Take my ass to the round table. Biden can kiss my red white and blue ass!

and the federal government will expand a free testing program to 10,000 pharmacies.
And what if you don't live near one of these pharmacies? My wife just had to get tested due to exposure. Without a doctor referral. She had to drive 20+ miles and pay ($40 co pay) to be tested.
And what if you don't live near one of these pharmacies? My wife just had to get tested due to exposure. Without a doctor referral. She had to drive 20+ miles and pay ($40 co pay) to be tested.
Then that is what you have to do.
The hypocrisy of the current admin is astounding. Somehow, it is too burdensome to have to get a free ID to be able to vote, yet it is not to much to ask to be tested WEEKLY where you will be required to have the same ID requirement. Additionally, my grandfather got a letter in the mail that said he had to get a form notarized to continue to receive his pension from the postal service. The same one he has been getting without change for 30+years. He will also have to show an ID to the notary to prove who he is.
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Then that is what you have to do.
He was trying to make the point that it would be easy and free to get tested. My reply was to point out it may not be.
Reading comprehension and logic appear to have escaped you, again.
He was trying to make the point that it would be easy and free to get tested. My reply was to point out it may not be.
Reading comprehension and logic appear to have escaped you, again.
And it will make it easier for people to get tested. Don't live out in the boonies and your wife won't have to drive so far.

That good enough reading comprehension for ya?
And it will make it easier for people to get tested. Don't live out in the boonies and your wife won't have to drive so far.

That good enough reading comprehension for ya?
How will it make it easier if you don't live near one of the pharmacies?
You need help realizing that unvaccinated people have a greater impact than just themselves getting sick. They affect their own families, hospital workers, families who need other help at hospitals.

Its not as simple as "well you are fine vaccinated, I affect no one." That mindset isnt correct and also a selfish way to look at life.

I don't disagree with you. But I also don't think we should be doing what we're doing to force people to make the choice we want them to make. There are literally hundreds of decisions you and me are free to make that would fit that definition. This one isn't all that different.

Further, anyone that supports this mandate and supports our policies at the border right now is just a political hack. You can't pick and choose in this stuff. Either we are at a grave threat from this virus and must do everything to get people vaccinated or we aren't. Especially when we're blaming Texas GOP people for bad leadership while allowing tens of thousands of people to flow over the border with little to no knowledge of their situation. One would think that keeping records of how many people have been sick and may have natural immunity would be part of the calculus here if we're really trying to limit the spread of the virus.

I'm just looking for consistency. We can both have valid views and disagree but there needs to be some consistency and there just isn't. There never has been throughout this mess. This has been used for politics throughout and that's a sad state of affairs.
I am not getting the Vax. If you don't like it GFY
That's fine--you can either get tested weekly or leave the job if that is a requirement.

This country has mandated vaccines since before the Emancipation Proclamation. If you know anything about the law since 1905, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court has said that mandates are legal and constitutionally just fine.

What is it that republicans always say--if you don't like it, leave the country or move or get a new job. lolz.

People like you were absolutely fine with not getting the polio vaccine and letting kids become disabled for the rest of their lives or die. People like you do not care for their neighbors and love themselves more than anything (basically not christlike...). Sad.

Biden is terrible, but you should probably disabuse yourself of the notion that the federal government can’t make you do things. I mean there are hundreds….thousands of things the government makes you do.
That's fine--you can either get tested weekly or leave the job if that is a requirement.

This country has mandated vaccines since before the Emancipation Proclamation. If you know anything about the law since 1905, Jacobson v. Massachusetts, the Supreme Court has said that mandates are legal and constitutionally just fine.

What is it that republicans always say--if you don't like it, leave the country or move or get a new job. lolz.

People like you were absolutely fine with not getting the polio vaccine and letting kids become disabled for the rest of their lives or die. People like you do not care for their neighbors and love themselves more than anything (basically not christlike...). Sad.
What a bunch of articulate, intellectual BS. This country did not mandate vaccines for a disease with a 99% survival rate. It is much higher than that for children who they also want to inoculate against their will. I could care less about weekly testing. They can get a sample of my antibodies anytime they want. This is about government overreach and an administration that is IN LOVE with power and likes to talk down to people. No I will not leave this AWESOME country. I will stay right here and fight for it. I will do whatever is in my capacity to live free and decide what is best for myself and my family. I will eat, drink, work, worship, teach my kids, and lead my family in a manner that I deem best. I don't need instructions from Sleepy Joe or his souless administration. You sir can kindly GFY
Here's what's wrong. Go to your local hospital and ask for a COVID test. They absolutely won't give you one UNLESS you are symptomatic.

This isn’t true…at least not here. Doctors offices and the hospital are giving Covid tests to anyone who asks for one, whether they are symptomatic or not.
What a bunch of articulate, intellectual BS. This country did not mandate vaccines for a disease with a 99% survival rate. It is much higher than that for children who they also want to inoculate against their will. I could care less about weekly testing. They can get a sample of my antibodies anytime they want. This is about government overreach and an administration that is IN LOVE with power and likes to talk down to people. No I will not leave this AWESOME country. I will stay right here and fight for it. I will do whatever is in my capacity to live free and decide what is best for myself and my family. I will eat, drink, work, worship, teach my kids, and lead my family in a manner that I deem best. I don't need instructions from Sleepy Joe or his souless administration. You sir can kindly GFY

My intellectual, articulate points(thank you!) BS still stand though--the idea of vaccine mandates and the legal authority of the govt to implement those for public safety is part of constitutional law and practice in this country (again Jacobson v. Mass). We were free before sleepy joe said and still free now. There is a difference between other diseases combated through vaccines in the US and this one--Covid is more contagious and has spread more. 3K people tragically and needlessly died on 9/11 and every other day about 3k are dying from covid. Those 9/11 deaths were 99.999999 etc of the population but we collectively came together and republicans and libertarians with hawkish and establishment dems gave up plenty of rights for the common good of defending ourselves against the threat of terrorism (and plenty of lives and trillions to go fight two concurrent wars)--why not apply the same logic to protections against a disease through a vaccine. Thats probably a horrible analogy but you probably get what I'm trying to say...

(PS. I'm not against antibody testing--but you would need the better tests to truly know and those cost a good bit--it would be trillions more to the debt just for the testing and antibody counts can change quickly. You would still need a bi-weekly test and it would be more intrusive, cost more taxpayer money.)
Interesting (but not surprising) that you call out the irony of the left being critical of the Texas abortion law while promoting the Vaccine / weekly testing mandate while completely ignoring the irony of the right supporting the abortion law and criticizing the vaccine mandate. I hope that irony is not lost on you.

And stop calling it a vaccine mandate. If you don't want the vaccine, you just have to test each week. (It is no different than what our football team is doing right now) If you dont want to test each week, you can quit your job and find another one. I keep hearing that are plenty of places hiring right now. Or better yet, start a business or run for public office, either will allow you to make a real difference.

And just to be fair and balanced... the Texas abortion law also has options. If a woman is raped, she has 6 weeks from her last period to get an abortion, without having to worry about her neighbors or even her rapist suing her for a $10K bounty. So at the very least, she will have 1-2 weeks after being raped to take a daily pregnancy tests and (hopefully) determine if she has indeed been impregnated by her rapist.
What about it isn't ironic though? You either support the right to decide for yourself, or you don't.......which one is it? Should women be able to decide for themselves to have abortions and thus Americans capable of deciding if they need the vaccine or should the government decide for us?

I'll await your usual long winded response that isn't an actual answer to the question.
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The property owners... are the ones that are doing this. Biden is just doing their bidding.
All these empty skyscrapers are hurting the bottom lines. Time to get back into the office, on the subway deriving on the freeway. Best way to do that is to vaccinate everyone. So that's what the land owners are saying the drones have to do.

If Trump was in office, this same thing would be happening
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Love me some Ashe

I don't disagree with you. But I also don't think we should be doing what we're doing to force people to make the choice we want them to make. There are literally hundreds of decisions you and me are free to make that would fit that definition. This one isn't all that different.

Further, anyone that supports this mandate and supports our policies at the border right now is just a political hack. You can't pick and choose in this stuff. Either we are at a grave threat from this virus and must do everything to get people vaccinated or we aren't. Especially when we're blaming Texas GOP people for bad leadership while allowing tens of thousands of people to flow over the border with little to no knowledge of their situation. One would think that keeping records of how many people have been sick and may have natural immunity would be part of the calculus here if we're really trying to limit the spread of the virus.

I'm just looking for consistency. We can both have valid views and disagree but there needs to be some consistency and there just isn't. There never has been throughout this mess. This has been used for politics throughout and that's a sad state of affairs.
So you don't disagree with me. You absolutely can pick and choose when all of this affects everyone in our lives.

You might not like abortion or you might be for it but at the end of the day, it actually doesn't affect you. A global pandemic does and should be treated very differently. How you don't see that is actually shocking if you have any actually intercultural integrity.
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What about it isn't ironic though? You either support the right to decide for yourself, or you don't.......which one is it? Should women be able to decide for themselves to have abortions and thus Americans capable of deciding if they need the vaccine or should the government decide for us?

I'll await your usual long winded response that isn't an actual answer to the question.
Answer your own question. And if you don't actually see the difference between the two scenarios then you don't have the intellectual ability to have an actual debate.

Just go back to bumfvck wherever and let your wife cuck you.
Answer your own question. And if you don't actually see the difference between the two scenarios then you don't have the intellectual ability to have an actual debate.

Just go back to bumfvck wherever and let your wife cuck you.
Are you that lady in the guerrilla mask that threw an egg at Larry Elder? Nice BMX bike btw. You steal that from the kid that lives next door to your parents, where you take up residence in their basement?

Don't get all angry and start hurling insults because I asked a question you don't want to answer. I see you even beating people up because they choose to live in rural places blaming them for access to the shot being a challenge.......that would be like me blaming you for my top 1% tax bracket having to cover your lack of ambition and unwillingness to pull yourself up from the bottom tiers.......before you respond saying that scenario doesn't apply to you, it's clear from how you respond on the board that it does actually apply to you. Do better for not just yourself, but for society......loser.
The property owners... are the ones that are doing this. Biden is just doing their bidding.
All these empty skyscrapers are hurting the bottom lines. Time to get back into the office, on the subway deriving on the freeway. Best way to do that is to vaccinate everyone. So that's what the land owners are saying the drones have to do.

If Trump was in office, this same thing would be happening
Pretty accurate but I'd argue the mayors and governors are the ones pushing just as hard as they own the tax deficits for their respective cities/states. I was with C-suite at Goldman a few weeks back and they admitted they received tax abatements when they built their new building in lower Manhattan so they were under pressure from local officials to get people back in. The issue they faced though is a huge swath of their managing directors all threatened to leave hence the establishment of a Dallas, TX presence now.

Don't underestimate the power of employees when they mass move in a direction..........just ask the Unions.
So you don't disagree with me. You absolutely can pick and choose when all of this affects everyone in our lives.

You might not like abortion or you might be for it but at the end of the day, it actually doesn't affect you. A global pandemic does and should be treated very differently. How you don't see that is actually shocking if you have any actually intercultural integrity.

I am always going to be pro freedom in a case like this. You're never going to find me in favor of a muscular government. It's just not how I'm wired. I don't base my decisions on whether something affects me or not. I live my life beyond my own perspective. The narcissistic view of how things affect me being my barometer for decisions is a leading cause of the crappy culture we have now. It is true that the medical system is strained in some areas of the country but a lot of the data about the hospitals is just is dishonest as it can be. We can sit down with some of the hospital administrators I know and they'll explain it to you but this isn't something that I'm offering as my own personal opinion. It comes from the people who are managing all of this.

I don't buy into a lot of the stuff because what we're doing in the supposed name of science isn't scientific at all. We're not really managing things here on the basis of what will help us get through the pandemic. If we were there are many things that we wouldn't be doing. I find it shocking but if you had any intercultural integrity that you would be seeing this but you don't.
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You never were going to and were always scared of it. Go back to your bunker.
Lol you’re such a lil bitch. I have not missed a day of work except when I actually kicked Covid -19 in the nuts. That’s it. I’ve lived my life the same way I did before. You are right about one thing… there is not a chance I get the jab. Got you Pfizer pills preordered?
Sitting in the airport in Charlotte, watching all the people with their face diapers on their chins.

It’s really funny because they blast an announcement every so often telling people to “comply or else”, but federal authority stops after security and you only see Charlotte city cops with gators or not wearing a mask properly themselves.

I am pretty sure the gig is up, masks need to stay on ugly and at risk people only. Vaccines don’t work, Fauci finally admitted natural immunity is better. Wake up
Are you that lady in the guerrilla mask that threw an egg at Larry Elder? Nice BMX bike btw. You steal that from the kid that lives next door to your parents, where you take up residence in their basement?

Don't get all angry and start hurling insults because I asked a question you don't want to answer. I see you even beating people up because they choose to live in rural places blaming them for access to the shot being a challenge.......that would be like me blaming you for my top 1% tax bracket having to cover your lack of ambition and unwillingness to pull yourself up from the bottom tiers.......before you respond saying that scenario doesn't apply to you, it's clear from how you respond on the board that it does actually apply to you. Do better for not just yourself, but for society......loser.
You didn't answer your own question and can't see the difference. It really is sad what has happened to individuals like yourself. Constantly consumed by politics and feel it adds value to your life. May God have mercy on you.
Lol you’re such a lil bitch. I have not missed a day of work except when I actually kicked Covid -19 in the nuts. That’s it. I’ve lived my life the same way I did before. You are right about one thing… there is not a chance I get the jab. Got you Pfizer pills preordered?
I see you are constantly fragile and threatened. Its ok. Dont be afraid. No one gives a fvck about you.
You didn't answer your own question and can't see the difference. It really is sad what has happened to individuals like yourself. Constantly consumed by politics and feel it adds value to your life. May God have mercy on you.
I think you last posted …..“Just go back to bumfvck wherever and let your wife cuck you” ……

and you think god needs to have mercy on me?

Dude ….you posted that at 2am on a Saturday…..which makes me think you couldn’t pull any @ss at the bar and came home angry and solo before letting those 8 bud-lights turn you into a keyboard warrior. I bet you’re about 55lbs overweight and still pre-game at home because you can’t afford those post-Biden inflation beers and you’re here talking about value as it equates to life?

pull yourself together
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