace the other partisan one he fired I guess.
The most impressive thing ITT is your ability to hijack it for multiple pages arguing that the sky might not be blue and getting some pretty solid bites. You aren't the problem here as you are a known entity. It's the people who engaged with you on this subject over and over that are the problem.
Yes of course, anyone who doesn't share your views is trolling 😅
Do you just parrot dem misinformation bc you don't know it is lies or do you do it knowing it is a lie?

The below is the actual trump quote -straight from the right wing cnn site.

"In four years, you don’t have to vote again — we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

It's part of a longer speech where he claims Christians don't always vote and is telling them to get out and vote this time and things will be so good after 4 years they won't need to vote in the next election.
I'm not parroting anything. I watched both speeches myself. Know thine enemy and whatnot.
hmmm...wonder what he meant when he said this tonight? some of y'all need to wake tf up.

"in four years you don't have to vote again. we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote."

This guy sounds like an absolute madman. Imagine Ronald Reagan or W talking like this at a rally. He sounds like he's on something.

"some of y'all need to wake tf up".

That would be you. You really should keep to those videos. You're much too stupid for the real world.
I don't think it matters, the shooter was trying to kill him. If he was hit by a bullet in the ear, the shooter was as close to killing him as you can be without doing it.

If it was shrapnel, he was close but maybe not as close as he could have been.

Moot point in my book, but there is zero evidence that there was any shrapnel at all. There is a picture of a bullet whizzing by his head. It shouldn't be too difficult to find something damaged in Trump's vicinity if you plan to make a claim it was shrapnel. Broken teleprompter, hole in a bleacher, something. Where is it?
Whatever this supposed source of shrapnel, it would have to close by DJT. As someone who has shot bottles, cans and all sorts of other detritus with everything from handguns, shotguns, .22LR, AR's and high-powered rifiles, such as .30-06, 7mm-mag and .308. Glass and other debris don't travel all that far from the point of impact. It simply lacks the mass of a lead projectile. Unlikely that glass, wood, aluminum or other potential sources of otherwise comparatively lower density shrapnel spray would either maintain sufficient energy to lacerate flesh or travel beyond near proximity of its source.

And to that point, I saw nothing in the wider shots that would serve as a source shrapnel capable of injuring DJT...nothing, at least, that was not also seen to be fully intact after the incident.

Insistace that this was not a bullet requires a greater leap of faith, in my view.

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