Ukraine War

Regardless of this pipeline stuff, do you think that we’ve given the Ukrainians enough to win the war, or simply enough to sustain the war?

I’m not opposed to aiding Ukraine. But if we’re saying it’s to ensure the survival of Ukraine, I think we have to concede that a long war of attrition with Russia isn’t going to accomplish that. Ukraine will run out of men and Western support before Russia runs out of men and material
We certainly haven't given them enough to win and that's by design. The Ukrainians are not our friends and they never have been. If they were to win this war and eliminate Russia, we'd just be replacing one country that doesn't like us with another. But by giving them enough to keep going, we are bleeding Russia white. All the experts predicted the Ukraine would last a couple or 3 weeks against Russia and that they couldn't survive even with NATO weapons. That war is 2 years running now.

This has been a real eye opener for Russia and the rest of the world. The fact that Russia can't defeat a foe that shares a border with them is humiliating for a so called powerful country. They've lost more men than the US did in all of WW2. They are asking freaking NORTH KOREA for help at this point. That's good for the US, b/c despite what comrade Growlz says, Putin and Russia are enemies of the US. You can tell b/c they have Nuclear weapons pointed at us.

Your point is well taken. I don't think that Ukraine can necessarily beat Russia as long as Russia is willing to feed men and money into that meat grinder. But it's going to cost them a couple of million soldiers to do it and they MAY run out of material before that happens. They are already buying shells from North Korea.
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It's good that we do this on message boards anonymously and not face to face. That's all I'm saying
Whatever man... This is a freaking message board. Unlike most of the folks on here, I'm not rich or powerful or some hulk of a human that kicks ass. I'm a 56 year old database administrator that makes a decent living and am overweight and out of shape. If we were face to face and I said those things (which I would), you wouldn't do a damn thing. And if you did, I'd just have your ass arrested and tossed in jail. So save us your flexing...

Nothing you say on here causes me to miss a beat or lose a wink of sleep. I doubt that anything I say on here does for anyone else.
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