Guest post by Jay Valentine The difference between Republican and leftist ballot harvesting is leftists manufacture ballots – Republicans only chase them. That’s why leftists are wild with joy Republicans adopted ballot harvesting to win the 2024 election.
Jay Valentine: Republican Ballot Harvesting – Michigan Proves It Is A Loser!
Guest Contributor Aug. 10, 2023 9:00 am
Guest post by Jay Valentine
The difference between Republican and leftist ballot harvesting is leftists manufacture ballots – Republicans only chase them. That’s why leftists are wild with joy Republicans adopted ballot harvesting to win the 2024 election.
As if proof were needed, The Gateway Pundit published the
killer story this week.
In Michigan, the police found one of clearly dozens of ballot manufacturing dens.
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All of a sudden, the work in Pennsylvania by their extraordinary voter integrity teams, in Wisconsin, Arizona and Georgia looks not so outlandish. The Black Swan appeared – so everyone can see ballot manufacturing is real, industrial scale, and not investigated by the FBI.
Ballot manufacturing means, by definition, ballot harvesting strategies fail. You cannot harvest more than the leftists manufacture. Bye!
If Republicans, after this Gateway Pundit piece, still claim ballot harvesting is the key to 2024, they are in total denial of ballot manufacturing. That denial will waste millions of dollars, miss the chance for an offensive strategy for 2024, and lead to dismal failure – again!
Ballot harvesting by Republicans is a
defensive strategy – it fails because Republicans cannot out-hustle an industrial-scale ballot manufacturing operation.
Back to Michigan, 800,000 ballots were mailed to about everyone. The leftists do this because they need a large ballot count of “sent ballots” to balance the printed ones sitting in the leftist NGO offices. We all get to witness – real time – from the article, what this looks like.
Do not doubt this is happening in every swing state. A
wonderful book by Greg Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes takes you through the entire process in Pennsylvania. You would be wise to buy a copy on Amazon and read it – the detail is stunning, the reporting solid and the outcome simply dreadful.
The 2020 election was fraudulent. Period.
The Fractal team has the live data, in every swing state, to prove it – and finally, we are being asked to do so in a courtroom.
The Fractal team is engaged with defendants who need to prove in a trial, with a corresponding narrative, there was election fraud, at industrial levels, in the 2020 election. We have some wonderful allies. The election integrity teams in Michigan, Arizona and Wisconsin collected and carefully stored the 2020 results – now we are adding the property tax and FEC rolls.
A new twist arose – one brought to us by defendants.
NGOs registered thousands of voters and had them request their ballot not go to their home – but to the NGO.
How do you find NGOs who received ballot batches?
Welcome to the Federal Election Commission database cross search.
Our NGO friends need to get funded and thus appear in state and federal contribution databases. Those are massive, complex databases which cannot be easily searched with conventional technology. Fractal searches them in a couple of clicks.
Why would anyone care if NGOs received the ballot? Aren’t they nice guys?
Does anyone really think a leftist NGO receives a ballot, tracks down the recipient, gets them to fill it out and puts it in the mail? If you are this stupid, join the Republicans telling people to ballot harvest – while an army of NGOs simply creates more ballots!
The Fractal team is now deeply engaged in this fight.
Some wise Republicans, particularly ones running for statewide office, instead want an “Offensive Strategy.” The smart guys and women understand they need to take the fight to the leftists in 2024 or get crushed.
We have been asked to help in 3 U.S. Senate races – using the
Undeliverable Ballot Database to identify every location where a ballot is going to be sent in 2024, and stop it BEFORE it is mailed. Because we cross compile every property tax record in the county with every address on the voter registration list, we instantly know locations where a ballot will go – and not find an eligible voter.
Because our lists eliminate ALL obviously fake locations, these Senate races save about 50% of their mailing and canvassing costs – while identifying where the fake ballots will accumulate.
Several state legislators recently chose to have us run their state voter rolls and large county property tax rolls. They are using the alarming results to mobilize their legislative colleagues to action.
These legislators are taking it upon themselves not to clean those voter rolls – it’s too late for 2024 – rather to
freeze the phantom addresses on those rolls so they are outed now, made public, to stop ballots from being mailed in the first place.
Their enemy is the false narrative that there was no election fraud in 2020.
The Gateway Pundit put a football stadium-sized hole in that narrative, today.
You would be surprised at the reaction when a “moderate” Republican legislator, sees their state voter rolls, supposedly clean, fraught with registered voters in vacant lots, restaurants, office buildings – who voted.
The cool thing about showing legislators their state voter rolls, cross searched with personal property tax rolls and FEC rolls is they cannot deny the data.
This is government-created tax roll data compared with government-created voter roll, compared with government-created FEC roll – and they show Bill and Cecil and 100,000 friends voted from locations where nobody can live – like a bank or restaurant! One click!
We showed this to some RINOs in Texas – they made us stop they were so uncomfortable. It’s really fun – so we are now doing it an a dozen states.
When Fractal shows over 100,000 people in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia registered and voting at addresses which are pizza restaurants and strip malls – denial gets denied.
Working with key states, we are building the list of every location in every county in the state where a ballot will be mailed – according to current voter registration records. Then, via cross searching the property tax records, we pull out the Manchurian restaurants, banks, 7-11s and hundreds of businesses and churches that have no bedrooms – but lots of registered voters.
This is the 2024 Fractal offense! Fight ballot manufacturing by freezing the number of addresses these bad guys have to work with!
We are making the leftists focus their ballot manufacturing on a far smaller number of addresses –
which we can track because we know from previous voter roll snapshots did not have these new voters. When they move their phantoms to legit addresses, we see it happen and canvassers can quickly challenge them –
Leftists will move those phantoms to apartment buildings – skipping the APT or UNIT number, because they do not want the real resident getting the ballot – but we ID them because we track every voter in every address who is in an apartment building without an APT number.
We and our state voter integrity friends learned in 2022 the key to stopping phantom voter fraud is not to get them off the rolls. That may happen over time, not for 2024 in enough scale to win the swing states.
The key to an offensive strategy to fight ballot manufacturing is to identify and OUT addresses that harbor them!
Addresses are an undiscovered gem of a resource in fighting industrial scale voter fraud. For years sleuths focused on finding dead voters, voters who moved, a few in a vacant lot. But they could not get them off the voter rolls.
Our team, learning from the Michigan and Wisconsin voter integrity groups discovered addresses, not people’s names, are the key.
Addresses are very interesting.
They remain in one place, people move around.
Addresses do not have lawyers, so we can publish an address 123 Main Street, which is a Walmart, and show there are 56 registered voters there. We need not name them!
When one publishes all the fake addresses that will get mail-in ballots, a YEAR before the election, there is time to fight this problem!
Addresses are very complex. Any address can be written in literally 1,000 ways and remain intelligible to a human. Yet, to a computer, those are 1,000 addresses – not one.
Fractal uses an artificial intelligence address matching system. Scores of address variants are consolidated into a single address, or several. Statewide candidates save even more canvassing and mailing dollars with very accurate lists – unlike the ones they use today.
2024 is the political fight of a generation. The leftists and their RINO colleagues encourage Republicans to ballot harvest, while the leftists print all the ballots they need in the basement.
Some Senate candidates are going on offense – using a strategy to take the fight to the leftists – shutting down the hundreds of thousands of ineligible voter addresses – a full year before the election.
If you haven’t seen the Fractal system in action, sign up for a demo and you will see an entire county’s voter records cross searched – fakes identified – in one click!
Jay Valentine runs the Omega4America program to give Republicans an OFFENSE to fight the upcoming voter fraud. Jay led the team that built the eBay fraud engine and can be reached at and @AmericaOme17300.