NEVER FORGET: Not a Single Election Expert Has Been Able to Explain the “Drop and Roll” Phenomenon that Flipped the 2020 Election to Joe Biden

What if it's 30 years? Would you still think that you were right?
The signs are all around, can’t you see? Here’s one example, ever since I found out about Chemtrails, which was 2011, I’d look up in the sky & woner, “when’s the record heat coming.” I’ve posted that in the last three years. The Bible talks about it In Revelation. When we get to Heaven, “The sun will no longer light on them & no heat.” Revelation 16 tells us, “an Angel poured his vial (One of the last 7 Judgement in Revelation) on the sun & men were scorched with fervent heat.” Everyone keeps talking about “Climate Vortex” where we’re going to enter an ice age soon.” No we’re not, the climate gets hotter, not colder, according to Bible Prophecy. In fact, the first Vial Judgement In Revelation 16 “a Grievous & Noisome boil fell on those who received the mark of the beast & worshipped the Beast or his image.” You hear scientists say if record Heat continues to intensify, it will kill sea life, coral reefs & humans due to illnesses & diseases. This is exactly what happens In Revelation 16 when all sea life dies due to the seas turning to blood & all fresh water wild life died due to all fresh water turning to blood.

As I’ve said many times, we’ll be attacked by Russia & or China, I now believe it will be both.

All it would take for that to happen is Russia using a tactical nuke against Ukraine & China invading Taiwan. Our NWO President & some of our NWO Politicians have said, “If Russia uses a tactical nuke on Ukraine, they will be met with the full force of NATO.” Putin has said, “if anyone interferes with our military exercise In Ukraine, we will Nuke them.” Our President & some Politicians have said, “If China invades Taiwan, we will take strong military action against them.” China’s Brass has said, “we will retaliate against anyone who attacks us.”

This is a Very Dangerous Situation! Here’s why, this is all staged, All World Leaders are working together. That’s right, that’s what a One World Government does. They make it look like it’s one isolated country attacking another. They create the illusion that it’s one isolated country/Dictator attacking a country. In this case, Russia/ Putin & China/Jinping. No, they are all working together, at least for now.

There are benefits to being in the NWO & right now, China & Russia are taking advantage of those benefits. Eventually, neither China or Russia will be satisfied being 2nd & 3rd in the NWO pecking order. They’ll both go rouge. In Bible Prophecy, the King of the North is Russia & the King of the East is China.

Another tell tale sign we are in the Tribulation is the Euphrates River is drying up. One of the 7 Trumpets, (Judgements before the 7 vials) The Euphrates River dries up, so the Army from the East (China) can travel through the dry River bed to Megiddo (Armageddon) Research it, The Euphrates River is drying up. This is part of the fulfillment of the Prophecy in Ezekiel when GOD said, “I will put hooks in their jaws & lead them out to battle.”

I can go on & on but these are just a few things that let us know we’re in the Tribulation & things, unfortunately for humanity, are going to get much worse.
If we've only got a few years left. And you know it. Wtf are you doing wasting your precious seconds on a message board?
Because I’m warning people & sharing the Truth about what’s Really going on & encouraging them to receive JESUS as their Lord & Savior so their souls can be Saved. I’m also warning people NOT to take the Mark of the Beast & Do Not Worship the Beast/Antichrist. Both bring the Judgement of GOD on One & eventuality, The Lake of Fire.
The signs are all around, can’t you see? Here’s one example, ever since I found out about Chemtrails, which was 2011, I’d look up in the sky & woner, “when’s the record heat coming.” I’ve posted that in the last three years. The Bible talks about it In Revelation. When we get to Heaven, “The sun will no longer light on them & no heat.” Revelation 16 tells us, “an Angel poured his vial (One of the last 7 Judgement in Revelation) on the sun & men were scorched with fervent heat.” Everyone keeps talking about “Climate Vortex” where we’re going to enter an ice age soon.” No we’re not, the climate gets hotter, not colder, according to Bible Prophecy. In fact, the first Vial Judgement In Revelation 16 “a Grievous & Noisome boil fell on those who received the mark of the beast & worshipped the Beast or his image.” You hear scientists say if record Heat continues to intensify, it will kill sea life, coral reefs & humans due to illnesses & diseases. This is exactly what happens In Revelation 16 when all sea life dies due to the seas turning to blood & all fresh water wild life died due to all fresh water turning to blood.

As I’ve said many times, we’ll be attacked by Russia & or China, I now believe it will be both.

All it would take for that to happen is Russia using a tactical nuke against Ukraine & China invading Taiwan. Our NWO President & some of our NWO Politicians have said, “If Russia uses a tactical nuke on Ukraine, they will be met with the full force of NATO.” Putin has said, “if anyone interferes with our military exercise In Ukraine, we will Nuke them.” Our President & some Politicians have said, “If China invades Taiwan, we will take strong military action against them.” China’s Brass has said, “we will retaliate against anyone who attacks us.”

This is a Very Dangerous Situation! Here’s why, this is all staged, All World Leaders are working together. That’s right, that’s what a One World Government does. They make it look like it’s one isolated country attacking another. They create the illusion that it’s one isolated country/Dictator attacking a country. In this case, Russia/ Putin & China/Jinping. No, they are all working together, at least for now.

There are benefits to being in the NWO & right now, China & Russia are taking advantage of those benefits. Eventually, neither China or Russia will be satisfied being 2nd & 3rd in the NWO pecking order. They’ll both go rouge. In Bible Prophecy, the King of the North is Russia & the King of the East is China.

Another tell tale sign we are in the Tribulation is the Euphrates River is drying up. One of the 7 Trumpets, (Judgements before the 7 vials) The Euphrates River dries up, so the Army from the East (China) can travel through the dry River bed to Megiddo (Armageddon) Research it, The Euphrates River is drying up. This is part of the fulfillment of the Prophecy in Ezekiel when GOD said, “I will put hooks in their jaws & lead them out to battle.”

I can go on & on but these are just a few things that let us know we’re in the Tribulation & things, unfortunately for humanity, are going to get much worse.
It looks like our current NWO potus and administrative state are all working to weaken the US military at the same time. It looks like we are being set up to be defeated. The non biblical 16 year plan to destroy America is back on track after Trump tried to stop it. God Bless my friend!!
When fraud is charged and you are using statistics from the the accused organization as your final arbiter then we have an issue. I am not happy having our leaders selected. We need free and fair elections in America and it doesnt bother me at all that you do not like what I post.

And by the way, the 1.8M # that started all of this came from the same data set from the state of PA. They just used the numbers from the primary, not the general election. So by your own logic you don't even trust the original number you shared.

So again, these beliefs are proven to not be based in any sort of objective, empirical information. You only deal in fantasy narratives.
And by the way, the 1.8M # that started all of this came from the same data set from the state of PA. They just used the numbers from the primary, not the general election. So by your own logic you don't even trust the original number you shared.

So again, these beliefs are proven to not be based in any sort of objective, empirical information. You only deal in fantasy narratives.
Garbage in garbage out.
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If we've only got a few years left. And you know it. Wtf are you doing wasting your precious seconds on a message board?
It looks like our current NWO potus and administrative state are all working to weaken the US military at the same time. It looks like we are being set up to be defeated. The non biblical 16 year plan to destroy America is back on track after Trump tried to stop it. God Bless my friend!!
It looks like our current NWO potus and administrative state are all working to weaken the US military at the same time. It looks like we are being set up to be defeated. The non biblical 16 year plan to destroy America is back on track after Trump tried to stop it. God Bless my friend!!
Absolutely & it started when Bush SR made military budget cuts before he left office. It continued with Clinton allowing gays in the military & its continued since with each NWO President & Administration continuing the decline of our military.
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Absolutely & it started when Bush SR made military budget cuts before he left office. It continued with Clinton allowing gays in the military & its continued since with each NWO President & Administration continuing the decline of our military.

can you tell me more about how allowing "gays" to serve openly has led to the decline of our military?
No, he can't. He's just stating his litany, doesn't matter if every part of the litany has been disproven, he continues to state it as absolute fact.

My favorite is that there are basic facts wrong, provably. And he's just like, nah, you are definitely going to spend eternity in a lake of fire.
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Think about it, I’m sure you can figure it out. I know you’re not that naive.

No I can't man. Because i don't harbor the same kind of prejudice against gay folks as you do. So, I can guess which of those prejudices you think is the primary reason that gays serving openly "weakens" the military. But I was hoping you'd just share.

But, since you asked, I'd guess that you think gay folks are weaker than straight folks?

Which, of course, is a stupid assertion. So, I asked.
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Jay Valentine is another name to remember.​

Valentine: The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud​

By Jim Hoft Jul. 25, 2023 7:30 am
Postal worker stuffs ballots into drop box in Detroit, Michigan in 2020. Via TGP
Guest post by Jay Valentine as reported at American Thinker
The difference between the Republican ballot operation and that of the leftists is that the leftists manufacture ballots, whereas Republicans only collect them.
Elections are for big stakes. Pretty much everything is political, and thus, who controls the Legislature gets the goodies.

If you are a government pro, you live or die according to whether your team is in power. You do what the pros do — you make sure you control your food source.
The laughable RNC “out-ballot-harvest the left” plan is one any sentient adult knows cannot work. That of course leaves out Republican state operatives, for whom hope exceeds common sense.
“Biggest Bed Sheet Sale Ever” At MyPillow — Giza Dreams Sheets At Low, Low Prices
Leftists learned early that running out of ballots to cast on election day is like running out of beer on July 4. They took that lesson and improvised in ingenious ways.
Ballot-manufacturing appears pretty easy at first but has lots of little complexities. Mastering those complexities gives our leftist pals unlimited numbers of ballots to handle any surging MAGA candidate.
Manufacturing ballots requires two ingredients: an address and a person.
On the person side, leftists do all the obvious stuff: register college kids in droves, do voter drives in homeless shelters where vagrants come in and out, build apps and pay anyone who will sign up a few dozen new voters (Wisconsin) with no regard to whether these are eligible voters.
With these and scores of other techniques, the inventory of names aggregates.
That burgeoning list is permanent — voter integrity teams in most states report they cannot get many of these people off voter rolls even when they prove that those people are long gone. Leftists control most of the voter commission apparatus, so that inventory remains safe.
Try to get those names off the voter list, and you will be attacked by leftist press, threatened by the Justice Department, or doxed on social media.
The other ingredient for ballot-manufacturing is the address.
Addresses and voters have fundamentally different characteristics.
Addresses can be misspelled in innumerable ways yet still be considered correct. Addresses do not move — they are a plot of dirt with a number. Addresses do not have lawyers, and they do not have 40 years of leftist court opinions to protect someone challenging their authenticity.
Addresses cannot be manufactured. Voters can.
Leftists can create all the voters they want from homeless shelter lists, but they face a constraint: every voter must tie to an address. It is this constraint — fixed addresses — that is the Achilles heel for mail-in voter fraud.
Addresses conveniently have the world’s singularly most accurate, current database maintained in every county in America — the real estate property tax record. These records are consulted daily by real estate agents doing comps. Tax authorities review them monthly, ensuring they squeeze every dollar from the citizen for any improvement.
Addresses, dear reader, are the key to stopping ballot-manufacturing.
Addresses have not been analyzed at scale in granular detail — down to the square footage, the number of bedrooms, baths, year built — because the tools to do so were not there. They are now.
The Fractal team was asked by some state legislatures to compare voter rolls with real estate tax rolls. They couldn’t do it themselves — they did not have the compute power — in a major state. That is why it has never been done before.
Two adjacent counties may report similar real estate data in different fields. Each county may use different nomenclature for the same record. Records are stored in relational databases with the address field broken into multiple segments — almost impossible to easily resurrect in real time with traditional tech.
These systems were built to be accessed one file at a time, not comparing the entire database with another.
Comparing detailed property tax records — think 120 columns of info — against voter files lights up where a ballot will be mailed but not meet an eligible voter.
This week, the Fractal team ran a test. We used current relational SQL technology, of which we are masters, and Fractal to ingest the property tax roll for a major county. The Fractal system was able to finish in hours — with a real-time system giving answers in seconds. After several days, the SQL team reported the originating data from the county — in a SQL relational file — was so complicated that it would take them several weeks to prepare for real-time retrieval.
We were also able to project response times. The property tax records with Fractal were instantaneous. With SQL, complete database comparisons would take days, perhaps a full week.
Leftists continue to pad voter rolls with vagrants and other transients, but they must tie them to an address. That is a pretty hard card to hide.
When voters are added to large apartment buildings, leftists cannot add the apartment number, or the legit resident will probably get that ballot. The trick is to mail the ballot to the main address, where it collects, and the Postal Service retrieves it for the bad guys.
Another strategy is to create an address. 126 Chestnut Street and 130 Chestnut street are contiguous properties. Our leftists create 128 Chestnut, which does not exist, and will generate a floating ballot.
Often, college dorms are used to send thousands of ballots to students who left years ago. We recounted many stories about 106-year-old voters in frat houses still casting a ballot.
Then there are the construction sites, where leftists have 224 registered voters in an apartment building — under construction. No roof, no walls, no electricity, but 224 solid votes.
In Florida, our leftist pals created an entire fake street — then moved real voters there — and when ballots were sent out, they accumulated. Innovation! Never ceases to impress!
These and hundreds of other schemes fail in a single click when the real-time real estate property rolls come into play. With that one click, one can see every address that does not exist in the property roll — yet has voters.
Another click shows every apartment building, compared with every voter record, kicking out the list, by street, of every person without that unit number — thus ineligible.
One more click, and every voter registered at a location with more than four people per 500 square feet of living space — thus challenging the county health regs — pops out.
What we have here is something of true beauty: one government database showing the nonsense in another government database. When leftists say “show me the fraud,” one needs only to do one click — “voters who voted in 2022, who the government tax records note are ineligible.”
In 2024, the leftists are pulling out all the stops. Hundreds of thousands of American voters will wake up in the 90 days before the election with strangers living in their homes, apartment buildings, the local 7-11, or the vacant field. Those are the Trump anti-votes.
The difference between 2020 and 2024 is that they will become visible months before the election. They will be challenged the week they register. Press conferences will be held on that construction site lawn, next to the cement mixer, noting that this address houses “224 real voters.”
Dare the Justice Department to intervene — the real estate tax rolls are challenging an address, not a person. Meet the Undeliverable Ballot Database™.
Now that Fractal makes every address in any county visible, across every of those 120 or more columns, and compares them with voter rolls in seconds, from a phone, our 2024 pal Achilles may find us grabbing him by the heel — or maybe somewhere where it hurts even more!
Jay Valentine runs Omega4America, collaborating with state legislators to compare voter rolls with real estate rolls. Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine and the TSA No-Fly List. Jay’s team delivered the Undeliverable Ballot Database. Jay can be reached at and on Twitter at AmericaOme17300.
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Jay Valentine is another name to remember.​

Valentine: The Achilles Heel of Mail-In Ballot Fraud​

By Jim Hoft Jul. 25, 2023 7:30 am
Postal worker stuffs ballots into drop box in Detroit, Michigan in 2020. Via TGP
Guest post by Jay Valentine as reported at American Thinker
The difference between the Republican ballot operation and that of the leftists is that the leftists manufacture ballots, whereas Republicans only collect them.
Elections are for big stakes. Pretty much everything is political, and thus, who controls the Legislature gets the goodies.

If you are a government pro, you live or die according to whether your team is in power. You do what the pros do — you make sure you control your food source.
The laughable RNC “out-ballot-harvest the left” plan is one any sentient adult knows cannot work. That of course leaves out Republican state operatives, for whom hope exceeds common sense.
“Biggest Bed Sheet Sale Ever” At MyPillow — Giza Dreams Sheets At Low, Low Prices
Leftists learned early that running out of ballots to cast on election day is like running out of beer on July 4. They took that lesson and improvised in ingenious ways.
Ballot-manufacturing appears pretty easy at first but has lots of little complexities. Mastering those complexities gives our leftist pals unlimited numbers of ballots to handle any surging MAGA candidate.
Manufacturing ballots requires two ingredients: an address and a person.
On the person side, leftists do all the obvious stuff: register college kids in droves, do voter drives in homeless shelters where vagrants come in and out, build apps and pay anyone who will sign up a few dozen new voters (Wisconsin) with no regard to whether these are eligible voters.
With these and scores of other techniques, the inventory of names aggregates.
That burgeoning list is permanent — voter integrity teams in most states report they cannot get many of these people off voter rolls even when they prove that those people are long gone. Leftists control most of the voter commission apparatus, so that inventory remains safe.
Try to get those names off the voter list, and you will be attacked by leftist press, threatened by the Justice Department, or doxed on social media.
The other ingredient for ballot-manufacturing is the address.
Addresses and voters have fundamentally different characteristics.
Addresses can be misspelled in innumerable ways yet still be considered correct. Addresses do not move — they are a plot of dirt with a number. Addresses do not have lawyers, and they do not have 40 years of leftist court opinions to protect someone challenging their authenticity.
Addresses cannot be manufactured. Voters can.
Leftists can create all the voters they want from homeless shelter lists, but they face a constraint: every voter must tie to an address. It is this constraint — fixed addresses — that is the Achilles heel for mail-in voter fraud.
Addresses conveniently have the world’s singularly most accurate, current database maintained in every county in America — the real estate property tax record. These records are consulted daily by real estate agents doing comps. Tax authorities review them monthly, ensuring they squeeze every dollar from the citizen for any improvement.
Addresses, dear reader, are the key to stopping ballot-manufacturing.
Addresses have not been analyzed at scale in granular detail — down to the square footage, the number of bedrooms, baths, year built — because the tools to do so were not there. They are now.
The Fractal team was asked by some state legislatures to compare voter rolls with real estate tax rolls. They couldn’t do it themselves — they did not have the compute power — in a major state. That is why it has never been done before.
Two adjacent counties may report similar real estate data in different fields. Each county may use different nomenclature for the same record. Records are stored in relational databases with the address field broken into multiple segments — almost impossible to easily resurrect in real time with traditional tech.
These systems were built to be accessed one file at a time, not comparing the entire database with another.
Comparing detailed property tax records — think 120 columns of info — against voter files lights up where a ballot will be mailed but not meet an eligible voter.
This week, the Fractal team ran a test. We used current relational SQL technology, of which we are masters, and Fractal to ingest the property tax roll for a major county. The Fractal system was able to finish in hours — with a real-time system giving answers in seconds. After several days, the SQL team reported the originating data from the county — in a SQL relational file — was so complicated that it would take them several weeks to prepare for real-time retrieval.
We were also able to project response times. The property tax records with Fractal were instantaneous. With SQL, complete database comparisons would take days, perhaps a full week.
Leftists continue to pad voter rolls with vagrants and other transients, but they must tie them to an address. That is a pretty hard card to hide.
When voters are added to large apartment buildings, leftists cannot add the apartment number, or the legit resident will probably get that ballot. The trick is to mail the ballot to the main address, where it collects, and the Postal Service retrieves it for the bad guys.
Another strategy is to create an address. 126 Chestnut Street and 130 Chestnut street are contiguous properties. Our leftists create 128 Chestnut, which does not exist, and will generate a floating ballot.
Often, college dorms are used to send thousands of ballots to students who left years ago. We recounted many stories about 106-year-old voters in frat houses still casting a ballot.
Then there are the construction sites, where leftists have 224 registered voters in an apartment building — under construction. No roof, no walls, no electricity, but 224 solid votes.
In Florida, our leftist pals created an entire fake street — then moved real voters there — and when ballots were sent out, they accumulated. Innovation! Never ceases to impress!
These and hundreds of other schemes fail in a single click when the real-time real estate property rolls come into play. With that one click, one can see every address that does not exist in the property roll — yet has voters.
Another click shows every apartment building, compared with every voter record, kicking out the list, by street, of every person without that unit number — thus ineligible.
One more click, and every voter registered at a location with more than four people per 500 square feet of living space — thus challenging the county health regs — pops out.
What we have here is something of true beauty: one government database showing the nonsense in another government database. When leftists say “show me the fraud,” one needs only to do one click — “voters who voted in 2022, who the government tax records note are ineligible.”
In 2024, the leftists are pulling out all the stops. Hundreds of thousands of American voters will wake up in the 90 days before the election with strangers living in their homes, apartment buildings, the local 7-11, or the vacant field. Those are the Trump anti-votes.
The difference between 2020 and 2024 is that they will become visible months before the election. They will be challenged the week they register. Press conferences will be held on that construction site lawn, next to the cement mixer, noting that this address houses “224 real voters.”
Dare the Justice Department to intervene — the real estate tax rolls are challenging an address, not a person. Meet the Undeliverable Ballot Database™.
Now that Fractal makes every address in any county visible, across every of those 120 or more columns, and compares them with voter rolls in seconds, from a phone, our 2024 pal Achilles may find us grabbing him by the heel — or maybe somewhere where it hurts even more!
Jay Valentine runs Omega4America, collaborating with state legislators to compare voter rolls with real estate rolls. Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine and the TSA No-Fly List. Jay’s team delivered the Undeliverable Ballot Database. Jay can be reached at and on Twitter at AmericaOme17300.
They also used Dominion Software, created by the CIA

Here is some more of that evidence that you libs and fake election supporters conveniently put away in a lit drawer in your deranged minds.​

BREAKING: Forensic Study Into 2020 Detroit, Michigan Election Finds Up to 34,000​

Illegal Ballots – And Additional Warnings from Detroit Clerks that THOUSANDS of Absentee Paper Was Different than Normal Ballots​

By Jim Hoft Jul. 31, 2023 8:00 am
Michigan 2020 Election with still unexplained ballot drop of 149,772 ballots for Joe Biden to take the lead from President Trump at 6:31 in the morning.
Guest post by Phil O’Halloran
A national expert in criminal forensics completed a report into the 2020 election in Michigan and has found further evidence of chronic, systemic, voter fraud especially among absentee ballots in that challenged election.
The firm is Speckin Forensics and they have wide national experience testifying in criminal trials. Through their investigation where they were allowed limited access to the 2020 ballots in Wayne County which covers Detroit, they found:

  • A significant number of absentees in different precincts illegally had no signed ballot application. Many absentee ballots had no request whatsoever, in the two primary precincts examined the rates of illegal ballots were 12% and 20%.
  • Absentee ballots often had a lighter tone and shade to the printing. The Detroit clerks even commented to the Speckin team that the type of paper felt different.
If the numbers of absentees missing a ballot request are extrapolated out to the rest of Wayne County, Speckin reports, “with approximately 170,000 AV ballots, the range at 8%-20% would be 13,600 to 34,000 ballots with no application requesting the ballot.”
Here is a copy of the full report.
7 Reasons to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Premium Beef Right Away
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This matches what the Gateway Pundit previously reported, that there are tens of thousands of illegal ballots in the 2020 Michigan election.
This all of course matches what witnesses have described for three years, and what the Gateway Pundit has been reporting time and time again despite the gaslighting and lies from the mainstream media.

Eyewitnesses Have Been Saying This All Along – The Gateway Pundit Recorded Their Statements

** Jose Aliaga described being at the counting boards on election night 2020 and seeing a large number of suspicious ballots that felt pre-printed and were suspiciously only voting in the Presidential and Senate elections, come in very late at 3:30 AM.
** Elizabeth Forlini described counting military ballots and noticing that many of them obviously appeared to not be valid military ballots, and had these kind of suspicious traits.
** Chris Schnorak saw that they didn’t disqualify a single obviously illegal ballot.
** Dustin Kingen also saw chronic irregularities at the counting boards.
** Jessy Jacob, a courageous Detroit whistleblower, offered an affidavit and testimony that matches Chris Schnorak’s testimony.

The Report Confirms Thousands of Detroit Absentee Ballos in 2020 Were ILLEGAL: No Evidence These Ballots Were Ever Requested

Now we have further confirmation that these courageous 2020 witnesses were right and that what they described is found in an honest objective analysis of the 2020 ballots.
There has never been a serious governmental investigation into 2020 voter fraud in Michigan or anywhere
Rep. Matt Hall held one night of a hearing where Rudy Giuliani was able to present four witnesses. Sen. Ed McBroom held a two-day hearing where he let random witnesses come up and speak for two minutes each. Sen. McBroom then compiled an infamous report in May 2020 where he denied any voter fraud and encouraged the far-left Attorney General to persecute anyone claiming that there was, despite significant evidence to the contrary that was submitted in his own committee hearing!

Private Investigators Do the Work the Government Refuses to Do

Speckin head Erich Speckin had this to say about the research and about the further research needed into the 2020 Biden election:
“…the computer data relating to the scanning and tabulation from this 2020 election should be examined and compared for discrepancies as well as time sequences. This data should include ballot images to check for duplicate scans, comparison of totals, times of scanning, and other related features and possible access from outside sources.”

More Investigation Needed to Document the 2020 Michigan Election Fraud

There has been no investigation into the 2020 election results by any court or governmental body. The pro-Trump lawyers filing suit were professionally and financially sanctioned by the court for daring to represent election integrity.
Even though they emerged on top from the contentious 2020 election, the left is not content to win. Just last week the far-left Michigan Attorney General announced 8 felony charges each against the 16 Trump electors from 2020.
The problems with absentees in Michigan are chronic but otherwise ignored by the mainstream media. The Gateway Pundit featured another investigator from MC4EI Anne Hill, who documented dozens of voters claiming that their legal residence is an empty field just miles from the state capital.

Here is some more of that evidence that you libs and fake election supporters conveniently put away in a lit drawer in your deranged minds.​

BREAKING: Forensic Study Into 2020 Detroit, Michigan Election Finds Up to 34,000​

Illegal Ballots – And Additional Warnings from Detroit Clerks that THOUSANDS of Absentee Paper Was Different than Normal Ballots​

By Jim Hoft Jul. 31, 2023 8:00 am
Michigan 2020 Election with still unexplained ballot drop of 149,772 ballots for Joe Biden to take the lead from President Trump at 6:31 in the morning.
Guest post by Phil O’Halloran
A national expert in criminal forensics completed a report into the 2020 election in Michigan and has found further evidence of chronic, systemic, voter fraud especially among absentee ballots in that challenged election.
The firm is Speckin Forensics and they have wide national experience testifying in criminal trials. Through their investigation where they were allowed limited access to the 2020 ballots in Wayne County which covers Detroit, they found:

  • A significant number of absentees in different precincts illegally had no signed ballot application. Many absentee ballots had no request whatsoever, in the two primary precincts examined the rates of illegal ballots were 12% and 20%.
  • Absentee ballots often had a lighter tone and shade to the printing. The Detroit clerks even commented to the Speckin team that the type of paper felt different.
If the numbers of absentees missing a ballot request are extrapolated out to the rest of Wayne County, Speckin reports, “with approximately 170,000 AV ballots, the range at 8%-20% would be 13,600 to 34,000 ballots with no application requesting the ballot.”
Here is a copy of the full report.
7 Reasons to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Premium Beef Right Away
View Fullscreen


This matches what the Gateway Pundit previously reported, that there are tens of thousands of illegal ballots in the 2020 Michigan election.
This all of course matches what witnesses have described for three years, and what the Gateway Pundit has been reporting time and time again despite the gaslighting and lies from the mainstream media.

Eyewitnesses Have Been Saying This All Along – The Gateway Pundit Recorded Their Statements

** Jose Aliaga described being at the counting boards on election night 2020 and seeing a large number of suspicious ballots that felt pre-printed and were suspiciously only voting in the Presidential and Senate elections, come in very late at 3:30 AM.
** Elizabeth Forlini described counting military ballots and noticing that many of them obviously appeared to not be valid military ballots, and had these kind of suspicious traits.
** Chris Schnorak saw that they didn’t disqualify a single obviously illegal ballot.
** Dustin Kingen also saw chronic irregularities at the counting boards.
** Jessy Jacob, a courageous Detroit whistleblower, offered an affidavit and testimony that matches Chris Schnorak’s testimony.

The Report Confirms Thousands of Detroit Absentee Ballos in 2020 Were ILLEGAL: No Evidence These Ballots Were Ever Requested

Now we have further confirmation that these courageous 2020 witnesses were right and that what they described is found in an honest objective analysis of the 2020 ballots.
There has never been a serious governmental investigation into 2020 voter fraud in Michigan or anywhere
Rep. Matt Hall held one night of a hearing where Rudy Giuliani was able to present four witnesses. Sen. Ed McBroom held a two-day hearing where he let random witnesses come up and speak for two minutes each. Sen. McBroom then compiled an infamous report in May 2020 where he denied any voter fraud and encouraged the far-left Attorney General to persecute anyone claiming that there was, despite significant evidence to the contrary that was submitted in his own committee hearing!

Private Investigators Do the Work the Government Refuses to Do

Speckin head Erich Speckin had this to say about the research and about the further research needed into the 2020 Biden election:
“…the computer data relating to the scanning and tabulation from this 2020 election should be examined and compared for discrepancies as well as time sequences. This data should include ballot images to check for duplicate scans, comparison of totals, times of scanning, and other related features and possible access from outside sources.”

More Investigation Needed to Document the 2020 Michigan Election Fraud

There has been no investigation into the 2020 election results by any court or governmental body. The pro-Trump lawyers filing suit were professionally and financially sanctioned by the court for daring to represent election integrity.
Even though they emerged on top from the contentious 2020 election, the left is not content to win. Just last week the far-left Michigan Attorney General announced 8 felony charges each against the 16 Trump electors from 2020.
The problems with absentees in Michigan are chronic but otherwise ignored by the mainstream media. The Gateway Pundit featured another investigator from MC4EI Anne Hill, who documented dozens of voters claiming that their legal residence is an empty field just miles from the state capital.
Is it safe to assume that all the supposed illegal ballots were all for Biden and none for trump??
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Is it safe to assume that all the supposed illegal ballots were all for Biden and none for trump??

None of this "evidence" is ever found to be factual. Growls will just roll on to the next bombshell and conveniently forget about this when it's found to be easily explained.
Hell no they havent debunked it!! TGP is coming looney libs!!

No! Jack Smith and Merrick Garland – The State Farm Late Night Ballot Stuffing Video Was NOT DEBUNKED – And Gateway Pundit Plans on Proving This in Court!​

By Jim Hoft Aug. 2, 2023 12:30 pm

Once again, President Trump was indicted on Tuesday – the DAY AFTER Hunter Biden’s best friend and business associate Devon Archer testified that the Joe Biden was included on 20 calls when his son was sitting with foreign officials arranging influence peddling deals for the family.
Archer also testified that Joe Biden met with Russia’s Yelena Baturina who invested $40 million into Hunter Biden’s real estate ventures. And she also paid Hunter Biden $3.5 million in consulting fees. Joe Biden later excluded Baturina from his Russian sanctions list.
So what happened next? President Trump was indicted by Special Counsel Jack Smith.

For those paying attention, this is not the first time this has happened. There have been at least six times now where new evidence was released implicating the Biden Crime Family and then President Trump is indicted by the Biden regime the very next day.
7 Reasons to Stock Up on Long-Term Storage Premium Beef Right Away
Jack Smith later released the court document.
It’s being described as 45 pages of retread J6 committee garbage, free speech violations by the Biden DOJ who should know better, and ESP-like assumptions and mind-reading nonsense.
After taking a close look at the frivolous indictment this author noticed that Jack Smith and Merrick Garland are clearly publishing opinions that have NEVER been proven in court.
Jack Smith included several paragraphs on the State Farm Center election night vote counting in Atlanta, Georgia.
We all know the story, election officials announced they would shut down counting early on election night. The counting room was then cleared of all election observers and local media reporters. Then several minutes later, after the room was emptied, at least five election workers entered the counting room, dragged a seemingly hidden suitcase of ballots out from under a table, and began counting ballots again and apparently shoving stacks of ballots through the machines numerous times.
Here’s the video shown to the Georgia Senate. Judge for yourself.
The Gateway Pundit is currently fighting a lawsuit brought against us by election workers funded by far-left groups for pointing out what appears clearly to us to be obvious election observations.
Jack Smith says the controversial Georgia Secretary of State posted a tweet that “debunked” this reporting (paragraph 23 below). No, it did not. It was a tweet. A tweet is insufficient to debunk anything.
page 12

Jack Smith then mentions the Trump phone call to Georgia officials but does not mention that the Georgia officials misrepresented the call, deleted the audio, then got caught when the audio was recovered by investigators!
page 13

Jack Smith then attacks co-conspirator 1 for playing the video again before the Georgia House of Representatives.
page 14

Jack Smith and the Biden DOJ filled their indictment with numerous opinions and false statements. It is not clear how this amateur indictment will hold up in court. The DOJ gave the case to a far-left radical Obama judge. So they have that in their favor.
Jack Smith and Merrick Garland are hoping to make speech illegal with this indictment. They are hoping to make challenging elections “won” by Democrats a crime in America.
The Gateway Pundit was sued in December 2021 by the State Farm election workers who were filmed inside the State Farm Center on election night.
We stand by our reporting.
And we will have our day in court.
** Please help The Gateway Pundit fight this lawsuit and the other lawfare suits we are currently battling so we can continue to provide you with the most accurate and courageous reporting in the country today.

It never ceases to amaze me how these idiots on one hand say that Hunter Biden is a coked out moron, and then on the other hand claim some deep strategic glory bal domination plan.

It's similar to the Joe Biden is suffering from dementia and is basically weekend at Bernie's, while at the same time, he is a genius who engineered a massive voter fraud organization, and outsmarted the "smartest, bestest, president ever".

The idea of logic for these folks has completely gone out the window.

I say once again , " You can use Reason in a discussion with someone who didn't get into the discussion with reason"
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It never ceases to amaze me how these idiots on one hand say that Hunter Biden is a coked out moron, and then on the other hand claim some deep strategic glory bal domination plan.

It's similar to the Joe Biden is suffering from dementia and is basically weekend at Bernie's, while at the same time, he is a genius who engineered a massive voter fraud organization, and outsmarted the "smartest, bestest, president ever".

The idea of logic for these folks has completely gone out the window.

I say once again , " You can use Reason in a discussion with someone who didn't get into the discussion with reason"
I never said that Biden was the mastermind behind the great steal. It was an establishment steal. I know it's hard for you but try to keep up.
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Kari Lake Advocates for Decertifying 2020 Election Rather Than Impeaching “Illegitimate” President Biden: “He Really Isn’t… the True President” (VIDEO)​


69% of Republicans now believe Biden's 2020 win was illegitimate: New poll released before Trump's January 6 arraignment shows GOP supporters believe there WAS widespread fraud​


Kari Lake Advocates for Decertifying 2020 Election Rather Than Impeaching “Illegitimate” President Biden: “He Really Isn’t… the True President” (VIDEO)​

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Ron DeSantis Effectively Ends His Race for President – Says “Theories” by Donald Trump about 2020 Election Being Stolen Were “Unsubstantiated” – Here’s a List of Illegal-Illicit Acts of Fraud and Cheating in 2020 Election​


Ron DeSantis Effectively Ends His Race for President – Says “Theories” by Donald Trump about 2020 Election Being Stolen Were “Unsubstantiated” – Here’s a List of Illegal-Illicit Acts of Fraud and Cheating in 2020 Election​

Zero proof of cheating or fraud, but you keep on spreading those lies.