Wisconsin Election Fraud Info


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Kim Zapata who is a Democrat election official in Wisconsin who was just found guilty of election fraud is now identified as the person who was in possession of a fob that had over 120K Biden only votes that turned up after 3am the morning of 11/04/2020. Well isn't this interesting.

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668,720 dead registered voters on the new Wisconsin voter registration list obtained from the Wis. Election Commission. Actives: 3,436,987. Inactives: 4,117,138. Those two added: 7,554,125 for ALL registered voters for the state of Wisconsin. Adult population: 4,663,743. Meaning there are more registered voters in our state than adults living here. Plus, the voter registration list is extremely inaccurate, proven by runs we've done through my TITAN system and Fractal Programming I have access to. And the Inactives can (and are) flipped to Active with a couple of mouse clicks. Or, say, a preloaded USB thumb drive could be used to flip 35,000 in a matter of seconds, then back again. Or move the Inactives to a new jurisdiction, flip them to Active status, and vote them. We see it all the time in Wisconsin elections. Meagan Wolfe, the squatter, is a corrupt lying person - here is another real example: she'll scream all day long: 'We have to preserve the voter history; we can't delete or separate the inactives from the Actives.' Showing how dumb she is (or corrupt she is), first, the "Inactives" can be cheaply stored at the Wis. Historical Society. Secondly, when a voter moves, their entire voting history is assigned to the new address. Whereby one could move and not vote at the new location, yet the voting history would show all ballots were cast from that new address - when, in fact, all were cast from the old address. More like hiding voting history squatter Wolfe. She is lying to us all on this point. And the six election commissioners think all of this is funny - no lie - they actually laugh about it all. You can see them laughing about it as they are recorded on TV, found in the archives of Wisconsin Live Eye service. Several of them are attorneys, so we have licensed attorneys sitting on an election commission laughing about all the above. Guess we're the suckers.
The swamp fights back.

BREAKING: Wisconsin election integrity journalist Peter Bernegger was arrested last night and charged with a BOGUS crime. Bernegger has been revealing countless election law violations that have implicated many officials in the state

They charged him with “Simulating Legal Process” which has only been used TWICE since 1977

Bernegger teamed up with organization Wisconsin H.O.T to file 50 ethics complaints with the Wisconsin Elections Commission against both Democrats and Republican campaigns for allegedly accepting laundered funds

Wisconsin H.O.T also says the arrest itself was completely improper, "Despite the arrest warrant issued by Court Commissioner Mark Fremgen, there was never a summons issued to Bernegger that is required in a felony charge. The summons is to be served by a process server, signed, and placed on record. None of that happened. Bernegger was under no obligation to appear. Bernegger as of Monday night has turned himself in. But the district attorney may find himself facing questions about a questionable arrest for improper procedure before this is over."

Revealed by
@CannConActual @HotGovernment1
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Coded voter ID's - from the City of Milwaukee. With more followers I'm reposting this. A typical voter ID number (which itself is really a code, not a number as it appears) looks like this: 007893245. But look what a whistleblower provided us, see column A. There are 64,230 on the list we have. City Clerk Claire Woodall-Vogg testified under sworn oath when I took her deposition that she printed some 63,000 ballots in her back conference room, of election room 501 at City Hall. She testified an Omar Sheikh was in that conference room - he is from the Elections Group. The same Elections Group whose President Ryan Chew congratulated Claire at 4am on Nov.4th 2020. Claire's email to Omar, notice the date:
"Woodall-Vogg, Claire From: Sent: To: Subject: Hi Omar, Woodall-Vogg, Claire Saturday, August 1, 2020 10:53 AM Omar Sheikh Logistics I had an email up to send you yesterday and then never finished it. My apologies! City Hall is located at 200 E Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202. We are in Room 501. There is parking across the street at the Milwaukee Center (I think it’s $7-9/day), as well as down the street a little at the Marcus Center ($5/day). City Hall is the building that is surrounded by construction. We are hard to miss. There are only two entrances open – one that faces Wells St and then one that faces Market Street. Does 9am sound like a good start time? My personal cell is Claire Please call me with any questions, concerns, things I haven’t included." Claire testified the printed of the ballots in the back room were for people at hospitals - well, there are less than 3,500 hospital beds in Milwaukee. Claire used these coded ID's to cheat - you can't feed a paper ballot into a tabulator unless you have a name, address, voter ID and all is in the WisVote registration system. THEN, clerk Claire and her henchwoman Kimberly Zapata fed in ballots until they stole the election from President Trump - for Wisconsin. After they created a fake 2.5 hour dinner delay, and sent home the observers. More ballots came in at 1:15am Nov.4th - completely illegal. In short, Claire stuffed the ballot box. Another part of this story: I caught Claire Woodall-Vogg committing perjury - for another day, I have the documents and will publish them.

"Look at this attendee list from a 2016 SLLF shindig in China. (Lots of state politicians here – I underlined the swing states for ya.) Vos is not just receiving $$ from China as Vice Chair of the SLLF – the money comes from the SAME Chinese company that partnered with the BIDEN Crime Family!" Look at Vos' name in the images and that of his then-girlfriend while Vos was cheating on his wife. info from @TheGeorgeHQ Vos is the one who fired Justice Gableman when Gableman had 91 signed subpoenas going out to the election fraudsters who stole the 2020 election in Wisconsin. Vos covered it up and still is doing so today. Key: see my tweet below this one with more on Vos --->

49 ethics complaints have already been filed for Smurfing, i.e., campaign money laundering and other violations. It is 100% certain it is happening in your state, your county. Because the bad guys are using the same system. Of national importance: from Joe Biden on down to Mayors, County District Attorneys, and even Aldermen, there is Smurfing taking place. It's happening in all 50 states. Smurfing is structured money laundering (google "smurfing and Investopedia" for more info). Here are many of the filed complaints: Alvin Bragg - yep, Leticia James - yep, Fani Willis - yep (complaint already filed against her to the state of GA, a case was opened). Wis Governor Tony Evers criminal laundered money into his campaigns, so did US Senator Tammy Baldwin and State Supreme Court Janet Protasiewicz. So did City of Racine Mayor Cory Mason - the corrupt mayor who illegally brought in CTCL, Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein, Zuckerbucks and The Elections Group into WIS in 2020. Via the Brennan Center out of NYC proven by emails obtained. Mason's complaint is at the link above. Then check out my website, and find the USA map, click on any state, and let it load. Next click on the small green box to the left of any person's name, and an interactive chart will come up. Hover your mouse over it and look how they are doing it. #Smurfing
@EmeraldRobinson @BehizyTweets @BerryRazi
@BreannaMorello @pepesgrandma @Villgecrazylady
@ConradsonJordan @KanekoaTheGreat
@MarcoPolo501c3 @Rasmussen_Poll Mayor Cory Mason, US Senator Tammy Baldwin, then Governor Evers:
Election theft collaborator held accountable to a minimal extent. Better than nothing.

BREAKING: Claire Woodall-Vogg fired!!!! She is the (was) the most corrupt election clerk in Wisconsin. I took her sworn deposition in a lawsuit I filed against her as Milwaukee City election clerk. She printed 64,000 ballots in the back conference room of City Hall, Room 501. For the Nov.3rd 2020 election. She had city employees and others (CTCL) fill some of those out on the 4th, 6th and other floors of city hall. Then kicked out observers around 10-10:30pm on Nov.3rd. Then brought in large amounts of ballots at 1:15am on Nov. 4th. All illegal, unconstitutional - number one way however the liberals stole the Presidential election in 2020.
See my tweet below on showing the world how to program an accurate Dominion database to flip votes.
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Wisconsin — This is a High Crime!

Milwaukee Election Director, Claire Woodall-Vogg, who Suspiciously Came up with Ten’s of Thousands of Ballots She Got Employees to Fill in the 2020 Election, has been Terminated


• emails were uncovered of Claire on election night joking about “delivering the margin needed” to flip the state from Trump to Biden.

In the email exchange, Ryan Chew, from the Election Group said to Clair:

“Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am. I bet you had those votes counted at midnight, and just wanted to keep the world waiting.”

• Compare the timestamp of the email exchange and take a look at the Graph timeline. Milwaukee had a 140,000 ballot dump around the same time which statistically and impossibly favored Joe Biden to push him ahead.


• Claire admitted "She printed 64,000 ballots in the back conference room of City Hall, Room 501. For the Nov 3rd 2020 election.”

• She had city employees and others (CTCL) fill some of those out on the 4th, 6th and other floors of city hall.

• She Then kicked out observers around 10-10:30pm on Nov 3rd. Then brought in large amounts of ballots at 1:15am on Nov 4th.”

Per Perter Bernegger


Donald Trump was leading in Wisconsin by 120,000 votes… and he himself warned of late-night ballot dumps. He was right…

Vote Totals:
Biden — 1,630,866
Trump — 1,610,184
🔹a 20,682 vote Difference

They stole the 2020 Presidential Election. The wrong guy is in the White House.

Clair is walking free… and now the Deputy Director Paulina Gutiérrez has taken over— to possibly do the same exact thing again.
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And here is,

why the swing states stopped counting on the night of Nov 3, 2020,

Wisconsin Election Commission Executive Director was printing 64,000 ballots on 4th, 6th floor of Milwaukee City Hall, all in favor of the Manchurian candidate Joe Biden.

Claire Woodall-Vogg
“I would just say as a reminder that is a felony, it is voter fraud to abuse the system.”

📝U.S. Congress certified the overthrown of your government. And they all know it.
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Battles being fought across the battleground states to determine how the election will be contested.

BREAKING: Liberal Supreme Court Justices in Wisconsin are on the verge of bringing back ballot drop boxes to the state. Ballot boxes were illegally put in place during the 2020 election using Covid as a justification & Mark Zuckerberg's money

There's nothing in Wisconsin election law that makes drop boxes legal or anything that gives election clerks the authority to do so. The previous Supreme Court made a very simplistic ruling that said those ballot drop boxes were therefore illegally implemented and used in 2020, but now after rigging the recent Supreme Court race, Wisconsin Democrats want them back

Conservative Justice Rebecca Bradley put it brilliantly, "You are asking this court to become a super Legislature and give free rein, despite what the statutes say, give free rein to municipal clerks to conduct elections however they see fit," she said. "That, counsel, seems to me to be the greater danger to democracy because you're asking this court to override what the Legislature wrote."

Even if these imbeciles rule in favor of ballot drop boxes, the Republicans in Wisconsin must appeal to the US Supreme Court. This case deals strictly with Article 1 Section 4 Clause 1 of the US Constitution, "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;"
It's time for SCOTUS to make clear that only state legislatures have the constitutional authority to run elections and while they may delegate certain responsibilities to other state and local officials, those officials don't have a magic power to do whatever they want. They had the chance to make this clear with Harper v. Moore and failed, now they have that chance AGAIN...
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Sheriff Leaf proven correct in court!!!

IMPORTANT: During today's court proceedings, Dominion authenticated all of the data released by @SheriffLeaf.
- Dominion machines are designed to connect to internet.
- Dominion employs Serbian developers not subject to thorough background checks
Plus much, much more...
We've been lied to for years.
Now the truth is FINALLY being exposed...IN COURT!
Thank you @AttyStefLambert,
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Sheriff Leaf proven correct in court!!!

IMPORTANT: During today's court proceedings, Dominion authenticated all of the data released by @SheriffLeaf.
- Dominion machines are designed to connect to internet.
- Dominion employs Serbian developers not subject to thorough background checks
Plus much, much more...
We've been lied to for years.
Now the truth is FINALLY being exposed...IN COURT!
Thank you @AttyStefLambert,
LIES! Nothing you post can be trusted. Nothing

"Now Rasmussen’s social media account is fanning previously debunked claims that Dominion Voting Systems machines could somehow be manipulated via the internet.

Rasmussen’s source is a former Michigan state senator who traffics in election conspiracy theories and is president of a self-described election integrity group called the Michigan Grassroots Alliance. That former lawmaker cited emails released by a far-right sheriff, who obtained them from an attorney involved in a lawsuit filed by Dominion, despite a protective order agreed to by the parties in the case.

Confused? That’s part of the point. The idea is to create a lot of smoke to make people think there is a fire."

The Pinocchio Test​

"Rasmussen is falling back on an irresponsible tactic that lets false claims enter the bloodstream of political discourse — just asking questions.
But these questions have been answered, repeatedly. Dominion voting machines aren’t connected to the internet, no matter how many times people who advance conspiracy theories say it. The batch of emails promoted by Colbeck — which were made public in defiance of a court order — do not change the picture at all.
Rasmussen earns Four Pinocchios."

  • Haha
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Ten Attorneys Against Us Now! America you have a front row seat to how the liberals are stealing our elections (one way of many). In our lawsuit against the Wisconsin Election Commission and the squatter Meagan Wolfe, we have a TRO right now from the Judge banning any election clerk in Wisconsin from using the new absentee envelopes. Opposing us: Defendants: Wisconsin Elections Commission, Meagan Wolfe - Attorneys: Keenan Brian Patrick, Roth Colin T.. Intervenor: Democratic National Committee - Attorneys: Curtis Charles Grant, Jr., Rosenzweig Stacie H, Conley Will M., Devaney John M., Hawley Jonathan P. Intervenor: Eastman Kathleen F. - Attorneys: same as DNC. Intervenor: Disability Rights of Wisconsin, Attorneys: Lenz Daniel Spector, Thompson Scott, Edwards T.R.. Intervenor: The League of Women Voters of Wisconsin, same as Kathleen’s. The liberal groups above, who could care less about women or the disabled, met with Wolfe and rigged the absentee ballot envelope by printing unlawful language on it - in short making it easier to mail in fraudulent absentee ballots. See tweet below for more background details. Now, basically all they would have to do to fix this is 1) run the envelopes they already printed back through and blacken out the illegal sentence, 2) hold an emergency hearing and vote on rules/changes. BUT they are not doing this and instead showed up with ten attorneys against us! Why you ask? Because this shows overwhelmingly they rigged the absentee envelope to skirt state statute. A statute there to protective us all from election fraud via mail in ballots. Wis Stats. 6.86(1)(ac). They don't want the cheaters, the ballot mills, to have to print out the original ballot request (created by the voter), sign it, and include it in the mail back envelope. Think of that - just print one page out, sign it, wait till the ballot comes in the mail from your local clerk, include the one page in with the ballot and mail back. Oh No - can't do that says WEC and squatter Wolfe as it is so burdensome! But the real reason is they don't want to have to forge all those signatures on phony absentee ballots (forgery), and, in addition commit election fraud, plus they don't want their ballot mills and mules to be on the hook for US mail fraud. See, this is why the libs filed a lawsuit directly to the Wis. State Supreme Court to re-instate drop boxes. Because they mules are nervous facing all those crimes otherwise. "Wisconsin governor urges state Supreme Court to revoke restrictions on absentee ballot drop boxes" WEAU News. Ha! even liberal I-have-dementia-Governor Tony Evers knows they need all those fraudulent mail in ballots for any chance for Biden to "win". And the six Wisconsin Election Commission Commissioners are fighting against clear statute - they have some surprises coming from Patriots I've spoken too as all are now completely wide open to have civil rights lawsuits filed against them personally. Each is open to having criminal charges filed against them. Wis Stats 12.13(1)(h) for one example. So right now you are eye witnessing state officials trying to commit election fraud, and cause the election clerks to do so also. Unbelievable. The squatter:

Exclusive: Wisconsin Judge Stops Elections Commission From ‘Fomenting Election Fraud’"… Squatter Meagan Wolfe and the six Commissioners refuse to notice the 1,924 election clerks in our state there is a temporary court injunction banning the use of the new colored absentee envelopes - as they contain unlawful language and directly violate mandatory state statute Wis Stats 6.86(1)(ac). They are putting our election clerks in huge legal jeopardy both criminally and civilly. They are putting all voters who use these envelopes in criminal jeopardy of committing felonies of false swearing and election fraud. See tweets below for more details -

More election fraud from City of Milwaukee's by Claire Woodall. Here is the transcript part where she admits under sworn oath she had to ES&S Ballot on Demand printing machines in the back conference room, in City Hall election room 501. One of the whistleblowers drew the map (has some of my chicken scratch is on it, but I have the original). Claire later amended her testimony, saying it was 63,000 to 64,000 ballots that were printed in her back conference room during the 2 weeks before the Nov 3rd, 2020, election. Some 169,000 absentee ballots were counted at Central Count in that city for that election (there are about 273,480 active voters registered as of today). Only absentee ballots are counted at Central Count, the others who vote do so at their local polling place in their Ward (not precincts). Some 64,000 were part of the ~169,000. So we are supposed to believe some 37.8% voted in the 2 weeks as walk-ins to Claire's office. 64,000 voters walked into city hall and went up to the 5th floor room 501 and cast a ballot. Yeah right. She also testified they were mainly for people in hospitals - ok, the city of Milwaukee only has about 2,817 hospital beds. Ask Claire where is her green-colored folder, and ask her what is in the green-colored folder. Is that why you suddenly remembered how many ballots you printed in the back conference room Claire? 4 images:

And here it is,

why the swing states stopped counting on the night of Nov 3, 2020,

FIRED Wisconsin Election Commission Executive Director was printing 64,000 ballots on 4th, 6th floor of Milwaukee City Hall, all in favor of the Manchurian candidate Joe Biden.

FIRED Claire Woodall-Vogg
“I would just say as a reminder that is a felony, it is voter fraud to abuse the system.”

📝arrest, prosecute, charge, indict and incarcerate Claire Woodall-Vogg for the crimes of fraud, election interference and treason,
This ought to help his Wisconsin chances - what a DA



The City of Milwaukee committed election fraud here again: they used taxpayers' monies and city resources to create this real-time, interactive map. I know this because I obtained the emails via public records. It told them, in real-time, how many voted and how many absentees voted from each of 316 Wards (we have Wards, not precincts). They then sent out "voter navigators" to the Wards with lower-than-they-wanted turnouts to knock on doors to harvest more ballots. They did this for weeks before the Nov 3rd, 2020 election day but also on election day. This is why we need to vote in person on election day, and work to ban absentee voting. Absentee voting gives the information the bad guys need to cheat, to know how many ballots they need to feed in. This is why anyone who promotes mail-in voting is completely wrong. And also, they are wrong for the obvious reason - mail-in voting is ripe to easily stuff the ballot box. No observer watching can tell if ballot is a fraudulent one or not. Wait until you see the next map similar to the one below is posted, it shows the City of Milwaukee harvesting ballots by race. Claire Woodall Vogg - the former election's clerk who was fired, is a racist. And Mayor Cavalier Johnson just brought her back in an "advisory" role. Johnson, who is black, must know Claire could spill the beans on the entire election fraud machine in the city, so he kept her on the payroll. So Claire is a racist, was raised by communist parents in Alabama and Johnson is black. Oh the irony. @ShawnSmith1776 @FSociety_1942 @EmeraldRobinson @BehizyTweets @PatrickByrne @stephiebeltinck

BREAKING: A court motion has been filed to sanction the Wisconsin Election Commission for plotting to enable election fraud in the upcoming election by circumventing a judge's restraining order against their unlawful mail-in ballot envelopes

“Here we have WEC acting in contempt of an order already in place,” Attorney Kevin Scott said. “The fact that voters and clerks are in this situation right now is due to WEC’s malfeasance.”

The lawsuit was brought forth by Thomas Oldenburg to stop WEC's plan to open an election fraud loophole in November by purposefully creating unlawful ballot envelopes. The judge swiftly granted the injunction against WEC but as always, they're working to disobey the court order.

Oldenburg’s attorneys are now asking the court to impose several sanctions, including ordering the commission to “immediately convene a meeting” to “explicitly overturn its previously-adopted requirement that the clerks of the state use the EL-122 in its current form” and issue a new emergency rule cleaning up the alleged violations of law. The motion also seeks a penalty of up to $2,000 for each day WEC remains in contempt of court. And the plaintiff wants the court to “appoint a special master to oversee all of WEC’s actions relating to its administration of elections in this state through November 7, 2024,” two days after Election Day. -@FDRLST

Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court votes to reinstate drop boxes. Inside scoop: Wis. Election Commissioner Bob Spindel has been designated to "sell" the idea to conservatives. Not going to work Bob, state law does not provide for drop boxes. This is going to be challenged and defeated, as it should be. The Wis. Supreme Court just made up the law. Just look at the video of how the left uses drop boxes to cheat -

Here we go again… so sick of this..

🚨 The Wisconsin Supreme Court Reinstated the Decision to Allow Ballot Drop Boxes in the State

• July 2022, The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that absentee drop boxes are ILLEGAL in the state. The court said drop boxes can only be placed INSIDE election offices.

• That has now changed.. and they will be placed everywhere again…
—— the Wisconsin Supreme Court, just yesterday, reinstated the use of ballot drop boxes in the state.

This is a video compilation of Detroit’s satellite voting centers before the November 2020 election. Individuals and sometimes teams of people caught on camera depositing STACKS of ballots into those boxes… those
Ballots were counted. No arrests.

Why do they need drop boxes everywhere? You know why….
Wisconsin to Biden calling it now. Seriously if you care about your ballot, why would you just drop it in a box on the street? The democrats up there will cheat.
I could see the media start to build a narrative now that dems are more popular somehow in the face of reality and then on November 6th they will come out and say joe or whoever else somehow got a 107M votes to edge Trump by 100 votes. Dpic and the other hardcore libs would believe it a hundred percent of course.

I'm seeing people posting that Claire Woodall-Vogg Xeroxed ballots in the back conference room at City Hall in Milwaukee, WI. That is not what happened.

She, the election clerk back on Nov.3rd 2020 printed "skinny ballots" in the back conference room. Election room 501 at City Hall, Milwaukee. Using two ES&S ballot on demand machines. I know this because I took her deposition and many whistleblowers have come forth. See one of the affidavits in tweet below.

She then had 64,211 coded voter registrants to use to match up to those ballots. Into the drop boxes they went. Sovereign fraud. Which of your clerks has these ballot on demand units in your state?

The fact that the DMV refuses to share information with the Wisconsin legislators committee for review 85 days before an election is quite indicative of the fact that they plan on having an illegals vote.

I mean, 300,000 illegals voting in Wisconsin would change the entire outcome of the election. Democrats could run a potato and win.

BREAKING: A lawsuit just got filed against the Wisconsin Election Commission and the DMV for failing to verify if voter registrants are US citizens

According to official data, over 72,000 “permanent non-residents" in the state have IDENTICAL driver’s licenses compared to U.S. citizens, according to Election Watch President @PeterBernegger. He also says the number could be as high as 300,000

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation still refuses to allow the legislative election committee to review the names. Anyone with a half-functioning brain can conclude that because no one is checking, thousands of noncitizens are ILLEGALLY registered to vote in November's election

The lawsuit was brought forth by a lady named Ardis Cerny, who was an observer in the 2020 election recount in Wisconsin. She's requesting the court to issue a Writ of Mandamus, forcing WEC and the Department of Transportation to check the existing and future registrants for citizenship.

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