Nikki Haley running for POTUS


@NikkiHaley has won the Vermont GOP primary. However, Vermont has an open primary, which means Democrats voted in the GOP primary today. They voted for @NikkiHaley.

Vermont is also the state that elected Communist @BernieSanders to the US Senate.

So just so we are clear: Nikki Haley won a state full of communists and the District of Columbia, AKA the Swamp!

Nikki Haley is a Democrat!

I understand how some of you associate Haley with the establishment, but anyone who believes she’s a democrat is incredibly stupid.
The thorn in my side was when Biden had documents from when her was not POTUS and got zero charges. That is totally against NARA and PRA and should be extreme felonies for him. So Trump gets that treatment and he gets off free.

"oh well Biden cooperated with the investigation" where the hell does it say that in either of those acts that they should get off free? Please point that out to me. Biden and Trump relayed confidential information to someone else as well. One has several indictments, other is the senile POTUS.

You think Mar A Lago is really only worth $18M? go look at Zillow dude. Could Trump's assessments be high? Sure, absolutely. But it is certainly much more than that valuation. And Trump rightly brought up 8th amendment and that will be thrown out.

This is what I love about you magas. You will only focus on the one thing, the valuation of mar a lago. All the other fraud Trump committed is irrelevant bc of this one talking point. When he falsely tripled the size of his manhattan apartment to use it as collateral? That was fraud.

You mentioned you just bought a house. Like most Americans, I am guessing you are going to refinance at some point and pull some equity out of the house. When that time comes, will you inflate the size of the house by three times to get a favorable loan term? Probably not, bc that is fraud.
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I understand how some of you associate Haley with the establishment, but anyone who believes she’s a democrat is incredibly stupid.

I don't understand how she is considered establishment.

She is a two-term SC Governor that operated outside the Columbia "good ole boy system". Served for two years as Trump's ("Mr. Anti-establishment") U.N. Ambassador and has never spent a day on the D.C. payroll. And when it came time for endorsements in SC, none of our DC ("uniparty") politicians backed her. Her entire political resume is anti-establishment, more so than Trump's. And she's definitely more conservative! It is proof of the power of Trump's messaging and how people fall for whatever he says is "true".
I don't understand how she is considered establishment.

She is a two-term SC Governor that operated outside the Columbia "good ole boy system". Served for two years as Trump's ("Mr. Anti-establishment") U.N. Ambassador and has never spent a day on the D.C. payroll. And when it came time for endorsements in SC, none of our DC ("uniparty") politicians backed her. Her entire political resume is anti-establishment, more so than Trump's. And she's definitely more conservative! It is proof of the power of Trump's messaging and how people fall for whatever he says is "true".

yet here we are ….. she would’ve mopped the floor with Biden, but now we are in for a contentious, close, divisive horrible general …..

It is amazing to me that trump is fellating himself over his super tuesday numbers, considering he is actually an incumbent president.

His campaign keeps saying that he is going to pivot to a more positive message (other than vengeance), but he just can't help himself.
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It is amazing to me that trump is fellating himself over his super tuesday numbers, considering he is actually an incumbent president.

His campaign keeps saying that he is going to pivot to a more positive message (other than vengeance), but he just can't help himself.
His supporters would be lost if he actually delivered a positive message because they thrive on grievance and vengeance. It's all they really care about(see Congress).
I don't understand how she is considered establishment.

She is a two-term SC Governor that operated outside the Columbia "good ole boy system". Served for two years as Trump's ("Mr. Anti-establishment") U.N. Ambassador and has never spent a day on the D.C. payroll. And when it came time for endorsements in SC, none of our DC ("uniparty") politicians backed her. Her entire political resume is anti-establishment, more so than Trump's. And she's definitely more conservative! It is proof of the power of Trump's messaging and how people fall for whatever he says is "true".
There's no logic at play here. These rubes have convinced themselves that NYC billionaire Donald Trump cares about them lol.
Was she uniparty establishment before or after Trump made her ambassador to the UN?

The sheer number of uniparty people trump apparently hired continues to lead me to the awareness that Donald Trump is the single worst hiring manager I've ever seen. He apparently is clueless and just hires enemies all the time. Such terrible luck
The sheer number of uniparty people trump apparently hired continues to lead me to the awareness that Donald Trump is the single worst hiring manager I've ever seen. He apparently is clueless and just hires enemies all the time. Such terrible luck
I'm waiting for Trump to appoint Growls. He's clearly got the credentials.
Someone who is getting 30-40% of the vote in the Republican primary is not killing their future. This is one of the new talking points to try to disparage her and make her drop out. She is building a strong coalition of right-leaning and centric Americans that are ready for a change to smart, measured leadership. No matter what happens in November 2024, millions of Americans will be ready to support her again in 2028...provided she doesn't kiss Trump's ring in the Fall.

She is killing her future unless the two attention hogs of Haley and Trump make up

Dam people make up and make her VP and go out and stomp Biden
If she is the politician the people really want, why doesn’t she just run as a democrat? That would be a real curve ball. Biden drops and replaced by Haley!

Haley does a great job of strattling the party lines

Calling herself a Republican in SC but outside the state lines she talks more like a Democrat
The sheer number of uniparty people trump apparently hired continues to lead me to the awareness that Donald Trump is the single worst hiring manager I've ever seen. He apparently is clueless and just hires enemies all the time. Such terrible luck
And when they leave or are "let go" he finds it necessary to shit on each one of them. He's the biggest RINO in the country. He cares about no one but himself and the GOP no longer exists as we once knew it. It is now the trumplican party.
The sheer number of uniparty people trump apparently hired continues to lead me to the awareness that Donald Trump is the single worst hiring manager I've ever seen. He apparently is clueless and just hires enemies all the time. Such terrible luck
And to make things worse, the 17 cabinet members that resigned during his term all say he's a derelict who should never be re-elected. With unanimity like that, maybe we should listen.
And to make things worse, the 17 cabinet members that resigned during his term all say he's a derelict who should never be re-elected. With unanimity like that, maybe we should listen.
Remember, both Republicans and Democrats constitute the "uniparty," but Trump running as a Republican and getting Republican money is all fair.
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Submit your app Growls. You’ve got all the qualifications
I would love to run the DOJ for him for a few years.
And to make things worse, the 17 cabinet members that resigned during his term all say he's a derelict who should never be re-elected. With unanimity like that, maybe we should listen.
Curious if you still feel this way?