Love itI'm a sinner saved by Grace. More than 25 years.
I have a Masters in Theology, I'm half way through a Doctorate of Ministry. I teach Apologetics, Comparative Relions and Ethics among other subjects.
Christianity started as a Cult, it was called "the way" ( read Acts), Mormonism started as a cult. It is now considered a major world religion. I agree it's a false religion, but it's no longer a cult. Cults are measured by numbers of followers these days.
There is FAR more proof of God than most are familiar with. The Cosmological Argument states that that something DOES NOT come from NOTHING, science holds to this truth but gives themselves a pass when it comes to the Big Bang Theory.
The Teleological Argument states that the design in nature proves their a designer. The human eye, planets around the sun, Fibonacci sequence, etc.
The Moral Argument states that if we all evolved from lava ponds we wouldn't have universal taboos like rape, murder. Pushing grandma down stairs, etc
Since these 3 arguments show the existence of a God/Creator we can turn our attention the God of the Christian scriptures.
There are the historical writings of non believing Roman and Jewish historians Flavious Josephus, Tactitus, Suetonius and others who recognize the miracle working Savior, Jesus.
There were more than 225 historical writings that attest to Jesus ministry and miracles. Through the canonization process they were limited to the most credible ( linked to an Apostle, useful to be preached and or used in worship) those are the 27 in your New Testament.
There are more than 25,000 archeological findings which prove the Scriptures to be true.
Confirming the Hittite Empire, the person of Pontious Pilate, the record of the walls of Jericho falling outward.
The real crux of the Chrianity debate is who is Jesus (see next post)
............many times I have asked people: What would an eye be..........before it became an eye?
What USE would a 'non eye' have? HOW would people have gotten around?
Boy, I'd love to have been that guy with the first "evolved" what you want?
It's asinine to assume an eye 'worked' it's way into ANY creature.
It HAD to be 'created'............oh. I lost some people there........but I hope they all will give me a shout.