Ignorant of reality in this case. Go ahead and enjoy your whitewashed fairytale version of what occurred. How sweet.
terrible person. In GA, for example, 30,000 people who voted for Republicans left the Presidential choice blank. That's how awful a candidate he was. That's why we lost by 7 million Americans. And 306 to nobody cares in the Electoral College. I mean, the American people chose HILLARY over him. HILLARY!!! Why are you surprised?"
I can't imagine living a life that requires you to be a professional victim, while having to invent increasingly irrational explanations for everything that you believe. Sometimes you just lose and you need to need to suck it up and move on. It's been almost three years now - get over it.Ignorant of reality in this case. Go ahead and enjoy your whitewashed fairytale version of what occurred. How sweet.
Post-election audits can 'validate fraud instead of catch it,' watchdog warns
Red states are turning to audits, hand counts to restore public confidence in elections, but such methods cannot determine the effect of Zuckerbucks on an election, says Amistad Project's Phill Kline.justthenews.com
Post-election audits can 'validate fraud instead of catch it,' watchdog warns
Red states are turning to audits, hand counts to restore public confidence in elections, but such methods cannot determine the effect of Zuckerbucks on an election, says Amistad Project's Phill Kline.
By Natalia Mittelstadt
Updated: April 26, 2023 - 11:15pm
As red states pass laws to mandate and strengthen post-election hand counts and audits in an effort to restore public faith in election integrity, a watchdog is warning that such measures could "validate fraud instead of catch it" if underlying issues are ignored.
Amid suspicions of irregularities during the 2020 presidential election, some counties and states turned to hand-counting ballots and audits to help determine if there was election fraud. High-visibility audits of that election included those conducted in Fulton County, Ga., and Maricopa County, Ariz. Those audits uncovered significant issues with ballots but reaffirmed the outcome of the tallies in both counties.
Over the past few months, red states have introduced legislation or enacted laws that either establish or further define requirements for post-election audits and hand counts.
Last week, Mississippi Republican Gov. Tate Reeves signed into law a bill that requires the secretary of state to create a post-election audit manual and allows the state elections chief to audit election procedures of the counties.
In March, South Dakota enacted a law mandating that within 15 days after an election each county auditor will conduct an audit in 5% of county precincts selected at random "by hand counting," according to the state's Legislative Research Council, "all votes cast in two statewide contests with the closest statewide margin based on the number of votes cast."
Utah also implemented a law in March that requires the Office of the Legislative Auditor General to conduct a comprehensive performance audit of elections every other year in even-numbered years.
In Wyoming the same month, a law was enacted that makes post-election audits mandatory.
In Idaho, a law enacted in February requires that ballots subject to election audits be hand-counted, rather than tabulated by machines. The state already had directives issued by the previous secretary of state to hand-count ballots for election audits, but the bill codified them in law.
Despite such measures to restore public confidence in elections, a leading election integrity watchdog warns that audits and hand counts are not enough to ensure the security of elections.
Phill Kline, director of The Amistad Project, told Just the News on Monday that the 2020 election audits were unable to get at the underlying issues that marred that election.
"None of those audits can catch the type of improper election management that happened in 2020," Kline said.
The main issue in 2020 was the "infusion of funds to use government resources to target voters who were likely to vote for a specific candidate," which "government shouldn't do" because it "must treat all voters the same," Kline explained.
The more than $400 million in private funds poured into public election offices in 2020 "eliminated transparency," and the audits couldn't capture the possible "wrongdoing" that resulted from the use of those funds, he added.
"If the wrongdoing occurred before the ballot was marked, then an audit is going to validate fraud instead of catch it," Kline said.
The Center for Tech and Civic Life funneled nearly $350 million into local elections offices managing the 2020 election, with most of the funds donated to the nonprofit by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. The nonprofit has claimed its 2020 election grants — colloquially known as "Zuckerbucks" — were allocated without partisan preference to make voting safer amid the pandemic.
Critics of the unprecedented level of private funding injected into election administration offices in 2020 argue the grants were awarded disproportionately to boost voter participation in swing state Democratic strongholds. A House Republican investigation found that less than 1% of the funds were spent on personal protective equipment.
Kline recommends using paper ballots for elections because unlike machines "paper is transparent" and can be counted by hand.
Noting that the majority of states are using mail-in ballots, he said there is "no transparency" with regard to how many people touch the ballots before they are verified and under what circumstances they are counted, as many jurisdictions hire temporary workers from a private company to count ballots.
"Audits and hand counts validate fraud if you ignore the laws that prevent fraud," Kline said. "We ignored a lot of those laws and created systems that eliminate transparency."
Are you this easy to manipulate? Because REPUBLICANS are so paranoid about any kind of federalizing of elections states have the responsibility to maintain their voter rolls. All of this could be easily, federally managed but Republicans won't allow it. Bc states, ESPECIALLY REPUBLICAN STATES, are cheap and broke and don't want to spend on GOVERNMENT--they don't maintain voter rolls which include people who die and move out of the state (but if you are dead and someone votes for you it is very easy to catch you as many TRUMPERS found out this past election who were 'testing' the system...).Very good news!! I am though sure that the perpetrators will get very busy registering more phony voters between now and next year.
Georgia election officials poised to remove 191,473 voter records
The state sent notices to the voters, and anyone who wants to remain on the Peach State’s rolls has 30 days to contact their county voter registration office after receiving the mailed notice to update their details.
Georgia election officials poised to remove 191,473 voter records
The state sent notices to the voters, and anyone who wants to remain on the Peach State’s rolls has 30 days to contact their county voter registration office after receiving the mailed notice to update their details.justthenews.com
Thanks for crawling out of your hole to join us again. Why should elections be federally managed?Are you this easy to manipulate? Because REPUBLICANS are so paranoid about any kind of federalizing of elections states have the responsibility to maintain their voter rolls. All of this could be easily, federally managed but Republicans won't allow it. Bc states, ESPECIALLY REPUBLICAN STATES, are cheap and broke and don't want to spend on GOVERNMENT--they don't maintain voter rolls which include people who die and move out of the state (but if you are dead and someone votes for you it is very easy to catch you as many TRUMPERS found out this past election who were 'testing' the system...).
Now--the other thing that Republicans have started doing is kicking you off the voter rolls if you don't vote in continuous elections. Why would they do this? Bc more democrats are lazy voters, are younger, or don't care about politics and don't vote as often so republicans want to make it harder for them to vote by kicking them off so they can't do a same day registration or vote if they want to down the road--they have to fill out paperwork again and go through the process of govt red tape and bureaucracy. And if we take your other arguments--this would clearly be a conspiracy by the republicans to do voter fraud--right??
MAGA are so gullible, it is sad.
They are trying to say that a basic recount just validates the fraud as there are physical ballots. Things like a canvas that was done and basically ignored in Maricopa County can find some of the fraud. Canvas meaning they go and knock on doors and match people to ballots in a sampling format. There are a lot of shenanigans going on with the voter rolls even moreso than juat never removing anyone. They have found data where they are enrolling large number of people at one or a few addresses and then mailing thousands of mail in ballots and then going in and changing all the addresses out to unique other addresses after the mailing is completed. Who is taking receipt of those large number of ballots and what is occurring with them?This is so ridiculously stupid. Mail-in ballots are paper ballots you idiots. Guess who voted overwhelmingly by mail before Trump--Republicans. In fact, Trump probably lost because he told old people who vote republican and has always voted by mail to not vote by mail.
In Nevada where there was supposedly voter fraud--every machine creates a paper ballot at the same time as when you vote. That was already the law for a decade or two. YOU CAN SEE IT MADE WHEN YOU VOTE! Those are then the basis of any audit.
It is so mindnumbingly dumb.
And I love this stupid article--a private entity spent money on 2500 local election places--does the article say what the money did? No. Did it care to do any actual research? No. Did it sound really scary and trying to make a conspiracy theory so maga idiots would eat it up without doing any critical reflection? Yes.
Center for Tech and Civic Life does some pretty benign stuff like pay for sending out flyers to remind people to vote. They help to fund nonpartisan poll workers (who are governed by local and state laws bc of republicans). They could help staff early in-person voting locations.
I find it hilarious that a republican, the party that has systematically tried to close polling locations across the country and shut down polling locations in democrat heavy inner cities (see harris county, texas) and have used insane draconian state laws to make it super difficult and confusing to vote would complain about private funding for staffing poll workers.
They are trying to say that a basic recount just validates the fraud as there are physical ballots. Things like a canvas that was done and basically ignored in Maricopa County can find some of the fraud. Canvas meaning they go and knock on doors and match people to ballots in a sampling format. There are a lot of shenanigans going on with the voter rolls even moreso than juat never removing anyone. They have found data where they are enrolling large number of people at one or a few addresses and then mailing thousands of mail in ballots and then going in and changing all the addresses out to unique other addresses after the mailing is completed. Who is taking receipt of those large number of ballots and what is occurring with them?
What a shocker, you are still drinking the msm koolaid.What a shocker...you're still spreading lies that have been debunked thoroughly.
FACT FOCUS: A false narrative of 74K extra votes in Arizona
False. The claim mischaracterizes reports that are intended to help political parties track early voters for their get-out-the-vote efforts, not tally mail-in ballots through Election Day.apnews.com
FACT FOCUS: AZ canvass report draws nonsensical conclusions
A report released this week in Arizona’s largest county falsely claims to have uncovered some 173,000 “lost” votes and 96,000 “ghost votes” in a private door-to-door canvassing effort, supposedly rendering the 2020 election in Maricopa County “uncertifiable.”apnews.com
What a shocker, you are still drinking the msm koolaid.
What a shocker, you are still drinking the msm koolaid.
Providing your version of facts my friend.I'm still providing facts to support my argument. Try it sometime.
Providing your version of facts my friend.
Facts are no longer objective but totally subjective as evidenced by the madness we have seen over at least the last 8 years in particular but its actually been longer.Facts don't have versions. Narratives do.
Facts are no longer objective but totally subjective as evidenced by the madness we have seen over at least the last 8 years in particular but its actually been longer.
Quit making these BS anal comebacks.Wrong. Yet again.
Subjective claims often express opinions, preferences, values, feelings, and judgments. Even though they may involve facts, they do not make factual (provable) claims, and therefore they are, in a sense, neither true nor false in the same way an objective claim is true or false.
Quit making these BS anal comebacks.
- Existing independent of or external to the mind; actual or real.
- Based on observable phenomena; empirical.
- Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: synonym: fair.
- Dependent on or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world.
- Based on a given person's experience, understanding, and feelings; personal or individual.
- Not caused by external stimuli.
No I didnt. Once again we are not living in the same reality but you be you bro. I totally feel that I think and reason on an objective basis while you are very subjective in your thoughts meaning I am the one living in the true reality.You literally just made my point. Thanks.
You must be on some dem politicians payroll as its easy to see that this is your big issue. Is Ossoff one of your besties?Facts don't have versions. Narratives do.
I totally feel that think and reason on an objective basis
You must be on some dem politicians payroll as its easy to see that this is your big issue. Is Ossoff one of your besties?
I'm committed to pointing out the continued lies and hypocrisy of election deniers. And it's easy to do because facts are on my side. The real, provable ones. Not your imaginary "subjective facts" that exist only in your narratives.
It’s payback for man stepping on the serpent’s headThe genius of Trump is by saying all legitimate news sources are Fake News, and then claiming everyone is falsifying information to "get you" it makes it extremely easy to lie to your followers. They don't trust facts unless they come from the arbiter of truth.
This is what's so difficult for those folks that rely on logic, it's completely illogical. It's very similar lar to a cult, when inside you feel that you have knowledge that others don't have access to.
I don't doubt that @areeves believes what he posts. He is convinced that he has cracked the code of Revelation and he sees the fulfillment. The real question is how he handles it 4 years from now when we are all still here, nobody has been executed in a guillotine (strange choice of execution device btw).
its not just about cracking the code of Revelation, it’s knowing about the NWO, what their 21 goals are, who they are, what their hierarchy is. Knowing who the Beast/Antichrist is & when he came to power. Why is there such an emphasis on Climate Change, what’s the purpose behind the so called Border Crisis, why all the Mass Shootings & who & what are behind all the Mass Shootings, why is the government now allowing us to learn about UFOs & Aliens, who’s really behind the drug epedemic &! Why, what & who is really behind LGBQT & why, who was really behind 9/11 & why, who was really behind Covid & Why, what are the cell towers really being used for @ why …. ETC … When you have the answer to these questions, an infant can figure it out.The genius of Trump is by saying all legitimate news sources are Fake News, and then claiming everyone is falsifying information to "get you" it makes it extremely easy to lie to your followers. They don't trust facts unless they come from the arbiter of truth.
This is what's so difficult for those folks that rely on logic, it's completely illogical. It's very similar lar to a cult, when inside you feel that you have knowledge that others don't have access to.
I don't doubt that @areeves believes what he posts. He is convinced that he has cracked the code of Revelation and he sees the fulfillment. The real question is how he handles it 4 years from now when we are all still here, nobody has been executed in a guillotine (strange choice of execution device btw).
It’s payback for man stepping on the serpent’s head
its not just about cracking the code of Revelation, it’s knowing about the NWO, what their 21 goals are, who they are, what their hierarchy is. Knowing who the Beast/Antichrist is & when he came to power. Why is there such an emphasis on Climate Change, what’s the purpose behind the so called Border Crisis, why all the Mass Shootings & who & what are behind all the Mass Shootings, why is the government now allowing us to learn about UFOs & Aliens, who’s really behind the drug epedemic &! Why, what & who is really behind LGBQT & why, who was really behind 9/11 & why, who was really behind Covid & Why, what are the cell towers really being used for @ why …. ETC … When you have the answer to these questions, an infant can figure it out.
No they’re not & you’ll find that out soon! I absolutely have the answers to these questions.But you don't actually have answers since most of the things you feel are answers are just wrong.
Also, why a guillotine?
is this before or after the flooding you predicted that hasn't happened yet.It’s payback for man stepping on the serpent’s head
its not just about cracking the code of Revelation, it’s knowing about the NWO, what their 21 goals are, who they are, what their hierarchy is. Knowing who the Beast/Antichrist is & when he came to power. Why is there such an emphasis on Climate Change, what’s the purpose behind the so called Border Crisis, why all the Mass Shootings & who & what are behind all the Mass Shootings, why is the government now allowing us to learn about UFOs & Aliens, who’s really behind the drug epedemic &! Why, what & who is really behind LGBQT & why, who was really behind 9/11 & why, who was really behind Covid & Why, what are the cell towers really being used for @ why …. ETC … When you have the answer to these questions, an infant can figure it out.
No they’re not & you’ll find that out soon! I absolutely have the answers to these questions.
For a couple of reasons.., 1. It’s payback for man crushing the head of the serpent. GOD said to the serpent & Im paraphrasing, because you deceived the woman, you’ll slither on your belly the rest of your days, man will crush your head & you’ll strike his heal.
Because the NWO is made up of Satanists, so using guillotines is payback for man crushing the head of the serpent. Also, so the New World Order Government can harvest the organs of those who are beheaded.
You’re more naive than I thought! Wake Up!You do realize that Satanists don't actually worship Satan I assume?
Go back & look what I wrote, I said Before 2026! The melting glaciers & ice caps due to record heat & its only going to intensify. That water has to go somewhere! It’s consistent with what JESUS said in Luke 21, “The seas & waves roaring.” He’s speaking of the Tribulation, which we are currently in.is this before or after the flooding you predicted that hasn't happened yet.
also, where is my FEMA camp you've been promising.
Go back & look what I wrote, I said Before 2026! The melting glaciers & ice caps due to record heat & its only going to intensify. That water has to go somewhere! It’s consistent with what JESUS said in Luke 21, “The seas & waves roaring.” He’s speaking of the Tribulation, which we are currently in.
Unfortunately, I know it’s going to happen! I know too much by people in the know. I don’t like predicting dates but people on here pressed me, so with the information I have, I gave the best educated guess I could. It’s not a matter of if but when. I hope my timeline is wrong for everyone’s sake but based what I know, what’s going on now, I think the timeline is right.I know that you feel extremely certain of all of this. Just for discussion sake, let's say it doesn't happen. Let's say the waters don't rise, the FEMA camps dont happen. How would you feel? Would you be disillusioned? Would you feel something had changed? Would you feel foolish?
Honestly interested. Truly not trying to be a jerk.
Unfortunately, I know it’s going to happen! I know too much by people in the know. I don’t like predicting dates but people on here pressed me, so with the information I have, I gave the best educated guess I could. It’s not a matter of if but when. I hope my timeline is wrong for everyone’s sake but based what I know, what’s going on now, I think the timeline is right.
Let me ask you this, let’s say the things I described don’t happen by 2026, let’s say they happen 27 or 28, was I wrong? No? My timeline was wrong! Understand, I’d rather my timeline be wrong to give everyone more time than be right. I honestly don’t care about being right. My goal is for people to understand that time is short & people need to know what’s about to happen but more importantly, people need to know JESUS to ensure their Salvation & to ensure they’ll spend Eternity In Heaven. There’s so much Deception in play now & more to come. That’s why I try & explain to people what’s really going on. Satan is a Deceiver. In fact JESUS said in Mathew 24…. “If it were possible, the Elect would be Deceived.”
Unfortunately, I know it’s going to happen! I know too much by people in the know. I don’t like predicting dates but people on here pressed me, so with the information I have, I gave the best educated guess I could. It’s not a matter of if but when. I hope my timeline is wrong for everyone’s sake but based what I know, what’s going on now, I think the timeline is right.
Let me ask you this, let’s say the things I described don’t happen by 2026, let’s say they happen 27 or 28, was I wrong? No? My timeline was wrong! Understand, I’d rather my timeline be wrong to give everyone more time than be right. I honestly don’t care about being right. My goal is for people to understand that time is short & people need to know what’s about to happen but more importantly, people need to know JESUS to ensure their Salvation & to ensure they’ll spend Eternity In Heaven. There’s so much Deception in play now & more to come. That’s why I try & explain to people what’s really going on. Satan is a Deceiver. In fact JESUS said in Mathew 24…. “If it were possible, the Elect would be Deceived.”
It looks like he is being a witness and spreading the Gospel. Thank you @areeves. Your posts are much appreciated.If we've only got a few years left. And you know it. Wtf are you doing wasting your precious seconds on a message board?
When fraud is charged and you are using statistics from the the accused organization as your final arbiter then we have an issue. I am not happy having our leaders selected. We need free and fair elections in America and it doesnt bother me at all that you do not like what I post.Really? Let's put that to the test.
Remember the tweet from "Galloping Gaye" that you posted, claiming that there were 1.8M mail-in ballots requested for PA in the 2020 general election? That number is OBJECTIVELY not true. It describes mail-in ballots for the primary elections, and I can prove it using data directly from the state of Pennsylvania. I could also cite this news article from October 2020 where 2.8M ballots had already been requested for the general. (Incidentally, Galloping Gaye has apparently taken the tweet down, so they are at least bright enough to know when to bail from promoting unsubstantiated crap that can't be proven.)
Are you able to provide any empirical data to the contrary? Remember, your provided definition of objective is:
- Based on observable phenomena; empirical.