Warning (Graphic): Man Killed While Jogging in Brunswick, GA

Your stats are misleading. Look at their % of the overall population, then look at their % of having committed serious crimes. They are shot twice as often because they commit over twice as many serious crimes as non blacks. It doesn’t help that hostility towards the police is taught, encouraged, and celebrated in nearly all minority neighborhoods.

Ah, it's almost refreshing to see someone so ignorantly, but at least openly racist. Over the years, I've grown accustomed to the closet racists who only imply their hatred of black Americans. Good on you, I guess.
man, are you not reading the thread or the articles on topic? the "facts" are out. these guys called the police before they chased him down to tell the police there was a black man running in the neighborhood. Go look. you continuing to argue that we should wait until the facts come out is not based in reality, and it makes it look like you are just waiting for facts to prove that these guys didn't do it deliberately etc.
Has there been a trial with a Prosecutor, Defense, Testimony, and Jury? If found guilty then they should rot. But has all the evidence been laid out in court? Maybe I missed that part.
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What specifically is there no justification for. Not making a snap judgement based on an internet dash cam video? Again, LIKE I SAID IN MY ORIGINAL POST, if the video is what it looks like, there is no justification for their actions and they should never see the light of day. I would just rather wait and see if more evidence comes to light to confirm what appears to happen in the video. You don't know what you don't know.
You'd be better off to just let it go and move along. You're obviously very wrong with your posts, and there's no reasoning out of it.
Ah, it's almost refreshing to see someone so ignorantly, but at least openly racist. Over the years, I've grown accustomed to the closet racists who only imply their hatred of black Americans. Good on you, I guess.
Lol, facts make me racist? Another blowhard tossing labels because they are mental midgets and know facts are against them. Let’s try this again, what did I type that’s untrue?
The video looks bad & if it is as cut & dry as the video shows it to be, then they, at the very least, deserve to rot in jail for the rest of their days...if not fry...

On a different note, there is some real racism in this thread & no, it ain’t coming from the “Trumpsters”....if you’re always yelling racism & playing that card, you my friend are the biggest racist in the room...
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Trayvon Martin was a thug, he got what he deserved. Martin was a criminal, and he had the guy who ultimately shot him mounted pounding his head into a cement surface with no intent on stopping. The world is better because that POS ate a bullet. This case is nothing like that, this guy was chased down for no good reason by some overzealous idiots. Reckless manslaughter is the very best they can hope for, that video is pretty damning.
You are a f'n idiot. Martin did not get what he deserved. Hard to believe there could be a redneck this stupid.
Has there been a trial with a Prosecutor, Defense, Testimony, and Jury? If found guilty then they should rot. But has all the evidence been laid out in court? Maybe I missed that part.

Yes there's already been all of that. He was arrested (citizens arrest), prosecuted by the citizens. They found him guilty and executed him. But no. None of that was laid out in court. Handled right there in the street in a matter of moments. You're so busy defending the murderers rights that you forgot about the rights of the victim. See how ironic that is and how someone could accidentally assume that to you the guy who was killed life didn't matter as much as the ones who took a life. Wow. I'm sure that was an innocent mistake tho. Just wanted to point that out.

Kudos to 99% of the board who are calling this what it is.

Meanwhile for the other few who still need to see more. If the shoe was on the other foot they would've already seen enough. That's just sad man.
You can’t make an accurate charge unless you know the facts. What I saw looked pretty damning and those guys probably need to rot in jail. However, I would argue you are a part of the problem for jumping to a conclusion without knowing and if the facts. How many times have we seen these clear cut videos that have a different story after the fact? That video looks awful. If what you believe to be true is in fact true may that rot away.

Clearly you are part of the problem, too. There are enough facts there to know it’s not justified.
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Jesus man. arent you a cop? this is terrifying combination of world views, especially when you are a dude walking around with a gun. do you not see what you are saying here? do you care?
Not a cop, but I do train self defense to many of our local officers so they don’t have to pull their weapon every time something escalates. I actually do something productive, unlike clowns like you who toss round labels and pick and choose what outrages you based on your political leanings. You don’t want anything to change, you want an dependent class of people you can feed crumbs to every so often and then depend on them every few years for a vote.
Not a cop, but I do train self defense to many of our local officers so they don’t have to pull their weapon every time something escalates. I actually do something productive, unlike clowns like you who toss round labels and pick and choose what outrages you based on your political leanings. You don’t want anything to change, you want an dependent class of people you can feed crumbs to every so often and then depend on them every few years for a vote.
So, in your mind it's ok for the two to chase the young man down and confront him with guns. And he's expected to not try to defend himself. Every time I think America might be getting better from a racism standpoint, people like you come out of the woodwork.
I mean...weve got the 911 we got the video...what else is there to see? Unless you're a blatant racist...This was straight up profiling by two dudes that arent cops...rolling up on a dude that's obviously recreational jogging...with a shotgun and a broad daylight. What would you do? In fight or flight, this athletic dude decided to defend himself unaware that Redneck senior was going to shoot him from above. They had no right to shoot this guy.
Not a cop, but I do train self defense to many of our local officers so they don’t have to pull their weapon every time something escalates. I actually do something productive, unlike clowns like you who toss round labels and pick and choose what outrages you based on your political leanings. You don’t want anything to change, you want an dependent class of people you can feed crumbs to every so often and then depend on them every few years for a vote.

It’s terrifying to think you work with law enforcement. Agree with @CU91ENGR: institutional racism “ain’t going nowhere”.
Don’t be a bitch. Multiple trump supporters itt, and they’ve been pretty vocal about condemning this shit.
He attracts a certain is what it is, don’t deny the reality of it. That’s not all he attracts...that’s not what I’m saying.
Lol, facts make me racist? Another blowhard tossing labels because they are mental midgets and know facts are against them. Let’s try this again, what did I type that’s untrue?

I am not sure you are totally literate, so your grasp of "facts" may be difficult to decipher. Let's talk about your facts.

The fact is that the relationship between race and crime in our country is complicated and convoluted, and requires adult, nuanced conversation which people like you, quite frankly, aren't ethically or intellectually capable of. You just said a 17 year old "got what he deserved" when he was shot to death in view of his own home after attempting to run away (Zimmerman's own words) from a man who defied police dispatch. Even if I grant that Martin was a piece of crap, and that there were legally mitigating factors that required Zimmerman's acquittal (murder was a huge overreach by the DA), that is a far, far cry from "he got what he deserved" and "the world is a better place." Someone like you who is literally willing to throw away a life at 17 because he was beating someone up is, I'm sorry, almost not worth talking to.

Anyway, like I said, complicated. The statistics certainly indicate more criminality in the African-American community. But dig deeper. The data we have strongly indicates whites in the US use drugs at least as much as blacks. Yet African-Americans are several times more likely to be arrested for a drug crime. For decades, crack cocaine carried a harsher penalty than powdered cocaine. Who did that benefit?

Then there is the issue of policing/overpolicing. Again, this is complicated. Communities of color need protection and law enforcement. But with that also comes the discovery of crime. I wonder, if we policed country clubs and corporate board rooms as heavily as we police black neighborhoods, what the numbers would look like? My point here is that it is very difficult to confidently/clearly extrapolate levels of criminality merely on arrest records, because that is a reflection on who gets CAUGHT committing crimes, not how many people are criminals. They are different things.

And yes, the black community has an in-built distrust of law enforcement. There are literally millions of people in this country who remember being told to drink from a separate water fountain. Unarmed blacks are nearly four times more likely to be shot by police than unarmed whites. I could go on and on.

But simpletons like you casually get to say "they" are just more criminal. I guess the world would be easier if things were that simple.
Lol, facts make me racist? Another blowhard tossing labels because they are mental midgets and know facts are against them. Let’s try this again, what did I type that’s untrue?

Do you honestly believe that you aren't a racist?
Video shows cold blooded, premeditated killing. Horrific video.

Those of us on TI are not the jury, we did not see the whole event. But what we see in the video is murderous killing on a guy who was no threat at all to the people chasing him down.

It's not comparable, but the people on TI who see a need to defend the killers in the video are unbelievably out of line. If you see a killing and immediately jump to the role of defense attorney, the rest of us cannot help you.
seems very similar to the Trayvon Martin case. Armed white civilian sees unarmed black man and thinks he looks suspicious, confronts him, kills him, then claims self defense.

The problem here is this needs to be looked at as a crime and not inject racism into unless evidence becomes available to suggest a racial motive. You are assuming racism here because your mind is programmed to look for it by your life experience and predisposition on issues. You took a murder here and this whole thread has become about hijacked this thread without a doubt. For the record, George Zimmerman is hispanic, so does it count in your world still as racist?
The problem here is this needs to be looked at as a crime and not inject racism into unless evidence becomes available to suggest a racial motive. You are assuming racism here because your mind is programmed to look for it by your life experience and predisposition on issues. You took a murder here and this whole thread has become about hijacked this thread without a doubt. For the record, George Zimmerman is hispanic, so does it count in your world still as racist?

George Zimmerman is a killer. Period. End of Story.
The problem here is this needs to be looked at as a crime and not inject racism into unless evidence becomes available to suggest a racial motive. You are assuming racism here because your mind is programmed to look for it by your life experience and predisposition on issues. You took a murder here and this whole thread has become about hijacked this thread without a doubt. For the record, George Zimmerman is hispanic, so does it count in your world still as racist?

Man. You should read some of the articles linked. Seems pretty obvious that racism led directly to this murder.
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Idgaf what that guy did the night before, those two deserve to have their nuts cut off and forced to eat them.

where the fvck are the mods tonight?
The problem here is this needs to be looked at as a crime and not inject racism into unless evidence becomes available to suggest a racial motive. You are assuming racism here because your mind is programmed to look for it by your life experience and predisposition on issues. You took a murder here and this whole thread has become about hijacked this thread without a doubt. For the record, George Zimmerman is hispanic, so does it count in your world still as racist?

I cannot imagine the mental gymnastics that it would take to realistically think race had nothing to do with this. The perpetrators followed him because there had been a sighting of a black man in a home under construction in the neighborhood.... and here was a black man. Running, no less! The audacity.
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Man. You should read some of the articles linked. Seems pretty obvious that racism led directly to this murder.

It is possible that racism is connected, but a lot on this board and in the world in general are hard wired to go in assuming racism and I think thats wrong. Look at the crime, find out who did it to include motive. This entire thread is mainly now saying this is a racism related killing just because of skin color. I dont get it. If facts lead there then fine. Additionally, racism is not limited to white southerners or whites at all. Racism is a sad dangerous affliction that is present in all races and I am against it.
So, in your mind it's ok for the two to chase the young man down and confront him with guns. And he's expected to not try to defend himself. Every time I think America might be getting better from a racism standpoint, people like you come out of the woodwork.
Where did I EVER defend anyone in this case? My beef was with the clowns who likened this case to a another case where there was a justified shooting. Unless there is a lot more to this case that’s what’s on that video, someone is likely justifiably going to jail. I deal with this stuff all the time with our local law enforcement. We give them half price training and their egos keep them away once they come once and a 170lb guy toys with them. They spend hours in the gym building beach muscles but depend on their weapon immediately if a situation get physical. Even if it can be justified(and it usually is), proper training can give officers the skills, confidence, and endurance to subdue suspects without having to kill. My beef is with people taking legitimate cases like this and lumping in a bunch of worthless trash cases with it. Trayvon Martin was robbing houses and people left and right, doing and selling drugs. I know a guy who worked that case outside Orlando, Martin was straight trash.
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It is possible that racism is connected, but a lot on this board and in the world in general are hard wired to go in assuming racism and I think thats wrong. Look at the crime, find out who did it to include motive. This entire thread is mainly now saying this is a racism related killing just because of skin color. I dont get it. If facts lead there then fine. Additionally, racism is not limited to white southerners are whites at all. Racism is a sad dangerous affliction that is present in all races and I am against it.
Besides the apparent racism of the killers, there is a bigger example right in front of you. This crime was committed two months ago, and neither of the two have been arrested. I'm going to put myself out there and say that had it been two black guys shooting a white guy, they would have been in jail an hour later.
The problem here is this needs to be looked at as a crime and not inject racism into unless evidence becomes available to suggest a racial motive. You are assuming racism here because your mind is programmed to look for it by your life experience and predisposition on issues. You took a murder here and this whole thread has become about hijacked this thread without a doubt. For the record, George Zimmerman is hispanic, so does it count in your world still as racist?

Not trying to argue with you but just a small note. Racism isn't just about white vs black. If I create a system that treats black folks a certain way or creates images that slant towards a certain view it permeates everyone. Crude example. Society will have a black guy afraid of 2 approaching black guys but he'll feel safe with 2 white guys approaching him.

By the same token society has created an image in our mind that a white guy in a suit walking towards me is safer than a white guy with tattoos. Neither bias was about the person with the bias but rather the person being profiled. When a black officer is profiling another black person it's the same deal. He is responding to programming as well. It's not about the race of the officer but the perception of the person. Even the black officer can profile a black person for the same reason. It's not always racism but it's based on race. Not exactly the same but both are problematic obviously. Hate based on race is a version of racism we all try to deny but there are decisions that are based on race that doesn't mean you hate black people but that fear association is bad and it can be just as deadly
Besides the apparent racism of the killers, there is a bigger example right in front of you. This crime was committed two months ago, and neither of the two have been arrested. I'm going to put myself out there and say that had it been two black guys shooting a white guy, they would have been in jail an hour later.

Its possible, but sometimes justice runs slow. Something will come from this and I hope justice is served. The shooter at minimum needs to go to jail for sure just based on the video.
Its possible, but sometimes justice runs slow. Something will come from this and I hope justice is served. The shooter at minimum needs to go to jail for sure just based on the video.
Personally, I don't think it's safe to have those idiots out there free. IMO, there's no way to justify them not having been arrested when there's direct evidence. This reeks of a police force protecting a former police officer.
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Thread is turning out as expected.
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Not trying to argue with you but just a small note. Racism isn't just about white vs black. If I create a system that treats black folks a certain way or creates images that slant towards a certain view it permeates everyone. Crude example. Society will have a black guy afraid of 2 approaching black guys but he'll feel safe with 2 white guys approaching him.

By the same token society has created an image in our mind that a white guy in a suit walking towards me is safer than a white guy with tattoos. Neither bias was about the person with the bias but rather the person being profiled. When a black officer is profiling another black person it's the same deal. He is responding to programming as well. It's not about the race of the officer but the perception of the person. Even the black officer can profile a black person for the same reason. It's not always racism but it's based on race. Not exactly the same but both are problematic obviously. Hate based on race is a version of racism we all try to deny but there are decisions that are based on race that doesn't mean you hate black people but that fear association is bad and it can be just as deadly

You have some good points and race is very complicated. While everyone has to acknowledge that race does create some bias we also have to acknowledge that history of previous behaviour and pure statistics alter behaviour and create bias. When a lot of crime is being committed by certain racial groups and crime being committed in certain areas, then it affects behavior. I think in general, race relations in this country are moving forwards. Blacks and other minorities have a solid path to financial and personal success in this country and there are many examples of that in front of all of us. Its not perfect and never will be, but people get inflamed unnecessarily when racism is called every time without solid proof of it. Evidence is required per Detective Harry Bosch on one of my favorite shows and Im going with him.
Personally, I don't think it's safe to have those idiots out there free. IMO, there's no way to justify them not having been arrested when there's direct evidence. This reeks of a police force protecting a former police officer.

I could see that being the case for sure. But it would not be racial, but due to relationships.
Not trying to argue with you but just a small note. Racism isn't just about white vs black. If I create a system that treats black folks a certain way or creates images that slant towards a certain view it permeates everyone. Crude example. Society will have a black guy afraid of 2 approaching black guys but he'll feel safe with 2 white guys approaching him.

By the same token society has created an image in our mind that a white guy in a suit walking towards me is safer than a white guy with tattoos. Neither bias was about the person with the bias but rather the person being profiled. When a black officer is profiling another black person it's the same deal. He is responding to programming as well. It's not about the race of the officer but the perception of the person. Even the black officer can profile a black person for the same reason. It's not always racism but it's based on race. Not exactly the same but both are problematic obviously. Hate based on race is a version of racism we all try to deny but there are decisions that are based on race that doesn't mean you hate black people but that fear association is bad and it can be just as deadly

Excellent post.

This is the pitfall of systemic racism. It impacts everybody. Remember Brown v. Board? The psychologist asked black children to look at white and black dolls and tell which one was good or bad, which one was clean or dirty, which one would they rather play with, and finally, which one looked like them. The overwhelming response was that black children viewed themselves and their fellow black Americans as inferior and less worthy.

This is part of the reason that black on black crime is prevalent. You don't spend 250-300 years enslaving a race, then another 100 years systematically segregating them without creating problems. We're still paying for it.

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